ZZactly@aol.com wrote:
A few more for the collection....
"Think about the 'rules' of Christianity for a moment. Okay- what was
it that Adam wasn't supposed to eat? it wasn't just an apple, it was
the *fruit of the tree of knowledge* of good and evil. The subtle
message? "Get smart and I'll fuck you over -sayeth the Lord". God is
the smartest - and he doesn't want any competition.
Is this not an absolutely anti-intellectual religion? "
--F. Zappa
"The Christain faith is from the beginning sacrifice: sacrifice of all
freedom, all pride, all self confidence of the spirit, at the same
time enslavement and self-mockery, self-mutilation....
......There are no moral phenomena at all, only a moral interpretation
of phenomena."
-F. Nietzsche
Lemme tell you something buddy, not only are you a waste of our time,
you also insult those who don't agree with your brainwashed state by
dismissing our views and other theologies summarily. I tried
Christianity and found it to be too contradicive of itself.
A few more for the collection....
"Think about the 'rules' of Christianity for a moment. Okay- what was
it that Adam wasn't supposed to eat? it wasn't just an apple, it was
the *fruit of the tree of knowledge* of good and evil. The subtle
message? "Get smart and I'll fuck you over -sayeth the Lord". God is
the smartest - and he doesn't want any competition.
Is this not an absolutely anti-intellectual religion? "
--F. Zappa
"The Christain faith is from the beginning sacrifice: sacrifice of all
freedom, all pride, all self confidence of the spirit, at the same
time enslavement and self-mockery, self-mutilation....
......There are no moral phenomena at all, only a moral interpretation
of phenomena."
-F. Nietzsche