T i m
Hi all,
I just thought I'd let you know she's alive!
My ex TV repair man mate managed to pop in to where the TV is
yesterday and had a look over it for me.
First he checked it over visually (nothing wrong with what I had done)
but did find a couple of 'suspect' joints and re-soldered them. He
powered up but with no improvement. He then used my DMM to do some
basic checks (with it on, something I wasn't going to do) and felt
there wasn't the correct voltage on one of the mains input caps (he
said it was just i/p filter, bridge, cap so ~300v DC but it was only
~120). He tried a few more points and still no luck.
He powered off and traced the i/p PSU path and it looked like the i/p
power went throught the de-gauss coil? One of the pads for the PCB >
coil plug / socket was broken away from the main track (USA = trace?)
and I made up a bit of bridging wire (3 strands from some fine flex)
and he bridged it. Turn on, and we are alive again!
So, the reason I missed the couple of dry joints that he found were:
1) He has done TV repair for a living whereas I have mainly done low
voltage / digital stuff (~ 5/12V ).
2) I didn't like to pull stuff about as much as he did!
Anyway, it looks like its running (I left it on for the rest of the
evening) but not sure if we have found the intermittent fault that was
the reason for my mate dumping it in the first place (it would cut out
randomly 5 mins > 5 days) ;-(
All the best ..
T i m
I just thought I'd let you know she's alive!
My ex TV repair man mate managed to pop in to where the TV is
yesterday and had a look over it for me.
First he checked it over visually (nothing wrong with what I had done)
but did find a couple of 'suspect' joints and re-soldered them. He
powered up but with no improvement. He then used my DMM to do some
basic checks (with it on, something I wasn't going to do) and felt
there wasn't the correct voltage on one of the mains input caps (he
said it was just i/p filter, bridge, cap so ~300v DC but it was only
~120). He tried a few more points and still no luck.
He powered off and traced the i/p PSU path and it looked like the i/p
power went throught the de-gauss coil? One of the pads for the PCB >
coil plug / socket was broken away from the main track (USA = trace?)
and I made up a bit of bridging wire (3 strands from some fine flex)
and he bridged it. Turn on, and we are alive again!
So, the reason I missed the couple of dry joints that he found were:
1) He has done TV repair for a living whereas I have mainly done low
voltage / digital stuff (~ 5/12V ).
2) I didn't like to pull stuff about as much as he did!
Anyway, it looks like its running (I left it on for the rest of the
evening) but not sure if we have found the intermittent fault that was
the reason for my mate dumping it in the first place (it would cut out
randomly 5 mins > 5 days) ;-(
All the best ..
T i m