Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"Ralph Wade Phillips" <> wrote in message

"John "O"" <> wrote in message
Can anyone advise as to why I receive all the following errors on my
Notebook Model 665 when I boot up and of course any info in how to how
fix them.

0271: Check Date and time settings
0251: System CMOS checksum bad - default configuration bad
0280: Previous boot incomplete - default configuration used

Errors 0271 and 0251 are caused because there's a little battery
inside that keeps the CMOS up to date while no power is applied - and it's
gone flat on you.

So, the clock quits, and the system settings go bad.

I'd bet the 0280 is also caused by that.

To fix? Replace the CMOS battery (not the big one it runs on away
from AC!) and re-run the setup program (be it boot off of floppy, or press
key such as DEL, F2, F1, ESC, or whatever the screen / owner's manual says
to press).

Oh - exactly, for that model? Can't help, never heard of it
I just recognize those errors.

Thanks for your reply but there is a separate ERROR code when the BIOS
battery is low or needs replacing otherwise I would have thought that
too....Just another thing I thought I should add was that if I reset the
BIOS settings and boot its ok, if I then shut down for about an hour and
boot up, its still ok..but anything like several hours that's when the ERROR
messages all pop up again and I have to reset the time and other
preferences.....In a way I suspect the battery too but can't understand why
the ERROR code for that doesn't show.

If Its a Philips type deck The capstan motor could be dry, Try lubricating
the capstan bushes, but make sure you don't get any left on the drive
surface of the shaft

"ToasterKing" <> wrote in message
Hi there!

I've inherited a horrible Sylvania VCR, model SSV6001 (4-head, Hi-Fi,
OSD). I'm not sure who makes this chassis, but it seems similar to
some Philips chassis I've seen.

The VCR plays back its own recordings fine. Its own recordings play
back fine on any other VCR. But when playing a recording made on
another machine, or a prerecorded tape, the tracking constantly cycles
completely through the phase, resulting in a corrupt screen image about
2/3 of the time. Using Channel +/- does not manually adjust tracking.
Pressing them both together makes no difference.

I have tried varying guide post and A/C head height and angle; it
doesn't make any difference. I don't have literature for the VCR but I
assume it has auto tracking which is performing erratically and cannot
lock onto a signal. Is the signal level for auto tracking monitoring
picked up from the video heads or the control track, or is phase
actually checked between the two?

Thanks for any tips!

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Suspect conductive glue underneath any surface mount capacitor on any
of the standby, reset, clock or data lines.
Also suspect the tv guide plus module if it has a stand alone module.

Not a repair for the technician that does not have lots of experience
with that particular chassis and its myriad of oddball intermittent
failures and symptoms.
Strongly suggest you take the set into or call a Thomson premier
service center or other servicer that has all the equipment to perform
a proper repair on that set.

BTW what do the error codes show when you hook up the Chipper Check
inteface when the set is dead. Do all the SDA/SCL devices ping ok
when doing the ping test of Chipper Check?


"Ron Novini" <> wrote in message news:<>...
RCA Model P61830BL (Chassis PTK 195 BT) Projection TV.
When this unit is plugged into the wall, it comes on fine. However,
when it is left plugged into the wall overnight, the next day it will
not turn on. Unplugging it from the wall, then plugging it back into
the wall several days later, it will come on again. This process is
repetitive. Suspect problem in standby power supply. Please help.
Lionel wrote:
I just picked up one of these beautiful 21" monitors cheap at a market.
Except for this brightness problem, it works perfectly. I'm driving it
with a Matrox 450 Dual Head card at 1600x1200 x 32 bits at 75Hz. It
calibrates correctly with a Spyder, except for the maximum brightness
only being about half of what the calibraation software thinks it should
be (some 93 candles per square metre vs the ~50 candles on this
monitor). Turning up all the on-screen bias & gain controls to the
maximum values produces a usable, but still darkish image. I was
assuming that as the monitor is about 4 years old, it'd probably just
need a cleanup, & for me to tweak up the EHT, but having obtained a
schematic, I now know that there are *no* internal adjustments at all! I
cleaned all the dirt off the HT & EHT components & resoldered a heap of
joints that looked kind of 'dry' but it made no visible difference.

Any tips or ideas?

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est

It's a long shot, but I've seen a couple of sonys with a bad cap in the
CRT heater supply. Make sure you have 6.3 v on the heater. If the CRT
is weak, you might be able to try boosting it a little by using the old
few turns of wire around the flyback core trick. I've never tried to do
this with a monitor though, so I'm not sure if it would work. Most
monitors get the heater supply from the power supply instead of the
flyback. I don't see why it wouldn't work. If there are any resistors
in series with the heater supply, you could try bypassing them with wire
before doing anything else. I've seen quite a few of these with dim
CRTs that still look reasonably sharp. It's a shame that most companies
don't use the power saving features!
Andy Cuffe

"John "O"" <> wrote in message

Thanks for your reply but there is a separate ERROR code when the BIOS
battery is low or needs replacing otherwise I would have thought that
too....Just another thing I thought I should add was that if I reset the
BIOS settings and boot its ok, if I then shut down for about an hour and
boot up, its still ok..but anything like several hours that's when the
messages all pop up again and I have to reset the time and other
preferences.....In a way I suspect the battery too but can't understand
the ERROR code for that doesn't show.
Then the CMOS RTC (which includes the CMOS setup RAM) is dying.

I'd try that battery first ... be a lot cheaper than tossing the

Besides, it could easily be that the voltage is high enough to NOT
trip the low-volt detector, but LOW enough that it's failing.

And - how long since the last battery was replaced?

Sorry, I fixed this monitor already, I checked a couple more solder joints
before capacitor hunting and found a hair line crack in the 170 volt joint
on the secondary side of the SMPS transformer which supplied in part the
voltage for the regulator. Now the monitor works great. Any information is
still appreciated and welcomed.


"glasnostJDC" <JDC@(NO SPAM)> wrote in message
Hello, I have a Gateway EV700A FCC ID:BEJCB775B Chassis # CA-65. I
a schematic, heres the problem. The monitor will power up and then recycle
and keep doing it. Checked flyback resistance and it checked good
(infinite). I checked out voltage regualtors IC304 (7808 8v), IC925 (7812
12v), IC923 (7805 5v) and they all check out good. Checked supply voltages
to those and found IC925 (7812 12v) was not recieving its full 15 volts.
best it gets up to 10 volts and then recycles again (goes to 0 and
fluctuates). I'm about to go threw the caps in this but if any one can
provide anything specific (which caps, other parts, etc.) That would be
great. I do have the schematic so it narrows down the search my a large
amount but would like some details on where to go. Any information on this
monitor would be great. If you need more information please ask.

may be a uln2003 traisistor array / relay driver. I think these used to
me made by Sprague.

Tom Woodrow

DaveC wrote:
I'm working on a mid-90's car alarm built around Nat Semi's B9224AB and what
seems to be (numbers have been scrubbed off some of these IC's) UL82003 (some
digits may not be correct) by NS and Motorola.

All are DIPs: B9224 is 40 pin; UL8**** is 16 pin. The UL8**** IC's seem to be
drivers that interface the 9224's outputs and drive relays.

I'm trying to find data on these IC's at NS web site, but I think they're too
old to be found there.

Any help finding data on these would be greatly appreciated.

I presume that the micro is coded internally, and if it is hosed, the entire
PCB has to go (no component-level repair available from Clifford alarms...)


"Nigel" <> wrote in message
which country are you in ?

helps to know : )

"DG" <> wrote in message
from where can i get a replacemnt yoke for a philips tv?

ive searched up and down google and cant seem to find a decent site that
sells tv repair parts

any recommendations?
I had a problem very similar, almost exactly, to yours awhile back with a
'92-ish model Zenith VCR.

I could be completely wrong here, but it might job somebody's memory to help
you with your fix...

The problem had to do something with the 'index' pulse, something that was
added to most VCR tapes back then, but not compatible with VCR's that didn't
recognize it. The heads would pick that up, and interpret it as a need to
auto-track, roughly about every 10 seconds or so.

The fix ended up being to cut a trace, add a resistor between to points and
tack a 2N2222 inbetween 3 more points.

I had this VCR sitting in the closet for about 6 years before coming across
this fix and it works great. 25 cent fix, give or take.

"ToasterKing" <> wrote in message
Hi there!

I've inherited a horrible Sylvania VCR, model SSV6001 (4-head, Hi-Fi,
OSD). I'm not sure who makes this chassis, but it seems similar to
some Philips chassis I've seen.

The VCR plays back its own recordings fine. Its own recordings play
back fine on any other VCR. But when playing a recording made on
another machine, or a prerecorded tape, the tracking constantly cycles
completely through the phase, resulting in a corrupt screen image about
2/3 of the time. Using Channel +/- does not manually adjust tracking.
Pressing them both together makes no difference.

I have tried varying guide post and A/C head height and angle; it
doesn't make any difference. I don't have literature for the VCR but I
assume it has auto tracking which is performing erratically and cannot
lock onto a signal. Is the signal level for auto tracking monitoring
picked up from the video heads or the control track, or is phase
actually checked between the two?

Thanks for any tips!

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DG: Try O&E Electronics 713-880-3055. MH
"DG" <> wrote in message
from where can i get a replacemnt yoke for a philips tv?

ive searched up and down google and cant seem to find a decent site that
sells tv repair parts

any recommendations?
"Ralph Wade Phillips" <> wrote in message

"John "O"" <> wrote in message

Thanks for your reply but there is a separate ERROR code when the BIOS
battery is low or needs replacing otherwise I would have thought that
too....Just another thing I thought I should add was that if I reset the
BIOS settings and boot its ok, if I then shut down for about an hour and
boot up, its still ok..but anything like several hours that's when the
messages all pop up again and I have to reset the time and other
preferences.....In a way I suspect the battery too but can't understand
the ERROR code for that doesn't show.

Then the CMOS RTC (which includes the CMOS setup RAM) is dying.

I'd try that battery first ... be a lot cheaper than tossing the

Besides, it could easily be that the voltage is high enough to NOT
trip the low-volt detector, but LOW enough that it's failing.

And - how long since the last battery was replaced?

I purchased this only May of last year but from their website I can see
they're a 1999-2000 model so I guess the battery could need replacing,
However from what I can see it looks as though this one is soldered into the
main MB.

Too bad you messed with the adjustments first, merely cleaning the
audio-control head was a likely fix.

Mark Z.

"ToasterKing" <> wrote in message
Hi there!

I've inherited a horrible Sylvania VCR, model SSV6001 (4-head, Hi-Fi,
OSD). I'm not sure who makes this chassis, but it seems similar to
some Philips chassis I've seen.

The VCR plays back its own recordings fine. Its own recordings play
back fine on any other VCR. But when playing a recording made on
another machine, or a prerecorded tape, the tracking constantly cycles
completely through the phase, resulting in a corrupt screen image about
2/3 of the time. Using Channel +/- does not manually adjust tracking.
Pressing them both together makes no difference.

I have tried varying guide post and A/C head height and angle; it
doesn't make any difference. I don't have literature for the VCR but I
assume it has auto tracking which is performing erratically and cannot
lock onto a signal. Is the signal level for auto tracking monitoring
picked up from the video heads or the control track, or is phase
actually checked between the two?

Thanks for any tips!

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Thanks Dave, my inquiry was because the set belongs to a relative and
is actually 1500 miles away. I have never worked on this particular
model and am completely unfamiliar with it. He was quoted $600 to
replace the power supply so you info helps in that it appears
component repairable rather than box replacement.
thanks again.

"David" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Troubleshoot and repair to the component level.
It is a pretty straightforward simple design to fix.

Given the vintage of the Mitz set, you will/should ESR check every critical
electrolytic capacitor in the set and replace all the weak/bad ones, as well
as a full visual and heat test.


george stringe <> wrote in message
Looking for source for power supply for mitsubishi CS40805

many thanks
Johnny, you need to replace the CMOS battery. You're getting a
different error message because the battery isnt totally dead but weak
and some settings are not being retained.


"John \"O\"" <> wrote in message news:<cNsYa.9912$>...
Can anyone advise as to why I receive all the following errors on my Clevo
Notebook Model 665 when I boot up and of course any info in how to how to
fix them.

0271: Check Date and time settings
0251: System CMOS checksum bad - default configuration bad
0280: Previous boot incomplete - default configuration used

Any help would be appreciated.

PS For your vehicle's engine, the "Super" (highest octane - usually 93 near
sea level locations) gasoline is a waste of money. Check the owner's
manual, but I would suspect that Regular (usually 87 octane rating) would do
just fine. I doubt your vehicle has variable ignition timing, so the
delayed detonation of the higher octane does not buy you anything. Check
your manual, but save your money and use regular octane rated fuel from a
reputable station.

PPS Fuel filters on these older vehicles are usually a simple 5 minute
replacement once you find it. Chrysler's of this vintage usually put the
filter in the fuel line from the tank under the vehicle near the passenger
side door. These were a simple loosening of two hose clamps to get it out
of the line.

That said, on my 1991 Mitsubishi (a 3000GT), the filter is a pain in the a**
to get to though. It was under the windshield washer reservoir, the batter,
and the battery tray so all had to be removed. It also was way down on the
firewall and difficult to get to ... Your service manual will let you know
if this is something that can be replaced by you easily.


"tanya" <seeAddress@bot.tom> wrote in message
Thank you very much, Bob
i've printed your post and once I obtain the service manual will follow
also many thanks for the pointer to the other newsGroups!
btw, I found out that the petrol I was using, although having the highest
octane, is from one of the companies that at least where I live is known
currently to have impurities / problems...
On Thu, 07 Aug 2003 02:46:44 GMT, (Don)

I found this on the web- I think this is more important than dvd danger.

"Coalition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide
Water for all those who still don't get this one.
79.84% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
The other 42% are made up later on.
In Warwick - looking at flat fields and that includes the castle.
Hi again.

Cleaning the A/C head didn't help, and the problem doesn't seem to be
related to the Zenith VCRs' problem with erroneously detecting the
index pulse (which I had already come across, but thank you!).

Following-up to my original post, I've uncovered some more information.
I dug up a Sylvania-compatible remote and can now tell that the
real-time counter does not move from 0:00:00, whether playing back the
machine's own recording or a prerecorded cassette. It would seem then
that the control track is not being properly read by the logic. I
don't own an oscilloscope, which makes tracking it down kinda tough. I
was resourceful enough to connect some test leads to the MIC input of
an amplifier and probe the leads of the control head. The control
track came through very clearly and audibly, and at max amplitude, so
it would seem the control head and its pickup is good. Using an
ohmmeter, I traced continuity from the control head's leads through the
connectors to their solder points on the logic board, which were also
good, but tracing the signal through passive components gets very
difficult without a scope. I can only assume then that the problem is
in the logic or in a passive component on the board.

Does anyone have a record of common failures in this model?


In article <2RLYa.628$>, Mark
D. Zacharias <> wrote:

Too bad you messed with the adjustments first, merely cleaning the
audio-control head was a likely fix.

Mark Z.

"ToasterKing" <> wrote in message
Hi there!

I've inherited a horrible Sylvania VCR, model SSV6001 (4-head, Hi-Fi,
OSD). I'm not sure who makes this chassis, but it seems similar to
some Philips chassis I've seen.

The VCR plays back its own recordings fine. Its own recordings play
back fine on any other VCR. But when playing a recording made on
another machine, or a prerecorded tape, the tracking constantly cycles
completely through the phase, resulting in a corrupt screen image about
2/3 of the time. Using Channel +/- does not manually adjust tracking.
Pressing them both together makes no difference.

I have tried varying guide post and A/C head height and angle; it
doesn't make any difference. I don't have literature for the VCR but I
assume it has auto tracking which is performing erratically and cannot
lock onto a signal. Is the signal level for auto tracking monitoring
picked up from the video heads or the control track, or is phase
actually checked between the two?

Thanks for any tips!

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"Arnold stewart" <> wrote in message
Last week I posted a message asking the value of a zener diode (D866ZD)
connected across a 22mfd 25V cap (C866) in a Toshiba TAC9008 TV power
supply. I didn't get the answer on this NG but got it on another (based
in Montral) This zener was connected between pin 4 (at 0V) and pin 6
(-6V) of a regulator. The value of the zener was 30V. Can anybody tell
me why put a 30V zener across a 25V cap? Seems to me that I could just
as well just put in a regular diode. Earlier models of Toshiba didn't
have this diode at all.

Probably to keep the voltage level from exceeding 30 V.
It looks that way in ref to all your kind replies...Cheers, I'll change it
and let you know if its successful.


"Roy" <> wrote in message
Johnny, you need to replace the CMOS battery. You're getting a
different error message because the battery isnt totally dead but weak
and some settings are not being retained.


"John \"O\"" <> wrote in message
Can anyone advise as to why I receive all the following errors on my
Notebook Model 665 when I boot up and of course any info in how to how
fix them.

0271: Check Date and time settings
0251: System CMOS checksum bad - default configuration bad
0280: Previous boot incomplete - default configuration used

Any help would be appreciated.

Other than expensive flybacks, you should check the B+ regulation circuitry
to verify that it is indeed regulating at the correct voltages. Also, with
a variac on the AC line, vary the line voltage +/- 10 volts or so to see if
the B+ holds steady.
Check all the pcb solder connections around and near the high heat producing
components such as power resistors, diodes, semiconductors, ICs mounted on
heatsinks, and the flyback xfmr.
I would also ESR check all the electrolytics in the PS and in the Flyback
area and flyback derived B+ circuits..... no ESR meter?.... then the only
alternative is the more time consuming task of substitution and replacing
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Vince and Marge" <> wrote in message
I have a Daewoo color MdlDTQ-25S2FC Chassis CN-200A. The H.O.T. overheats
and then fails, need help on this, also I have Zenith SJ2726EW5, the
regulator {STR53041} overheats and fails, any ideas on either on of

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