Kevin Aylward
bigmike wrote:
I have pointed out how emotions are logical. If we copy how we think the
brain works, e.g. neural nets, we get some pretty amazing methods to
solve problems previously (essentially) impossible to solve, e.g. the
travelling salesman.
Our ability to think and create abstractly, is
Consider an "orginal" design idea. It is one of the following:
1 The idea is derivable from existing knowledge, i.e. not new.
2 The idea is not derivable from existing knowledge, i.e. new.
Suppose one is trying to design a new circuit to solve a problem (might
as well introduce some electronics to this thread). First one looks at
existing circuits, and rejects the obvious non-hopers. One then, using
known rules, tries to construct reasonable possibilities, for example,
one generally dose not try taking an output from the base, or driving an
input into the collector. If we get a solution from this, its derivable.
If we don't get a solution, after an immense amount of trail and error
based on known ideas, and having exhausted *all* *rational*
possibilities, there is nothing left to do but try something at random.
Just randomly make a connection between components not already
eliminated. This is manifested in the brain as eureka! if it works There
is an idea, but no direct casual relation to any other ideas. We think
we're great because we have just come up with an "original" idea, but in
truth, its a shallow victory, the only alternative to "derivable" is
"not derivable", which is essentially equivalent to "random".
So, there you have it. "Creativity", is pot luck, known, physics.
I cannot explain why a beautiful sunset can fill
numerous generic situations. We are not hardwired programmed for
specific tasks. Think a bit more on this one.
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Oh.. In what way?"Kevin Aylward" <kevin@anasoft.co.uk> wrote in message
Gene wrote:
science. Physics as we know it, can't help any here. I do not want
to let myself fall into the trap of thinking that there is a
scientific explaination for everything, and that nothing exist that
cannot be explained by the laws of physics.
An interesting thread, a bit OT, but nevertheless...thought
provoking. I would suggest only this. IMHO your sentence should
contain an extra tiny word i. e.:
"Physics as we know it TODAY, can't help any here."
A key point.
Exactly. We might not understand it tomorrow either. I am not sure
whether physics alone could ever provide the answer, since the mind
seems to defy logic.
I have pointed out how emotions are logical. If we copy how we think the
brain works, e.g. neural nets, we get some pretty amazing methods to
solve problems previously (essentially) impossible to solve, e.g. the
travelling salesman.
Our ability to think and create abstractly, is
Only if one hasn't tried to *seriously* examine the problem.hard enough to try to explain,
"Artistic creation" is easily explainable. Its a randam process.but when you throw in the "almost
religious" experience we get from artistic creation, then I cannot
see where physics plays any part in this, not from what we know at
this point in time.
Consider an "orginal" design idea. It is one of the following:
1 The idea is derivable from existing knowledge, i.e. not new.
2 The idea is not derivable from existing knowledge, i.e. new.
Suppose one is trying to design a new circuit to solve a problem (might
as well introduce some electronics to this thread). First one looks at
existing circuits, and rejects the obvious non-hopers. One then, using
known rules, tries to construct reasonable possibilities, for example,
one generally dose not try taking an output from the base, or driving an
input into the collector. If we get a solution from this, its derivable.
If we don't get a solution, after an immense amount of trail and error
based on known ideas, and having exhausted *all* *rational*
possibilities, there is nothing left to do but try something at random.
Just randomly make a connection between components not already
eliminated. This is manifested in the brain as eureka! if it works There
is an idea, but no direct casual relation to any other ideas. We think
we're great because we have just come up with an "original" idea, but in
truth, its a shallow victory, the only alternative to "derivable" is
"not derivable", which is essentially equivalent to "random".
So, there you have it. "Creativity", is pot luck, known, physics.
I cannot explain why a beautiful sunset can fill
Yes. We have general purpose programs that have evolved to deal withus with wonder, and even inspire us, can science? Can religion? Can
numerous generic situations. We are not hardwired programmed for
specific tasks. Think a bit more on this one.
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.