Kevin Aylward
bigmike wrote:
There is no spirit of life. This is generic waffle speak.
I use the term spirit, not as a
as any other object in the universe, and can be therefore be explained
by the laws of physics, or you must believe in magic.
science says, can say a lot about emotions. You, with all due respect,
have obviously not looked at the problem in enougth detail.
If I could explain what it is, I would, but it
overview of how and why emotions come about. They are exactly what you
would expect from evolution of replicators.
says. Its like you've went, shit, I don't know why, it all a mystery, so
that that's. We dont know.
Ok, it takes a bit of time to go over the details, but human emotions
can be explained by this outline of "The Theory of Replicators":
Consider the following:
1 Characteristics are continuously being generated randomly.
2 Characteristics are passed on to offspring.
3 The environment selects characteristics
Anything that satisfies these conditions will result in certain
predictable consequences. For example, there is considerable evidence
that all animals satisfy theses conditions.
Now consider a, randomly generated, characteristic that has the property
that it can replicate itself. Now consider various characteristics all
replicating. Suppose now that, due to the constraints of the
environment, characteristic A can replicate say, 1% faster than B. Also
assume that the initial numbers of A and B are equal. After 1000
generations the ratio of A/B = 1.01^1000=20,959.
So, if there is a *consistent* and *continuous* replication advantage
for one trait verses another, the one that is only *slightly* better,
will, given enough time, *completely* dominate. That is, "we only
observer that which replicates the most". Note that, some traits are not
consistent over time, for example, getting infinitly bigger then an
opponent has negatives in replication.
Consider a random generated trait that aided another trait to its own
final disadvantage. Clearly, it could not replicate as well as the trait
it was aiding, hence that trait would be driven to extinction. This is
the principle of "selfishness". Any trait that is not selfish, will be
overrun by another trait that is. Again, note that "selfishness" is by
reference to its final, outcome. It is quite possible to aid another
trait, if by doing so, it receives an advantage. A selfish trait must
take advantage of any unselfish trait, therefore, that's what we
observe. The maths demand it.
I will close with you to ponder on this.
Love - recognition that someone has something to aid your interests.
Hate - recognition that someone does something to impede your interests.
Envy - recognition that someone has something instead of you that would
aid your interests.
Pride - recognition that you have gained something that aids your
Guilt - recognition that you have done something that might impede your
So, emotions are simple traits that have developed that allows the
replicators within your to replicate themselves better. Its a sad world
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Not at all."Kevin Aylward" <kevin@anasoft.co.uk> wrote in message
Haines Brown wrote:
Can consciousness be represented in physical terms? I'd like to
return to this point and offer a hypothesis, for it is one that
interests me. I'd then like to test that hypothesis in terms of
what I take to be our common understanding of what "consciousness"
seems to imply.
First, the axioms. I start with the idea of an emergent (negentropic
process). Its state at any particular time will, I assume, be a
function of its initial state, of any subsequent external
influences, and of an element of randomness. That is, outcomes are
probabilistically related to an initial condition. Of course, I here
assume that a probabilistic causality can be an objective property
of things and not just an effect of our ignorance.
Now let's apply this to mental life. I posit the existence of three
memory registers in the mind: a) one records the initial state, b)
one records the present state of the mental system, c) and one
records the difference between these two states.
My hypothesis: this third memory is what we call consciousness. It
is the difference between an emergent mental state and its initial
state as a reflection of the world.
Does it satisfy what we intuitively think of as being consciousness?
Not really. I don't see this as being sufficient. Memory on its own
cannot be conscious. It requires some sort of processing of the
memory contents.
In classical mechanics, the key ideas are position and momentum.
Knowing both is sufficient to describe any situation. That is, you
need to know how things move, as well as where they are moved to. I
suggest that the brain and consciousness obeys the same laws. After
all, the brain consists of only the very same physical objects.
Brain memory information is located at different positions. Its
effect is dependant on where it is, and how it gets there. That is,
all of consciousness can be attributed to moving information from
location to location. From a classical point of view, it can not be
any other way. All we have is position and momentum. To suggest
otherwise, would require new physics.
Kevin Aylward
When a person listens to the music of a great composer, or looks at a
painting of a portrait by a great artist, or looks at the sunset on a
beautiful evening, all physics seems to go down to the tube.
In principle, of course it can.There is
just no way for science to explain what is happening here.
We can, to
some degree, understand the mechanics of the mind, but not the power
of thought and the spirit of life.
There is no spirit of life. This is generic waffle speak.
I use the term spirit, not as a
You either believe that the brain is made from *exactly* the same stuffreligious meaning, but as a symbol for consciousness,
as any other object in the universe, and can be therefore be explained
by the laws of physics, or you must believe in magic.
Not at all. Science, if you actually took the trouble to see whatsince science
has no better terms to explain it, nor does science understand it in
any way whatsoever.
science says, can say a lot about emotions. You, with all due respect,
have obviously not looked at the problem in enougth detail.
If I could explain what it is, I would, but it
Nope. Emotions are perfectly logical. It is trivial to get a qualitativeseems to defy logic, which just might be true. I
overview of how and why emotions come about. They are exactly what you
would expect from evolution of replicators.
I think the issue is that you have not looked at what science reallyam not a religious
person, so religion has nothing to do with my opinions. I just feel
that trying to explain the essence of consciousness as a physical
phenomenon may be futile.
says. Its like you've went, shit, I don't know why, it all a mystery, so
that that's. We dont know.
Ok, it takes a bit of time to go over the details, but human emotions
can be explained by this outline of "The Theory of Replicators":
Consider the following:
1 Characteristics are continuously being generated randomly.
2 Characteristics are passed on to offspring.
3 The environment selects characteristics
Anything that satisfies these conditions will result in certain
predictable consequences. For example, there is considerable evidence
that all animals satisfy theses conditions.
Now consider a, randomly generated, characteristic that has the property
that it can replicate itself. Now consider various characteristics all
replicating. Suppose now that, due to the constraints of the
environment, characteristic A can replicate say, 1% faster than B. Also
assume that the initial numbers of A and B are equal. After 1000
generations the ratio of A/B = 1.01^1000=20,959.
So, if there is a *consistent* and *continuous* replication advantage
for one trait verses another, the one that is only *slightly* better,
will, given enough time, *completely* dominate. That is, "we only
observer that which replicates the most". Note that, some traits are not
consistent over time, for example, getting infinitly bigger then an
opponent has negatives in replication.
Consider a random generated trait that aided another trait to its own
final disadvantage. Clearly, it could not replicate as well as the trait
it was aiding, hence that trait would be driven to extinction. This is
the principle of "selfishness". Any trait that is not selfish, will be
overrun by another trait that is. Again, note that "selfishness" is by
reference to its final, outcome. It is quite possible to aid another
trait, if by doing so, it receives an advantage. A selfish trait must
take advantage of any unselfish trait, therefore, that's what we
observe. The maths demand it.
I will close with you to ponder on this.
Love - recognition that someone has something to aid your interests.
Hate - recognition that someone does something to impede your interests.
Envy - recognition that someone has something instead of you that would
aid your interests.
Pride - recognition that you have gained something that aids your
Guilt - recognition that you have done something that might impede your
So, emotions are simple traits that have developed that allows the
replicators within your to replicate themselves better. Its a sad world
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.