Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

You are correct, Emerson VCRs were/are built by TMK and Orion....... some
were very good and some were very bad..... just like any of the brands,
especially recent models.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"TCS" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 11:36:40 -0700, Sofie <> wrote:
Emerson has built some really good, well made and reliable VCRs over the
years..... and just like every other VCR maker they have built some
too. There a some specific models of Sony, JVC and Panasonic that fall
into the "junk" category too !

My experience over the last 15 years is that emerson doesn't manufacter
VCRs at all; they buy other maker's overruns and sell them under their
own name. They are no more a VCR maker than sears is.
Thanks for all replies. Somehow I managed to set up bias, but the new
transistor seems to be much less tolerant than the old one. I think now it
works fine. Alas, I don't have the other channel transistor working since I
shorted it accidentally using the meter ;). Both two are the new ones, I
suspect the electrolytic coupling may be the problem since I changed both
capacitors when reparing too.(First transistor blew due to shortage in
capacitor). New electrolytics has the same ratings (capacity and voltage) as
the old ones, only they look about three times smaller. I think old
capacitors passed a bit more LF although I can't find reasonable explanation
for this. Orignal capacitors were 2200 uF @ 35V, perhaps I can change them
to 2700 or 3300 uF, shall it have any side effects other than more LF
passthrough I should be aware of before I solder and try them on.
(Electrolytics are just put in series between power end, fuse and the
speakers). Or is there a better kind of elecrolytic I shall use in here. And
last question, what are differences between different marked 2N3055s?
Haines Brown <> wrote:

Your reference to a simulation of self in mind, while undoubtedly
important, must surely involve more than just data in
memory. Subjectively speaking, your consicous mind can think of
people, and if one of those people happens to be oneself, then clearly
the thought is reflexive. But notice here that this line of argument
_presumes_ a conscious mind and fails to demonstrate how it comes into
being or what distinguishes it from mere reflexive data in memory.
I think I understand your problem now.
You see the memory as another function than the consciousness, like we
store bits and bytes in memory chips, and then we need a cpu chip to
read it and do something with it.

But the brain doesn't work like a computer, the memory function and
consciousness is the same function.

Reaction patterns are stored as nerve structure patterns, and are
excited by similar patterns from our senses.

When I see an orange that experience wakes up earlier experiences
which have given similar reactions, I see a round object, reaction
patterns about ball shaped forms are activated, I see orange color,
the orange objects are more activated than other ball memories, I
connect the orange with other oranges I have seen before.

Roger J.
"Jonie" wrote to "All" (23 Jul 03 14:47:11)
--- on the topic of "2N3055K replacement for pwr amp"

Is it possible the output coupling capacitor(s) are dry and out of

I also just repaired a vintage Superscope (R-340 circa 1976 on the brink
of the Quad craze?) that was left on top of a trash heap. It had a pesky
whistling whine and the fm stereo lamp didn't light. The whine was due
to a high esr electro in the tuner supply chain allowing random

The lack of stereo was trickier to find. I noticed the fm audio was
quite a bit lower volume than am radio. This should have clued me but I
missed it at first.

The multiplex decoder IC is an A3310. I used a 0.01uF cap to jumper the
composite fm directly from the detector into the decoder i.c. and this
lit up the stereo indicator but with a little bass distortion. That's
when I had the idea of tweaking the detector coil. Bingo! That was it.
Last owner probably tried to fix the whine by tweaking this himself.
The front sensitivity seems a tad low, maybe other things were tweaked!

Jo> From: "Jonie" <>

Jo> I've had to replace a shorted 2N3055K transistor in a vintage power
Jo> amp. Its power end consists of a pair 2N3055(E,S,U) and 2N3055K.
Jo> Replacing the transistor changed the frequency response lower limit
Jo> from about 30Hz to 70Hz. U symetry and base saturation are tuned
Jo> correctly, distortion appears at relatively low signal levels too. Any
Jo> frequencies above 70Hz are amplified correctly. Using different
Jo> transistors of the same kind gives a bit different results, but the
Jo> outcome is never perfect. Any idea what a transistor would fit?

.... This message transmitted on 100% recycled photons.
Subject: Re: Zenith Rear Projection TV/Model PV4655LK9
From: "Arthur Jernberg"
.. If you indeed paid the service tech to
diagnose the set then he should have left with you a report as to what items
are needed for comprehensive repair, however if the service was preformed
"FREE" then you have what you compensated for.
An "estimate charge" should not cover the actual part failure, the part number,
and instructions on how to replace it. Any tech who does so won't be in
business long.

John Del
Wolcott, CT

"Nothing is so opportune for tyrants as a people tired of its liberty."
Alan Keyes

(remove S for email reply)
We have never worked on this monitor type. But, in most of the
monitors, there is a focus pot on either the flyback assy, or on the
back of the CRT circuit board. Adjusting this pot may help out a bit.

Normaly if proper focus cannot be achieved, or has changed on its own,
this may be an indication of a power supply, high voltage, or focus
control problems. If the CRT is warn down, this will also cause the
symptom you are describing.

Jerry Greenberg


"Jane Mirito" <> wrote in message news:<bfm1ge$1s4$>...
I found out this is the correct wiring:

mini-DIN8 <---> DB25

2 ------------------ 5,6
3 ------------------ 2
4,7,8 ---------------- 7
5 ------------------ 3
6 ------------------ 20,4
shld ----------------- shld

Now I have a bad focus when I turn open the brigthness (above 10%) and
contrast (above 60%) :(
I'm not an expert in TV electronics, but anyone an idea to look for please?


"Jane Mirito" <> wrote in message
Does anyone have the wiring diagram for the Eizo F77 ... and others
As found on the nice website of Eizo, I found out the cable has and
maintenance Cable (MD-C81) and Conversion Connector (MD-C82)

This is the only link I've found on the internet :-/

I hope someone can help me out with this one.

Regards Guys, Jany xxx
Had exactly the same experience with a 19A800 chassis (Mag PS1964). Normally
I adjust the G2 to a point where I can faintly see the retrace then back it
down to produce good blacks. Normally switch to aux input without having a
source connected helps to see just when it cuts off. Seems whenever I
connect a meter to measure the G2 bias it swamps it just a bit so actually
the reading is not exact.
"BOB URZ" <> wrote in message
I had a 2001 dated Phillips 27" come in with a shutdown
shortly after turn on and the raster appearing.
Model TS2746 c221 chassis 27FD800 7583 sch5.
It was very brightly overdriven before the shutdown occurred.
(took a power hit) I turned the G2 down on the flyback and got
the set to stay on. Had overdriven raster, No pix or on screen
display, but it had sound. Don't have the manual so i went poking
around. Found a 10 ohm resistor open on the crt board that fed the
cathode drivers. This was from the G2 line. Replaced the 10 ohm
resistor and it came back to life with picture. I turned the G2 up
on the flyback, but there seems to be some auto ABL compensation.
So, how many volts should this be set too? Somewhere around
300? I have it slightly above 300 now and it seems to
look ok. There is a 250 volt cap feeding the cathode driver
and it has about 200 volts across it which seems about right.
(derived from the G2 off the crt board)
I just want to get it right before it goes out the door.
Any insight on how to set the G2 up on this chassis?


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-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----
"Philip Pemberton" <> wrote in message
I've just been speaking to someone who's got a Sony CPD-17sf2 that's
completely. It's no longer wanted, and its manufacture date is (IIRC)
1996. I was sitting nearby when it popped - it clicked as if it was
video mode, then it emitted a high pitched pop and died. Attempting to
the monitor up again the next day did nothing - the monitor is truly dead.
The power LED (green) lights up for around half a second, the HV seems to
come up, then the PSU output seems to cut out and the power dies
Has anyone got this particular fault in a tips database? Is it usually
worth repairing something this old (seven years) or is it better to just
throw it in the skip?
Here's the big question - if I do repair it, am I going to need some
proprietary Sony software/hardware (DAS?) to get it running again?
You likely won't need the software unless you were to change something
really major like the CRT. Check all the picofuses in the monitor, they are
very helpful in tracing the area of the fault. Sony uses both two-legged
TO-92 style packages, and conventional soldered-in leaded fuses resembling a
1/4W resistor with a yellow or green body. I would suspect a failed HOT or
PSU fault first, so it might help you to look there first.

The SFII is a fine monitor, and if the CRT is good it might be worth
repairing if it can be done on the cheap. However, a professional repair
likely won't be viable for a 17" monitor of that vintage.

Agreed John. However I've been doing this for over 35 years. I find that
giving the customer the information, not the expertise, is not considered a
loss. Having the customer put enough trust in you to actually let you into
their residence so you can give them and estimate and diagnose the fault
tends to expect recripical benefits. IMHO A/J
"John Del" <> wrote in message
Subject: Re: Zenith Rear Projection TV/Model PV4655LK9
From: "Arthur Jernberg"

. If you indeed paid the service tech to
diagnose the set then he should have left with you a report as to what
are needed for comprehensive repair, however if the service was preformed
"FREE" then you have what you compensated for.

An "estimate charge" should not cover the actual part failure, the part
and instructions on how to replace it. Any tech who does so won't be in
business long.

John Del
Wolcott, CT

"Nothing is so opportune for tyrants as a people tired of its liberty."
Alan Keyes

(remove S for email reply)
Roger Johansson <> writes:

You see the memory as another function than the consciousness, like
we store bits and bytes in memory chips, and then we need a cpu chip
to read it and do something with it.
That's true to an extent. A CPU manipulates bytes, but I'm suggesting
that consciousness an an emergent phenomenon: while we certainly
manipulate stored information, I don't see consciousness as
essentially a data-manipulator, but as an emergent level of mental
activity. That is, what is definitive, I believe, is its emergence,
not its ability to manipulate data.

But the brain doesn't work like a computer, the memory function and
consciousness is the same function.

Reaction patterns are stored as nerve structure patterns, and are
excited by similar patterns from our senses.

When I see an orange that experience wakes up earlier experiences
which have given similar reactions, I see a round object, reaction
patterns about ball shaped forms are activated, I see orange color,
the orange objects are more activated than other ball memories, I
connect the orange with other oranges I have seen before.
You refer to pattern recognition and apparently suggest that it does
not boil down to the accumulation of stored bytes we might associate
with a computer. I've no argument with that.

Apparently you equate consciousness with a self-reflexive pattern
recognition. I don't question that something on that order may be
involved, but I'm still not persuaded that this amounts to

Computer programs can handle pattern recognition; animals certainly
have pattern recognition. But human consciousness seems to be more
than this. If I look in the mirror, I recognize the pattern of my
image, but I hardly equate that with consciousness.

Another way to put my point about emergence is that consciousness
seems more than simply self-identification, but seeing oneself as an
active agent. That's how emergence of a mental life that does not
reduce to its initial state can take place. We fabricate an ego that
positions itself in relation to the world and probably also
manipulates that world. Or at least it manipulates an inner world of

I've only defined a point here without much defense because it is
tentative and rests upon some arid argumentation. But it seems to me
that consciousness requires an emergent awareness of the relation of
self to the world, and hence my three levels. I understand that you
don't find this terribly persuasive, but on the other hand, something
seems profoundly missing if all consciousness amounts to is
recognizing oneself in a mirror. That much a computer certainly can
do, and I'm no happier than you about reducing mental life to
mechanical computation. But reducing consciousness to merely reflexive
pattern recognition seems uncomfortably close to that.

Thanks for helping me see a direction I must explore, even though you
believe it is either unnecessary or likely to be fruitless.

Haines Brown
Just wanted to report back that I finally was able to get this ice maker
fixed. After considerable time diagnosing (all the individual parts appeared
to work as designed), I determined that the problem was in the wiring
harness cable connector to the ice maker water solenoid valve. The good
news is that no parts were needed. The bad news was that it was the last
thing I had expected to be the root cause. I ended up having to pull out
the refrigerator and take the back off to access the solenoids on three
different occasions. I also had the icemaker apart on 3 separate occasions
as well and finally ended up pulling it completely to validate on my bench
that it was working perfectly.

Oh well, live and learn. I'm glad to have it working again. Thanks to
everyone for the advice.


<> wrote in message
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 17:11:46 -0500, "Bob Shuman"> wrote:


Thanks for the precaution. Yes, the schematic clearly shows the 120VAC is
the ice maker. My design must be slightly different since the motor
turns a
small plastic gear which turns a larger gear which has a cam with a
lobes that activate the three microswitches referenced in my previous

Sounds like a much better design than mine.
"TCS" wrote to "All" (23 Jul 03 20:52:37)
--- on the topic of "Re: EMERSON VCR struck by lightning...PLEASE HELP!"

I read someplace that most consumer name brands were basically made by
about a half dozen manufacturers in Asia who own the trade names and
these basically label them for whichever wholesaler purchases them. Thus
one may find the exact same mechanicals inside a Sony or a Sears or an
LG brand device. It's all about marketing.

Some marketing gimicks for example where the consumer is guaranteed the
lowest price for an item or 10% or even free are totally rigged because
the manufacturer will specially brand a unique model number that no
other retail chain will ever have. So the consumer will never find the
exact same model # of a given brand and can't really compare shop on an
equal footing. It's all about getting you to part with your cash.

TC> From: TCS <>

TC> On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 11:36:40 -0700, Sofie <> wrote:
Emerson has built some really good, well made and reliable VCRs over the
years..... and just like every other VCR maker they have built some junk
too. There a some specific models of Sony, JVC and Panasonic that fall
into the "junk" category too !
TC> My experience over the last 15 years is that emerson doesn't
TC> manufacter VCRs at all; they buy other maker's overruns and sell them
TC> under their own name. They are no more a VCR maker than sears is.

.... Reactance: your imaginary friend.
Jane Mirito wrote:

That's it man,
Plug and pray. There are no constructive ways to findout what is wrong when
a PC wont boot at all since the complexity of the separate (and very litle)
components is way to big.
In other words you recommend swapping components until the symptoms go
away? Not on my dime.

Problem diagnosis requires appropriate diagnostic tools - in this case a
port 80 card.

Moreover you had the chance you know something about electronics and
measured the powerwires.
Most PCtechnicians dont even know what a multi-meter is LOL

Way to go... good luck with your new treasure

"Doug Taylor" <> wrote in message

Well here goes a run down of a typical PC repair experience
for me....

A friend gives me his old PC Pentium 100 Mhz as it's not working.
As a challenge I decide to dig into to see whats wrong.

First, I set it up on the bench, remove the modem and sound card
and restart it with only video card to see if It will boot.. Blank screen.
Then I sub out the video card and reboot... Blank screen.
Could be power supply, although seems to be getting power O.K.
to drives etc, check power plug motherboard with meter...O.K.
Sub out power supply anyways to be sure. ...blank screen.
Hummmmm whats next....
Sub out memory and re-seat.... no go.
Reseat CPU ..... nope............
Check out motherboard to make sure it is not shorted to bottom metal
plate.(happened once before on another system)
What's next.... motherboard or CPU....
Go out and buy used Pentium 125Mhz motherboard with CPU.
Sub CPU.... no go ....
Sub motherboard & CPU ....BINGO ... we got a winner......

Have to cut bigger hole in case for PS2 mouse & keyboard of new
motherboard as old motherboard had COM port mouse and DIN keyboard plug.

Plan to put Linux on this system and use as a learning tool.

Question: Do you people have some constructive input into
the method I used to troubleshoot this system?

I'm kinda old(54) dyslexic & semi-retarded with bad eyesight,
but besides that I'm not a total idiot. 8*)

My conclusion is that the BIOS Rom failed.
What do you think?



"Jane Mirito" <> wrote in message news:<bfmnjo$569$>...
That's it man,
Plug and pray. There are no constructive ways to findout what is wrong when
a PC wont boot at all since the complexity of the separate (and very litle)
components is way to big.
Moreover you had the chance you know something about electronics and
measured the powerwires.
Most PCtechnicians dont even know what a multi-meter is LOL
If anyone wants to email me, I have a really neat idea for this problem .

-Andre , solar lighting , gifts and gadgets .

Way to go... good luck with your new treasure

"Doug Taylor" <> wrote in message

Well here goes a run down of a typical PC repair experience
for me....

A friend gives me his old PC Pentium 100 Mhz as it's not working.
As a challenge I decide to dig into to see whats wrong.

First, I set it up on the bench, remove the modem and sound card
and restart it with only video card to see if It will boot.. Blank screen.
Then I sub out the video card and reboot... Blank screen.
Could be power supply, although seems to be getting power O.K.
to drives etc, check power plug motherboard with meter...O.K.
Sub out power supply anyways to be sure. ...blank screen.
Hummmmm whats next....
Sub out memory and re-seat.... no go.
Reseat CPU ..... nope............
Check out motherboard to make sure it is not shorted to bottom metal
plate.(happened once before on another system)
What's next.... motherboard or CPU....
Go out and buy used Pentium 125Mhz motherboard with CPU.
Sub CPU.... no go ....
Sub motherboard & CPU ....BINGO ... we got a winner......

Have to cut bigger hole in case for PS2 mouse & keyboard of new
motherboard as old motherboard had COM port mouse and DIN keyboard plug.

Plan to put Linux on this system and use as a learning tool.

Question: Do you people have some constructive input into
the method I used to troubleshoot this system?

I'm kinda old(54) dyslexic & semi-retarded with bad eyesight,
but besides that I'm not a total idiot. 8*)

My conclusion is that the BIOS Rom failed.
What do you think?



"Roger Johansson" <> wrote in message
Haines Brown <> wrote:

Computer programs can handle pattern recognition; animals certainly
have pattern recognition. But human consciousness seems to be more
than this. If I look in the mirror, I recognize the pattern of my
image, but I hardly equate that with consciousness.

The brain is an associative (associating) memory, the consciousness is
the memory of reaction patterns, which is activated by sensorial

There is no difference between the memory and the consciousness this
way. The stored patterns of reactions (and actions) are activated by
similar patterns.

The stored reaction patterns are chains of events, objects, persons,
emotions, memories of how we react to certain events and objects.

When new event happen they trigger similar events and reactions in the
brain, the memories which are similar in more ways are triggered more.

If I see several orange round objects in the supermarket it triggers
all round objects, all orange objects, all objects I often see in
supermarkets, and most of all it triggers my concept of oranges, and
thereby also the word "oranges", so I think that I see oranges, and I
react like I use to do, I try to remember if I had decided to buy
oranges before I left home, or if I want oranges now.

That is the basic function of the human brain, but there are also some
other mechanisms involved, like preprocessing in the eye center of
certain shapes and moves, for example.

We cannot reduce such a complex mechanism as the nervous system into
some very simple singular function because new systems and add-ons
have been added during the evolution, but the associative memory of
reactions is probably the closest we can get to a simple explanation
for the most general system involved.

When we learn new things and new reactions the brain is changed
physically, new nerves grow out, new connections are made, new blood
vessels are built out alongside the new nerve paths to supply them
with nourishment and oxygen.

Roger J.
Our minds ask us questions about our own reason for being. We want to know
WHY we are here. Why do we need to know why? We can answer, to a large
degree, how the mind works. What it produces, and why, are the harder
"Lee Babcock" <> wrote in message
Eyman wrote:


Im about to remove my motherboard from my computer case to install
heatsink fan.

Ive typically been using a standard non magnetised screwdriver in
the past,
but am thinking about using a magnetised screwdriver to remove and
the motherboard in and out of the case.

I know static electricity is a danger but will the manget effect of
screwdriver stuff up my motherboard?

thanks in advance


Why are you removing a motherboard to replace a heatsink and fan?
That's like shooting a canary with a canon!
Hello. Some of the more expensive/better heatsinks on Pentium IV and
AMD processors require it. Weight is part of the reason.

Hope this helps,
Jason Whorton

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----
Thanks a lot for your reply Jerry.
I'll take a look on the things you have proposed. I hope I can fix this
because a bad focus isn't good for the eyes heh.

I started a new thread called "Eizo F77 monitor bad focus" so it will keep
the group structured.
There I specified the problem more deeply too. Maybe this put an extra light
onto the problem.

thanks a lot

"Jerry Greenberg" <> wrote in message
We have never worked on this monitor type. But, in most of the
monitors, there is a focus pot on either the flyback assy, or on the
back of the CRT circuit board. Adjusting this pot may help out a bit.

Normaly if proper focus cannot be achieved, or has changed on its own,
this may be an indication of a power supply, high voltage, or focus
control problems. If the CRT is warn down, this will also cause the
symptom you are describing.

Jerry Greenberg


"Jane Mirito" <> wrote in message
I found out this is the correct wiring:

mini-DIN8 <---> DB25

2 ------------------ 5,6
3 ------------------ 2
4,7,8 ---------------- 7
5 ------------------ 3
6 ------------------ 20,4
shld ----------------- shld

Now I have a bad focus when I turn open the brigthness (above 10%) and
contrast (above 60%) :(
I'm not an expert in TV electronics, but anyone an idea to look for


"Jane Mirito" <> wrote in message
Does anyone have the wiring diagram for the Eizo F77 ... and others
As found on the nice website of Eizo, I found out the cable has and
maintenance Cable (MD-C81) and Conversion Connector (MD-C82)

This is the only link I've found on the internet :-/

I hope someone can help me out with this one.

Regards Guys, Jany xxx
You are right at some point.
But when there _isn't any life_ on the board to mention, then a POST-card
wont help you any further in most cases.
Moreover a post-card plugs into the expansion-busses where you have an extra
signal-driver-layer between the board/cpu/mem ...
And it's most of the times just an luxuary item, since ALL boards provide
POST-signaling by ways of an LED, BEEPS, or display that run on the CPU

If the board is death whatever causes the problem, you won't have any
advantages by using a post-card then.

Simply removing all expansions, and use your ears, or watch the leds.
If it's still death, check the power. Go check for some short-circuits
If it's still death, remount the CPU, check all IC's that sit in a

But, you can always use advanced tools to go for.
Once I had a death mainboard where some unknow fluid sit under the
cristal-occilator, causing it not to provide any signal at all.
A scope helped me out then. But these are realy extreme rare cases (I had
this once since i'm in that bussiness at the early beginning of the PC)

Once I had an other strange fenomenon. There the bios EPROM was corrupted.
(rare case too)
There a POST-card would helped me out.

But in productive point a view. Removing all the expansions, and building up
one at a time until the problem comes back is the best and the fastest
option in my idea. no?

When it's realy death (all unplugged expansions) and the power is fine, then
you check the IC's for good sitting.
If there is still no live to mention check the CPU in an other board.
If it stays death, replacing the mainboard is the most atractive option and
commercial best too.
PC bussiness is all about doing things fast, or you won't gain any money out
of it.

Just my 2 cents.

"Jason Whorton" <jason at> wrote in message

"Jane Mirito" <> wrote in message
That's it man,
Plug and pray. There are no constructive ways to findout what is wrong
a PC wont boot at all since the complexity of the separate (and very
components is way to big.

You may want to do some research on a POTS card, or port 80 card.

Moreover you had the chance you know something about electronics and
measured the powerwires.
Most PCtechnicians dont even know what a multi-meter is LOL

Way to go... good luck with your new treasure

Not everyone has heard of a POST card either. notLOL :)

Hope this helps,

"Doug Taylor" <> wrote in message

Well here goes a run down of a typical PC repair experience
for me....

A friend gives me his old PC Pentium 100 Mhz as it's not working.
As a challenge I decide to dig into to see whats wrong.

First, I set it up on the bench, remove the modem and sound card
and restart it with only video card to see if It will boot.. Blank
Then I sub out the video card and reboot... Blank screen.
Could be power supply, although seems to be getting power O.K.
to drives etc, check power plug motherboard with meter...O.K.
Sub out power supply anyways to be sure. ...blank screen.
Hummmmm whats next....
Sub out memory and re-seat.... no go.
Reseat CPU ..... nope............
Check out motherboard to make sure it is not shorted to bottom metal
plate.(happened once before on another system)
What's next.... motherboard or CPU....
Go out and buy used Pentium 125Mhz motherboard with CPU.
Sub CPU.... no go ....
Sub motherboard & CPU ....BINGO ... we got a winner......

Have to cut bigger hole in case for PS2 mouse & keyboard of new
motherboard as old motherboard had COM port mouse and DIN keyboard

Plan to put Linux on this system and use as a learning tool.

Question: Do you people have some constructive input into
the method I used to troubleshoot this system?

I'm kinda old(54) dyslexic & semi-retarded with bad eyesight,
but besides that I'm not a total idiot. 8*)

My conclusion is that the BIOS Rom failed.
What do you think?



I disagree. I give the customer the parts and location numbers from my
evaluation of their unit and have been in this business for over 20 years
and doing well. It is rare that someone will take an estimate and fix the
unit themselves or take it to another shop. If it happens occassionally,
I'll take that chance in exchange for the trust that my customers have in me
and the way they view me as a professional compared to the competition.

Leonard Caillouet

"John Del" <> wrote in message
Subject: Re: Zenith Rear Projection TV/Model PV4655LK9
From: "Arthur Jernberg"

. If you indeed paid the service tech to
diagnose the set then he should have left with you a report as to what
are needed for comprehensive repair, however if the service was preformed
"FREE" then you have what you compensated for.

An "estimate charge" should not cover the actual part failure, the part
and instructions on how to replace it. Any tech who does so won't be in
business long.

John Del
Wolcott, CT

"Nothing is so opportune for tyrants as a people tired of its liberty."
Alan Keyes

(remove S for email reply)
Subject: Re: Zenith Rear Projection TV/Model PV4655LK9
From: "Arthur Jernberg"
Date: 7/23/03 8:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <

Agreed John. However I've been doing this for over 35 years. I find that
giving the customer the information, not the expertise, is not considered a
Exactly. But some customers don't want to just know that there is a problem in
the vert deflection (for example) and how much, they want to know what exact
part(s) is needed. I've had some customers carry in an item, and ask if I
would identify the defective component so that they can replace it themselves.
John Del
Wolcott, CT

"Nothing is so opportune for tyrants as a people tired of its liberty."
Alan Keyes

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