Mark D. Zacharias
"b" <reverend_rogers@yahoo.com> wrote in message
cleaning does often help with cd players, it's MUCH more rare for it to help
on DVD players. The pickups die like flies on dvd's, and that is likely the
OP's problem.
Mark Z.
BULLSHIT. I've been doing this professionally for many years and while"Rich" <rkoziol_no**s+pam@lycos.com> wrote in message
Hi All,
This multiformat DVD,CD Audio, SVCD, etc format, plays all formats
except the proper DVD.
When DVD disk is inserted, it keeps searching and returns noPLAY.(snip)
Have you tried opening the unit and cleaning the lens (gently) with a
q tip and pure alcohol? this solves 99 percent of read errors......
cleaning does often help with cd players, it's MUCH more rare for it to help
on DVD players. The pickups die like flies on dvd's, and that is likely the
OP's problem.
Mark Z.