Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 17:05:01 -0700, "bigmike" <>
Gave us:

They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest "Free Will" on
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does not exist.
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.

Oh... his rift goes far deeper than that.
"ob723bg9" <> wrote in message
JohanWagener wrote:

What can be used as an element in a simple homemade kettle running off

I've had luck with the FTL resistors from Matt Orman. As a matter of fact,
water heats up before I even apply power, which is handy for when I come
and want tea right away.

If you used negative value ones you could program them to turn off when you
left work and the kettle would be hot when you got home. I'm sure you could
build the system so it drank the tea for you as well.

On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 05:57:27 -0700, "JohanWagener"
<> wrote:

What can be used as an element in a simple homemade kettle running off
Aluminium, lead, cadmium, strontium, plutonium.... why the problem?
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 17:05:01 -0700, "bigmike" <>

They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest "Free Will" on
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does not exist.
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.
Sure you can, haven't you ever heard of Schroedinger's cat?^)

John Fields
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Keith R. Williams wrote:

In article <3f01a828$0$9628$>, says...
Sure it's been tried. It fails every time for exactly the same
reasons. It's not a stable system.

It fails every time, because it deprives people of their
very essence as human beings: their free will.
Blather, there is no "Free Will". Everything in the Universe
only finally happens one way, and in any life you can experience
it was always going to come out how it did in fact come out.
To believe anything else is to disbelieve cause and effect,
and then you're saying to hell with every bit of Science, which
is the USE of this predictability to explain and predict for
our benefit, which, if it weren't so, obviates any reason to be
conscious and alive!!

What you're actually talking about is a fanciful right to decide
how everything they make is distributed after it leaves them, and
that's not their right at all.

Since it
negates our very core as human beings, it cannot be

Precisely. It fails because force must be used to "stabilize"
the system. Force isn't compatible with a democracy, thus the
system degenerates into a totalitarian police state.
Garbage, the force of the Majority is the VERY ESSENCE of Democracy!
And forcing people to do things in a manner acceptible to the
Majority is what Democracy is all about! That's what the Rule of
Law is, and without it we have banditry and the rule by the Strong
and the Cruel.

The inevitable Communism that Democratic Rule by the Majority
finally produces is not the enemy of Freedom, it is the ONLY *REAL*
Freedom, because all other alleged "freedoms" are merely varieties
of license, if they differ from what the Majority wants for each
other AND for themselves.

It is a complete mystery to thinking people why you Rightist shits
want to pretend that there is some necessary "freedom" that is
rightfully ANYONE'S when it is merely the license to stomp all over
the lives of others who are less lucky, to enslave their lives to
you and force them to work for you at shit-wages so you can party
and take vacations and own expensive crap, AND to force them to pay
you tribute to live in the buildings and homes that YOU never built,
but that people like THEM in days past built who were ALSO slaves of
the rich and privileged.

Someday soon people will have had enough of it and will see through
the propaganda and they will come and kill you if need be, and they
will take back their planet and run everything that occurs between
people upon it by Majority Rule, so that NO one is thus brutalized
and economically abused ANYMORE EVER AGAIN!!!
They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest "Free Will" on
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does not exist.
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.
ob723bg9 wrote:
JohanWagener wrote:

What can be used as an element in a simple homemade kettle running off

I've had luck with the FTL resistors from Matt Orman. As a matter of fact, the
water heats up before I even apply power, which is handy for when I come home
and want tea right away.
Would that be a space (like) heater? :)
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Try it, then tell us how well it worked with a low sample rate and a
slow processor.

You guys are so complicated... :)

A pic12508 running on it's internal 4MHz clock + an lm1881 sync
separator does the job just fine.
There's no need to digitize the video information. You just have to
clamp the undesired signals to black level, you do this by counting
lines and syncing(sp?) to the vertical sync, this happens at most at
15625Hz for the pal people, slow enough for a pic. With a discrete
sync separator and running the pic at 10MHz you could skip the lm1881.

GC <> wrote in message news:<>...
In article <>, says...

The British national health system is still recovering from fourteen
years of sabotage under Thatcher.

I don't think any sort of recovery has started yet, it's still heading
down the pan, just taking more money with it.

BTW, Thatch was only in power for 11 years, did she use Mr Orman's FTL
approach as well?
No. She resigned after 11 years, to be replaced by John Major, the
well-known glove-puppet, who continued her policies for the next three

While the British National Health service is expensive in relative
terms, it is relatively cheap as health service go - about half the
price per head of the American system, and somewhere between 10% and
20% cheaper than the French and German systems. The quality of
service, averaged over the whole population is better than the U.S.
and only marginally worse than the French and German systems.

My impression is that the U.K. Labour Party is actually getting it
into a better state, but that it is taking a long time. We left
England before Blair was elected, so I'm pretty much reliant on the
Guardian Weekly - but at least our friends aren't telling us the sort
of horror stories they tell us about the privatised railways.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
I located the chips and then your e-mail bounced. Waste of my time.


"G. Skiffington" <> wrote in message
Looking for 4 units (or 2 minimum) of this 18 pin dip. Used in the
FT767GX and likely other equipment - not having any luck, so far, trying
to find a supplier in Canada or the US with stock. Any info or help
appreciated - Thanks.
"bigmike" <> wrote in message news:...
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 17:05:01 -0700, "bigmike" <
Gave us:

They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest "Free Will"
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does not exist.
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.

Oh... his rift goes far deeper than that.

No it doesn't. Steve is not that complicated. He has two underlying themes
he applies to just about everything he says. First, people do not have free
will, and that their lives are destined to follow a givin path, not of their
own choosing. Rediculous, but convenient for him and his theories. Second,
Steve beleives everything is explainable through science. Occupational
hazard probably. In reality, his theories have more in common with stoicism
that with socialism. However, if you go back through Steve's post, you will
find one thing that is unfaultering - Steve does not like to be wrong, and
he will twist things around until he is right - EVERYTIME. For someone like
Steve to be interested in socialism, is no big surprise. Socialism was the
result of egomaniacs in the first place. I would be willing to be you
EVERYTHING I own, that Steve does not beleive one word of what he is saying
here. Not a snowball chance in hell. However, he is certainly hoping we will
I hate it when that hapens and usually send about the same thing back and
never try to resend the information. If people can not post with their own
email or a place where a reply will go without hunting around their address
for "remove this" junk they don't deserve a response. Doubt it slows down
the spam anyway.

"Clif Holland" <> wrote in message
I located the chips and then your e-mail bounced. Waste of my time.


"G. Skiffington" <> wrote in message
Looking for 4 units (or 2 minimum) of this 18 pin dip. Used in the
DarkMatter wrote:
On Sun, 06 Jul 2003 19:45:18 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <
Gave us:

When some have more than others, they have stolen it from those others.

I didn't know that someone that at times appears to be so smart
could outrightly be so fucking butt ugly stupid. Is that the yin that
goes with your yang?

You're fucked in the head, boy. You SHOULD HAVE done drugs when you
were growing up. Sadly, your stupidity here proves that you did not
participate in reality then either.
You were altogether and entirely unable to make one single logical
argument against me.

You just proved that you simply have no head for social or
philosophical thought as all.

Why do you even try when you embarrass yourself so?
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 06 Jul 2003 19:45:18 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <

John Larkin wrote:

On Sat, 28 Jun 2003 21:39:36 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <

John Larkin wrote:

On Sat, 28 Jun 2003 09:44:03 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

(4) With W's recent cuts, families earning under $40K don't pay *ANY*
income taxes.
...Jim Thompson

Right. Poor folks! The ones the rich have stolen everything from.
Miserable downtrodden masses can barely make the payments on the SUVs,
what with the cost of premium-channel satellite dishes these days.
Families of 4 earning under $40K can't even afford medical insurance in
any of the major cities because their rent is 2/3rds to 3/4ths of their
income, which money is funneled immediately to the upper 10% of the
population directly from their paychecks.

3/4 of $40K is $30K, $2500 per month. Geez, not even San Francisco is
that expensive except for the boring, ritzy neighborhoods. Plus SF has
rent control and gobs of public housing, limited to 20% of family
income. Owning rental property here is a loser: rents generally don't
cover the mortgage, much less maintenance and taxes.

Ever heard of MediCal?
Ever realized you can't get it without kids?

I've known several thoroughly single, childless people (including a
ex-girlfriend who hadn't worked in years) who got MediCal vouchers.
Yes, the insane are eligible, so then perhaps you would be!

Ever realized there is a co-payment that prevents people from using

Didn't stop her... they were tiny. Plus you can drop into SF General,
or the Haight Free Clinic, if you really can't afford health care.
You need experience in real life.

Ever realized that that $40K is TAXED FIRST?

Why not? 40K isn't exactly starvation. But I agree there should be
*no* income tax, private or corporate. Only consumption should be
In my ideal society they are the same, no money can be saved or
needs to be for any reason.

What? No Showtime? No HBO? No PPV boxing matches? *Used* cars, for
Pete's sake? Or even - sputter! gasp! - public transit? Oh, America is
a cruel, cruel place!

Let's see YOU do it.

I do. No SUV, no cable, no cell phone, no air conditioning, old car,
used desk/chair, vanilla Kaiser HMO healthcare. Used books are cheap
and excellent entertainment. Real food is also cheaper than prefab
greasy trash.
With kids.

When some have more than others, they have stolen it from those others.

Or maybe they took better care of their stuff, or preferred enduring
things to junky consumables and sleazy entertainment. You can't have
equality when tastes differ.
Sure you can, you buy things with your hours. You buy what you want.
But shoddiness is NOT a matter of "taste", only of deprivation.

What I'm saying is that all should be paid the same for each hour
they work, after their basic survival contribution, and they should
be guaranteed a home of their own, period.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
DarkMatter wrote:
On Sun, 06 Jul 2003 13:47:53 -0700, John Larkin> Gave us:
Steve Ditz said...

When some have more than others, they have stolen it from those others.

Then, you said...

Or maybe they took better care of their stuff, or preferred enduring
things to junky consumables and sleazy entertainment. You can't have
equality when tastes differ.

You forgot to mention to him just how utterly stupid that remark is.

Does he even claim to be an American? Did he go through life with
"Stupid Boy" brand blinders on?
Why don't you try to think of logical arguments instead of embarrassing
yourself with name-calling?? What? You're not embarrassed? That's
because you're STUPID, because you SHOULD be embarrassed!

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
bigmike wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Keith R. Williams wrote:

In article <3f01a828$0$9628$>, says...
Sure it's been tried. It fails every time for exactly the same
reasons. It's not a stable system.

It fails every time, because it deprives people of their
very essence as human beings: their free will.
Blather, there is no "Free Will". Everything in the Universe
only finally happens one way, and in any life you can experience
it was always going to come out how it did in fact come out.
To believe anything else is to disbelieve cause and effect,
and then you're saying to hell with every bit of Science, which
is the USE of this predictability to explain and predict for
our benefit, which, if it weren't so, obviates any reason to be
conscious and alive!!

What you're actually talking about is a fanciful right to decide
how everything they make is distributed after it leaves them, and
that's not their right at all.

Since it
negates our very core as human beings, it cannot be

Precisely. It fails because force must be used to "stabilize"
the system. Force isn't compatible with a democracy, thus the
system degenerates into a totalitarian police state.
Garbage, the force of the Majority is the VERY ESSENCE of Democracy!
And forcing people to do things in a manner acceptible to the
Majority is what Democracy is all about! That's what the Rule of
Law is, and without it we have banditry and the rule by the Strong
and the Cruel.

The inevitable Communism that Democratic Rule by the Majority
finally produces is not the enemy of Freedom, it is the ONLY *REAL*
Freedom, because all other alleged "freedoms" are merely varieties
of license, if they differ from what the Majority wants for each
other AND for themselves.

It is a complete mystery to thinking people why you Rightist shits
want to pretend that there is some necessary "freedom" that is
rightfully ANYONE'S when it is merely the license to stomp all over
the lives of others who are less lucky, to enslave their lives to
you and force them to work for you at shit-wages so you can party
and take vacations and own expensive crap, AND to force them to pay
you tribute to live in the buildings and homes that YOU never built,
but that people like THEM in days past built who were ALSO slaves of
the rich and privileged.

Someday soon people will have had enough of it and will see through
the propaganda and they will come and kill you if need be, and they
will take back their planet and run everything that occurs between
people upon it by Majority Rule, so that NO one is thus brutalized
and economically abused ANYMORE EVER AGAIN!!!

They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest "Free Will" on
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does not exist.
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.
You don't understand the difference between "Free Will" and Awareness,
but that's because you aren't very aware. Cause and effect in the
social evolutionary realm, and consequent evolution of thought, will
cause the people to get real fucking tired of taking shit from assholes
like you. That's not "free will" outside causation, it IS causa and
effect that makes social revolution inevitable.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
bigmike wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
DarkMatter wrote:

On Sun, 06 Jul 2003 19:41:50 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <
Gave us:

Blather, there is no "Free Will". Everything in the Universe
only finally happens one way, and in any life you can experience
it was always going to come out how it did in fact come out.
To believe anything else is to disbelieve cause and effect,
and then you're saying to hell with every bit of Science, which
is the USE of this predictability to explain and predict for
our benefit, which, if it weren't so, obviates any reason to be
conscious and alive!!

You have some very fucking bent perceptions, despite whatever
technical expertise you may have garnered over the years. You can
take THAT to your "It was meant to happen that way..." bank.

Obviously, I was meant to be on earth to tell you of this grave
error of yours, and you were meant to take it the wrong way as usual,
and spout some nonsense reply, which I'm sure is forthcoming.
There is no "meant to".

Nope, you fail to discern the difference between Determinism
and Divine Intent, and they are quite different. Determinism
requires absolutely no "intent" at all by anything, intent is
only a phenomenon of aware beings, and is, itself, as an idea
in a brain, a deterministic result of cause and effect in nature.

Your use of "intent" is a version of the "Pathetic Fallacy" often
seen in amateurish explanations of science, of the sort that says
that, for example: "the electrons want to move this-a-way". In
fact, electrons don't "want" ANYTHING, and neither does cause and
effect in nature when it makes all the moments in one's whole life
inevitable as they will occur.

Pathetic Fallacy is a fallacy in itself Steve. It's normally aimed at those
that teach science, especially to youth. A teacher might use, for example, a
metaphor, to explain a scientific event. Some scientist beleive that the
person being taught is being lied to, or mislead about the facts, because
the teacher uses human traits or emotions in his example. One thing always
gets me about this. First, it's the rediculous idea that a person will
actually take the metaphor for it's exact meaning.
It all revolves around your meaning of the word: "Intent". If YOU don't
think that cause and effect "Intends" anything, then QUIT USING THE

For example - if you
throw a rock in the air, it wants to come back down. I know what it means,
everybody knows what the hell it means. A scientist however, will
say -wrong! The rock cannot want to come back down - it cannot think. Well,
no shit sherlock :) Some scientist would be better served by using less
science sometimes, and a little more common sense - but they can't because
that's a Pathetic Fallacy! I think the person's use of "intent" was quite
Then you think that you're unconscious.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Andrew VK3BFA wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Chris Carlen wrote:

here we go again, ones fanciful beliefs must fit ones prejudices - and
all alternatives can be negated by abusing your opponent.

Use what works - if a little white pill once a day works for you, then
do it. If years of counselling/psychotherapy/holistic/remove the
problem/change your diet/ works for you, then use that method.

The little white pill method works if you are surrounded by crap you
cant control,
The pill, is arguably for hard *physical* causes.

the other methods work if you can change your
environment to eliminate or reduce the stressors.

Either method is valid,
Only for its specific cause.

there is no clearly superior model (it would
have emerged by now if that was so)
In a particular instance there is often a superior method. For certain
conditions, there are well tried methods. The issue is determining what
the cause of the problem is.

One has to accept that the brain can "malfunction" for at least two
independent reasons, either by physical processes e.g. lack of some
chemical *or* some sort of brainwashing. It don't make sense to try and
fix your allocation problem in software if the problem is a fried memory
chip, neither does it make sense to add to add 100 speed up processors
if the code is slow because of wait loops.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 08:18:19 -0700, "JohanWagener"
<> put finger to keyboard and composed:

I need a high resistance material that I can found in or around the house
Sounds like a job for MacGyver. :)

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
bigmike wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest "Free Will"
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does not exist.
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.
You don't understand the difference between "Free Will" and Awareness,
but that's because you aren't very aware. Cause and effect in the
social evolutionary realm, and consequent evolution of thought, will
cause the people to get real fucking tired of taking shit from assholes
like you. That's not "free will" outside causation, it IS causa and
effect that makes social revolution inevitable.

Free will and awareness work hand in hand Steve, you cannot separate the
You're EXTREMELY confused. Awareness is the directing of the process
of attention upon the processes within oneself, and the internal
self-modeling of one's self in a model of the physical world in order
to hypothesize, but in NO way does this mean that cause and effect in
your brain is somehow not functioning!

It does NOT require any control of cause and effect, nor any control
of what one must inevitably think because of the action of cause and
effect in the brain, nor what it was always going to think at this

Face it, science is stuck with trying to understand the material,
physical world. It cannot even start to understand human spirit, the soul,
the very essence of being.
Anti-scientific religious blather. You're, in effect, pretending, that
anything that happens between your ears is exempted from the laws of
physics. Nonsense! You're also ignoring my thought-experiment that
PROVED that we cannot exert control of our own mind because WE ARE our
own mind, and therefore we must BE what we ARE, example: We cannot
change the tiniest idea we hold as true just as an act of will to
show that we are outside causation. We can lie about it, we can be
caused to do so by this connundrum, but we cannot actually change our
mind without a causative REASON, and if that REASON is sufficient, then
we cannot even STOP ourselves FROm changing our mind!!!!

Because of this, scientist trip all over
themselves trying to run away from it anytime the subject is brought up.
Some do only because they are as confused as you are!!

Since you can't explain it, or even start to understand it, you simply deny
it even exist.
Garbage, I've proven it does not, and that it CANNOT! If we could
change our own mind for NO causative REASON, that is, on a total WHIM,
why, then I could in mere moments, change where I THOUGHT I was, and
be totally lost to this reality quite irretrievably and be off in my
own version of reality and unable to decide my way back! Instead I am
forced to believe what I evolved to believe and remain a mind that is
"here", and must confront where I am IN REALITY. In fact that is the
very MEANING of Reality.

What does this have to do with socialism, and why it has and
will fail? Everything.
Absolutely! Your superstition is at the heart of the belief that
capitalism is somehow fair to people because it punishes them for
being "bad", a totally moralistic concept based on Xtian guilt and

This was born in the Inquisition when it was needed to justify torture
to the torturers, who were having a GREAT DEAL of emotional trouble
torturing people who were admitting to believing things that they
couldn't help believing, and stupidly telling the truth because they
believed wrongly that they were talking to the direct agents of the
"Lord God", and not mere stupid humans who were torturing them!!

Why these heretics were believing things such as the heliocentric
universe, and the existence of other planets!! They even believed
that the bible had not been shown to be the word of God, but merely
the words of men!!!

Surely these heretics had to be regarded as guilty for their beliefs,
they surely must have made some kind of pact with the devil to join
his side of the "battle" against God so that they could believe such
LIES and they must have done so intentionally out of disobedience to
God's will! To say they couldn't help believing as they did must

You see what "Free Will" leads to, and where it came from????
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Andrew VK3BFA wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Chris Carlen wrote:

R. Steve Walz wrote:
It doesn't have to be, show me JUST ONE demonstrated instance of
something violating physical cause and effect, NO matter HOW complex.

I don't really understand your question so can you give me some examples
from your point of view.

Don't be ridiculous. Use your mind.

The one who's responses are all predetermined, no doubt.
Yes, and if you respond to my beseechment to do so, one which I
was always inevitably going to give, then you will do so, and if
not, then you won't, of course! But our efforts can only change
each other, and not ourselves, because we ARE ourselves. The
knowledge that it CAN work is a cause that can produce effect
in our deeds.

Why are Rightists always such shit-fucking disingenuous liars
about logic and argument?

It's like you have no honor of any kind because you have
no rudder for Truth.

I have enough of a rudder to know that nothing that comes out of your
mouth is truth.
You have nuthin' but wish-fulfillment.

Guess what? That's riiiiight! What did you think a brain is anyway?

And who or what is in control of all of this? The tooth fairy?

Show me ANYTHING that does NOT obey cause and effect.

Here's one that will never, ever, so long as you live be understandable
with your mighty logic, Steve. That is, the reason the mind can be
Of course the Mind can be changed, but simply not by YOUR mind if by
YOUR own INTENT!! Intent is relativistic, and the only place to stand
and control your mind is in the efforts of another to do so, or the
accidental ways he or she does so!

and isn't predetermined, is precisely because it perfectly
obeys cause and effect.
Nonsense, that MEANS the Mind is a result of cause and effect, and
all of those are entirely beyond any control you imagine you have
over your ideas. That's because your ideas are effects of causes.

You see Steve there is a little prerequisite for becoming aware of
truths of the mind, and of the nature of life and existence, that you
demonstrate unerringly to have none of.
You have clearly not learned that merely saying so doesn't make it so.

And that is humility. You are
absolutely convinced of your rightness, and that is the reason why you
know nothing.
Christopher R. Carlen
Feeling one is right can have nothing to do with rightness, at all.
You have clearly not learned that merely saying so doesn't make it so.
Rinse and repeat, (above).

here we go again, ones fanciful beliefs must fit ones prejudices - and
all alternatives can be negated by abusing your opponent.
The abuse is freeof charge, and unrelated to me being right.

Use what works - if a little white pill once a day works for you, then
do it. If years of counselling/psychotherapy/holistic/remove the
problem/change your diet/ works for you, then use that method.
Whatever you decide to swallow, you cannot help your decision or what
comes from it. This applies to pills or ideas, you're a product of
cause and effect.

The little white pill method works if you are surrounded by crap you
cant control, the other methods work if you can change your
environment to eliminate or reduce the stressors.
No, you take the pill if cause and effect makes you think it's a good
idea, and not because it actually is or is not. If you decide not
to then you may get worse or better, again due to cause and effect.

Either method is valid, there is no clearly superior model (it would
have emerged by now if that was so) so at least look at all the
alternatives and work out what is best for you as an individual.
Nonsense, again you ignore cause and effect.

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or

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