Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Kevin Aylward wrote:
Andrew VK3BFA wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Chris Carlen wrote:

here we go again, ones fanciful beliefs must fit ones prejudices - and
all alternatives can be negated by abusing your opponent.

Use what works - if a little white pill once a day works for you, then
do it. If years of counselling/psychotherapy/holistic/remove the
problem/change your diet/ works for you, then use that method.

The little white pill method works if you are surrounded by crap you
cant control,

The pill, is arguably for hard *physical* causes.

the other methods work if you can change your
environment to eliminate or reduce the stressors.

Either method is valid,

Only for its specific cause.

there is no clearly superior model (it would
have emerged by now if that was so)

In a particular instance there is often a superior method. For certain
conditions, there are well tried methods. The issue is determining what
the cause of the problem is.

One has to accept that the brain can "malfunction" for at least two
independent reasons, either by physical processes e.g. lack of some
chemical *or* some sort of brainwashing. It don't make sense to try and
fix your allocation problem in software if the problem is a fried memory
chip, neither does it make sense to add to add 100 speed up processors
if the code is slow because of wait loops.

Kevin Aylward
The chance for defective software to fix itself is about even, flip
a coin, it will still turn up heads or tails due to cause and effect.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
"Ricardo Matos Abreu" <> wrote
in message
Texas Instruments

All these companies have lots of caompatible (or almost compatible)

I mean, compatible with Cypress's fifos too.
Lewin A.R.W. Edwards wrote...
I notice that my posting listing all the patent numbers is no longer
on Google's archive. The conspiracy theorist in me says this isn't
You could repost it.

- Win
R. Steve Walz wrote:
Kevin Aylward wrote:

Andrew VK3BFA wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Chris Carlen wrote:

here we go again, ones fanciful beliefs must fit ones prejudices -
and all alternatives can be negated by abusing your opponent.

Use what works - if a little white pill once a day works for you,
then do it. If years of counselling/psychotherapy/holistic/remove
the problem/change your diet/ works for you, then use that method.

The little white pill method works if you are surrounded by crap you
cant control,

The pill, is arguably for hard *physical* causes.

the other methods work if you can change your
environment to eliminate or reduce the stressors.

Either method is valid,

Only for its specific cause.

there is no clearly superior model (it would
have emerged by now if that was so)

In a particular instance there is often a superior method. For
certain conditions, there are well tried methods. The issue is
determining what the cause of the problem is.

One has to accept that the brain can "malfunction" for at least two
independent reasons, either by physical processes e.g. lack of some
chemical *or* some sort of brainwashing. It don't make sense to try
and fix your allocation problem in software if the problem is a
fried memory chip, neither does it make sense to add to add 100
speed up processors if the code is slow because of wait loops.

Kevin Aylward
The chance for defective software to fix itself is about even,
No idea what your saying here. Software dont usually fix itself at all.

a coin, it will still turn up heads or tails due to cause and effect.
There are at least two flaws with this argument. The first is the
obvious quantum uncertainty. A given input does not uniquely specify an
output. The second, is classical uncertainty. Large numbers of
non-linear systems are such that the outputs from a given input can not
determined because of uncertainty in the initial conditions. This is
often expressed by ill conditioned, or even by the term, chaotic
systems. The idea of making in depth predictions for anything but the
simplest of systems has been given up long ago.

Arguable, QM may or may not form a limiting aspect to human behaviour,
however classical uncertainty certainly does. The claim that, in
principle, a classical system can be deterministic, is vacuous. To all
intents and purposes, given the inputs to a complex system (e.g the
brain), the output can not be determined. The *same* input, can, in
practise, lead to *different* outputs. Indeed, the knowledge that an
equation can have more than one solution with an exact input, leads to
the reality that cause an effect is not applicable in removing an
individuals own responsibility to their own actions. For example, given
someone says hallo to them, independent of prior history, it may cause
them to shot or give them a $1. There is simply no way of making a valid

So, the technicality of cause and effect, has little relevance in
practice. There is simply no way utilise this principle, if it were so,
I would be down at the dog track making my fortune. Your basic flaw is
that you assume that cause and effect uniquely determines an outcome
from an income. Non-linear equations simply don't have that property.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Andrew VK3BFA wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Chris Carlen wrote:

R. Steve Walz wrote:
It doesn't have to be, show me JUST ONE demonstrated instance of
something violating physical cause and effect, NO matter HOW

I don't really understand your question so can you give me some
from your point of view.

Don't be ridiculous. Use your mind.

The one who's responses are all predetermined, no doubt.
Yes, and if you respond to my beseechment to do so, one which I
was always inevitably going to give, then you will do so, and if
not, then you won't, of course! But our efforts can only change
each other, and not ourselves, because we ARE ourselves. The
knowledge that it CAN work is a cause that can produce effect
in our deeds.

Why are Rightists always such shit-fucking disingenuous liars
about logic and argument?

It's like you have no honor of any kind because you have
no rudder for Truth.

I have enough of a rudder to know that nothing that comes out of
mouth is truth.
You have nuthin' but wish-fulfillment.

Guess what? That's riiiiight! What did you think a brain is

And who or what is in control of all of this? The tooth fairy?

Show me ANYTHING that does NOT obey cause and effect.

Here's one that will never, ever, so long as you live be
with your mighty logic, Steve. That is, the reason the mind can be
Of course the Mind can be changed, but simply not by YOUR mind if by
YOUR own INTENT!! Intent is relativistic, and the only place to stand
and control your mind is in the efforts of another to do so, or the
accidental ways he or she does so!

and isn't predetermined, is precisely because it perfectly
obeys cause and effect.
Nonsense, that MEANS the Mind is a result of cause and effect, and
all of those are entirely beyond any control you imagine you have
over your ideas. That's because your ideas are effects of causes.

You see Steve there is a little prerequisite for becoming aware of
truths of the mind, and of the nature of life and existence, that
demonstrate unerringly to have none of.
You have clearly not learned that merely saying so doesn't make it so.

And that is humility. You are
absolutely convinced of your rightness, and that is the reason why
know nothing.
Christopher R. Carlen
Feeling one is right can have nothing to do with rightness, at all.
You have clearly not learned that merely saying so doesn't make it so.
Rinse and repeat, (above).

here we go again, ones fanciful beliefs must fit ones prejudices - and
all alternatives can be negated by abusing your opponent.
The abuse is freeof charge, and unrelated to me being right.

Use what works - if a little white pill once a day works for you, then
do it. If years of counselling/psychotherapy/holistic/remove the
problem/change your diet/ works for you, then use that method.
Whatever you decide to swallow, you cannot help your decision or what
comes from it. This applies to pills or ideas, you're a product of
cause and effect.

The little white pill method works if you are surrounded by crap you
cant control, the other methods work if you can change your
environment to eliminate or reduce the stressors.
No, you take the pill if cause and effect makes you think it's a good
idea, and not because it actually is or is not. If you decide not
to then you may get worse or better, again due to cause and effect.

Either method is valid, there is no clearly superior model (it would
have emerged by now if that was so) so at least look at all the
alternatives and work out what is best for you as an individual.
Nonsense, again you ignore cause and effect.

Let's say I eat too much, so I am over-weight. Cause and effect. So, I
decide to stop eating too much, and I end up eating less, and lose weight.
Will power - cause - and effect. Pretty simple isn't it?
I don't but now you gave me an idea!

"ob723bg9" <> wrote in message
JohanWagener wrote:

What can be used as an element in a simple homemade kettle running off

Do you also build your own pencils? ???
Franc Zabkar wrote:
If you want to build a macrovision killer kit, er I mean video
stabiliser, then consider a kit based on the LM1881 sync stripper IC
which was published by Silicon Chip magazine not too long ago. I
believe Jaycar sells it.
Or for the same price (~$AU60) you could buy Jaycar's Dr Video unit,
which works fine for my 1984 Toshiba TV. No assembly needed, and
comes with a "video enhancer" button :). The RF modulator option
can work too, but since the one in my Mitsubishi VCR didn't work to
play DVDs on the Toshiba, I figured the possible hassle of trying
it wasn't worth the saving.
Why are Rightists always such shit-fucking disingenuous liars
about logic and argument?
(Above posted by R. Steve) (Nice choice of juvenile language)
You have clearly not learned that merely saying so doesn't make it so.
(Above posted by R. Steve)
And that is humility. You are
absolutely convinced of your rightness, and that is the reason why
know nothing.
Christopher R. Carlen
You have clearly not learned that merely saying so doesn't make it so.
Rinse and repeat, (above).

No further comment.
In article <>, mentioned...
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 08:18:19 -0700, "JohanWagener"> put finger to keyboard and composed:

I need a high resistance material that I can found in or around the house

Sounds like a job for MacGyver. :)
But he would mix nitrate fertilizer and diesel fuel and blow the whole
kettle up. >;-)

Reminds me of the time a highschool buddy and I made rocket fuel from
sugar and saltpeter on his mom's kitchen stove, and it caught on fire.
The kitchen was filled with smoke down to about 3 feet, so we had to
duck to see where we were. She wasn't amused....

- Franc Zabkar
###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
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Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
On Tue, 08 Jul 2003 03:57:49 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

John Larkin wrote:

On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 16:48:51 +0200, Roger Johansson <

Of course there are other ways to influence people, but the reasons
why people would let themselves be influenced will be so much less in
this system, because there are no material gains to win.

Exactly. No cars. No electricity. No antibiotics. No food.
No reason to believe that either.
Just a perfect record. Communism destroys, well, just about

That cousin can not get a higher standard of living, or have more
private property, because we have a common maximum limit to material

Approximately zero. For the billions of dead people, exactly zero.
Nonsense. Do you even know what argument is?
I don't argue about the millions dead; I just mourn for them.

But that police force would still be looking for illegal ways to
influence others, by threats etc..

By "police force" you must mean taliban-like, pol-pot-like thugs. They
will certainly be looking for illegal ways to influence others.
You have equated things that differ totally, and pretended they relate
to Communism, they don't.
Tell that to the Chinese villagers who were given AIDS by the
government's blood sales programs, and who are being beat up by the
cops for complaining, instead of quietly dying like good Communists.

Ahhhhhh. Politics and beliefs. The non-ending war.
One of the interesting rights of the USA is freedom of choice. You're both
right and you're both wrong. The arguments are never ending. Depending on
your beliefs, you can live a miserable or a good life. You can believe you
have choices or not. It's kind of weird to believe that their are no choices
since it is your choice to believe that.
Oh, by the way. Isn't this

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
bigmike wrote:

"bigmike" <> wrote in message news:...

"DarkMatter" <> wrote in
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 17:05:01 -0700, "bigmike"
Gave us:

They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest "Free
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does not
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.

Oh... his rift goes far deeper than that.

No it doesn't. Steve is not that complicated. He has two underlying
he applies to just about everything he says. First, people do not have
will, and that their lives are destined to follow a givin path, not of
own choosing.
No, they are destined to follow their own choosing but not to be able
to do other than what cause and effect operating within them produces
as their "choices". What they inevitably think are their choices are
cause and effect within them.

Rediculous, but convenient for him and his theories. Second,
Steve beleives everything is explainable through science.
Nope. Just caused.

hazard probably. In reality, his theories have more in common with
that with socialism.
Interesting point. You know not how close you are.

However, if you go back through Steve's post, you will
find one thing that is unfaultering - Steve does not like to be wrong,
he will twist things around until he is right - EVERYTIME.
Actually I intentionally changed all my beliefs to match the most
logically true belief, which is why I have no trouble defending

For someone like
Steve to be interested in socialism, is no big surprise. Socialism was
result of egomaniacs in the first place.

I would be willing to bet you
EVERYTHING I own, that Steve does not beleive one word of what he is
here. Not a snowball chance in hell. However, he is certainly hoping we
You just lost the whole fuckin' farm!!
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
"Kevin Aylward" <> wrote in message news:<h4bOa.238$>...
Andrew VK3BFA wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Chris Carlen wrote:

Use what works - if a little white pill once a day works for you, then
do it. If years of counselling/psychotherapy/holistic/remove the
problem/change your diet/ works for you, then use that method.

The little white pill method works if you are surrounded by crap you
cant control,
If you learn to change it then you have a _real_ solution.

The pill, is arguably for hard *physical* causes.

the other methods work if you can change your
environment to eliminate or reduce the stressors.
Or change the way you react to your environment, or both.
Bear in mind we're talking about depression here, not different things
like schizophrenia, which is another ballpark entirely.

there is no clearly superior model (it would
have emerged by now if that was so)
It is interesting to see folks put so much energy into arguing that
something can't be done, instead of going and finding those who've
done it. Human nature is a curious thing. I think we are all limited
by our thinking traps. While we gradually recognise them and get free
of them, we never see and eliminate all of them by any means. And all
the discussoin in the world only occasionally changes that.

In a particular instance there is often a superior method. For certain
conditions, there are well tried methods. The issue is determining what
the cause of the problem is.
I would say the real issue was determining which approach works, and
which can be applied. The theories behind it aren't the real issue,
the results are.

One has to accept that the brain can "malfunction" for at least two
independent reasons, either by physical processes e.g. lack of some
chemical *or* some sort of brainwashing.
To really understand the subject one also has to understand that there
is far more to it than this.

It don't make sense to try and
fix your allocation problem in software if the problem is a fried memory
chip, neither does it make sense to add to add 100 speed up processors
if the code is slow because of wait loops.
Thats right. Yet it is tried all the time by those who
a) dont know the causes
b) haven't gone and found out what works.

This is one of those subjects thats probably going to change a lot in
the coming decades.

Regards, NT
"John Erlend Finnekĺsa" <> wrote in message
I know. But you can't buy them directly from the manufacturer as an
"hobbyist". I need to buy through a so called local dealer.


Digi-Key has them, but kinda pricey at $23 each.
bigmike wrote:
"Darren McHugh" <> wrote in message

"R. Steve Walz" wrote:

Nonsense, it just hasn't been legislatesd on a wide scale, but
Communism is how humans evolved for 200,000 years!

... and life was so much better then.

You have to excuse Steve, because unlike the rest of us, he has no free
No, you don't either. Neither does anyone else.

According to Steve's views, he does not have the ability to think for
Nope, you're lying about my argument. All normal humans think.
But they are unable to decide to believe other than they do.

or change his mind about anything.
My mind changes itself as it desires, and that changes because of cause
and effect, but the awareness called "I" is not in charge of that, any
more than yours is, since the sense of self is merely a superficial
product of deeper processes.

I have seen people with this
problem before, but I can't remember what they were called - oh, I remember!
The're called idiots :)
Yes, that is your problem.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
John Larkin wrote:
On Tue, 01 Jul 2003 02:06:00 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <

I'm not capitalism fan, but unfortunately no better system
then democracy based on private property was invented so far.

Property rights are good, but equality under law is what's more
Nonsense, it just hasn't been legislatesd on a wide scale, but
Communism is how humans evolved for 200,000 years!

Right. Those ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Romans, Greeks, Chinese,
Israelites had perfect, classless societies. Their kings were paid the
same per hour as the slaves, I'm sure.
No, those are recent post-tribal societies where previously tribal
peoples were enslaved by bandit-lords.

Makes one nostalgic for the good old days before Capitalism, no?

Grow up and argue decently, even when you know you're wrong and cannot
respond, as you obviously did.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
bigmike wrote:
"John Larkin" <> wrote in
On Tue, 01 Jul 2003 02:06:00 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <

I'm not capitalism fan, but unfortunately no better system
then democracy based on private property was invented so far.

Property rights are good, but equality under law is what's more

Nonsense, it just hasn't been legislatesd on a wide scale, but
Communism is how humans evolved for 200,000 years!

Right. Those ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Romans, Greeks, Chinese,
Israelites had perfect, classless societies. Their kings were paid the
same per hour as the slaves, I'm sure.

Makes one nostalgic for the good old days before Capitalism, no?


You might have a point here. Steve's views do seem to have more to do with
Stoicism then with socialism, since Steve seems to think everything in live
is predetermined, since there is no such thing as free will, according to
him. Maybe Steve is really a re-incarnated Cleanthes or Chrysippus :)
I'll take it if it leads you to read up on these schools of thought.

Not "pre-determined", but Deterministic. Look it up.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Chris wrote:
Ahhhhhh. Politics and beliefs. The non-ending war.
One of the interesting rights of the USA is freedom of choice. You're both
right and you're both wrong. The arguments are never ending. Depending on
your beliefs, you can live a miserable or a good life. You can believe you
have choices or not.
Not voluntarily.

It's kind of weird to believe that their are no choices
since it is your choice to believe that.
No, idiot. You can't. You are forced to believe what you think is
true, or what you don't know is not false.

Oh, by the way. Isn't this

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
bigmike wrote:

"bigmike" <> wrote in message news:...

"DarkMatter" <> wrote in
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 17:05:01 -0700, "bigmike"
Gave us:

They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest "Free
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does not
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.

Oh... his rift goes far deeper than that.

No it doesn't. Steve is not that complicated. He has two underlying
he applies to just about everything he says. First, people do not have
will, and that their lives are destined to follow a givin path, not of
own choosing.
No, they are destined to follow their own choosing but not to be able
to do other than what cause and effect operating within them produces
as their "choices". What they inevitably think are their choices are
cause and effect within them.

Rediculous, but convenient for him and his theories. Second,
Steve beleives everything is explainable through science.
Nope. Just caused.

hazard probably. In reality, his theories have more in common with
that with socialism.
Interesting point. You know not how close you are.

However, if you go back through Steve's post, you will
find one thing that is unfaultering - Steve does not like to be wrong,
he will twist things around until he is right - EVERYTIME.
Actually I intentionally changed all my beliefs to match the most
logically true belief, which is why I have no trouble defending

For someone like
Steve to be interested in socialism, is no big surprise. Socialism was
result of egomaniacs in the first place.

I would be willing to bet you
EVERYTHING I own, that Steve does not beleive one word of what he is
here. Not a snowball chance in hell. However, he is certainly hoping we
You just lost the whole fuckin' farm!!
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
By who and was it their choice. Or maybe we're being controlled by aliens
from space through subliminal messages through the TV. OH MY GOD!!!!! MY TV
But wait a second. If we're being cotrolled then who's controlling our
controllers. And theirs. And theirs. It must be the mice. KILL THEM ALL SO
Hello Zaphod. Is that you? Are you still the president?

You're the one believing in this freaky conspiracy sh!t. You're calling me
an idiot and you don't even know me. What if I told you I was an agent
monitoring these groups watching out for freaks like you. From now on I'll
be watching your every move. Fuck up once, asshole, and you'll be history.
I've got your number.

From one "idiot" to a total retard, your name calling sh!t only proves your
ignorance. Goodbye and good ridance, unless you want me to contact my

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Chris wrote:

Ahhhhhh. Politics and beliefs. The non-ending war.
One of the interesting rights of the USA is freedom of choice. You're
right and you're both wrong. The arguments are never ending. Depending
your beliefs, you can live a miserable or a good life. You can believe
have choices or not.
Not voluntarily.

It's kind of weird to believe that their are no choices
since it is your choice to believe that.
No, idiot. You can't. You are forced to believe what you think is
true, or what you don't know is not false.

Oh, by the way. Isn't this

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
bigmike wrote:

"bigmike" <> wrote in message news:...

"DarkMatter" <> wrote in
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 17:05:01 -0700, "bigmike"
Gave us:

They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.

Oh... his rift goes far deeper than that.

No it doesn't. Steve is not that complicated. He has two underlying
he applies to just about everything he says. First, people do not
will, and that their lives are destined to follow a givin path, not
own choosing.
No, they are destined to follow their own choosing but not to be able
to do other than what cause and effect operating within them produces
as their "choices". What they inevitably think are their choices are
cause and effect within them.

Rediculous, but convenient for him and his theories. Second,
Steve beleives everything is explainable through science.
Nope. Just caused.

hazard probably. In reality, his theories have more in common with
that with socialism.
Interesting point. You know not how close you are.

However, if you go back through Steve's post, you will
find one thing that is unfaultering - Steve does not like to be
he will twist things around until he is right - EVERYTIME.
Actually I intentionally changed all my beliefs to match the most
logically true belief, which is why I have no trouble defending

For someone like
Steve to be interested in socialism, is no big surprise. Socialism
result of egomaniacs in the first place.

I would be willing to bet you
EVERYTHING I own, that Steve does not beleive one word of what he is
here. Not a snowball chance in hell. However, he is certainly hoping
You just lost the whole fuckin' farm!!
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics
Galore!! or

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Chris wrote:
By who and was it their choice. Or maybe we're being controlled by aliens
from space through subliminal messages through the TV. OH MY GOD!!!!! MY TV
But wait a second. If we're being cotrolled then who's controlling our
controllers. And theirs. And theirs. It must be the mice. KILL THEM ALL SO
Hello Zaphod. Is that you? Are you still the president?

You're the one believing in this freaky conspiracy sh!t. You're calling me
an idiot and you don't even know me. What if I told you I was an agent
monitoring these groups watching out for freaks like you. From now on I'll
be watching your every move. Fuck up once, asshole, and you'll be history.
I've got your number.

From one "idiot" to a total retard, your name calling sh!t only proves your
ignorance. Goodbye and good ridance, unless you want me to contact my
You're a complete moron. Determinism isn't a conspiracy theory!
Go get an education someplace, dummy!

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Chris wrote:

Ahhhhhh. Politics and beliefs. The non-ending war.
One of the interesting rights of the USA is freedom of choice. You're
right and you're both wrong. The arguments are never ending. Depending
your beliefs, you can live a miserable or a good life. You can believe
have choices or not.
Not voluntarily.

It's kind of weird to believe that their are no choices
since it is your choice to believe that.
No, idiot. You can't. You are forced to believe what you think is
true, or what you don't know is not false.

Oh, by the way. Isn't this

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
bigmike wrote:

"bigmike" <> wrote in message news:...

"DarkMatter" <> wrote in
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 17:05:01 -0700, "bigmike"
Gave us:

They can't take back their planet Steve, that would suggest
the part of the people, and according to you, free will does
Can't have it both ways Stevie boy, make up your mind.

Oh... his rift goes far deeper than that.

No it doesn't. Steve is not that complicated. He has two underlying
he applies to just about everything he says. First, people do not
will, and that their lives are destined to follow a givin path, not
own choosing.
No, they are destined to follow their own choosing but not to be able
to do other than what cause and effect operating within them produces
as their "choices". What they inevitably think are their choices are
cause and effect within them.

Rediculous, but convenient for him and his theories. Second,
Steve beleives everything is explainable through science.
Nope. Just caused.

hazard probably. In reality, his theories have more in common with
that with socialism.
Interesting point. You know not how close you are.

However, if you go back through Steve's post, you will
find one thing that is unfaultering - Steve does not like to be
he will twist things around until he is right - EVERYTIME.
Actually I intentionally changed all my beliefs to match the most
logically true belief, which is why I have no trouble defending

For someone like
Steve to be interested in socialism, is no big surprise. Socialism
result of egomaniacs in the first place.

I would be willing to bet you
EVERYTHING I own, that Steve does not beleive one word of what he is
here. Not a snowball chance in hell. However, he is certainly hoping
You just lost the whole fuckin' farm!!

Welcome to

