Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
You're a complete moron. Determinism isn't a conspiracy theory!
Go get an education someplace, dummy!
Oh boy, this moron is living in the 19th century. Never heard of quantum
mechanics, it seems.

Carlos Antunes
Carlos Antunes wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

You're a complete moron. Determinism isn't a conspiracy theory!
Go get an education someplace, dummy!

Oh boy, this moron is living in the 19th century. Never heard of quantum
mechanics, it seems.

Carlos Antunes
If you'd actually read anything about Determinism, you'd discover
that QM/Uncertainty has absolutely nothing to do with it. The fact
that reality is and always will be such that it has only one outcome
at any moment in one life at a time, which is the ONLY way reality
occurs, is what makes Determinism absolutely unquestionable. Every
single moment and event is the reuslt of cause and effect, no matter
what the rules are. If there is one and only one outcome, then it
is caused, absolutely, and you can't seriously maintain otherwise.

To obviate determinism you'd need alternate realities you could jump
between at will, or, for mind to have the capacity to believe you
were elsewhere than you are and seriously believe it as certainty,
which would instantly render you psychotic, catatonic and insane in
this reality.

We don't have Free Will because it would make existence impossible
and chaotic, with no continuity or cause and effect.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
bigmike wrote:

hazard probably. In reality, his theories have more in common with
that with socialism.
Interesting point. You know not how close you are.

However, if you go back through Steve's post, you will
find one thing that is unfaultering - Steve does not like to be
he will twist things around until he is right - EVERYTIME.
Actually I intentionally changed all my beliefs to match the most
logically true belief, which is why I have no trouble defending

For someone like
Steve to be interested in socialism, is no big surprise. Socialism
result of egomaniacs in the first place.

Are you serious? LOL - Read most of your own replies. You call people
terrible names. You have to be the most insulting person I have ever ran
into in this, or any other newsgroup.
And so? All that means is that you don't like me.

I would be willing to bet you
EVERYTHING I own, that Steve does not beleive one word of what he is
here. Not a snowball chance in hell. However, he is certainly hoping
You just lost the whole fuckin' farm!!

I don't think so Steve.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
If you'd actually read anything about Determinism, you'd discover
that QM/Uncertainty has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Bullshit! Determinism is simply an approximation to reality when macroscopic
systems are involved.

The fact that reality is and always will be such that it has only one
at any moment in one life at a time, which is the ONLY way reality
occurs, is what makes Determinism absolutely unquestionable.
Bullshit! The fact that there is only one outcome doesn't mean others
weren't possible.

Every single moment and event is the reuslt of cause and effect, no matter
what the rules are.
Bullshit! Cause and effect cannot even be extracted from Newtonian
mechanics. It needs to be added ad hoc.

We don't have Free Will because it would make existence impossible
and chaotic, with no continuity or cause and effect.
The simple fact that several different outcomes are possible, even if only
one is ultimately experienced, negates this conclusion of yours. Go read
something about quantum mechanics to get a clue.

Carlos Antunes
Jeff <> wrote in message
"John Woodgate" <jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote in message
I read in sci.engr.electrical.compliance that Jeff <frontline_electronic> wrote (in <ItJMa.33774$0v4.2455927@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldn>) about 'Lamp ratings', on Wed, 2 Jul 2003:

Hi John, I was wondering if the higher voltages there
had any strange effects that we might not see here?

Some designs of lamp incorporate a fuse in the internal wires so that if
an arc occurs between the ends of a broken filament, the resulting high
current and temperature do not persist and cause the lamp to explode. I
should think arcing is much rarer with 120 V supplies.

A fused lamp, I would not expect that to open under
other than catastrophic conditions.
No, 120VAC designs usually will not arc without some
outside contributing factor, but more than once
I have seen an arc develope between a 5V and a 12V supply, PC traces that
were adjacent to each other and under a connector edge, over time, with
and material aging (and the possiability of outgassing and mechanical
stress) the 12VDC would arc to the
regulated 5VDC supply to the Up IC and damage the IC.
(both sources are fed constantly)
After that I now assume anything can arc, somehow.

I had one low voltage lamp filament break and weld
itself to a short internally.(very small 3.2mm lamp)
Now one lamp in a group of many was causing the
supply to shut down and the supply feeds other
systems.... in short (no pun) who starts by looking for
a shorted lamp, not me.

I do know of this as an extremely rare event with low-voltage lamps.
'AC/DC' tube radios had the tube heaters in series and there was
sometimes a dial lamp in the chain. If the lamp failed, a high voltage
would develop across the break and would occasionally weld the whole
internal metalwork into a solid blob. So the dial light would go out but
the radio would still work. In this case, the 'arc lamp' was fed via the
resistance of the tube heaters and any additional resistance, so the
current was limited to a less than catastrophic value.

I have caused this myself with a portable 120VAC
lamp after dropping it and looking at the open filiment
I thought that maybe a light tap or violent shaking might
weld the two halves of it back together. (wrong)
This time both ends came off and both set themselves
at same points of contact, accross the smallest area
of the electrodes, blowing the breaker.
New lamp, and breaker.

Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
Interested in professional sound reinforcement and distribution? Then go
PLEASE do NOT copy news posts to me by E-MAIL!

Fusing is common in 120 volt general service lamps. As I recall from my
days working for a lamp manufacturer, fuses are put into all 120 volt
gas-filled lamps; but are not needed in low wattage vacuum lamps since there
is a low probability of an arc being established. The manufacturers put the
fuse into one of the filament support leads so that when/if an arc is
established as the filament fails, it won't burn very long before the fuse
melts due to heat either from the current being drawn or the arc itself.
Being a thermal fuse, it is sometimes slower than dimmer circuitry or even a
circuit breaker.

hazard probably. In reality, his theories have more in common with
that with socialism.
Interesting point. You know not how close you are.

However, if you go back through Steve's post, you will
find one thing that is unfaultering - Steve does not like to be
he will twist things around until he is right - EVERYTIME.
Actually I intentionally changed all my beliefs to match the most
logically true belief, which is why I have no trouble defending

For someone like
Steve to be interested in socialism, is no big surprise. Socialism
result of egomaniacs in the first place.
Are you serious? LOL - Read most of your own replies. You call people
terrible names. You have to be the most insulting person I have ever ran
into in this, or any other newsgroup.

I would be willing to bet you
EVERYTHING I own, that Steve does not beleive one word of what he is
here. Not a snowball chance in hell. However, he is certainly hoping
You just lost the whole fuckin' farm!!
I don't think so Steve.
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Carlos Antunes wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

You're a complete moron. Determinism isn't a conspiracy theory!
Go get an education someplace, dummy!

Oh boy, this moron is living in the 19th century. Never heard of quantum
mechanics, it seems.

Carlos Antunes
If you'd actually read anything about Determinism, you'd discover
that QM/Uncertainty has absolutely nothing to do with it. The fact
that reality is and always will be such that it has only one outcome
at any moment in one life at a time, which is the ONLY way reality
occurs, is what makes Determinism absolutely unquestionable. Every
single moment and event is the reuslt of cause and effect, no matter
what the rules are. If there is one and only one outcome, then it
is caused, absolutely, and you can't seriously maintain otherwise.

To obviate determinism you'd need alternate realities you could jump
between at will, or, for mind to have the capacity to believe you
were elsewhere than you are and seriously believe it as certainty,
which would instantly render you psychotic, catatonic and insane in
this reality.

We don't have Free Will because it would make existence impossible
and chaotic, with no continuity or cause and effect.
Hey, you just described my life - how about that! LOL (Bill Sloman) wrote in message news:<>...
GC <> wrote in message news:<>...
In article <>, says...

The British national health system is still recovering from fourteen
years of sabotage under Thatcher.

I don't think any sort of recovery has started yet, it's still heading
down the pan, just taking more money with it.

BTW, Thatch was only in power for 11 years, did she use Mr Orman's FTL
approach as well?

No. She resigned after 11 years, to be replaced by John Major, the
well-known glove-puppet, who continued her policies for the next three

While the British National Health service is expensive in relative
terms, it is relatively cheap as health service go - about half the
price per head of the American system, and somewhere between 10% and
20% cheaper than the French and German systems. The quality of
service, averaged over the whole population is better than the U.S.
and only marginally worse than the French and German systems.

My impression is that the U.K. Labour Party is actually getting it
into a better state, but that it is taking a long time. We left
England before Blair was elected, so I'm pretty much reliant on the
Guardian Weekly - but at least our friends aren't telling us the sort
of horror stories they tell us about the privatised railways.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
N. Thornton wrote:
"Kevin Aylward" <> wrote in message
Andrew VK3BFA wrote:

there is no clearly superior model (it would
have emerged by now if that was so)

It is interesting to see folks put so much energy into arguing that
something can't be done, instead of going and finding those who've
done it. Human nature is a curious thing. I think we are all limited
by our thinking traps. While we gradually recognise them and get free
of them, we never see and eliminate all of them by any means. And all
the discussoin in the world only occasionally changes that.

In a particular instance there is often a superior method. For
certain conditions, there are well tried methods. The issue is
determining what the cause of the problem is.

I would say the real issue was determining which approach works, and
which can be applied. The theories behind it aren't the real issue,
the results are.
This is meaningless. The idea behind finding out the true cause is to
determine what does work, i.e. to get the right results. It called
engineering. Without understanding the causes you are going to achieve
only almost the right results.

One has to accept that the brain can "malfunction" for at least two
independent reasons, either by physical processes e.g. lack of some
chemical *or* some sort of brainwashing.

To really understand the subject one also has to understand that there
is far more to it than this.
You seem to be trying a bit of one-upmanship here. It should be obvious
to anyone that I am merely giving two specific examples to illustrate
physical or environmental effects on the brain.

It don't make sense to try and
fix your allocation problem in software if the problem is a fried
memory chip, neither does it make sense to add to add 100 speed up
processors if the code is slow because of wait loops.

Thats right. Yet it is tried all the time by those who
a) dont know the causes
b) haven't gone and found out what works.
And just how do you propose one finds out the cause without doing
And just how do you propose one finds out what works without doing

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Thats pricey but I checked Farnell out of interest and their price was

"George R. Gonzalez" <> wrote in message
"John Erlend Finnekĺsa" <> wrote in message
I know. But you can't buy them directly from the manufacturer as an
"hobbyist". I need to buy through a so called local dealer.


Digi-Key has them, but kinda pricey at $23 each.
<> wrote in message (Bill Sloman) wrote in message
GC <> wrote in message
In article <>, says...

The British national health system is still recovering from fourteen
years of sabotage under Thatcher.

I don't think any sort of recovery has started yet, it's still heading
down the pan, just taking more money with it.

BTW, Thatch was only in power for 11 years, did she use Mr Orman's FTL
approach as well?

No. She resigned after 11 years, to be replaced by John Major, the
well-known glove-puppet, who continued her policies for the next three

While the British National Health service is expensive in relative
terms, it is relatively cheap as health service go - about half the
price per head of the American system, and somewhere between 10% and
20% cheaper than the French and German systems. The quality of
service, averaged over the whole population is better than the U.S.
and only marginally worse than the French and German systems.
Better than the US? Holy crap, what have you been reading?

My impression is that the U.K. Labour Party is actually getting it
into a better state, but that it is taking a long time. We left
England before Blair was elected, so I'm pretty much reliant on the
Guardian Weekly - but at least our friends aren't telling us the sort
of horror stories they tell us about the privatised railways.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

"bigmike" <> wrote in message news:<3f0bb1ef$0$11819$>...> wrote in message (Bill Sloman) wrote in message
GC <> wrote in message
In article <>, says...

The British national health system is still recovering from fourteen
years of sabotage under Thatcher.

I don't think any sort of recovery has started yet, it's still heading
down the pan, just taking more money with it.

BTW, Thatch was only in power for 11 years, did she use Mr Orman's FTL
approach as well?

No. She resigned after 11 years, to be replaced by John Major, the
well-known glove-puppet, who continued her policies for the next three

While the British National Health service is expensive in relative
terms, it is relatively cheap as health service go - about half the
price per head of the American system, and somewhere between 10% and
20% cheaper than the French and German systems. The quality of
service, averaged over the whole population is better than the U.S.
and only marginally worse than the French and German systems.

Better than the US? Holy crap, what have you been reading?
Will Hutton's "The World We're In" ISBN 0-316-86081-6. Get it from This is by no means the only place where these sorts
of statistical comparisons can be found, but the book as a whole tells
a fairly coherent story.

The critical phrase in the paragraph above is "averaged over the whole
population". The U.S. health system provides first class care for
everybody with money, but it doesn't work at all well for the poor
(and in the U.S.A. a surprisingly large proportion of the population
turn out to be poor in this sense) and the problems of the poor drag
down the performance when averaged over the whole population.

What have you been reading - or not reading - that leaves you unaware
of this reasonably well-known fact? Please cite your references in any
response = I'm getting heartily sick of the unsupported claims made by
Actual Geek and Precious Pup.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
Without wishing to sound stupid, how about
a replacement kettle element??


Bushy wrote:
I know, all these modern kettles are hopeless. Every time I get another one
and put it on the stove, it melts!

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
I think my degrees in physics mean that I did, dipstick
You are a moronic fuck. You have no clue about economics and now you show
you have no understanding of physics. What a pathetic fuck you are!

Carlos Antunes
R. Steve Walz wrote:
Carlos Antunes wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

Go read
something about quantum mechanics to get a clue.

Carlos Antunes
I think my degrees in physics mean that I did, dipstick!
Obviously not.

You have failed to understand the very basics of QM. Quantum Mechanics
*specifically* *refutes* cause and effect. Its at its very core. Its why
Feynmann says "no one understands it". Its simply not explainable by any
normal rational means. *only* averages follow cause and effect in a
vague sort of way. Individual effects are not directly related to a
cause. Its a proven experimental fact.

t any moment in one life at a time, which is the ONLY way reality
occurs, is what makes Determinism absolutely unquestionable.
This is refuted in every QM experiment to date.

single moment and event is the reuslt of cause and effect,
Not according to Qm.

no matter
what the rules are. If there is one and only one outcome, then it
is caused, absolutely, and you can't seriously maintain otherwise.
This is false, and contradicts known QM.

QM can deal with the assumption that there are hidden variables of a
type that, although unknown, in principle, would rule out randomness.
You can still make testable predictions of experiments, even if you
don't know what the form of the determinism actually is. These
experiment indicate that that randomness is inherent.

I find it striking that you claim to have a degree in Physics, yet do
not understand the basics of, its fundamental theories. You keep
clinging to this school boy view of the world. Sure, it really goes
against the grain, and seems absolutely nonsensical that individual
effects don't have a direct cause, but that's what the experiments say.
However, be sure to let us know when you have finalised your own
alternative theory to QM that contradicts this view and reintroduces

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Richard Crowley <> wrote in message
"Jeff" wrote ...
Without wishing to sound stupid, how about
a replacement kettle element??

The original poster is either trolling us or is blissfully unaware
of how profoundly inadequate the wording of his question is.

I think someone is pulling our legs :) but I'm reminded of
those cheapie 'immersion heaters' for heating just one cup of
water. Cost a dollar or two some years ago.

My secretary could not be trusted with one. She'd heat her
water, remove the heater and put it down without unplugging
it. Burn scars on desk, floor, whatever....

Saved us all from a fiery death by buying her a tea kettle.

You could institute a simple rule to end that- when removed, it must be
placed in the pocket.


Chip Shults
My robotics, space and CGI web page -
Bill Sloman wrote:
What have you been reading - or not reading - that leaves you unaware
Please cite your references in any response = I'm getting heartily
sick of the unsupported claims made by Actual Geek and Precious Pup.

My main claim is that you are a retard-cum-crackpot. I think you've supported my claim quite well.

On Wed, 09 Jul 2003 17:13:28 -0400, DigitalVinyl <> wrote:

I have a high end Sony XBR HDTV. An electrician's employee fried it
when working on replaceing the panels. We think they sent 220v through
two different circuits. A fan, vcr, dvd, two light bulbs, and a surge
suppressor protecting computer equipment were all fried.

The TV was the big ticket item ($2,000+ to replace), it was only 11
months old and has worked flawlessly.

The repair guy assured me once the "broken" boards are replaced it
will be fine. I have no faith that when the TV repair guy is done that
I will have a "good as new" tv.
Well, it's not a new set, it's a year old. I say get it repaired, then move on.
Or give the set to me. I'll test run it for the next ten years and let you know
how it worked out. <G>

Alan Harriman
"Sir Charles W. Shults III" <> wrote in message news:<7M%Oa.76372$>...
You could institute a simple rule to end that- when removed, it must be
placed in the pocket.


Chip Shults
My robotics, space and CGI web page -
I've heard that you can dry panty hose in the microwave, but you can't
put them on right away because they continue to cook in the center...

Welcome to

