Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Guillaume wrote:
Sure it's been tried. It fails every time for exactly the same
reasons. It's not a stable system.

It fails every time, because it deprives people of their
very essence as human beings: their free will.
You're blathering because you don't have any of the "free will"
argument straight in your mind. How could a system rob people
of their will?? That's nonsense, it CAN'T! And as for "free will",
nobody has such a thing, they only have the will they are caused
to have by cause and effect and life experience.

Since it
negates our very core as human beings, it cannot be
You're a very poor thinker, you speak in superficial slogans,
pure bumper-sticker crap. You wouldn't know our "core" if you
tripped over it.

I don't mean to possess any universal truth, but I do
think the problem is as simple and as basic as I just
stated above, and a thousand more posts on the topic
will not get us any further.
Because you'd still be too stupid to even understand the argument.
You need to do a great deal of reading about this before talking.
All you have to do is Google: Free Will Determinism and read everything
you can find for a while. But you're probably too stupid to follow
though, or you'll stop on a simpleton's argument that you like, rather
than reading anything difficult to grasp!
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
John Larkin wrote:
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 14:42:16 -0400, Keith R. Williams> wrote:

Precisely. It fails because force must be used to "stabilize"
the system. Force isn't compatible with a democracy, thus the
system degenerates into a totalitarian police state.

As I understand RSWs plans, it *starts out* that way.

It won't ever start UNTIL a majority wants it, and then it can't
EVEN BE stopped.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Chris Carlen wrote:
R. Steve Walz wrote:
It doesn't have to be, show me JUST ONE demonstrated instance of
something violating physical cause and effect, NO matter HOW complex.

I don't really understand your question so can you give me some examples
from your point of view.

Don't be ridiculous. Use your mind.

The one who's responses are all predetermined, no doubt.
Yes, and if you respond to my beseechment to do so, one which I
was always inevitably going to give, then you will do so, and if
not, then you won't, of course! But our efforts can only change
each other, and not ourselves, because we ARE ourselves. The
knowledge that it CAN work is a cause that can produce effect
in our deeds.

Why are Rightists always such shit-fucking disingenuous liars
about logic and argument?

It's like you have no honor of any kind because you have
no rudder for Truth.

I have enough of a rudder to know that nothing that comes out of your
mouth is truth.
You have nuthin' but wish-fulfillment.

Guess what? That's riiiiight! What did you think a brain is anyway?

And who or what is in control of all of this? The tooth fairy?

Show me ANYTHING that does NOT obey cause and effect.

Here's one that will never, ever, so long as you live be understandable
with your mighty logic, Steve. That is, the reason the mind can be
Of course the Mind can be changed, but simply not by YOUR mind if by
YOUR own INTENT!! Intent is relativistic, and the only place to stand
and control your mind is in the efforts of another to do so, or the
accidental ways he or she does so!

and isn't predetermined, is precisely because it perfectly
obeys cause and effect.
Nonsense, that MEANS the Mind is a result of cause and effect, and
all of those are entirely beyond any control you imagine you have
over your ideas. That's because your ideas are effects of causes.

You see Steve there is a little prerequisite for becoming aware of
truths of the mind, and of the nature of life and existence, that you
demonstrate unerringly to have none of.
You have clearly not learned that merely saying so doesn't make it so.

And that is humility. You are
absolutely convinced of your rightness, and that is the reason why you
know nothing.
Christopher R. Carlen
Feeling one is right can have nothing to do with rightness, at all.
You have clearly not learned that merely saying so doesn't make it so.
Rinse and repeat, (above).
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Precious Pup wrote: says...

Based on the cross-section of the population we get posting here,
Steve's utopia is a long way off.

This is the first remotely intelligent and insightful thing Sloman has written here.
Kind of like the blind pig and the acorn?

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
In article <>, says...
Keith R. Williams <> wrote in message news:<>...
In article <>, says...
Keith R. Williams <> wrote in message news:<>...
In article <>, Jim- says...
On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 16:48:54 +0200, Roger Johansson <

Scott Higdon <> wrote:

Socialism: From each according to his ability, to each according to hs

This is a nonsense phrase. Needs and abilities have
nothing to do with each other. In fact, they're almost
inversely proportional.

A newborn baby has almost no abilities. But they have
many needs. The older they get, the more they're able
to do, the less they need someone else to do things
for them.

The only sensible interpretation of "From each..."
is that those with abilities will be forced to provide
for those with needs.


The first attempts to create a better system, the first socialist
ideas, were about replacing the capitalist power with worker power,
but they didn't think much about changing the repressive and
controlling system, they just took it over.

This created state capitalism.

The conflict between bolsjevik communists and liberal communists,
anarkists and utopian writers was about this.

The liberal and utopian side wanted to change the whole system,
liberate the individual, not just take over the existing power
structure and put a worker at the top of it.

You are one sick puppy; without a clue about human nature.

Fortunately your "utopia" will never be.

Oh, but his "utopia" has been and continues to be! Think Nazi
Germany, USSR, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and countless other
examples of the marvels of communism.

If you knew anything about the subject, you wouldn't confuse the Nazi
German "National Socialism" with Russian, Chinese, or Cuban Communism,

If you knew anything about human evolution you'd be silly to
state anything this asinine.

So you aren't just a right-wing nit-wit,
Nice way to make conversation there Sloman! Apparently anyone
who disagrees with you is a nit-wit. Ok, I already knew your

but right-wing nitwit who
believes in socio-biology.
I see you can't do anything other than ridicule others, but I'll
go on...

No, I believe in *RIGHT*. Society works best when people are
free to pursue their own lives in free from others whims.
Apparently you don't like freedom and wish to be a slave. So be
it, and I'm glad I don't live in your neck-o'-the-woods. Please
don't think of coming to mine!

tell us what aspect of human evolution
makes it appropriate to class Steve's "utopia", nazi Germany,
communist Russia, communist China, communist Cuba and the Pol Pot
regime as examples of the same thing. It has been a rather depressing
week, and I could use a laugh.
Survival! ...and that includes the family unit. Certainly
you've heard about competition for mates, food, land...
Certainly you're not stupid enough to reject competition as a
primal instinct? Capitalism prospers because it channels that
instinct to productive uses, rather than suppressing it into

There is no way in steevie's world that I'd put anywhere near the
mental energy into what I do. Why bother? I can't get something
better for myself or family.

nor would you confuse Russian, Chinese and Cuban communism - all of
which saw educated intellectuals as part of the work force - with
Cambodian communism, which murdered most of its educated population.

This is *exactly* what you and Walz want! ...though perhaps by
different means. Walz wants to outright *KILL* the producers,
and you simply want to strangle them. I see no difference.

You don't seem to be able to see very much, do you.
You think you're good at insults? Please! ...though it is all
you seem to be able to do.

RSW doesn't want to kill the producers, but the capitalists
What you siwwy wabbits don't understand is that that
*CAPITALISTS* ARE the producers. Without them there are no
burger-flippers, much less anything else.

exploit them, while producing nothing in the process.
Hogwash! People decide to be employed, or not. You and steevie
seem to believe that employed == productive.

to this point of view, up to a point, but I see capitalists like Bill
Gates as potentially useful resources if handled correctly
"Correctly", as in *YOU* decide what W.GAtes is allowed to do?
YOu are worse than Stalin. Even Stalin realized the benefits of
a good manager.

- which is
to say, restrained from the anti-competitive exploitation of
near-monopoly market share and similar anti-social tricks.
WillyG isn't my favorite person in any way. However, he does
provide something more in his life than a ditch.

You may see this as "strangulation", but you don't seem to have a
particularly firm grip on reality, do you.
You really do like to insult rather than communicate, don't you.
Most of the left has similar opinions of those who disagree.
You're simply an educated snob, like all good liberals.

....there, back at you!

Neither of us shows any sign of wanting to kill off the educated urban
21% of the population that Pol Pot cleaned out, a group that would
certainly include both of us, and might even include you.
You haven't read steevie's posts much have you. Yes, indeed I
believe you'd do the same. Note that he *DOES* propose the
elimination of all who disagree with him, even though it's hidden
behind a "majority" vote. You would do the same. The difference
I see is that he has a vote. Fortunately, you don't.
None of them have much to do with Steve's Utopia, which depends on
educating the population as a whole to the level where - inter alia -
they can recognise the sort of right wing propaganda which you froth
out, and understand why it is nonsense.

You're as silly as sleeve. THe fact is that Steve's "utopia"
(and yours) is not stable. The dictator will invariably rise out
of any communistic system. You're well on your way.

Your ideas about historical inevitablity are as silly as those of
Please learn something of history. You're so far down the
slippery-slope you'll be at each other's necks withing twenty
years. So be it.

The same communist system that threw up Stalin eventually produced
Gorbachov, who certainly wasn't a dictator,
....only because he lost it. He certainly *was* a Soviet and
wanted to keep the state in tact. He was outsmarted by that
dumb-actor Reagan. Never under-estimate your enemy. ...and
where is the Soviet Union today?

and effectively dismantled
the system.
You're a fool if you think Gorbachov voluntarily dismantled the
Soviet Union. His government was dismantled underneath him. He
had no choice, but to take a "vacation" to his dacha. Good
grief, I didn't know your news was that bad in Europe, though it
speaks a lot for recent events.

The current Chinese communist party is an oligarchy with
with a faction-supported leader, not a dictatorship. Your grasp of
reality is really very weak.
It is certainly an oligarchy, but it is turning to *CAPITALISM*
to turn the economy from starvation to one of plenty. ...go

Based on the cross-section of the population we get posting here,
Steve's utopia is a long way off.

One would *HOPE*. The problem is that as much as he talks about
a "democracy" he has no interest in the concept. *HE* has all
knowledge, thus he is the "majority".

You misread him.
Hogwash. I read his *THREATS OF FORCE* plainly enough. If you
don't agree with *his* majority, you get killed.

He believes he knows what the "majority" will think
when they are as well educated as he is, and he is merely predicting
the way they will behave when they achieve this happy state. If you
are a representative example of the prospective majority, utopia is a
very long way off.
Utopia is certainly a long way off! It cannot exist where people
exist. The problem is that steevie (and you) would rather people
not exist so that a "utopia" may. No, I'd rather form economics
and government around humans than force humans into slavery.

Yes, *slavery* is what Walz and Sloman want for all humanity.

No, if I were worried
about Walz, I'd sleep like a baby. I fear your kind far more.

As you should. Prolonged exposure to rational argument may develop
your brain to the point where it is capable of processing data, rather
than reproducing right-wing propaganda (badly).
Hogwash. Nuts like Walz are easily discounted. Nuts like you
are called mainstream Democrats. That's the only reason I fear
your ilk (and the one you rode in on). You have the ear of the
"mainstream press". ...and apparently the governments of Europe.

If this every happens
- we can hope - you are going to be severely embarassed by the asinine
crap you posted while still brainwashed. It is a prospect to look
forward to, though perhaps not in my lifetime.
Tell us, what do you really think of right-minded people. You
know, I have a vote in the US. You don't (&diety. save us!).

Keith R. Williams wrote:
In article <>, says...
Roger Johansson wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote:

What a stupid question. Lemme gues, NOT only are you a bipolar manic
depressive who thinks that he cured himself through grunting hard

A very intelligent sentence.

The male mind is made up like that.

Nowadays even women and youngsters have become such shockwave riders,
using will power to overcome the problems and pains of living in a
violent culture.

No, you missed it, there is no such thing as "Free Whim".

Perhaps, according to your religious belief.'s certainly
not a belief held by the majority. If there is no free-will then
you become pointless.
Nonsense. You have never been able to change your mind, except when
you were caused to, and even then you couldn't change it back either!

Trying to abolish the patriarchal society by making everybody into men
is like trying to abolish wars by bombing the whole world back to the
stone age.

Roger J.
That wasn't the point. Even though that is how it happens in western

Actually, you want to make everyone your "children". Such a
"kind and gentile" *Dictator*. No thanks Steeve!
You're a nut!
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Jim wrote...
Macrovision *does* comply with NTSC specs. Unfortunately some older
TV's may have AGC systems which can't cope with the MV "over-white".
I haven't seen a set in years which reacted adversely to MV.
My 27" Panasonic often fails on MV tapes. It's a full-feature set
that's not that old. :>)

- Win
bigmike wrote:
"Precious Pup" <> wrote in message

Frank Bemelman wrote:

I'm not sure if we gained that much, when we decided to start to walking
on two legs... at least in those days we ate bananas all the time and
a good chance on copulating 3 times a day.

I eat steak and have legions of female fans. Things are definitely

Legions of female fans? Are you sure you work in the electronic field? :)
Must be a vibrator repairman. :)
Going over 100% white complies with NTSC specs?

"Winfield Hill" <> wrote in message
Jim wrote...

Macrovision *does* comply with NTSC specs. Unfortunately some older
TV's may have AGC systems which can't cope with the MV "over-white".
I haven't seen a set in years which reacted adversely to MV.

My 27" Panasonic often fails on MV tapes. It's a full-feature set
that's not that old. :>)

- Win
"Michael A. Terrell" wrote:
Precious Pup wrote: says...

Based on the cross-section of the population we get posting here,
Steve's utopia is a long way off.

This is the first remotely intelligent and insightful thing Sloman has written here.

Kind of like the blind pig and the acorn?
Unfortunately, you are likely correct, and Sloman desparately seems to want to prove the point.
Precious Pup <> wrote in message news:<>... says...

Based on the cross-section of the population we get posting here,
Steve's utopia is a long way off.

This is the first remotely intelligent and insightful thing Sloman has written here.
If only I could get that sort of response from somebody whose opinion
one could respect.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
In article <be2akm$>,
Ray L. Volts <> wrote:
"DON" <> wrote in message
Hey Guy's ...I just wanted to know of an easy device or circuit I could
build myself..not to cause a heated discussion.. Thanks

I built one many years ago from an R-E article. I'll tell you which issue
number when I find it. I dunno if it'll work on PAL systems, but it's a
good source of info on Macrovision anyway.
But there's some newer versions of Macrovision that dork around with
the color/colour burst reference. Elektor had an article on it
two or three years ago, and it looked nasty.

Mark Zenier Washington State resident
"Ray L. Volts" <> wrote in message news:<be2akm$>...
"DON" <> wrote in message
Hey Guy's ...I just wanted to know of an easy device or circuit I could
build myself..not to cause a heated discussion.. Thanks

I built one many years ago from an R-E article. I'll tell you which issue
number when I find it. I dunno if it'll work on PAL systems, but it's a
good source of info on Macrovision anyway.
If they patented every possible circuit, did that include using a PIC
to decode the signal ?


"Andre" wrote ...
If they patented every possible circuit, did that include using a PIC
to decode the signal ?
How do you use a PIC to "decode" an analog video signal?
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003 07:35:06 +1000, "DON" <> put finger
to keyboard and composed:

Hey Guy's ...I just wanted to know of an easy device or circuit I could
build myself..not to cause a heated discussion.. Thanks
Hey, why single me out. :-(

If you want to build a macrovision killer kit, er I mean video
stabiliser, then consider a kit based on the LM1881 sync stripper IC
which was published by Silicon Chip magazine not too long ago. I
believe Jaycar sells it.

"Franc Zabkar" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 28 Jun 2003 15:17:27 +1000, "DON" <> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

Has anyone purchased the Video Stabiliser Kit from Oatley Electronics. I
have found its performance to be very poor. The brightness fades in and
when connected between two VCR's.

If anyone knows of any modifications to it to make it perform better or
knows of a totally better circuit and would email it to me I would be


WES Components, Ashfield, have a video stabilizer, code CP2, for $45
to the trade. Retail price is around $90, from others. I have seen it
working VCR-to-VCR.

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
"Richard Crowley" wrote ...
How do you use a PIC to "decode" an analog video signal?

"Chris Mann" wrote...
Most PICs have ADCs built in. Sounds interesting.
Maybe if the ran 20-50x faster they could be used for video.
What's the fastest PIC ADC?
High quality video needs ~ 10-15MHz sampling rate (Andre) wrote in message news:<>...
If they patented every possible circuit, did that include using a PIC
to decode the signal ?
I notice that my posting listing all the patent numbers is no longer
on Google's archive. The conspiracy theorist in me says this isn't

Anyway, one or more of them described methods that involved digitizing
the video signal. So, bad luck (even if a PIC could sample a usable
video sigal...).
Chris Mann wrote:
"Richard Crowley" <> wrote in message
"Richard Crowley" wrote ...
How do you use a PIC to "decode" an analog video signal?

"Chris Mann" wrote...
Most PICs have ADCs built in. Sounds interesting.

Maybe if the ran 20-50x faster they could be used for video.
What's the fastest PIC ADC?
High quality video needs ~ 10-15MHz sampling rate

We're talking about stabilizing a video signal which deals mainly with the
sync and possible AGC levels. There's no reason to mess with the video info
so that kind of speed isn't needed. A PIC should be able to easily handle
the sync and detect black level, too, without speed being an issue.
You don't even NEED a damned PIC.
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Chris Mann wrote:

"Richard Crowley" <> wrote in message
"Richard Crowley" wrote ...
How do you use a PIC to "decode" an analog video signal?

"Chris Mann" wrote...
Most PICs have ADCs built in. Sounds interesting.

Maybe if the ran 20-50x faster they could be used for video.
What's the fastest PIC ADC?
High quality video needs ~ 10-15MHz sampling rate

We're talking about stabilizing a video signal which deals mainly with
sync and possible AGC levels. There's no reason to mess with the video
so that kind of speed isn't needed. A PIC should be able to easily
the sync and detect black level, too, without speed being an issue.
You don't even NEED a damned PIC.
-Steve Walz
Once again, a really USEFUL post by Steve. Why not use your great intellect
to be more helpful to people, Steve?

Leonard Caillouet electric kettle element??

"JohanWagener" <> wrote in message
What can be used as an element in a simple homemade kettle running off

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