"Carlos Antunes" <spamtrap@localhost.> wrote in message
Okay, just joking of
course. The one thing that makes these people's heads explode, is the very
idea that a person could be on both sides of the fence at once, or right in
the middle, or no where around it. They see the world from one point of
view, and just assume that everybody else does the same.
Don't hold back Carlos, say what you really think!"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote in message
Little Rightists like you merely fantasize that you're somehow
Ok, you fucking retard, tell me if someone who defends the following is a
right winger:
- Liberalization of prostitution
- Liberalization of drug consumption and trade
- Open immigration
- Repeal of all Laws dealing with consensual sex between adults
- Total separation of Church and State
You so fucking retrograde that you aren't even able to imagine that
could be a strong supporter of both economic and personal freedoms. What a
stupid (re)tard!
Carlos Antunes
course. The one thing that makes these people's heads explode, is the very
idea that a person could be on both sides of the fence at once, or right in
the middle, or no where around it. They see the world from one point of
view, and just assume that everybody else does the same.