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"Andrew VK3BFA" <> wrote in message
OK, I stand corrected, its a convention that extreme views such as
yours are lumped into the category "Psychotic Right"
Ok definitely dumber. Congratulations!

Carlos Antunes
MiniSteve wrote:
Good grief. If you could read - and process what you read ...
Retard, I don't pay all that much attention to what retards write.

... but I don't think I'll adopt him as my leader,
despite your recommendation.
Retard, you're living in a dream.
Carlos Antunes wrote:
"Andrew VK3BFA" <> wrote in message

So we have the nutty left battling it out with the psychotic right -
my, we have made a lot of progress in 2,000 years havent we.....

Andy, if you think I somewhat "represent" the right then you are dumber than
I initially thought.

Carlos Antunes
If you don't KNOW that you do, then you're dumber BY FAR!!
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
bigmike wrote:
"John Kimball" <> wrote in message
On 24 Jun 2003 14:28:38 -0700 (Bill Sloman) wrote in
Message id: <>:

John Kimball <> wrote in message
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 02:22:09 GMT "R. Steve Walz" <
wrote in Message id: <>:

We understand just fine, in fact AS a MAJORITY we VOLUNTARAILY GANG-UP
supposedly "voluntary", but actually COERCED THEFTS from the rest of
MAJORITY!! WE understand Voluntary Interaction JUST FINE! THANKS!!

YOU SEE: *YOU* ignore the fact that the MAJORITY not ONLY outnumber
others, BUT that the Majority are ALSO the ONLY ELIGIBLE AUTHORITY
TO DECLARE AND ESTABLISH *WHICH* rights that each may claim, AND
DECIDE NOT TO PERMIT some supposedly "voluntary" forms of CHEATING
PEOPLE!! Just like current laws against FRAUD!!

YOU SEE: Individuals have NO right to decide or impose WHAT "RIGHTS"
And soon we're going to decide that you DON'T have the right to
cheat ANYONE, EVER, IN ANY WAY!! And your little Capitalist bully
game of "stealer's keepers, loser's weepers" will be OVER!!!

Nice rant, you kook. Out of mild curiosity, why is it that every time
delve into your "store of knowledge", all you find is a handful of ass

Seems inappropriate to respond to such a nice rant with such a trivial
little insult, but trivial little minds can do no better.

If your "storehouse of knowledge" was something more than a short and
decaying list of primary school insults, you might have asked Steve
how his mythical majority was going to get together to make and
enforce these exciting decisions, but that would require thought - a
process foreign to the right-wing nerve nexus - while name-calling
merely requires the activation of a routine originally set up in
primary school, and still more or less functional after decades of
heavy use, while the higher intellectual functions have long since
atrophied from lack of use.

So, are you fuckheads two joined at the groin, or does it just appear that

What gets me is how they are taking an extremely simple minded subject, and
trying to turn it into a complex, but meaningless one. They can't see the
forest for the trees, so to speak.
You're a simpleton, you don't even know your way our of the forest!
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Bill Sloman wrote:
Precious Pup <> wrote

Okay Bill. Have it your way. Follow Steve.

Good grief. If you could read - and process what you read - you'd know
while I like Steve, and sympathise with a lot of what he writes, I
regard his policies as poorly thought out to the point of being wholly
You never seem to find time to say convincingly quite WHY, however.

He's not exactly unique in this - Dubbya would be
another example - but I don't think I'll adopt him as my leader,
despite your recommendation.
Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
Trying to insult me that way is irrelevant from someone who can't
tell me why he imagines my recommendations are "impractiable"
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
If you don't KNOW that you do, then you're dumber BY FAR!!
Well, by thinking that way it just shows how limited you are. Not that I am
surprised, though.

Carlos Antunes
Carlos Antunes wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

If you don't KNOW that you do, then you're dumber BY FAR!!

Well, by thinking that way it just shows how limited you are. Not that I am
surprised, though.

Carlos Antunes
Little Rightists like you merely fantasize that you're somehow
"different". You're bright enough to have absorbed that everyone
knows Rightism is stupid and backward, so you have a NEED to deny
that's what you are, BUT THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE! You say the SAME
-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Bill Sloman wrote:

Precious Pup <> wrote

Okay Bill. Have it your way. Follow Steve.

Good grief. If you could read - and process what you read - you'd know
while I like Steve, and sympathise with a lot of what he writes, I
regard his policies as poorly thought out to the point of being wholly
You never seem to find time to say convincingly quite WHY, however.

He's not exactly unique in this - Dubbya would be
another example - but I don't think I'll adopt him as my leader,
despite your recommendation.
Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
Trying to insult me that way is irrelevant from someone who can't
tell me why he imagines my recommendations are "impractiable"
Has anybody else caught on to just what Steve is actually doing here with
this thread he started, or am I the only one? Here's a clue, go back and
look through some of the past replies he has left to peoples post, and see
if you don't notice a common theme with all, and I do mean ALL of them.
Here's another clue - you'e been had folks LOL
In article <>,
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote:

ActualGeek wrote:

In article <>,
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote:

idlemuse wrote:

How does the means of production come about again? In your
description, please don't forget to explain why the producers
capital bother producing it.
Labor originally produces everything.
Since the rich didn't produce, they shouldn't get any.

You didn't address the issue. Why does labor produce an item of
capital? Is it so they can use it or so they can sell it? Who
Capital is imaginary because it is the spending of as yet unworked
available labor which is extra over that needed for common
at the current level.

This is nonsense. The economic value of a tool that amplifies
productivity 1000 times is imaginary?
That's an entirely stupid and unsupported assertion, similar to
the assertion that George Bush has thousand pound testicles.
Capital is not any type of "tool".

No, but factories and tools are, you idiot.
Yes, and they TOO are made by LABOR, and NOT by Capital!
The labor in a Communist society is assigned by the People who
agree to feed and clothe the workers building a new endeavor
that will not yet produce a public good, and in return they
later obtain that public good. The labor that is assigned is
labor the People can afford to delegate to that, and not to
either other needs for sufficiency or luxury at the present.
It is extra labor resource.

In a Capitalist system we let the rich own what is called Capital
by which they are permitted shares to control ALL labor assignment
merely on their whim of what they wish to try to do to expand their
wealth by profit stealing from those endeavors. This robs the People
of the right to Democratically decide how to assign any of their extra
available labor or what they want to do with it. In addition it robs
the People of even the choice as to what products they want produced
to meet sufficiency needs, since that is all controlled by the greedy
whims of the rich to get richer who hold these power tokens that
permit them to decide in place of the Majority. This is why we get
crap products and wasteful obliteration of our commonly held natural

Vote Communist!!

Quite wrong, and ignorant as well. It doesn't have to be this way--
you're setting yourself up for a life of pain and misery.
John Kimball <> wrote in message news:<>...
On 24 Jun 2003 14:28:38 -0700 (Bill Sloman) wrote in
Message id: <>:

If your "storehouse of knowledge" was something more than a short and
decaying list of primary school insults, you might have asked Steve
how his mythical majority was going to get together to make and
enforce these exciting decisions, but that would require thought - a
process foreign to the right-wing nerve nexus - while name-calling
merely requires the activation of a routine originally set up in
primary school, and still more or less functional after decades of
heavy use, while the higher intellectual functions have long since
atrophied from lack of use.

So, are you fuckheads two joined at the groin, or does it just appear that
If you could process a sentence of any complexity, you would have
realised that what I was saying was that Steve's political plan is
probably impractical, and making fun of you because you hadn't tackled
him on that basis.

So you are the fuckhead, and neither Steve nor I see one another as
political allies - though I do admire his facility with abuse.

You - of course - are such a pathetic figure that you don't even rate
serious abuse. The Saddam Hussein of the "intellectual" right, with a
load of secret intellectual weapons that no-one can ever find.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
"bigmike" <> wrote in message news:<3ef9de91$0$11868$>...
"John Kimball" <> wrote in message
On 24 Jun 2003 14:28:38 -0700 (Bill Sloman) wrote in
Message id: <>:

John Kimball <> wrote in message
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 02:22:09 GMT "R. Steve Walz" <
wrote in Message id: <>:
<snipped the rant, nice though it is>

Seems inappropriate to respond to such a nice rant with such a trivial
little insult, but trivial little minds can do no better.

If your "storehouse of knowledge" was something more than a short and
decaying list of primary school insults, you might have asked Steve
how his mythical majority was going to get together to make and
enforce these exciting decisions, but that would require thought - a
process foreign to the right-wing nerve nexus - while name-calling
merely requires the activation of a routine originally set up in
primary school, and still more or less functional after decades of
heavy use, while the higher intellectual functions have long since
atrophied from lack of use.

So, are you fuckheads two joined at the groin, or does it just appear that

What gets me is how they are taking an extremely simple minded subject, and
trying to turn it into a complex, but meaningless one. They can't see the
forest for the trees, so to speak.
So you have the same sort of difficulties in pharsing complex
sentences as does John Kimball.

You can't see either the forest or the trees - just this "extremely
simple minded" green blur.

People have worked out how to make corrective spectacles for the eyes,
but similar prostheses for the brain seem to be some way off - your
best bet would be to join some sort of organisation for the
intellectually challenged, like the Republican Party, where you
disability will pass unnoticed.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
"Bill Sloman" <> wrote in message
"bigmike" <> wrote in message
"John Kimball" <> wrote in message
On 24 Jun 2003 14:28:38 -0700 (Bill Sloman) wrote
Message id: <>:

John Kimball <> wrote in message
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 02:22:09 GMT "R. Steve Walz"
wrote in Message id: <>:

snipped the rant, nice though it is

Seems inappropriate to respond to such a nice rant with such a
little insult, but trivial little minds can do no better.

If your "storehouse of knowledge" was something more than a short and
decaying list of primary school insults, you might have asked Steve
how his mythical majority was going to get together to make and
enforce these exciting decisions, but that would require thought - a
process foreign to the right-wing nerve nexus - while name-calling
merely requires the activation of a routine originally set up in
primary school, and still more or less functional after decades of
heavy use, while the higher intellectual functions have long since
atrophied from lack of use.

So, are you fuckheads two joined at the groin, or does it just appear

What gets me is how they are taking an extremely simple minded subject,
trying to turn it into a complex, but meaningless one. They can't see
forest for the trees, so to speak.

So you have the same sort of difficulties in pharsing complex
sentences as does John Kimball.

You can't see either the forest or the trees - just this "extremely
simple minded" green blur.

People have worked out how to make corrective spectacles for the eyes,
but similar prostheses for the brain seem to be some way off - your
best bet would be to join some sort of organisation for the
intellectually challenged, like the Republican Party, where you
disability will pass unnoticed.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Was that by any chance suppose to be clever? Keep this in mind my friend: A
persons worth is weighed by his actions, not by his words. Good thing, since
your word "pharsing" is a new one on me :)

Want to know something else? The common people, the ones that actually make
society work, could give a rat's ass about the bull being shoveled in this
thread, and for good reason. They are doing something productive, and it
applies to the REAL world. It impacts other peoples lives in ways that
matter, that has a real effect. All the hot air being produced in this
rediculous thread, has no effect other than to inflate a few already over
inflated egos. I am sure your idea of helping mankind, is the brilliant
thoughts your brain produces, or at least you feel they are brilliant.
Without a doubt, Steve is exactly the same way. But if you would pull your
nose down out of the air for a second, you might realize why common people
do not agree with the views expressed here. Is it because they are ignorant
compared to yourself? Nope, that's not it. The truth is, most people do not
feel they have all the answers, because, and this important, they have
enough wisdom to know better. They do not try to tell the rest of the world
how to live, because they know they don't have the answers themselves. Those
that think they do, lack enough wisdom or common sense to know any better.
These are people that spend their lives talking, and not listening. These
are people that pay more attention to how somebody says something, then to
what they are actually saying. And that makes these people fools. I'm sure
your ego just made everything I said fly right over your head, but someday,
sooner or later, you will understand - when the day comes you finally know,
that you don't know....
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, Keith R. Williams wrote:
|In article <>, says...
|> Carlos Antunes wrote:
|> >
|> > "Roger Johansson" <> wrote in message
|> >
|> > >
|> > > Capitalism is about power, and democracy is also about power.
|> > > Capitalism is an older, more primitive system.
|> >
|> > Ok, another one without a clue. No, capitalism is NOT about power.
|> > Capitalism is about individual human rights.
|> -----------------
|> But only ONE person's, and NOT ANOTHER'S, NOT EVERYBODY'S!!
|> You see, THAT'S the REAL PROBLEM!
|No, that's the *beauty* of capitalism. It forces people to
|interact *VOLUNTARILY*. ...a concept you commies will never

Voluntary interaction isn't always as voluntary as you think it is.
In a Capitalist system we let the rich own what is called Capital
by which they are permitted shares to control ALL labor assignment
merely on their whim of what they wish to try to do to expand their
wealth by profit stealing from those endeavors. This robs the People
Totally wrong. It's a very common misconception. It has nothing to do
with Capitalism.

The thing you described just happens everytime people give up the
power of their mind to let others control them.

Everytime there is unearned money (like when the ones who provide
the world with nothing much and still reap the benefits of others,
this is undeserved gain), the system is on its way to collapsing.
It's all about enslaving others, it's the exact same thing as
conqueering a country by war: brutal force over the mind to get
with minimal effort what others have taken decades or centuries
to build up.

Once the people "enslaved" by the system realize it and stop
functioning, the system dies. It has happened many times in the
past, in many different kinds of societies (Roman empire, Sovietism,
etc etc.)

Again, there is always a common denominator: force over mind.
When the mind of those who use it doesn't want to cooperate
anymore, you realize that you're left with nothing. Money
will bring you nothing in itself if you can't trade it with
something that has value *in your own eyes*.
On 26 Jun 2003 01:10:35 -0700, (Bill Sloman) wrote:

So you have the same sort of difficulties in pharsing complex
sentences as does John Kimball.
Is that supposed to be 'parsing' or 'phrasing'?

Or perhaps something entirely different?

You can't see either the forest or the trees - just this "extremely
simple minded" green blur.
I suggest that your myopia has made you forget (if, in fact, you ever
knew) that there is more to the forest than the canopy.

People have worked out how to make corrective spectacles for the eyes,
but similar prostheses for the brain seem to be some way off - your
best bet would be to join some sort of organisation for the
intellectually challenged, like the Republican Party, where you
disability will pass unnoticed.
Unlike you persistent trypos and grammatical eerors. ;^)

John Fields
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Little Rightists like you merely fantasize that you're somehow
Ok, you fucking retard, tell me if someone who defends the following is a
right winger:

- Liberalization of prostitution
- Liberalization of drug consumption and trade
- Open immigration
- Repeal of all Laws dealing with consensual sex between adults
- Total separation of Church and State

You so fucking retrograde that you aren't even able to imagine that someone
could be a strong supporter of both economic and personal freedoms. What a
stupid (re)tard!

Carlos Antunes
bigmike wrote:
Has anybody else caught on to just what Steve is actually doing here with
this thread he started, or am I the only one? Here's a clue, go back and
look through some of the past replies he has left to peoples post, and see
if you don't notice a common theme with all, and I do mean ALL of them.
Here's another clue - you'e been had folks LOL
Steve isn't a real person. He's a computer program. I've known that all along.
Bill Sloman wrote:
...I was saying was that Steve's political plan is
probably impractical,..
Retard, plenty of dictators have already proved you wrong. If the right circumstances shape up (people allow
them to happen) then horrible people can get into power.
"bigmike" <> wrote in message
Don't hold back Carlos, say what you really think! :) Okay, just joking of
course. The one thing that makes these people's heads explode, is the very
idea that a person could be on both sides of the fence at once, or right
the middle, or no where around it. They see the world from one point of
view, and just assume that everybody else does the same.
Actually, today is a very happy day for me and all those who cherish
personal freedoms as the US Supreme Court struct down as unconstitutional
Sodomy Laws.

Carlos Antunes
"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On 26 Jun 2003 01:10:35 -0700, (Bill Sloman) wrote:

So you have the same sort of difficulties in pharsing complex
sentences as does John Kimball.

Is that supposed to be 'parsing' or 'phrasing'?

Or perhaps something entirely different?

You can't see either the forest or the trees - just this "extremely
simple minded" green blur.

I suggest that your myopia has made you forget (if, in fact, you ever
knew) that there is more to the forest than the canopy.

People have worked out how to make corrective spectacles for the eyes,
but similar prostheses for the brain seem to be some way off - your
best bet would be to join some sort of organisation for the
intellectually challenged, like the Republican Party, where you
disability will pass unnoticed.

Unlike you persistent trypos and grammatical eerors. ;^)

John Fields

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