Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"Ignis Fatuus" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:36:24 +1000, Bob Larter <

Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 09:59:24 -0400, Meat Plow <

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 21:34:00 -0700, miguel>wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 11:25:43 -0400, Meat Plow

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:01:11 -0700, miguel>wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:29:10 -0400, Meat Plow

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:49:22 -0700 (PDT), Art Deco>wrote:

On Jul 23, 10:25?am, Meat Plow <> wrote:
He's accomplishing what he wanted to accomplish. That being
payback for being made a fool of and being laughed at not to
being taunted into filing a lawsuit. Even if the suit goes
nowhere in
court he can gloat over the satisfaction of forcing people
to acquire
legal council and disrupting their lives with fear. He's a
fucking work of art and one reason many loathe attorneys in
the first
You're an "idiot" meat plow!
Art Deco
Say's the person who stole Carl's nick.

You have no standing to challenge anybody's literacy.
Wow the grammar police just busted me.

Go fuck yourself.
You fool. You went on for weeks about somebody posting "an
historical." But you're too stupid to know how to use apostrophes
properly. You might want to keep that in mind next time you start
of your stupid grammar rants, boy.
I know how to use apostrophes you pissy little fuck. What I did
was a
very common mistake. Not so for mr professional court speaking
Attorney misusing 'an' and then back pedaling about it. I make all
kind of typo and grammatical errors all the time you fucking
and really couldn't give two shits about it.

Now go fuck off and try to point out something valid.

Beantard is probably all liak, "...wait, what?! You mean you're
human?! You make mistakes?! I thought you were my God!? I

Fuck, are you still here? Get a fucking life, fucktard.

Fuck, are You still around. Fucking nice to fucking see you again
after all this fucking time. How the fuck are you? I've fucking missed
our fucking pleasent little fucking chats on the fucking porch with
the fucking sun setting in the fucking east and the fucking <c>hickens
fucking scratting in the fucking yard.

Fucking have to fucking do it afuckinggain some fucking time.
LOL !!
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Robert James wrote:
On 27/07/2009 01:44, in article,
"Onideus Mad Hatter" <> wrote:

On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 16:51:20 -0700, miguel <


(O.M. Hatter snipped)

I always figured you had some anal, sadistic fetish, Hatter.

The postorrhea is something of a giveaway of my true Gayness.
Bob "for knobs" Larter
Your Pal,
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Usenet Legends bobandcarole ۞۩๑ wrote:

On Jun 10, 9:31 pm, spooge <> wrote:
"RhondaLeaKirkFries" <> wrote

spooge <> wrote:
miguel <> wrote in
That filter is pretty well justified. You've carried your own
againstRhondain AUK for at least a couple years now. Your claim
now that you're just being dispassionate is cause for
That's a fairly hefty PKB, Miguel.
You are hardly an unbiased observer/commentator when it comes to
anything regardingRhonda. You're just as biased when if comes to
riding toRhonda'srescue. IMO, the fact that you obviously feel
that she needs your help proves that she shouldn't be here. You
don't see it because you're in the middle of the muddle.
Rick was a boor, a cad and a schmuck for doing what he did.
is naive and a bit disingenuous for mentioning it on Usenet, let
alone AUK.
I didn't bring it to usenet. I didn't bring it to auk.
He did.
You must've missed a post or two.
I tend to try and avoid this kind of bullshit. You, OTOH, seem to
be in the middle of it. That can't be an accident.

You may not have brought it to Usenet, but you've participated in
whole unseemly discourse.

IOW: they are both guilty of really piss-poor judgement. One for
act, and the other for bringing that act to a public forum.
Given that I did not initially bring it to a public forum, you're
going to have to find a better reason for my piss-poor judgment.
What I said stands. That you'd participate at all shows piss-poor

You'd know that if you were 1/2 of 1/4 as smart as you think you

I involved myself with someone who was clearly a boor, a cad and a
schmuck will do.
Now, how about everyone shut the fuck up about this?
That would be nice, because if they don't, I'm going to escalate.
You don't really want it to stop, you revel in being a "victim" of

Rhonda is one of the dumbest cunts I've encountered.

Here's a newsflash: I'm Gay! ;^)
Bob "for knobs" Larter
That's kinda "old-news" around AUK, faggot....
Your Pal,
"PEAT" <> wrote in message
Hail Eris! On Jul 13, 12:44 pm, The Idiot wrote:
Zarbiface2009 wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
Zarbiface2009 wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
PEAT wrote:
Hail Eris! On Jul 10, 4:14pm, The Doctor wrote:
PEAT wrote:
Hail Eris! On 8 July, 04:51, The Idiot wrote:
Zarbiface2009 wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
Stephen Wilson wrote:
"solar penguin" wrote...
Yads said:
solar penguin wrote:
Yads said:
Top 3 r.a.dw trolls)
1) Alan the Zarbitroll Sailsbury
2) the john smith
3) Alan Mr.SmartyPAnts Hamilton
Don't be so modest.
I just tell the truth.
No, sometimes you do make things up.
I think it's a lot more than only sometimes...
I doubt Stephen WIlson is a troll.
Just misguided by pseudoscience.
Stephen's about the most level-headed person here!
"Misguided" isn't =
word I'd associate with him. With YOU, yes...
Because you are a liar troll Zarbiface.
No, _you_ are a post-editing liar, Yads. Far worse than making
horrible errors in grammar and spelling that a ten-year-old
miss is refusing to own up to making them. But even worse than
that is
trying to cover your tracks by post-editing. You made your
so live with them. Better yet, slow the fuck down, and think
what you post before you hit "Send", because, in trying to
keep up
with the entire group, you wind up posting gibberish, due to
your need
to get on to your next reply. Roughly 90% of your entire
output from
the past decade could be deleted from the Google archive, and
absolutely no one would notice, much less care. On every
level, you
have become utterly dishonest -- intellectually (refusing to
difficult questions), morally (post-editing), ethically (not
and that's even worse -- your degradation goes back years),
and a
bunch of other ways I'm too tired to think about now.
Back to the grave Frozen Ghost.
So you continue to refuse to admit to being a liar yourself,
Stephen isn't misguided at all, Zarbs is level-headed and
honest, and
you duck and dodge anything and everything that so much as looks
it might conceivably be a difficult question.

Liars like Frozen Ghost like the company of liars
like Zarbitroll.
It's quite telling that you can't indulge in a calm rational
debate. All
you can do is let fly insults and lies. Then again it'd be hard
for you
to argue your case because you DO call people trolls just for
your p.o.v.

TRoll on troublemaker Zarbitroll.

Can you not see that you're the one stirring things up?

For the DW agenda not the troll agenda.
OK, for your continuing refusal (for, at the least, over a decade, if
not 18 years) to answer any difficult questions posed to you about
literally anything at all, I, Snarky, do hereby nominate you, Dave
"The Doctor" Yadallee (who, BTW, has used "Dave/David Yadallee" as his
screenname, in the past, just to be clear) for the Coward of the Month

Coward of the Month

Do I have any seconds?


Where is Coward Lionel Lauer (Bob "for knobs" Larter) run-off to this
time ??

No faggy Temp. FNVW - No nomination !!
On Jul 27, 3:18 pm, "\"The Great One\"" <>
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message

BradGuth wrote:

What faith/religion on Earth, for it's relatively slight percentage,
has caused and/or imposed the most racial grief, global inflation,
inclusive trauma and deaths?

That's pretty much a crap-shoot. All religions are guilty in my book.
 Bob "for knobs" Larter

We can't wait until you "spring-off" to hell, Faggot Bob !!
Your Pal,
Great new strategy for "The Great One" and his cross posts. I am
replying to the idiot but taking out all NGs I read so that when the
rest of the morons reply to him -- as you shouldn't -- at least it is
nowhere's near me !!! So people, stop replying to him.
"PatM" <> wrote in message
On Jul 27, 3:18 pm, "\"The Great One\"" <>
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message

BradGuth wrote:

What faith/religion on Earth, for it's relatively slight
has caused and/or imposed the most racial grief, global inflation,
inclusive trauma and deaths?

That's pretty much a crap-shoot. All religions are guilty in my
Bob "for knobs" Larter

We can't wait until you "spring-off" to hell, Faggot Bob !!
Your Pal,
IAWTP! Foggot Bob is Ghay!!

Good gurl, Patty !!
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
necromancer - ECHM wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 13:07:01 -0700 (PDT), Carl Rogers> wrote: not how many like-minded people throw insults at you. It's
you persevere and achieve goals. I invite all those who disapprove
the Worldwide Transportation Library (WWTL) to never visit again.
Here's the kicker... Encourage your friends to do the same.

Together--with your help--we can stop your homogenous kind from
visiting the WWTL ever again. Have a nice day.


Carl Rogers
"Environment first, transportology second"
Worldwide Transportation Library (WWTL):
Complete coverage of international roads and railways.
Since 2000, we have offered several photographs, videos and
Virtual 360 captures -- to each viatologist & transportologist.

While this wasn't an exit, so to speak - even though he has done
in the past - Carl Rogers' statements above amount to saying that
playground is his and we should leave if we don't like it as opposed
to taking his ball and going home (though most here in m.t.r and
would like him to do so - permanently).

As such, I submit Carl "calrog" Rogers for the Tony Sidaway Memorial
Drama Queen Award.

It's a bit of a weak nomination, considering the lack supporting
evidence. You might want to post some MIDs of him being a drama queen,
or get him posting that way in AUK.
Bob "for knobs" Larter
We can post plenty of "pics" of you being a "corset-wearing Queen"
Lionel Lauer !!

Your "Hot Pink" lipstick is getting smeared by jizz Lionel "Pink-Nighty"
Boi !!
Your pal,
"Onideus Mad Hatter" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:36:24 +1000, Bob Larter <

Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 09:59:24 -0400, Meat Plow <

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 21:34:00 -0700, miguel>wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 11:25:43 -0400, Meat Plow

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:01:11 -0700, miguel>wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:29:10 -0400, Meat Plow

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:49:22 -0700 (PDT), Art Deco>wrote:

On Jul 23, 10:25?am, Meat Plow <> wrote:
He's accomplishing what he wanted to accomplish. That being
payback for being made a fool of and being laughed at not to
being taunted into filing a lawsuit. Even if the suit goes
nowhere in
court he can gloat over the satisfaction of forcing people
to acquire
legal council and disrupting their lives with fear. He's a
fucking work of art and one reason many loathe attorneys in
the first
You're an "idiot" meat plow!
Art Deco
Say's the person who stole Carl's nick.

You have no standing to challenge anybody's literacy.
Wow the grammar police just busted me.

Go fuck yourself.
You fool. You went on for weeks about somebody posting "an
historical." But you're too stupid to know how to use apostrophes
properly. You might want to keep that in mind next time you start
of your stupid grammar rants, boy.
I know how to use apostrophes you pissy little fuck. What I did
was a
very common mistake. Not so for mr professional court speaking
Attorney misusing 'an' and then back pedaling about it. I make all
kind of typo and grammatical errors all the time you fucking
and really couldn't give two shits about it.

Now go fuck off and try to point out something valid.

Beantard is probably all liak, "...wait, what?! You mean you're
human?! You make mistakes?! I thought you were my God!? I

Fuck, are you still here? Get a fucking life, fucktard.

Oh look, there's Lionel Bawler, still following up my every post,
desperately whining for a little of my attention. You'd think he'd
get a clue, what with my ignoring him and putting bots on his posts. I
guess he's just a bit of a masochist, or he doesn't have enough
intelligence to figure out when someone's decided that he's too damn
stupid and ineffectual to continue engaging with.

He just keeps continually flailing about, as if I'm supposed to be
impressed at all with his infantile tantrums for attention. LOL, he
really is as worthless as they come. The bottom line is that there
are only two kinds of people online...those that produce...and those
that run at the mouth. Lionel...he just runs at the mouth...A LOT.

In all his time on Usenet and the Internet he's absolutely nothing at
all to show for it, no websites, no word art, no graphics, no
programming work, no real community involvement, no work at all

He's got this:

...that's it. That's literally *ALL* he has to show for himself. LOL,
how completely pathetic. ^__^ Honestly, here on the grid, he has
about as much meaning as your average tweenage muppet fuck MySpace
user, desperately lashing out liak an ignorant 4th grader looking for
a lil negative attention because he never learned how to interact
socially liak normal children. *snicker*

I mean I may act liak a braggart and a fucking asshole, but shit, I
have specific *REASONS* for doing it, and it's tied directly into
furthering my artistic endeavors. This stupid dipshit...yeah, his
mommy just took the titty away too soon I think. *nods*
Onideus Mad Hatter
"Onideus Mad Hatter" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:22:57 GMT, "Hu Flung Dung"
invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:

Onideus Mad Hatter, ye paunchy lunatic knave, you should be a woman
yet your beard forbids me to interpret that you are so, ye muddled:

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:36:24 +1000, Bob Larter

Fuck, are you still here? Get a fucking life, fucktard.

what with my ignoring him


Bored now. Go bother someone else with your feelings on inadequacy,
you pathetic nothing.
Onideus Mad Hatter
Got the camera back from Canon Repair. They repaired and returned my
original camera (S/N match). They replaced the P/S pcb, installed a
new top lcd screen and front facia, and even replaced the lens cap,
which I had glued twice due to cracking (fit too tight on the lens).
Camera works perfect now-repair warranty 3 mo.
On Jul 27, 11:34 am, Bob Larter <> wrote:
BradGuth wrote:
On Jul 24, 6:49 pm, §ńühw¤Łf <> wrote:
BradGuth <> pinched out a steaming pile of<b2f776a4->:

On Jul 24, 1:02 pm, §ńühw¤Łf <> wrote:
In message <>, "Hagar"

"§ńühw¤Łf" <> wrote in message
pandora <> pinched out a steaming pile
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 09:41:41 -0500, §ńühw¤Łf wrote:
Hagar <> pinched out a steaming pile
"§ńühw¤Łf" <> wrote in message
Hagar pinched a steaming load of this:
"BradGuth" <> wrote in message
On Jul 16, 6:42 am, "Hagar" <> wrote:
"BradGuth" <> wrote in message
On Jul 15, 4:19 am, chatnoir <

On Jul 12, 12:02 pm, "Hagar" <> wrote:
snip drivel
Without the drunken likes of Hagar, we wouldn't have our
************************************* Us usual, GuthBall,
disjointed ramblings don't make a lick of sense. I should
for a
tranlation of the above, but then I'd have to run that
K00K-to-English translater anyway.
~ BG.
What actions if anything did you or those of your parents
do in
to pit a stop to our mutually perpetrated cold-war(s)?
Why would anyone want to stop such a profitable enterprise?
people who care about the human suffering.
 ~ BG
I served 2 years in the US Army. Honorable discharge as a
about you, coward ???
Short stint eh? If you have skills you should re-enlist.
could get bin laden.
Actually, I was drafted (as in "involuntary Service") for 2
was in the day when real men were still available for service.
If that is true, why did you have to be drafted in order to

Because he'd never serve despite his faux-hawk stance :)
Why do you hate americas troups?
One has to wonder.
Volunteers dont match his obviously high standards.
They had to cancel the draft when the girly-men like NoTroll
whined about their pussies hurting too much.
It was also about the embareassment of rich ass people like
the Bush
fambly having to pull strings to get cushy assignments for
Avoiding the draft is a chickenhawk tradition, fyi.
Indeed.  It was the unequal treatment that many objected to.
 Sons of
kids could get out of being drafted.  Sons of the poor couldn't..
Egg Zackly.
Say, ShnuPuss, do wolves howl at the Moon when they take it up the
old wolf-chute ?? and, does it make your fur sticky when pulled
too soon ???
Take your disgusting sexual proclivities to the bestiality
newsfroups, k00k.

Hagar and other Zionist Nazis of their pretend-Atheist kind just can't
do that.
~ BG
"zionist nazi"....isnt that impossible? arnt those concepts
diametrically opposed?

   _____  ____  ____ __ /\_/\ __      _ ______   _____
  / __/ |/ / / / / // // . . \\ \ |\ | / __ \ \  \  __\
 _\ \/    / /_/ / _  / \     / \ \| \| \ \_\ \ \__\  _\
/___/_/|_/\____/_//_/   \_@_/   \__|\__|\____/\____\_\

Only opposed if you don't know the truth.

What faith/religion on Earth, for it's relatively slight percentage,
has caused and/or imposed the most racial grief, global inflation, all-
inclusive trauma and deaths?

That's pretty much a crap-shoot. All religions are guilty in my book
of "Eternal Damnation".
 Lionel Lauer
Don't forget your "Book of Damnation" when you enter the gates of
hell, faggot !!
Your Pal,
On Jul 27, 8:03 am, Bob Larter <> wrote:
Harsh Reality wrote:
On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 00:52:01 -0400, tony cooper> wrote:

On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 23:14:25 -0500, Rich <> wrote:

"Ron Wood" <> wrote in

Hi group

Thinking about purchasing a Nikon D5000 from GetItDigital in the USA,
I am in the UK, any problems?

Thanks, Ron

People never learn.

See these store hours?  Avoid that place like the PLAGUE: These are the
typical store house you see in all those places they busted for all kinds
of fraud.  Note the area code of the phone number:  718  Brooklyn.  

Store Hours

Sunday: 10AM-7PM EDT

Monday-Thursday: 10AM-7PM EDT

Friday: 10AM-2PM EDT

Saturday: 1PM-6PM EDT
Little anti-semitic, are you?  Based on the facts that the store is
closed for part of the Jewish sabbath, and because the phone number is
in Brooklyn, Little Richie says stay away.

ResellerRatings, though, rates them a 9.62 out of 10.  Not quite as
good as B&H camera (9.73); another store that closes for the Jewish

Since when can you call someone an anti-semite when all those of the jewish
culture are the biggest bigots left on earth. This is why B[*SLAP!*]

Gee, the P&S troll is also an anti-semite - what a surprise.
Lionel Lauer
Gee, the AUK troll, Lionel Lauer, is also a Gay-Rod - what a surprise.
Art Deco
On Jul 27, 5:40 am, Bob Larter <> wrote:
mikey4 wrote:
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
mikey4 wrote:
"Ray Fischer" <> wrote in message
mikey4 <> wrote:
must be tough going through life as angry as you are.
Must be tough being as stupid as you are.

Ray Fischer

OH, snappy come back Ray
No worse than yours, son.

Not your son

Grow a thicker dick, son, so I can suck it.
 Lionel Lauer
Lionel "Corset-Boi" Lauer will suck-it, Good say all Gay caballers of
AUK !!
Art Deco
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Fucking oath I'm still a-fucking-round, fucker. How the fuck are you,
you fucking fucker?
Bob "for knobs" Larter
Please stay in your own back yard, Lionel. You are not wanted in AUK
for your hatefullness and cussing !!
Your Pal,
John C.
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Fuck yeah, it's a fucking laugh to recon-fucking-nect with the biggest
fucking fuckers that fucking Usenet has to fucking offer.
Bob "for knobs" Larter
Please stay in your own back yard, Lionel !!

Do all your photo newsgroup buddies have a "potty-mouth" like you do ??
Your Pal,
John C.
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:36:24 +1000, Bob Larter

Fuck, are you still here? Get a fucking life, fucktard.

Oh look, there's Lionel Bawler, still following up my every post,

You wish, tard-boy.
Bob "for knobs" Larter
Leave "Hatter" alone, you Ko0k Lionel Lauer !!

Stay in your own back yard, "potty-mouth" Lionel Lauer........
Your Pal,
John C.,

Such a lucid reply; too bad you're about a week too late to be relevant.


"yukio" <> wrote in message
What a bunch of " DIMWITS" , deliberate pun intended. The answer to
question is a 60 watt lamp (ie) the fixture is rated to dissippate 60
of power without becoming uncomfortably HOT . Any higher loads would
a potential fire hazzard !
A 88 watt rated 100 W-emulating bulb is still 88 watts !

Most of the previous replies are a study in obfuscation !


Ed Price <> wrote in message
news:u8GEa.56035$Dr3.459@fed1read02...> wrote in message
I wonder why so many lamps are rated 60W.

I have a lot of 100W and 150W bulbs in areas where I work.

I mean, why should a mostly-metalic goosneck desk lamp say 60W?

What if I put an 88-W-arated 100-W-emulating bulb in it?
I have been trained by the Navy and the Air Force in micro soldering
techniques and I agree, for most through the hole type jobs a plain old
solder sucker and a decent iron of the correct wattage is more than
sufficent. IF used by a person with some training and skill.

"Rich Webb" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 23 May 2003 22:00:53 -0400, Keith R. Williams> wrote:
Nonsense. They sell crap. I don't recommend this at *all*.
These things are *horrible*. If you really must go here "solder-
wick" is much easier to use. It's basically a thin braid with
some flux. The wicking action of the braid sucks the solder out
of the holes.

To the contrary, they are quite well suited to some applications. I
wouldn't recommend them for unsoldering a 00 lug nor for a 144 pin QFP
but for "ordinary" through-hole components they work quite well if
employed with minimal dexterity. Much less component heating and a
cleaner result than with copper braid.

Your etymology is also questionable.

The only thing better than "solder-wick" is a professional
desoldering station, complete with a technician who knows how to
use it. Forget the crap desoldering widgets from RadioShaft!
They' don't even have decent irons. Yeow!

A professional setup (e.g., a nice Pace station) is certainly preferable
(if orders of magnitude more expensive) but the RS solder suckers that
you malign do a much nicer job than braid in their proper domain.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
030622 1933 - Ed Price wrote:


Such a lucid reply; too bad you're about a week too late to be relevant.


"yukio" <> wrote in message
What a bunch of " DIMWITS" , deliberate pun intended. The answer to
question is a 60 watt lamp (ie) the fixture is rated to dissippate 60
of power without becoming uncomfortably HOT . Any higher loads would
a potential fire hazzard !
A 88 watt rated 100 W-emulating bulb is still 88 watts !

Most of the previous replies are a study in obfuscation !


Ed Price <> wrote in message
news:u8GEa.56035$Dr3.459@fed1read02...> wrote in message
I wonder why so many lamps are rated 60W.

I have a lot of 100W and 150W bulbs in areas where I work.

I mean, why should a mostly-metalic goosneck desk lamp say 60W?

What if I put an 88-W-arated 100-W-emulating bulb in it?

That has already been hashed, and rehashed; over and over again.
As for my problem: the video is Panasonic NV-J11 HQ, and is labeled'Super
head' . I am not sure what the third head does...
The third head's job is to achieve perfect still picture.
As a sidenote: I also own a Panasonic NV-J11. The only problem is that it's
too noisy with cable TV, while it performs beuatifully with an ordinary
antenna. Have you the same problem?


Welcome to

