Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Mirror of TRVTH wrote:
Rev Turd Freder?cks <> wrote:

Bob Larter wrote:
Rev Turd Freder?cks wrote:
Mirror of TRVTH wrote:
Rev Turd Freder?cks <> wrote:

Seamus MacRae wrote:
Robert James wrote:
On 14/06/2009 07:43, in article
"Bob Larter" <> wrote:
10 Seamus MacRae

Congratulations, Seamus!
Illegitimate. I counted one more vote for Bob Larter himself
for me.
Saying it 35 times doesn't make it true, it just makes you look
It also puts your BI deep into cancellable-spam territory. I
wonder how his free NSP feels about that.

netKKoping retards is not cool, and it's bad karma.

His BI is way over 20. It's cancellable spam.


No, i didn't report him.

Me either. It's more fun to poke him.
Bob "for knobs" Larter
Spoken like a True Homo-Boi !!
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
% wrote:
Bob Larter wrote:
illyria wrote:
% wrote:
illyria wrote:
PEAT wrote:
he's awaiting a bullet in the head
death threats, awesome
what threat , its just his own fears being transferred to me ,
not one word of it worries me in the least
you should be proud

you've managed to get somebody so worked up, using nothing but
posts, that they actually wish they could literally kill you
Talk to yourself much, Persent?

why would i need to i have you

You should learn how to speak English, kook.
Faggot Bob
You should wipe PJR's Jizz off your mouth before posting, Faggot !!
Your Pal,
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Colonel Jake wrote:
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
: Hu Flung Dung wrote:
: > Seamus MacRae, ye fen-sucked paltry, like a serpent are thee,
: > though ye feed on sweetest flowers, yet poison ye breed, ye
: >> FlashŽ wrote:
: >>> Beg ShitLips will engage AB Novins.
: >> My name is Seamus MacRae.
: >>> ShitLips _is_ that dumb.
: >> I am not at all dumb, you liar.
: > Hey, ShitLips. If your name is Seamus MacRae, why did you
to the
: > name ShitLips? Hmmm? Well, ShitLips?
: He also responds to the name ShameArse McClueless.

"But what loOks better?!?!?! ----

Seamus "Shitlips" MacRae
Seamus "ShameArse McClueless" MacRae
Seamus "MuTHAFuCKA" MacRae

They're all me.
Faggot Bob Larter
Your Pal,
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Exactly. ATM, we're getting a good number of nom's for a bi-sexual
ballot. If things keep on picking up at the current rate, it won't be
long before I go back to a monthly "period".
Faggot Bob
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Seamus MacRae wrote:
Hu Flung Dung wrote:
Seamus MacRae, ye ineffective common enemy of man

I am not.

I leak in your chimney

Then you will be arrested and charged with trespassing and public

and your chamber lye breeds fleas like a loach

It does not, and this makes little sense. A loach is a fish, and I
keep lye lying around; that stuff is dangerous.

ye proscribed

I am, unfortunately, in no position of authority to proscribe
or I would have long since shut you up.

Ye droning bosom black as death. Ye big-bellied bastard and else.
greasy contaminated stale. Ye disgusting rogue. Ye awful shadow.
[and on and on and on...]
I am none of those things, liar.

Thou art a mouldy upstart. Thou art a boil-brained groom. [and on

I am none of thos things, liar.

[ShameArse is me.]

I'm Gay, okay?
Faggot Bob
OK, Fag !!
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Bodark wrote:
Bob Larter wrote:
Sn!pe wrote:

Seamus MacRae <> wrote:

Out of the China Blue wrote:
In article <h37e80$l73$>,
Seamus MacRae <> wrote:

I don't respond well to threats.
So why do you expect other people to respond well to your
Because mine are backed by the actual force of law, and by moral
legitimacy, rather than being hollow attempts at blackmail backed
nothing more substantial than wishful thinking, that's why.

Hoi, Shameless! Yes you, Shameless Seamus MacRae, where is that
Lawyer's letter you promised me weeks ago? Have you sent it via
Vietnam? Are you just lying about that too?

I'm still waiting for my lawyer's letter too, ShameArse!

What is going to be in it

Some whining about how I bit the head of
his dick while giving him Head.......
Faggot Bob
Indeed !!
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Hu Flung Dung wrote:
Seamus MacRae, ye evil-eyed fickle-changeling, you secret, black and
midnight hag, ye grimaced:

Seamus MacRae wrote:
I am none of thos things, liar.

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita

Oh, fuck.


You cunt.

I hereby nominate Lionel, aka "Bob "" Seamus Macrae ""Larter", for
auspicious alt.usenet.kooks Pierre Salinger Hook, Line and Stinker

Tempting though it is to take credit for this troll, I'm actually him.
Faggot Bob
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
§ńühw¤Łf wrote:
Bob Larter pinched a steaming load of this:
Hu Flung Dung wrote:
Seamus MacRae, ye evil-eyed fickle-changeling, you secret, black
midnight hag, ye grimaced:

Seamus MacRae wrote:
I am none of thos things, liar.

Oh, fuck.


You cunt.

I hereby nominate Lionel, aka "Bob "" Seamus Macrae ""Larter", for
the auspicious alt.usenet.kooks Pierre Salinger Hook, Line and
Stinker Award.

I couldn't possibly comment. ;^)

I have just happens to be yours regarding netKKKoping:

"It's okay if they're spammers. (And when I say "spammers" I don't
"he called me a poopyhead!", I mean "spammers" in the strict
sense, where their culmulative identical posts have reached a
Index of 18 or more.)"


Yes, I like "Hummers" form men!
Faggot Bob
Faggot !!
"The Great One" wrote:
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Gregory Hall wrote:
"the messenjah" <> wrote in message,
that which is attributed by:

On Jul 16, 3:57 pm, "Gregory Hall" <gregh...@home.fake> wrote:
bugged" <> wrote in message

""The Honest One"" <> wrote in message
"Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message
As a public service to stAUKer defendants I 've
typed immediately below a form letter where you
can do yourself a big favor and save yourself
considerable expense by using it after discussing
the dollar figure items with Mr. Novins.
Insert date ( )
Insert place ( )
I, (insert defendant name), do sincerely and
solemnly apologize to Charles Novins, Esq. and
retract my libelous and defamatory statements
about his law practice where I malaciously
intended to do great harm to Mr. Novins and
his staff via public postings on Usenet.
I will post this retraction and apology in
archivable form on all concerned news groups
monthly for 12 months and I will put up a web
page linking to it.
I, (insert defendant name), agree to pay the
sum of (insert dollar figure acceptable to Mr.
Novins) as a gesture of good will and repentance
and as restitution to the good lawyer for any
possible loss of business or prestige his
law firm may have suffered due to my
irresponsible and conspiratorial bully actions.
I, (insert defendant name),furthermore, shall
refrain from any and all future defamation and,
to demonstrate my sincerety, I am depositing
(insert large dollar amount specified by Mr. Novins)
in escrow as a good behavior bond to be forfeited if
I engage in any future defamation. This sum shall
remain in escrow for ten years after which it
shall be available for withdrawel by me provided
I've kept my word.
In exchange for the above, Mr. Novins has graciously
removed my name as defendant from his pending lawsuit.
(signature and date)
(witness (3) signatures)
Notary Seal.
Very Good letter !!
Actually, the poster has done a service, quite the rarity at AUK,
doing gratuitous damage to innocents is certainly the guiding
We're getting closer the the point where such a text could come in
A flurry of activity took place in the matter under discussion
Gee, I hope a certain former FNVW knows what his lawyer is doing.
Please tell me you aren't referring to 'miguel.'

I certainly hope none of the defendants is stupid enough to retain
or his like for anything other than use as a doormat to wipe the
mud and
shit off the soles of their shoes.
+ I still get a kick out of Kevin Cannon trying to represent
himself. I
+ guess things at TSB Bearings are so bad they can't afford to get
+ lawyered up.

I get a really big kick out of the fact that A.B. has exposed the
for what they really are - creepy little bullies who could act real
and cause real grief as long as they could remain in hiding while
their malicious schemes but turning into the little chicken shits
really are as soon as they were identified.

I think many of the targets of this malicious bully cabal side with
Bugged because of several good reasons among them is we enjoy
1) justice being served
2) evil being exposed and defeated
3) surly smirks being slapped right off the arrogant faces of the
4) the concept of karma being validated
5) sleaze being exposed
6) the consequences of stupidity being brought to bear

Thanks Mr. Novins! Thanks Honest John. Thank you everybody else
standing up against evil forces. No thanks to those who still side
with the
defendant rabble scourge.
When are you planning on doing something to me, oh impotent kook?
Bob "for knobs" Larter

That Gay "pick-up" line will only work on Gay Peter "Eater" Ross & your
Slurping Buddy Woolfie, Faggot Bob !!
Your Pal,
"The Great One" wrote:
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Exactly. ATM, we're getting a good number of nom's for a bi-sexual
ballot. If things keep on picking up at the current rate, it won't be
long before I go back to a monthly "period".
Faggot Bob

"MartinS" <> wrote in message
Bob Larter <> wrote:
Seamus MacRae wrote:
Hu Flung Dung wrote:
Seamus MacRae, ye ineffective common enemy of man

I am not.

I leak in your chimney

Then you will be arrested and charged with trespassing and public

and your chamber lye breeds fleas like a loach

It does not, and this makes little sense. A loach is a fish, and I
don't keep lye lying around; that stuff is dangerous.

ye proscribed

I am, unfortunately, in no position of authority to proscribe
anything, or I would have long since shut you up.

Ye droning bosom black as death. Ye big-bellied bastard and
Ye greasy contaminated stale. Ye disgusting rogue. Ye awful
shadow. [and on and on and on...] I am none of those things,

Thou art a mouldy upstart. Thou art a boil-brained groom. [and on
and on...]

I am none of thos things, liar.

[ShameArse included my .sig.]

Um, okay.

ShameArse included your e-mail addy too!

Newsgroups: alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.fucknozzles
Subject: Re: OT
From: Seamus MacRae <
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 19:14:55 -0400
Martin S.
LOL !!
John C.
Art Deco wrote:
On Jul 23, 8:07 am, "\"The Great One\"" <
"PEAT" <> wrote in message
Hail Eris! On Jul 23, 2:14 am, Psycho Bill wrote:> PEAT as King Henry V: Though all that I can do is nothing worth, Since

that my penitence comes after all, Imploring

Hail Eris! On 22 July, 20:01, Psycho Bill wrote:
Hulahoop as King Henry V: Though all that I can do is nothing
Since that my penitence comes after all,
Imploring Pardon.
On Jul 22, 6:45 pm, Zarbiface2009 wrote:
p>sychotic <c>hicken wrote:
Can we have a show of hands?
Once again you're judging me by your standards. Unlike you I'm
not a
needy wreck looking for approval.
It doesn't matter to me whether people read my posts or not. I'm
they can decide to killfile or ignore my comments without you
yourself that you're guiding them.
See, unlike you, usenet isn't my life.
This is such babyish behaviour that PC is showing now
I wonder if he has deep rooted psychological problems? Poor sod
If I did then Salisbury would just use them as an excuse to attack
belittle me.
So it is probably a good job I don't.
Good job AFAIAC. That means you aren't under protection by Formosa's
Law, and there is no reason to believe you might do yourself or
serious injury just because you get trolled, flamed, smacked around
with a cluestick, or awarded valuable prizes (from AUK, AFA-B, or
anywhere else). Not to say that you won't hurt yourself or anyone
anyway, but it won't be on anyone but you, if you do so. "Psychotic"
you might be, but it signifies nothing relevant.
This is, of course, merely a clarification for RADWers who aren't
if he's really fair game.
So you are the "might" of AUK huh ?
Pffffaw !
Moi? Not at all. However, of those not sidelined by Charles "Atlas
Bugged" Novins' phony libel suit (which includes most of the Yank
kookologists), I suppose I'm one of the relatively few remaining regs
in AUK with a Hammer of Thor. However, that will be cleared up, in due
course, at the very least by having more winners. Now, do try to
remember that your delusion of being the "new FNVW" is in fact not
real, before going off half-cocked again. For a big chicken like you,
going anywhere half-cocked would be *tragic*.

He couldn't do a worse job than "Wimpy-Coward" Bob Larter (the puss-gurl
from down-under).
John C.

I agree John!

The people must know what a total failure and Coward Lionel really is!
Art Deco
On Jul 23, 8:07 am, "\"The Great One\"" <>
"PEAT" <> wrote in message
Hail Eris! On Jul 23, 2:14 am, Psycho Bill wrote:> PEAT as King Henry V: Though all that I can do is nothing worth, Since

that my penitence comes after all, Imploring

Hail Eris! On 22 July, 20:01, Psycho Bill wrote:
Hulahoop as King Henry V: Though all that I can do is nothing
Since that my penitence comes after all,
Imploring Pardon.
On Jul 22, 6:45 pm, Zarbiface2009 wrote:
p>sychotic <c>hicken wrote:

Can we have a show of hands?

Once again you're judging me by your standards. Unlike you I'm
not a
needy wreck looking for approval.

It doesn't matter to me whether people read my posts or not. I'm
they can decide to killfile or ignore my comments without you
yourself that you're guiding them.

See, unlike you, usenet isn't my life.

This is such babyish behaviour that PC is showing now

I wonder if he has deep rooted psychological problems? Poor sod

If I did then Salisbury would just use them as an excuse to attack
belittle me.

So it is probably a good job I don't.

Good job AFAIAC. That means you aren't under protection by Formosa's
Law, and there is no reason to believe you might do yourself or
serious injury just because you get trolled, flamed, smacked around
with a cluestick, or awarded valuable prizes (from AUK, AFA-B, or
anywhere else). Not to say that you won't hurt yourself or anyone
anyway, but it won't be on anyone but you, if you do so. "Psychotic"
you might be, but it signifies nothing relevant.

This is, of course, merely a clarification for RADWers who aren't
if he's really fair game.


So you are the "might" of AUK huh ?

Pffffaw !

Moi? Not at all. However, of those not sidelined by Charles "Atlas
Bugged" Novins' phony libel suit (which includes most of the Yank
kookologists), I suppose I'm one of the relatively few remaining regs
in AUK with a Hammer of Thor. However, that will be cleared up, in due
course, at the very least by having more winners. Now, do try to
remember that your delusion of being the "new FNVW" is in fact not
real, before going off half-cocked again. For a big chicken like you,
going anywhere half-cocked would be *tragic*.

He couldn't do a worse job than "Wimpy-Coward" Bob Larter (the puss-gurl
from down-under).
John C.
I agree John!

The people must know what a total failure and Coward Lionel really is!
Art Deco
I contacted Canon service, I could tell from the site application for
repair they already know what's wrong with it- gave an estimate $149
without even seeing it. So I pussyed out and sent it in. 1 week
turnaround; it's on it's way back now. Im sure I would have just
screwed it up taking it apart, with no hope of repair anyway. Prolly
needed a syscon chip or pcb-which I couldn't get anyway.

I bought this camera new in '03; has worked flawlessly up till now. I
hasn't been dropped, gotten wet, etc. I use it alot. Now, suddenly, it
won't turn on. Swapped batteries, tried the charger
connection-nothing. Any thoughts, known faults, etc before I tear it
I contacted Canon service, I could tell from the site application for
repair they already know what's wrong with it- gave an estimate $149
without even seeing it. So I pussyed out and sent it in. 1 week
turnaround; it's on it's way back now. Im sure I would have just
screwed it up taking it apart, with no hope of repair anyway. Prolly
needed a syscon chip or pcb-which I couldn't get anyway.

I bought this camera new in '03; has worked flawlessly up till now. I
hasn't been dropped, gotten wet, etc. I use it alot. Now, suddenly, it
won't turn on. Swapped batteries, tried the charger
connection-nothing. Any thoughts, known faults, etc before I tear it
On Jul 25, 10:57 am, JR North <> wrote:
I contacted Canon service, I could tell from the site application for
repair they already know what's wrong with it- gave an estimate $149
without even seeing it. So I pussyed out and sent it in. 1 week
turnaround; it's on it's way back now. Im sure I would have just
screwed it up taking it apart, with no hope of repair anyway. Prolly
needed a syscon chip or pcb-which I couldn't get anyway.

I bought this camera new in '03; has worked flawlessly up till now. I

hasn't been dropped, gotten wet, etc. I use it alot. Now, suddenly, it
won't turn on. Swapped batteries, tried the charger
connection-nothing. Any thoughts, known faults, etc before I tear it
Last time I looked Canon just send back a refurbished camera - check
the s/n.
Quite a good service if fixing is economical... normally it isn't as
you can get a better new camera for little more than the "repair"
money. I had a Powershot fail last year... just gave it to an electro-
optical wiz kid at work to salvage bits and bought a new and better
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
BradGuth wrote:

What faith/religion on Earth, for it's relatively slight percentage,
has caused and/or imposed the most racial grief, global inflation,
inclusive trauma and deaths?

That's pretty much a crap-shoot. All religions are guilty in my book.
Bob "for knobs" Larter
We can't wait until you "spring-off" to hell, Faggot Bob !!
Your Pal,
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
miguel wrote:
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:06:43 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter> wrote:

On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 11:46:59 -0700, miguel <

On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 10:19:25 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter> wrote:

On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 10:09:50 -0400, Meat Plow

On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 05:40:53 +0100, Robert James>wrote:

On 26/07/2009 05:34, in article,
"miguel" <> wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 11:25:43 -0400, Meat Plow

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:01:11 -0700, miguel>wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:29:10 -0400, Meat Plow

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:49:22 -0700 (PDT), Art Deco>wrote:

On Jul 23, 10:25?am, Meat Plow <
He's accomplishing what he wanted to accomplish. That
being getting
payback for being made a fool of and being laughed at not
to mention
being taunted into filing a lawsuit. Even if the suit
goes nowhere in
court he can gloat over the satisfaction of forcing
people to acquire
legal council and disrupting their lives with fear. He's
a real
fucking work of art and one reason many loathe attorneys
in the first
You're an "idiot" meat plow!
Art Deco
Say's the person who stole Carl's nick.

You have no standing to challenge anybody's literacy.
Wow the grammar police just busted me.

Go fuck yourself.
You fool. You went on for weeks about somebody posting "an
historical." But you're too stupid to know how to use
properly. You might want to keep that in mind next time you
start one
of your stupid grammar rants, boy.
Considering my ancestors conquered 2/3rds of the planet earth
and made
English the universal language. I can safely say it's "an
apostrophe. What ever the hell and apostrophe is anyway????
The argument was over the more common use of an incomplete
placed before an h. Sometimes the rules change when applied in
context where the flow of speech is interrupted. It's phrasing I
that could be used either way correctly depending on the rest of
context so neither of us is really right or wrong.

Mr. disbarred former attorney Miguel certainly has nothing
better to
do than to put me under the microscope and look for any way to
revenge for the countless times I've handed him his ass in a
I think <COCKSLAP!!!
I think your diaper's full, Matty.
Woah shit,


What will I do then!?

Change it.

Not much chance of that, Matty's much happier when his diaper's full.
Bob "for knobs" Larter
Faggot !!
Your Pal,
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
miguel wrote:
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 05:40:53 +0100, Robert James> wrote:

On 26/07/2009 05:34, in article,
"miguel" <> wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 11:25:43 -0400, Meat Plow

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:01:11 -0700, miguel>wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:29:10 -0400, Meat Plow

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:49:22 -0700 (PDT), Art Deco>wrote:

On Jul 23, 10:25?am, Meat Plow <> wrote:
He's accomplishing what he wanted to accomplish. That being
payback for being made a fool of and being laughed at not to
being taunted into filing a lawsuit. Even if the suit goes
nowhere in
court he can gloat over the satisfaction of forcing people to
legal council and disrupting their lives with fear. He's a
fucking work of art and one reason many loathe attorneys in
the first
You're an "idiot" meat plow!
Art Deco
Say's the person who stole Carl's nick.

You have no standing to challenge anybody's literacy.
Wow the grammar police just busted me.

Go fuck yourself.
You fool. You went on for weeks about somebody posting "an
historical." But you're too stupid to know how to use apostrophes
properly. You might want to keep that in mind next time you start
of your stupid grammar rants, boy.
Considering my ancestors conquered 2/3rds of the planet earth and
English the universal language.

Yes, the world was full of nancyboys back then. How else could
conquer anything?

And yet, you speak English.
Bob "for knobs" Larter
And yet, you speak with a "lisp", Faggot Bob !!
Your Pal,
"Bob Larter" <> wrote in message
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 09:59:24 -0400, Meat Plow <

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 21:34:00 -0700, miguel>wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 11:25:43 -0400, Meat Plow

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:01:11 -0700, miguel>wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:29:10 -0400, Meat Plow

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:49:22 -0700 (PDT), Art Deco>wrote:

On Jul 23, 10:25?am, Meat Plow <> wrote:
He's accomplishing what he wanted to accomplish. That being
payback for being made a fool of and being laughed at not to
being taunted into filing a lawsuit. Even if the suit goes
nowhere in
court he can gloat over the satisfaction of forcing people to
legal council and disrupting their lives with fear. He's a
fucking work of art and one reason many loathe attorneys in
the first
You're an "idiot" meat plow!
Art Deco
Say's the person who stole Carl's nick.

You have no standing to challenge anybody's literacy.
Wow the grammar police just busted me.

Go fuck yourself.
You fool. You went on for weeks about somebody posting "an
historical." But you're too stupid to know how to use apostrophes
properly. You might want to keep that in mind next time you start
of your stupid grammar rants, boy.
I know how to use apostrophes you pissy little fuck. What I did was
very common mistake. Not so for mr professional court speaking
Attorney misusing 'an' and then back pedaling about it. I make all
kind of typo and grammatical errors all the time you fucking
and really couldn't give two shits about it.

Now go fuck off and try to point out something valid.

Beantard is probably all liak, "...wait, what?! You mean you're
human?! You make mistakes?! I thought you were my God!? I WORSHIP

Fuck, are you still here? Get a fucking life, fucktard.
Bob "for knobs" Larter
Fuck, are still insulting AUK posters? Get a fucking life, faggot Bob.
Your pal,

Welcome to

