Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

John Fields wrote:

On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 00:33:16 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

It's not a question of any of that, it's a question of not forcing
the many to conform to the needs of the unfortunate few.

Unfortunate as the blind are because of their blindness, They're at
least fortunate in that text-to-speech software was developed in the
first place. Now they have ready access to huge numbers of books
and written materials, which they didn't before.

Also access to USENET, and if it's inconvenient to have to wade
through a lot of previous posts because people don't snip and edit
their posts like they should, then that's the breaks, and is the
fault of the inconsiderate sighted posters.

I would think that since you're such a bleeding-heart pussy that
you'd get right to work writing some code so that the blind could
navigate posts more easily. It's a real opportunity to help out and
make some bucks along the way, I think, but for someone like you,
instead of getting down to it and helping out, you'd rather just
cast aspersions on Americans. Interestingly, for no reason other
than that they're Americans. Hitler was like that, except he hated
Jews in the same way, so I guess your feelings are that the only
good American is a dead American?

When will you be firing up the ovens?

And your own comments prove that I am right. I don't hate anyone because of
their origins or for any other reasons. I despise blind, arrogant stupidity
and jingoist egotism. You are a prime example of all of those.

You're such an easy mark it's pathetic.

On the one hand you say that you don't hate anyone for any reason,
and on the other you say you despise blind, arrogant stupidity.

Looking at members of the KKK as an examples of individuals guilty
of blind, arrogant stupidity seems to indicate that you despise/hate

Unless you subscribe to the philosophy where you love the person but
you hate the act. Just some more of your stupid fucking bullshit,

now now John, did we forget our medication this morning? :)

Real Programmers Do things like this.
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Why would I be jealous of this calamitous incompetence?

That's not what you're jealous of, what you're jealous of is that we
_can_ and you're enraged that you're impotent and there's nothing
you can do about it.
Not at all. When you see the village idiot blow up the police station it's
probably worth asking yourself if this was the smartest or dumbest thing he
has ever done. I see Bob Woodward has just answered that question.

What would you have done in our place?

Let Saddam Hussein _keep_ amassing a fortune and biding his time so
that he _could_ complete the development of weapons and delivery
systems which would inundate our friends?
Let him have Kuwait and keep gasoline at 99 cents per gallon.

Probably, and then you'd be bitching about "Geez, if only you guys
had done it this way..."

Fuck you, and if you don't like it, tough shit.

If you think you know a better way to prosecute the war, then write
to the President and tell him about it instead of just uselessly
flapping your gums here.
Why? He can't or won't read, he couldn't understand it anyway, and he always
does what Cheney tells him to do so it's a pointless exercise. Tony Snow
isn't the spokesthing for the administration -- Dubya is.
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

You're such an easy mark it's pathetic.

On the one hand you say that you don't hate anyone for any reason,
and on the other you say you despise blind, arrogant stupidity.

Looking at members of the KKK as an examples of individuals guilty
of blind, arrogant stupidity seems to indicate that you despise/hate

Unless you subscribe to the philosophy where you love the person but
you hate the act. Just some more of your stupid fucking bullshit,
Oh dear. Suppository go up the wrong hole again?
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 17:38:15 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

You're such an easy mark it's pathetic.

On the one hand you say that you don't hate anyone for any reason,
and on the other you say you despise blind, arrogant stupidity.

Looking at members of the KKK as an examples of individuals guilty
of blind, arrogant stupidity seems to indicate that you despise/hate

Unless you subscribe to the philosophy where you love the person but
you hate the act. Just some more of your stupid fucking bullshit,

Oh dear. Suppository go up the wrong hole again?
Perhaps. From the shit you write, I suspect you swallow them.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Oh dear. Suppository go up the wrong hole again?

Perhaps. From the shit you write, I suspect you swallow them.
Not me. Is THAT your problem?
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 12:26:57 -0700, Jamie
<> wrote:

now now John, did we forget our medication this morning? :)
Not me!

Over the last year or so I had a couple of really scary episodes
where my blood pressure went up to something like 220/150 and I
wound up in the hospital with some serious drugs needed to bring it
down to "normal". Since then we've gotten it down to around 120/60
(a near miracle, ISTM) where it sits most of the time, even when
I'm ragging on trash like Homer, but thanks for asking. ;)

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 18:04:17 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

What the hell does taking his high blood pressure medicine have to do
with how he treats a troll?

I know you are the King of the Trolls but why do you care about one of them?
A good king always worries about his subjects.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Then there's something you _can_ do about it? What, LOL?
Piss off low grade morons like you.

You can't even keep yourself from looking like a goddam fool, here,
where trivial shit is concerned and yet you think that you're fit to
determine how the entire world should be run? Forget it. You're
nothing but a low-life piece of shit and that's all you'll ever be
so stop pretending that you're something that doesn't need to be

Let him have Kuwait and keep gasoline at 99 cents per gallon.

So, as long as you can get gas for 99 cents a gallon you're willing
to look the other way when he kills and tortures thousands of people
for daring to disagree with him, as well as using his own people on
which to test his biological weapons and God knows what all else?

You're quite a piece of work Homer.
Right. Life is so pleasant there now - why the Iraqis keep throwing flowers
at the US troops. Not a single Iraqi was even harmed by the invasion and
occupation - so much better now.

And then there's Kuwait, saved by US troops while their own sons played in
the fleshpots of Europe.

"The one million citizens of Kuwait, where government financial assets have
topped 166 billion dollars, are to receive a grant of 200 dinars (690
dollars) each, the government has announced.
The two million foreign workers in the oil-rich emirate were not included.

The OPEC member posted a surplus in each of the past seven fiscal years,
totalling more than 50 billion dollars. Kuwait is also headed for record
revenues this year.

The government offered a similar grant in October 2004 and raised salaries
of citizens by 170 dollars monthly last year. MPs in the outspoken
parliament have been pressing for a new hike.

The Gulf Arab state provides a cradle-to-grave welfare system to its
citizens who receive most public services at heavily subsidized prices and
pay no income tax.

Some 92 percent of Kuwait's 300,000-strong workforce are employed in
government jobs, with high wages and minimal work pressure."

Hmmm, and what has happened to the servicemen injured saving Kuwait? The
ones who are in wheel chairs or blind living in run down trailers? Any money
for them?

You don't get to be President of the United States of America if
you're illiterate, dumbass, and the only reason he wouldn't be able
to understand what you wrote would be because of the stupid,
nonsensical shit you spew.
I still can't see how a doped up idiot and C student like little George
could even get into Harvard let alone earn an MBA. Something is wrong there.

As far as the rest of it goes, you're just afraid to do it because
you know damned well that you've got nothing to say that the
administration hasn't heard already and rejected as utter crap.
With good reason, BTW.
None of them has a fucking clue.

You're the spokesturd for Coprofaggots Anonymous and you don't feel
uncomfortable with that, do you?
No, that's your 'honor for life'. Interesting how you always resort to ad
hominem arguments instead of posting facts.
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 11:06:27 -0500, John Fields did most oddly ask:
BTW, what if there were no rhetorical questions?
There'd be no rhetoric?

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5
Demon Lord of Confusion
Supreme High Overlord of*
Chuck Lysaght: Tarred & Feathered!
"It would be offly hard for any of you to abuse me on usenet. Really. I
have the advantage. I could easily turn alt.usenet.kooks into a cesspool
of encoded posts. Bringing the noise ratio up so high as to make the
group worthless. Anybody who can code could do this, why nobody has
bothered before now is beyond me. The ultimate spamming engine..
'BAWAHAHA'" -- Dustbin "Outer Filth" K00k's delusions of grandeur
reached new heights, in Message-ID:
"Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time." -- H.
L. Mencken

"Consider that language a moment. 'Purposefully and materially
supported hostilities against the United States' is in the eye of the
beholder, and this administration has proven itself to be astonishingly
impatient with criticism of any kind. The broad powers given to Bush by
this legislation allow him to capture, indefinitely detain, and refuse a
hearing to any American citizen who speaks out against Iraq or any other
part of the so-called 'War on Terror.'

"If you write a letter to the editor attacking Bush, you could be
deemed as purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the
United States. If you organize or join a public demonstration against
Iraq, or against the administration, the same designation could befall
you. One dark-comedy aspect of the legislation is that senators or House
members who publicly disagree with Bush, criticize him, or organize
investigations into his dealings could be placed under the same
designation. In effect, Congress just gave Bush the power to lock them
up." -- William Rivers Pitt
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Not me!

Over the last year or so I had a couple of really scary episodes
where my blood pressure went up to something like 220/150 and I
wound up in the hospital with some serious drugs needed to bring it
down to "normal". Since then we've gotten it down to around 120/60
(a near miracle, ISTM) where it sits most of the time, even when
I'm ragging on trash like Homer, but thanks for asking. ;)
And yet mine runs 110/70 no matter what you post. You should give it up.
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 20:57:29 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Then there's something you _can_ do about it? What, LOL?

Piss off low grade morons like you.

You can't even keep yourself from looking like a goddam fool, here,
where trivial shit is concerned and yet you think that you're fit to
determine how the entire world should be run? Forget it. You're
nothing but a low-life piece of shit and that's all you'll ever be
so stop pretending that you're something that doesn't need to be

Let him have Kuwait and keep gasoline at 99 cents per gallon.

So, as long as you can get gas for 99 cents a gallon you're willing
to look the other way when he kills and tortures thousands of people
for daring to disagree with him, as well as using his own people on
which to test his biological weapons and God knows what all else?

You're quite a piece of work Homer.

Right. Life is so pleasant there now - why the Iraqis keep throwing flowers
at the US troops. Not a single Iraqi was even harmed by the invasion and
occupation - so much better now.

And then there's Kuwait, saved by US troops while their own sons played in
the fleshpots of Europe.

"The one million citizens of Kuwait, where government financial assets have
topped 166 billion dollars, are to receive a grant of 200 dinars (690
dollars) each, the government has announced.
The two million foreign workers in the oil-rich emirate were not included.

The OPEC member posted a surplus in each of the past seven fiscal years,
totalling more than 50 billion dollars. Kuwait is also headed for record
revenues this year.

The government offered a similar grant in October 2004 and raised salaries
of citizens by 170 dollars monthly last year. MPs in the outspoken
parliament have been pressing for a new hike.

The Gulf Arab state provides a cradle-to-grave welfare system to its
citizens who receive most public services at heavily subsidized prices and
pay no income tax.

Some 92 percent of Kuwait's 300,000-strong workforce are employed in
government jobs, with high wages and minimal work pressure."

Hmmm, and what has happened to the servicemen injured saving Kuwait? The
ones who are in wheel chairs or blind living in run down trailers? Any money
for them?
Nope. That wasn't part of the deal.

You don't get to be President of the United States of America if
you're illiterate, dumbass, and the only reason he wouldn't be able
to understand what you wrote would be because of the stupid,
nonsensical shit you spew.

I still can't see how a doped up idiot and C student like little George
could even get into Harvard let alone earn an MBA. Something is wrong there.
Nope, it's just that _you_ can't see how it happened. I'm sure
there's a lot of stuff you can't quite figure out. Like how to tie
your shoelaces, maybe?

As far as the rest of it goes, you're just afraid to do it because
you know damned well that you've got nothing to say that the
administration hasn't heard already and rejected as utter crap.
With good reason, BTW.

None of them has a fucking clue.
I doubt that. I think it's more like _you_ don't have a fucking
clue. Everything you think you know something about you get from
the media. Do you get regular communiques from the White House
apprising you of what's going on and asking for your opinion? No.

Do you have any idea of what's going on besides what you read in the
paper and see on TV? No. Fucking clueless and you don't even know
it, sadder still.

You're the spokesturd for Coprofaggots Anonymous and you don't feel
uncomfortable with that, do you?

No, that's your 'honor for life'.
Oh, how clever and devastating...

Interesting how you always resort to ad hominem arguments instead of posting facts.
That wasn't an ad hominem argument, dumbass, it was an ad hominem

Learn what the "big words" mean before you use them and you'll save
yourself a world of grief, y'know...

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 16:53:19 -0500, John Fields did most oddly state:
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 20:57:29 GMT, "Homer J Simpson" wrote:
"John Fields" wrote...

Then there's something you _can_ do about it? What, LOL?

Piss off low grade morons like you.

You can't even keep yourself from looking like a goddam fool, here,
where trivial shit is concerned and yet you think that you're fit to
determine how the entire world should be run? Forget it. You're
nothing but a low-life piece of shit and that's all you'll ever be so
stop pretending that you're something that doesn't need to be flushed.

Let him have Kuwait and keep gasoline at 99 cents per gallon.

So, as long as you can get gas for 99 cents a gallon you're willing to
look the other way when he kills and tortures thousands of people for
daring to disagree with him, as well as using his own people on which
to test his biological weapons and God knows what all else?

You're quite a piece of work Homer.

Right. Life is so pleasant there now - why the Iraqis keep throwing
flowers at the US troops. Not a single Iraqi was even harmed by the
invasion and occupation - so much better now.

And then there's Kuwait, saved by US troops while their own sons played
in the fleshpots of Europe.

"The one million citizens of Kuwait, where government financial assets
have topped 166 billion dollars, are to receive a grant of 200 dinars
(690 dollars) each, the government has announced. The two million foreign
workers in the oil-rich emirate were not included.

The OPEC member posted a surplus in each of the past seven fiscal years,
totalling more than 50 billion dollars. Kuwait is also headed for record
revenues this year.

The government offered a similar grant in October 2004 and raised
salaries of citizens by 170 dollars monthly last year. MPs in the
outspoken parliament have been pressing for a new hike.

The Gulf Arab state provides a cradle-to-grave welfare system to its
citizens who receive most public services at heavily subsidized prices
and pay no income tax.

Some 92 percent of Kuwait's 300,000-strong workforce are employed in
government jobs, with high wages and minimal work pressure."

Hmmm, and what has happened to the servicemen injured saving Kuwait? The
ones who are in wheel chairs or blind living in run down trailers? Any
money for them?

Nope. That wasn't part of the deal.
Gee, why am _I_ not surprised? Of course, who cares what happens to a
bunch of worthless, lowlife grunts who were lucky enough to visit the
Middle East on the taxpayer's dime? They were just lower-income types
anyway, right? Not useful people, like the rich. Not anyone who
_matters_. Well, aside from the rich people who volunteered, but they
were silly. Leave the actual fighting to the little people, the cannon
fodder -- it's what they're for.


Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5
Demon Lord of Confusion
Supreme High Overlord of*
Chuck Lysaght: Tarred & Feathered!
"It would be offly hard for any of you to abuse me on usenet. Really. I
have the advantage. I could easily turn alt.usenet.kooks into a cesspool
of encoded posts. Bringing the noise ratio up so high as to make the
group worthless. Anybody who can code could do this, why nobody has
bothered before now is beyond me. The ultimate spamming engine..
'BAWAHAHA'" -- Dustbin "Outer Filth" K00k's delusions of grandeur
reached new heights, in Message-ID:
"Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time." -- H.
L. Mencken

"Consider that language a moment. 'Purposefully and materially
supported hostilities against the United States' is in the eye of the
beholder, and this administration has proven itself to be astonishingly
impatient with criticism of any kind. The broad powers given to Bush by
this legislation allow him to capture, indefinitely detain, and refuse a
hearing to any American citizen who speaks out against Iraq or any other
part of the so-called 'War on Terror.'

"If you write a letter to the editor attacking Bush, you could be
deemed as purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the
United States. If you organize or join a public demonstration against
Iraq, or against the administration, the same designation could befall
you. One dark-comedy aspect of the legislation is that senators or House
members who publicly disagree with Bush, criticize him, or organize
investigations into his dealings could be placed under the same
designation. In effect, Congress just gave Bush the power to lock them
up." -- William Rivers Pitt
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Hmmm, and what has happened to the servicemen injured saving Kuwait? The
ones who are in wheel chairs or blind living in run down trailers? Any
for them?

Nope. That wasn't part of the deal.
Right. Use the Yanks when you must and ignore them the rest of the time.

I still can't see how a doped up idiot and C student like little George
could even get into Harvard let alone earn an MBA. Something is wrong

Nope, it's just that _you_ can't see how it happened. I'm sure
there's a lot of stuff you can't quite figure out. Like how to tie
your shoelaces, maybe?
I'm not the only one who wonders how someone with a degree in history
doesn't have a clue about history and with a degree in business
administration doesn't have a clue how to manage anything.

None of them has a fucking clue.

I doubt that. I think it's more like _you_ don't have a fucking
clue. Everything you think you know something about you get from
the media. Do you get regular communiques from the White House
apprising you of what's going on and asking for your opinion? No.

Do you have any idea of what's going on besides what you read in the
paper and see on TV? No. Fucking clueless and you don't even know
it, sadder still.
And yet I am SO much better informed than you.

You're the spokesturd for Coprofaggots Anonymous and you don't feel
uncomfortable with that, do you?

No, that's your 'honor for life'.

Oh, how clever and devastating...

Interesting how you always resort to ad hominem arguments instead of
posting facts.

That wasn't an ad hominem argument, dumbass, it was an ad hominem

Learn what the "big words" mean before you use them and you'll save
yourself a world of grief, y'know...
ad hominem argument, ad hominem attack. Tomato - tomato.

Seems it is you who constantly display ignorance. You should cut down on the
stupid pills.
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 21:10:20 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Not me!

Over the last year or so I had a couple of really scary episodes
where my blood pressure went up to something like 220/150 and I
wound up in the hospital with some serious drugs needed to bring it
down to "normal". Since then we've gotten it down to around 120/60
(a near miracle, ISTM) where it sits most of the time, even when
I'm ragging on trash like Homer, but thanks for asking. ;)

And yet mine runs 110/70 no matter what you post. You should give it up.
I'm not posting to try to raise your blood pressure, I just like
bashing the bashers.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

And yet mine runs 110/70 no matter what you post. You should give it up.

I'm not posting to try to raise your blood pressure, I just like
bashing the bashers.
No, you like trolling. I like catching trolls, dragging them into the boat,
whacking them on the head with a 2 by 4, and tossing them back for shark

Homer J Simpson wrote:
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

And yet mine runs 110/70 no matter what you post. You should give
it up.

I'm not posting to try to raise your blood pressure, I just like
bashing the bashers.

No, you like trolling. I like catching trolls, dragging them into the
boat, whacking them on the head with a 2 by 4, and tossing them back
for shark bait.
Do you plan to do that soon?
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 22:07:33 GMT, The God of Odd Statements
<godofodd@statements.likeyours> wrote:

On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 16:53:19 -0500, John Fields did most oddly state:
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 20:57:29 GMT, "Homer J Simpson" wrote:

Hmmm, and what has happened to the servicemen injured saving Kuwait? The
ones who are in wheel chairs or blind living in run down trailers? Any
money for them?

Nope. That wasn't part of the deal.

Gee, why am _I_ not surprised? Of course, who cares what happens to a
bunch of worthless, lowlife grunts who were lucky enough to visit the
Middle East on the taxpayer's dime?
Their families and friends do, and their country does.

They were just lower-income types
anyway, right? Not useful people, like the rich. Not anyone who
_matters_. Well, aside from the rich people who volunteered, but they
were silly. Leave the actual fighting to the little people, the cannon
fodder -- it's what they're for.

Kinda. When you join the service as enlisted, (just for example,
let's say the Army Infantry) the presumption is that if you have to
go to war you're going to be a grunt, you're going to be put in
harm's way, and you're the one who's going to have to do the dirty
work. There's no mystery about that, and it's just the way it

Certainly there's no presumption that a grateful foreign nation
which you helped will repay you in monetary terms, since that's not
part of the deal.


John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
John Fields <> wrote in

On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 22:07:33 GMT, The God of Odd Statements
godofodd@statements.likeyours> wrote:

On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 16:53:19 -0500, John Fields did most oddly state:
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 20:57:29 GMT, "Homer J Simpson" wrote:

Hmmm, and what has happened to the servicemen injured saving Kuwait?
The ones who are in wheel chairs or blind living in run down
trailers? Any money for them?

Nope. That wasn't part of the deal.

Gee, why am _I_ not surprised? Of course, who cares what happens to a
bunch of worthless, lowlife grunts who were lucky enough to visit the
Middle East on the taxpayer's dime?

Their families and friends do, and their country does.
No it doesn't. That wasn't part of the deal, as you said yourself and now
appear to contradict. The sooner people take some personal responsibility
instead of displacing and enshrining it in some kind of veneer of
patriotism, the sooner people will stop dying stupidly for nothing.
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 22:14:02 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Hmmm, and what has happened to the servicemen injured saving Kuwait? The
ones who are in wheel chairs or blind living in run down trailers? Any
for them?

Nope. That wasn't part of the deal.

Right. Use the Yanks when you must and ignore them the rest of the time.
So now you'd have the countries we've helped making payments to
individual servicemen/women for the services they performed? That
would be OK, except that we don't run a mercenary Army.

I still can't see how a doped up idiot and C student like little George
could even get into Harvard let alone earn an MBA. Something is wrong

Nope, it's just that _you_ can't see how it happened. I'm sure
there's a lot of stuff you can't quite figure out. Like how to tie
your shoelaces, maybe?

I'm not the only one who wonders how someone with a degree in history
doesn't have a clue about history and with a degree in business
administration doesn't have a clue how to manage anything.

None of them has a fucking clue.

I doubt that. I think it's more like _you_ don't have a fucking
clue. Everything you think you know something about you get from
the media. Do you get regular communiques from the White House
apprising you of what's going on and asking for your opinion? No.

Do you have any idea of what's going on besides what you read in the
paper and see on TV? No. Fucking clueless and you don't even know
it, sadder still.

And yet I am SO much better informed than you.
Filling your head with shit doesn't mean you're better informed, it
just means you're thinking what somebody else wants you to.

You're the spokesturd for Coprofaggots Anonymous and you don't feel
uncomfortable with that, do you?

No, that's your 'honor for life'.

Oh, how clever and devastating...

Interesting how you always resort to ad hominem arguments instead of
posting facts.

That wasn't an ad hominem argument, dumbass, it was an ad hominem

Learn what the "big words" mean before you use them and you'll save
yourself a world of grief, y'know...

ad hominem argument, ad hominem attack. Tomato - tomato.
Hmmm... seems you need to look up the little words, too.

Seems it is you who constantly display ignorance. You should cut down on the
stupid pills.
Speaking of ignorance, that 'display' is a plural verb. It should
be the singular, 'displays' in order to agree numerically with the
singular noun, 'you'.

But, as far as the stupid pills goes, you're right.

I should cut down, but every time I post something for you I have to
take one so I can dull my wits and write at a level you can

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 22:51:15 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

And yet mine runs 110/70 no matter what you post. You should give it up.

I'm not posting to try to raise your blood pressure, I just like
bashing the bashers.

No, you like trolling. I like catching trolls, dragging them into the boat,
whacking them on the head with a 2 by 4, and tossing them back for shark
That may be what you _like_, but right now _you're_ the one with
the hook in his mouth.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

Welcome to

