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Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Damian" <> wrote in message

"My teacher made me feel bad. I must kill him."

Identify the country.

Burnaby, BC, CA.

Name the student, teacher and school and provide the details of the
assault, asshole. Or admit you are a pile of lying shit.
I answered your question, no escalations.

Next, get used to the fact that I don't do your fucking bidding.

Now, you may fuck off.
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:32:38 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Consider the blind - who listen to Usenet. They have to wade through a
mountain of crap to hear one line - or sometimes none.

So we should all carry white canes?

You're an American. I don't expect you to give a damn about your fellow
citizens - or anyone else on earth.
It's not a question of any of that, it's a question of not forcing
the many to conform to the needs of the unfortunate few.

Unfortunate as the blind are because of their blindness, They're at
least fortunate in that text-to-speech software was developed in the
first place. Now they have ready access to huge numbers of books
and written materials, which they didn't before.

Also access to USENET, and if it's inconvenient to have to wade
through a lot of previous posts because people don't snip and edit
their posts like they should, then that's the breaks, and is the
fault of the inconsiderate sighted posters.

I would think that since you're such a bleeding-heart pussy that
you'd get right to work writing some code so that the blind could
navigate posts more easily. It's a real opportunity to help out and
make some bucks along the way, I think, but for someone like you,
instead of getting down to it and helping out, you'd rather just
cast aspersions on Americans. Interestingly, for no reason other
than that they're Americans. Hitler was like that, except he hated
Jews in the same way, so I guess your feelings are that the only
good American is a dead American?

When will you be firing up the ovens?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:44:57 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"Damian" <> wrote in message

Consider the blind - who listen to Usenet. They have to wade
through a mountain of crap to hear one line - or sometimes none.

So we should all carry white canes?

You're an American. I don't expect you to give a damn about your
fellow citizens - or anyone else on earth.

Jealousy like that is so ugly.

Who the hell is jealous of you? I merely write what I observe.
What you observe is so colored by your jealousy that you _have_ to
make it seem like we're the bad guys so you can divorce yourself
from your desire to be American.

That way you can pretend to be happy with your lot, even though you
know deep-down that you're not.

If you were would you be writing all that ugly America-bashing

Shirley not.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

What you observe is so colored by your jealousy that you _have_ to
make it seem like we're the bad guys so you can divorce yourself
from your desire to be American.
No, what you write is colored by your arrogant beliefs, beliefs that have no
foundation it fact. Once more you are about to prove that a handful of
people can win in a war that you started and are bound to lose no matter how
many people you kill. You would think that once would be enough but it seems
not. If Bush, Cheny, Rumsfeld et al had actually gone to fight in Vietnam
instead of weaselling their way out of it they might have learned this
lesson, however it seems that they will sacrifice thousands of US lives and
a trillion dollars or more to underscore it.

Why would I be jealous of this calamitous incompetence?
"Damian" <> wrote in message
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Damian" <> wrote in message

"My teacher made me feel bad. I must kill him."

Identify the country.

Burnaby, BC, CA.

Name the student, teacher and school and provide the details of the
assault, asshole. Or admit you are a pile of lying shit.

I answered your question, no escalations.

Next, get used to the fact that I don't do your fucking bidding.

Now, you may fuck off.
You made a statement you couldn't back up with facts. You are an ignorant
moron, but one of millions. Eat shit and die.
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Damian" <> wrote in message
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Damian" <> wrote in message

"My teacher made me feel bad. I must kill him."

Identify the country.

Burnaby, BC, CA.

Name the student, teacher and school and provide the details of the
assault, asshole. Or admit you are a pile of lying shit.

I answered your question, no escalations.

Next, get used to the fact that I don't do your fucking bidding.

Now, you may fuck off.

You made a statement you couldn't back up with facts. You are an
ignorant moron, but one of millions. Eat shit and die.

Your question was, "Identify the country." Nothing more.

I'd say you're the 'ignorant moron' for not posing the question correctly.
Damian has made you look like a fool, live with it.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

It's not a question of any of that, it's a question of not forcing
the many to conform to the needs of the unfortunate few.

Unfortunate as the blind are because of their blindness, They're at
least fortunate in that text-to-speech software was developed in the
first place. Now they have ready access to huge numbers of books
and written materials, which they didn't before.

Also access to USENET, and if it's inconvenient to have to wade
through a lot of previous posts because people don't snip and edit
their posts like they should, then that's the breaks, and is the
fault of the inconsiderate sighted posters.

I would think that since you're such a bleeding-heart pussy that
you'd get right to work writing some code so that the blind could
navigate posts more easily. It's a real opportunity to help out and
make some bucks along the way, I think, but for someone like you,
instead of getting down to it and helping out, you'd rather just
cast aspersions on Americans. Interestingly, for no reason other
than that they're Americans. Hitler was like that, except he hated
Jews in the same way, so I guess your feelings are that the only
good American is a dead American?

When will you be firing up the ovens?
And your own comments prove that I am right. I don't hate anyone because of
their origins or for any other reasons. I despise blind, arrogant stupidity
and jingoist egotism. You are a prime example of all of those.
"Dustbin Ko0k" <> wrote in message

"My teacher made me feel bad. I must kill him."

Identify the country.

Burnaby, BC, CA.

Name the student, teacher and school and provide the details of the
assault, asshole. Or admit you are a pile of lying shit.

I answered your question, no escalations.

Next, get used to the fact that I don't do your fucking bidding.

Now, you may fuck off.

You made a statement you couldn't back up with facts. You are an
ignorant moron, but one of millions. Eat shit and die.

Your question was, "Identify the country." Nothing more.

I'd say you're the 'ignorant moron' for not posing the question correctly.
Damian has made you look like a fool, live with it.
Damian has made it obvious that you and he are idiots.

Bath School disaster - Bath, Michigan, United States; May 18, 1927 (45 dead,
58 injured)
Poe Elementary School Attack - Houston, Texas, United States; September 15,
1959 (6 dead)
University of Texas at Austin Tower Massacre - Austin, Texas, United States;
August 1, 1966 (15 dead, 31 injured)
California State University, Fullerton Library Massacre - Fullerton,
California, United States; July 12, 1976 (7 dead)
Stockton Massacre - Stockton, California, United States, 1989 (6 dead, 30
University of Iowa shooting - Iowa City, Iowa, United States; 1991 (5 dead,
1 injured)
Heath High School shooting - McCracken County (near Paducah), Kentucky,
United States; December 1, 1997 (3 dead, 5 injured)
Jonesboro massacre - Craighead County (near Jonesboro), Arkansas, United
States; March 24, 1998 (5 dead, 10 injured)
Columbine High School massacre - Jefferson County (near Denver and
Littleton), Colorado, United States; April 20, 1999 (15 dead, 24 injured)
Appalachian School of Law shooting - Grundy, Virginia, United States;
January 16, 2002 (3 dead)
Red Lion Area Junior High School Murder/Suicide - Red Lion, Pennsylvania,
United States; 2003 (2 dead)
Platte Canyon High School shooting - Bailey, Colorado, United States;
September 27, 2006 (2 dead)

No sign of Burnaby there. It seems that two fuckheads are no smarter than
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Dustbin Ko0k" <> wrote in message

"My teacher made me feel bad. I must kill him."

Identify the country.

Burnaby, BC, CA.

Name the student, teacher and school and provide the details of
the assault, asshole. Or admit you are a pile of lying shit.

I answered your question, no escalations.

Next, get used to the fact that I don't do your fucking bidding.

Now, you may fuck off.

You made a statement you couldn't back up with facts. You are an
ignorant moron, but one of millions. Eat shit and die.

Your question was, "Identify the country." Nothing more.

I'd say you're the 'ignorant moron' for not posing the question
correctly. Damian has made you look like a fool, live with it.

Damian has made it obvious that you and he are idiots.

Bath School disaster - Bath, Michigan, United States; May 18, 1927
(45 dead, 58 injured)
Poe Elementary School Attack - Houston, Texas, United States;
September 15, 1959 (6 dead)
University of Texas at Austin Tower Massacre - Austin, Texas, United
States; August 1, 1966 (15 dead, 31 injured)
California State University, Fullerton Library Massacre - Fullerton,
California, United States; July 12, 1976 (7 dead)
Stockton Massacre - Stockton, California, United States, 1989 (6
dead, 30 injured)
University of Iowa shooting - Iowa City, Iowa, United States; 1991 (5
dead, 1 injured)
Heath High School shooting - McCracken County (near Paducah),
Kentucky, United States; December 1, 1997 (3 dead, 5 injured)
Jonesboro massacre - Craighead County (near Jonesboro), Arkansas,
United States; March 24, 1998 (5 dead, 10 injured)
Columbine High School massacre - Jefferson County (near Denver and
Littleton), Colorado, United States; April 20, 1999 (15 dead, 24
injured) Appalachian School of Law shooting - Grundy, Virginia,
United States; January 16, 2002 (3 dead)
Red Lion Area Junior High School Murder/Suicide - Red Lion,
Pennsylvania, United States; 2003 (2 dead)
Platte Canyon High School shooting - Bailey, Colorado, United States;
September 27, 2006 (2 dead)

No sign of Burnaby there. It seems that two fuckheads are no smarter
than one.
All of that bile, and *you* don't know the Student and Teacher. Why did you
ask Damian, fuckhead?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Dustbin Ko0k" <> wrote in message

All of that bile, and *you* don't know the Student and Teacher. Why did
you ask Damian, fuckhead?
This was a rhetorical question, as anyone with half a brain could tell.
Apparently the two of you combined don't manage to achieve even that minimum
standard of intelligence.
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Dustbin Ko0k" <> wrote in message

All of that bile, and *you* don't know the Student and Teacher. Why
did you ask Damian, fuckhead?

This was a rhetorical question, as anyone with half a brain could
tell. Apparently the two of you combined don't manage to achieve even
that minimum standard of intelligence.
I see you can tap-dance.
"Damian" <> wrote in message

This was a rhetorical question, as anyone with half a brain could
tell. Apparently the two of you combined don't manage to achieve even
that minimum standard of intelligence.

I see you can tap-dance.
And yet you are as factless as you are brainless.
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 19:12:29 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
<> wrote:

Peter Dettmann <

On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:25:12 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"> wrote:

Oh, you're vision impaired. Sorry.

Better than being brain impaired like you.

Your observations are getting furthur from reality the more you go on.
Sensisbly you would stop now before making more of a fool of

He's posting on usenet with "Homer J Simpson" as a nick, you fucking fool.
Who the fuck gets embarrassed on usenet, for fuck snakes?
Now there are two of you with the same inane disease.

Peter Dettmann
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 21:44:48 +1000, Peter Dettmann did most oddly state:
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 19:12:29 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man" wrote:
Peter Dettmann, the befriender of columbian drug lords and gun runners,
chimed in:
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:25:12 GMT, "Homer J Simpson" wrote:

Oh, you're vision impaired. Sorry.

Better than being brain impaired like you.

Your observations are getting furthur from reality the more you go on.
Sensisbly you would stop now before making more of a fool of

He's posting on usenet with "Homer J Simpson" as a nick, you fucking
fool. Who the fuck gets embarrassed on usenet, for fuck snakes?

Now there are two of you with the same inane disease.
So what leads you to believe that embarrassment on usenet means anything
more significant than a dead dung beetle on Ayers Rock, in the middle of
the last Ice Age? Google "Snarky" or this nick (or the one in my sig) to
see how affected I am by being called all sorts of names.

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5
Demon Lord of Confusion
Supreme High Overlord of*
Chuck Lysaght: Tarred & Feathered!
"It would be offly hard for any of you to abuse me on usenet. Really. I
have the advantage. I could easily turn alt.usenet.kooks into a cesspool
of encoded posts. Bringing the noise ratio up so high as to make the
group worthless. Anybody who can code could do this, why nobody has
bothered before now is beyond me. The ultimate spamming engine..
'BAWAHAHA'" -- Dustbin "Outer Filth" K00k's delusions of grandeur
reached new heights, in Message-ID:
"Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time." -- H.
L. Mencken

"Consider that language a moment. 'Purposefully and materially
supported hostilities against the United States' is in the eye of the
beholder, and this administration has proven itself to be astonishingly
impatient with criticism of any kind. The broad powers given to Bush by
this legislation allow him to capture, indefinitely detain, and refuse a
hearing to any American citizen who speaks out against Iraq or any other
part of the so-called 'War on Terror.'

"If you write a letter to the editor attacking Bush, you could be
deemed as purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the
United States. If you organize or join a public demonstration against
Iraq, or against the administration, the same designation could befall
you. One dark-comedy aspect of the legislation is that senators or House
members who publicly disagree with Bush, criticize him, or organize
investigations into his dealings could be placed under the same
designation. In effect, Congress just gave Bush the power to lock them
up." -- William Rivers Pitt
Peter Dettmann <>, the innkeeper of the pub, popped

On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 19:12:29 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"> wrote:

Peter Dettmann <

On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:25:12 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"> wrote:

Oh, you're vision impaired. Sorry.

Better than being brain impaired like you.

Your observations are getting furthur from reality the more you go
on. Sensisbly you would stop now before making more of a fool of

He's posting on usenet with "Homer J Simpson" as a nick, you fucking
fool. Who the fuck gets embarrassed on usenet, for fuck snakes?

Now there are two of you with the same inane disease.
Ga'rn get a fuckin' dog up ya, ya cunt.

alt.usenet.kooks - Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005 and April 2006

"K-Man's particular genius, however, lies not merely in his humour,
but his ability to make posters who had previously seemed reasonably
well-balanced turn into foaming, frothing, death threat-uttering
maniacs" - Snarky, Demon Lord of Confusion

Thou notable contempt. I say thou has drunk thyself out of thy five
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Damian" <> wrote in message

This was a rhetorical question, as anyone with half a brain could
tell. Apparently the two of you combined don't manage to achieve
even that minimum standard of intelligence.

I see you can tap-dance.

And yet I am as factless as I am brainless.
Corrected to match the contents of this thread.
In article <>,
Jeff Wisnia <> wrote:
current draw would be so I grabbed one of the foglight assemblies and
connected it to the Eico 1050 battery charger/DC power supply which has
been part of my garage tool clutter for nearly 50 years:
Er, are you feeding a peak reading meter the unfiltered output of
a full wave rectifier?

Mark Zenier
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 00:20:58 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

What you observe is so colored by your jealousy that you _have_ to
make it seem like we're the bad guys so you can divorce yourself
from your desire to be American.

No, what you write is colored by your arrogant beliefs, beliefs that have no
foundation it fact. Once more you are about to prove that a handful of
people can win in a war that you started and are bound to lose no matter how
many people you kill. You would think that once would be enough but it seems
not. If Bush, Cheny, Rumsfeld et al had actually gone to fight in Vietnam
instead of weaselling their way out of it they might have learned this
lesson, however it seems that they will sacrifice thousands of US lives and
a trillion dollars or more to underscore it.

Why would I be jealous of this calamitous incompetence?
That's not what you're jealous of, what you're jealous of is that we
_can_ and you're enraged that you're impotent and there's nothing
you can do about it.

What would you have done in our place?

Let Saddam Hussein _keep_ amassing a fortune and biding his time so
that he _could_ complete the development of weapons and delivery
systems which would inundate our friends?

Probably, and then you'd be bitching about "Geez, if only you guys
had done it this way..."

Fuck you, and if you don't like it, tough shit.

If you think you know a better way to prosecute the war, then write
to the President and tell him about it instead of just uselessly
flapping your gums here.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 00:33:16 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

It's not a question of any of that, it's a question of not forcing
the many to conform to the needs of the unfortunate few.

Unfortunate as the blind are because of their blindness, They're at
least fortunate in that text-to-speech software was developed in the
first place. Now they have ready access to huge numbers of books
and written materials, which they didn't before.

Also access to USENET, and if it's inconvenient to have to wade
through a lot of previous posts because people don't snip and edit
their posts like they should, then that's the breaks, and is the
fault of the inconsiderate sighted posters.

I would think that since you're such a bleeding-heart pussy that
you'd get right to work writing some code so that the blind could
navigate posts more easily. It's a real opportunity to help out and
make some bucks along the way, I think, but for someone like you,
instead of getting down to it and helping out, you'd rather just
cast aspersions on Americans. Interestingly, for no reason other
than that they're Americans. Hitler was like that, except he hated
Jews in the same way, so I guess your feelings are that the only
good American is a dead American?

When will you be firing up the ovens?

And your own comments prove that I am right. I don't hate anyone because of
their origins or for any other reasons. I despise blind, arrogant stupidity
and jingoist egotism. You are a prime example of all of those.
You're such an easy mark it's pathetic.

On the one hand you say that you don't hate anyone for any reason,
and on the other you say you despise blind, arrogant stupidity.

Looking at members of the KKK as an examples of individuals guilty
of blind, arrogant stupidity seems to indicate that you despise/hate

Unless you subscribe to the philosophy where you love the person but
you hate the act. Just some more of your stupid fucking bullshit,

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 03:29:58 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"Dustbin Ko0k" <> wrote in message

All of that bile, and *you* don't know the Student and Teacher. Why did
you ask Damian, fuckhead?

This was a rhetorical question, as anyone with half a brain could tell.
Apparently the two of you combined don't manage to achieve even that minimum
standard of intelligence.
Yup, it's always something different _after_ the fact, isn't it, you
phony phuck.

BTW, what if there were no rhetorical questions?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

Welcome to

