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On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 00:43:37 +0000, Homer J Simpson did the cha-cha, and
"Meat Plow" wrote...

Show RFC where quoting is a shortcoming. It's up to the individual to
skip over or mute quoted content.

Consider the blind - who listen to Usenet. They have to wade through a
mountain of crap to hear one line - or sometimes none.
Consider your killfile.

Hail Eris! TM#5; COOSN-029-06-71069
Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition
No one expects the Fannish Inquisition!
Argumentum ad Septicus : argument to putrefaction. Derived from Septicum
Argumentum : putrefaction of argument.

"Septic \Sep"tic\, Septical \Sep"tic*al\
a. [L. septicus to make putrid: cf. F. septique.]
Having power to promote putrefaction. Of or relating to or
caused by putrefaction." -- Kadaitcha Man, indirectly to
Donald "Skeptic"/"Septic" Alford, in MID: <>

"I never fail to be amazing" -- Looney Maroon for September 2006 nominee
William Barwell's ego knows no bounds. MID:

"We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the
child at play." -- Heraclitus

"And thats another mistake on your part. Your 'playing' games on usenet,
and I'm not playing...It has nothing to do with impressing you, it has
more to do with making sure you have the education you'll need to debate.
The debate is no fun for me if you are mentally incapable of it. I'm
giving you an opportunity to educate yourself. That's all." -- A trashy
former virus-writer turned Outer Filth doesn't know if he's playing or
working, in MID: <>
"The Demon Prince of Absurdity" <absurd_number_of_nicks@hell.corn> wrote in
message news:pan.2006.

Consider your killfile.
If I kill-filed everyone who was too clueless to post correctly it would be
a lonely place.
On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 04:23:07 +0000, Homer J Simpson attempted to confuse
the issue further by squeaking:
"The Demon Prince of Absurdity" wrote...

Consider your killfile.

If I kill-filed everyone who was too clueless to post correctly it would
be a lonely place.
Well, you could always try realising that usenet's meant for laughs.
"Serious discussion" is a waste of bandwidth.;-{P}

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5; COOSN-029-06-71069
The God of Odd Statements, the Ugliest Pigfucker In The Universe
Stupidity Takes Its Toll. Please Have Exact Change.
Thread where outing begins:
George Pickett Memorial Trophy, Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart,
and the Order of the Holey Sockpuppet winner <> on
outing personal contact info in x-poasted subject lines:
"Plenty of people post under their real names and do not attempt to hide
their contact info. You are scared of being 'outed' because you are a
pathological abuser of usenet, and people rightly despise you for it.
You're afraid of being reported to the authorities or, better, visited
by a couple of guys with baseball bats. Other people don't have this
obsessive fear. Ward Hardman himself has posted plenty of personal
information - nothing that anyone else added was hidden in any way.
You're so fucking scared you've built up this whole sick mythology about
different categories of bad dudes who 'out' scum like you.

"Meanwhile you are the ugliest pigfucker in the universe. You are the
coward without ethics. You call me a 'newbie' - ha! what an asshole you
are. Those who want to remain anonymous do so. There is absolutely no
way you could identify me, not unless you had the sort of subpoena power
that only gets turned on for big-time terrorists. That's because I chose
to be anonymous. Some people don't. Only really stupid dicks like you
choose the sort of semi-anonymity which leaves you in constant fear.

"What a dickless wonder you are 'Snarky' you fat asshole."
-- in MID: <>
On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 00:43:37 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"Meat Plow" <meat@meatplow.local> wrote in message

Show RFC where quoting is a shortcoming. It's up to the individual to skip
over or mute quoted content.

Consider the blind - who listen to Usenet. They have to wade through a
mountain of crap to hear one line - or sometimes none.
So we should all carry white canes?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
Juan Jimenez wrote:

Hi folks,

Does anyone have a calibration/maint manual for a JDR Instruments model 3500
o'scope? I bought it cheap for my son ($100), he is building his own analog
synth, and it works great, but the focus control no longer brings the trace
into focus when I turn it all the way to the right. I need to adjust this
but I don't have a manual.
Does it have an astigmatism control? Is that working correctly?
Unplug the PS from the wall and use an ohmmeter on the plug. There
shoul dbe many many megohms resistance between either side of the line
and the ground prong. Most common problem is a bad or damp line
filter capacitor or a bad or damp transformer.

If the breaker is a GFCI type, sometimes a too-large line filter
capacitor can cause it to trip. Anything over 0.02uF can cause some
GFCI's to trip.
mrhoef wrote:
I have got a power scooter (CTM HS686) for repair and experience a strange
phenomenum. Powering the scooter up works with an ordinary on/off keyswitch,
but the scooter only powers up when the the switch is turned on and then off
immediately. The scooter works fine then. To switch the scooter off one has
to do the same; switch on and then off.
When leaving the switch in the "on" position part of the functions won't
Apparently the board now only needs a power pulse to activate, however the
original keyswitch is of the ordinary on/off type.
I have checked the board as good as I can, but cannot find anything wrong
with it.
Anybody any ideas how to approach this problem.

Is it possible that the keyswitch input to the circuit board (or at
least a portion of it) was designed to be an AC coupled connection?
Such connection type may have been designed to allow the controller to
work with either a ON-OFF keyswitch or a momentary ON push buton). This
way they could offer the keyswitch as an optional item at a higher
price for the scooter.

If the design is AC coupled in this manner and the coupling circuitry
became shorted it could account for the behavior you are seeing.

- mkaras wrote:
Jeff Wisnia wrote:

Since SWMBO was out getting some "retail therapy" I had some free
time, and taking the Eico into my workshop, I opened it up,
disconnected the leads to the ammeter and fed it with my bench supply.
That verified again that it was reading almost twice the DC current
passing through it.
if you want it to read right, remove a turn or 2 on the coil. Not sure
if I'd bother though.

"Meat Plow" <meat@meatplow.local> wrote in message

If I kill-filed everyone who was too clueless to post correctly it would
be a lonely place.

Pretty good reason then not to piss and moan about it right?
But it's still worth reminding folk to snip. Try being on a mail list where
someone replies to a 50 message digest - and adds nothing to the glop.
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Consider the blind - who listen to Usenet. They have to wade through a
mountain of crap to hear one line - or sometimes none.

So we should all carry white canes?
You're an American. I don't expect you to give a damn about your fellow
citizens - or anyone else on earth.
"Damian" <> wrote in message

Consider the blind - who listen to Usenet. They have to wade
through a mountain of crap to hear one line - or sometimes none.

So we should all carry white canes?

You're an American. I don't expect you to give a damn about your
fellow citizens - or anyone else on earth.

Jealousy like that is so ugly.
Who the hell is jealous of you? I merely write what I observe.
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Damian" <> wrote in message

Consider the blind - who listen to Usenet. They have to wade
through a mountain of crap to hear one line - or sometimes none.

So we should all carry white canes?

You're an American. I don't expect you to give a damn about your
fellow citizens - or anyone else on earth.

Jealousy like that is so ugly.

Who the hell is jealous of you?
I don't know, why do you ask? Are you jealous of more than John?

I merely write what I observe.
Oh, you're vision impaired. Sorry.
"Damian" <> wrote in message

Jealousy like that is so ugly.

Who the hell is jealous of you?

I don't know, why do you ask? Are you jealous of more than John?

I merely write what I observe.

Oh, you're vision impaired. Sorry.
Better than being brain impaired like you.
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:32:37 +0000, Homer J Simpson attempted to confuse
the issue further by squeaking:
"Meat Plow" wrote...

If I kill-filed everyone who was too clueless to post correctly it
would be a lonely place.

Pretty good reason then not to piss and moan about it right?

But it's still worth reminding folk to snip. Try being on a mail list
where someone replies to a 50 message digest - and adds nothing to the
Someone remind me to be more appreciative of Yahoo Groups, in future.


Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5; COOSN-029-06-71069
The God of Odd Statements, the Ugliest Pigfucker In The Universe
Stupidity Takes Its Toll. Please Have Exact Change.
Thread where outing begins:
George Pickett Memorial Trophy, Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart,
and the Order of the Holey Sockpuppet winner <> on
outing personal contact info in x-poasted subject lines:
"Plenty of people post under their real names and do not attempt to hide
their contact info. You are scared of being 'outed' because you are a
pathological abuser of usenet, and people rightly despise you for it.
You're afraid of being reported to the authorities or, better, visited
by a couple of guys with baseball bats. Other people don't have this
obsessive fear. Ward Hardman himself has posted plenty of personal
information - nothing that anyone else added was hidden in any way.
You're so fucking scared you've built up this whole sick mythology about
different categories of bad dudes who 'out' scum like you.

"Meanwhile you are the ugliest pigfucker in the universe. You are the
coward without ethics. You call me a 'newbie' - ha! what an asshole you
are. Those who want to remain anonymous do so. There is absolutely no
way you could identify me, not unless you had the sort of subpoena power
that only gets turned on for big-time terrorists. That's because I chose
to be anonymous. Some people don't. Only really stupid dicks like you
choose the sort of semi-anonymity which leaves you in constant fear.

"What a dickless wonder you are 'Snarky' you fat asshole."
-- in MID: <>
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:25:12 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<> wrote:

"Damian" <> wrote in message

Jealousy like that is so ugly.

Who the hell is jealous of you?

I don't know, why do you ask? Are you jealous of more than John?

I merely write what I observe.

Oh, you're vision impaired. Sorry.

Better than being brain impaired like you.
Your observations are getting furthur from reality the more you go on.
Sensisbly you would stop now before making more of a fool of

Peter Dettmann
Peter Dettmann <>, the befriender of columbian drug
lords and gun runners, chimed in:

On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:25:12 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"> wrote:

"Damian" <> wrote in message

Jealousy like that is so ugly.

Who the hell is jealous of you?

I don't know, why do you ask? Are you jealous of more than John?

I merely write what I observe.

Oh, you're vision impaired. Sorry.

Better than being brain impaired like you.

Your observations are getting furthur from reality the more you go on.
Sensisbly you would stop now before making more of a fool of
He's posting on usenet with "Homer J Simpson" as a nick, you fucking fool.
Who the fuck gets embarrassed on usenet, for fuck snakes?

alt.usenet.kooks - Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005 and April 2006

"K-Man's particular genius, however, lies not merely in his humour,
but his ability to make posters who had previously seemed reasonably
well-balanced turn into foaming, frothing, death threat-uttering
maniacs" - Snarky, Demon Lord of Confusion

Thou pantaloon. I desire that we be better strangers.
On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 19:42:08 -0700, "Damian" <>

Homer J Simpson wrote:
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

Consider the blind - who listen to Usenet. They have to wade
through a mountain of crap to hear one line - or sometimes none.

So we should all carry white canes?

You're an American. I don't expect you to give a damn about your
fellow citizens - or anyone else on earth.

Jealousy like that is so ugly.
Then Homer must be the UGLIEST SOB on the planet ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
"Damian" <> wrote in message
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote
in message

Jealousy like that is so ugly.

Then Homer must be the UGLIEST SOB on the planet ;-)

"My teacher made me feel bad. I must kill him."

Identify the country.

Burnaby, BC, CA.
Specify the case details.

BTW, only a complete idiot confuses the head office of a multi province ISP
with the location of its many thousands of users.

Oops, that must mean you.
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Damian" <> wrote in message
Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Jim Thompson" <
wrote in message

Jealousy like that is so ugly.

Then Homer must be the UGLIEST SOB on the planet ;-)

"My teacher made me feel bad. I must kill him."

Identify the country.

Burnaby, BC, CA.

Specify the case details.
Look them up.

BTW, only a complete idiot confuses the head office of a multi
province ISP with the location of its many thousands of users.
What, or Who are you babbling about? I made no reference to any ISP, I
identified the locale to your question.

Oops, that must mean you.
Look again, complete idiot. Oh shit, that's right; you're blind.

"Damian" <> wrote in message

"My teacher made me feel bad. I must kill him."

Identify the country.

Burnaby, BC, CA.
Name the student, teacher and school and provide the details of the assault,
asshole. Or admit you are a pile of lying shit.

Welcome to

