Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Spamfree wrote:

L. you are so stupid. Hey guys, come over HERE and see what stupidity
Terrell and L. pull!

He's a putrid SOB, to be certain, but about as gutless as a cleaned
Steven wrote:
Spamfree wrote:

L. you are so stupid. Hey guys, come over HERE and see what stupidity
Terrell and L. pull!

He's a putrid SOB, to be certain, but about as gutless as a cleaned
Oh yeah, I forgot.$

I saw that last bit in Syl's original post, too...

Hay Sylvain, you a troll?
Is all this really related to radio in any way? There must be a forum
where people like this can spread their venom, and compete with the
other super foul mouth professional red necks . Spare us. Ken

Steven wrote:

Steven wrote:

Spamfree wrote:

L. you are so stupid. Hey guys, come over HERE and see what stupidity
Terrell and L. pull!

He's a putrid SOB, to be certain, but about as gutless as a cleaned

Oh yeah, I forgot.$

I saw that last bit in Syl's original post, too...

Hay Sylvain, you a troll?
Steven wrote:
Steven wrote:

Spamfree wrote:

L. you are so stupid. Hey guys, come over HERE and see what stupidity
Terrell and L. pull!

He's a putrid SOB, to be certain, but about as gutless as a cleaned
Gutless? Boy - you can't run or hide - FAR enough to say that. Remember -
with each push of your door bell button or knock on your door - you best be
asking yourself - should I answer it? As was said before - it won't be the
Avon lady in this case - even tho she is a frequent traveler to your door
for your pussyfied looks. I'll show you who is "gutless". You low life piece
of shit. You want to talk about a cleaned catfish! Your balls which you
wanted eaten, will be shoved down YOUR throat. You shouldn't fuck with those
you don't know - you can get hurt.

As I told you before SCUMbag - I've found others lost for years who owed
thousands, finding you will be equally as easy. I've got more records at my
disposal than you can dream of. And ya know what - I won't even let you
know I'm on my way. You'll see me when I arrive at your door. Will I be the
Pizza man, Salesman, cab driver or some such similar - even if appearing to
have the wrong address to you? You'll never know. I wouldn't be ordering out
for deliveries, that is for sure. Knock knock! Then again - going out can be
equally as hazardous. That ass kicking is definately over due. I'll have to
see if my single knock out punch still works. It hasn't failed me yet! Oh
STEVEN - come here BOY - I want to try it out on YOU. I'm going to own you
like a slave - boy. You cross dressing sick c*&k S*&ker.

You think your funny - talking shit to a GROUP of people and think you can
continue getting away with it. YOUR day WILL come. And for what it is
worth - ASS HOLE - an "ASS KICKING" is not a "major" crime. I'll be happy to
pay the fine if caught. It would be worth it to see your ass laying there
with your teeth knocked out.
I've gotten out of those fines before but hey, there's always a first time!
NO BIG DEAL. Once I show them the e-mail of your "ball eating" fantasy -
they'll probably throw the case out.

Gutless? Hahahahahahahahah...................... ROFLMAO.......... we shall
Ken wrote:
Is all this really related to radio in any way? There must be a forum
where people like this can spread their venom, and compete with the
other super foul mouth professional red necks . Spare us. Ken
That's why it was crossposted. I've been doing some serious housework
all the while, and I had to prctically disassemble a bagless vac to
clean it (for the first time since I got it). I rarely had to work on a
Eureka F & G style or a Hoover. Give me a Sanitaire every time.
Steven wrote:

Steven wrote:

Spamfree wrote:

L. you are so stupid. Hey guys, come over HERE and see what stupidity
Terrell and L. pull!

He's a putrid SOB, to be certain, but about as gutless as a cleaned

Oh yeah, I forgot.$

I saw that last bit in Syl's original post, too...

Hay Sylvain, you a troll?
12 From: Spamfree - view profile
Date: Thurs, Sep 21 2006 5:45 am
Email: "Spamfree" <>
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Steven wrote:

Steven wrote:

Spamfree wrote:

L. you are so stupid. Hey guys, come over HERE and see what stupidity
Terrell and L. pull!

He's a putrid SOB, to be certain, but about as gutless as a cleaned

Gutless? Boy - you can't run or hide - FAR enough to say that. Remember
with each push of your door bell button or knock on your door - you
best be
asking yourself - should I answer it? As was said before - it won't be
Avon lady in this case - even tho she is a frequent traveler to your
for your pussyfied looks. I'll show you who is "gutless". You low life
of shit. You want to talk about a cleaned catfish! Your balls which you

wanted eaten, will be shoved down YOUR throat. You shouldn't fuck with
you don't know - you can get hurt.

As I told you before SCUMbag - I've found others lost for years who
thousands, finding you will be equally as easy. I've got more records
at my
disposal than you can dream of. And ya know what - I won't even let
know I'm on my way. You'll see me when I arrive at your door. Will I be
Pizza man, Salesman, cab driver or some such similar - even if
appearing to
have the wrong address to you? You'll never know. I wouldn't be
ordering out
for deliveries, that is for sure. Knock knock! Then again - going out
can be
equally as hazardous. That ass kicking is definately over due. I'll
have to
see if my single knock out punch still works. It hasn't failed me yet!
STEVEN - come here BOY - I want to try it out on YOU. I'm going to own
like a slave - boy. You cross dressing sick c*&k S*&ker.

You think your funny - talking shit to a GROUP of people and think you
continue getting away with it. YOUR day WILL come. And for what it is
worth - ASS HOLE - an "ASS KICKING" is not a "major" crime. I'll be
happy to
pay the fine if caught. It would be worth it to see your ass laying
with your teeth knocked out.
I've gotten out of those fines before but hey, there's always a first
NO BIG DEAL. Once I show them the e-mail of your "ball eating" fantasy
they'll probably throw the case out.

Gutless? Hahahahahahahahah...................... ROFLMAO.......... we

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13 From: Spamfree - view profile
Date: Thurs, Sep 21 2006 6:02 am
Email: "Spamfree" <>
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KEN - THAT SCUM - isn't related to radio. Even if ya kill file her as
says, she comes back in other forms - like the venereal disease she is.
ends when "she" stops. You've obviously not had the occasion of a
e-mail of her wanting you to side with her. The SHE/HE loves male
and tries to swoon anyone in to their corner that she can - like a
widow spider. Watch your balls, she has fantasies of people eating them
guess she wants a taste. The only one spreading any venom here is that
IF the little fag would cease, this shit wouldn't go on. IT has
it since I've been reading these groups and that's been a LONG time. IT
nothing of "radio" topic even on a GOOD day. IT sits here and type up
of a very delirious nature and then wonder why people jump down ITs
or "trys" to ignore IT - neither which gets through to IT. IT is
screwed up
in the head and needs HELP. That ball less sicko has even called and
threatened women. IT isn't "man" enough to face a man. Problem is, I
some women who could kick the shit out of that scum - just as easy as a
So, they still best be careful "which" woman they threaten.
That "scum" doesn't deserve to breathe the air of this planet. Back to
posting - all who've had to indulge that piece of shit in here - "have"

posted "on topic". The fag is the only one who hasn't been of any
value. IT
wouldn't know a tube from a SMD device. The little She/he is so
delusional -
it would shove a tube up their ass for excitement and eat the SMD to
get a

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

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Ken wrote:

Is all this really related to radio in any way? There must be a forum
where people like this can spread their venom, and compete with the
other super foul mouth professional red necks . Spare us. Ken

All the little shit wants is attention of any type. I see she's
still blindly accusing me of things I have nothing to do with, in an
attempt to get me to respond, but she's not worth it. Just kill file
the ignorant bitch and ignore her tantrums that a six year old would be
ashamed of.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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14 From: Michael A. Terrell - view profile
Date: Thurs, Sep 21 2006 6:10 am
Email: "Michael A. Terrell" <>
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Spamfree wrote:

Gutless? Hahahahahahahahah...................... ROFLMAO.......... we shall

Would you trim the cross posts to ?
Skippy is trying to stir up more trouble, but it shouldn't have to
involve that group, too. Skippy posts BS to people asking for help,
like she knows something useful. There is a lot more traffic on that
group, and they have enough trolls already.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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15 From: Spamfree - view profile
Date: Thurs, Sep 21 2006 6:13 am
Email: "Spamfree" <>
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Sorry dude, I just noticed that myself when flipping through the news
groups! I seen and was like - WHAT THE HELL? I'll have to watch the

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

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- Show quoted text -

Spamfree wrote:

Gutless? Hahahahahahahahah...................... ROFLMAO.......... we

Would you trim the cross posts to ?
Skippy is trying to stir up more trouble, but it shouldn't have to
involve that group, too. Skippy posts BS to people asking for help,
like she knows something useful. There is a lot more traffic on that
group, and they have enough trolls already.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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16 From: Michael A. Terrell - view profile
Date: Thurs, Sep 21 2006 6:15 am
Email: "Michael A. Terrell" <>
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Spamfree wrote:

Sorry dude, I just noticed that myself when flipping through the news
groups! I seen and was like - WHAT THE HELL? I'll have to watch the next

You could try to cancel the post before it propagates too far.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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17 From: Spamfree - view profile
Date: Thurs, Sep 21 2006 6:23 am
Email: "Spamfree" <>
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I would, but in "that" area - I am a tad rusty in knowledge. I have
an apology to the group. I didn't think the scum had the wherewithall
to do
that! Let it be a lesson to those in "this" group - how this SLUT -
is trying to destroy the groups anyway IT can. It's not bad enough they

harass all in here, now IT is cross posting. It just goes to prove how
"little" "IT" has to offer the groups in any other "ON topic"
I'll be sure to watch the headers before replying to the wonder slut -
again. I'm sorry THIS group has had to endure that crap.

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

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- Show quoted text -

Spamfree wrote:

Sorry dude, I just noticed that myself when flipping through the news
groups! I seen and was like - WHAT THE HELL? I'll have to watch the next

You could try to cancel the post before it propagates too far.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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18 From: Michael A. Terrell - view profile
Date: Thurs, Sep 21 2006 6:27 am
Email: "Michael A. Terrell" <>
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Spamfree wrote:

I would, but in "that" area - I am a tad rusty in knowledge.

With most browsers I've used you open the message, right click and
choose "Cancel this message".

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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19 From: Steven - view profile
Date: Thurs, Sep 21 2006 6:27 am
Email: "Steven" <>
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Ken wrote:
Is all this really related to radio in any way? There must be a forum
where people like this can spread their venom, and compete with the
other super foul mouth professional red necks . Spare us. Ken

That's why it was crossposted. I've been doing some serious housework
all the while, and I had to prctically disassemble a bagless vac to
clean it (for the first time since I got it). I rarely had to work on a

Eureka F & G style or a Hoover. Give me a Sanitaire every time.

- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
"Spamfree" <> wrote in message
Steven wrote:

Steven wrote:

Spamfree wrote:

L. you are so stupid. Hey guys, come over HERE and see what stupidity
Terrell and L. pull!

He's a putrid SOB, to be certain, but about as gutless as a cleaned

Gutless? Boy - you can't run or hide - FAR enough to say that. Remember -
with each push of your door bell button or knock on your door - you best
be asking yourself - should I answer it? As was said before - it won't be
the Avon lady in this case - even tho she is a frequent traveler to your
door for your pussyfied looks. I'll show you who is "gutless". You low
life piece of shit. You want to talk about a cleaned catfish! Your balls
which you wanted eaten, will be shoved down YOUR throat. You shouldn't
fuck with those you don't know - you can get hurt.

As I told you before SCUMbag - I've found others lost for years who owed
thousands, finding you will be equally as easy. I've got more records at
my disposal than you can dream of. And ya know what - I won't even let
you know I'm on my way. You'll see me when I arrive at your door. Will I
be the Pizza man, Salesman, cab driver or some such similar - even if
appearing to have the wrong address to you? You'll never know. I wouldn't
be ordering out for deliveries, that is for sure. Knock knock! Then
again - going out can be equally as hazardous. That ass kicking is
definately over due. I'll have to see if my single knock out punch still
works. It hasn't failed me yet! Oh STEVEN - come here BOY - I want to try
it out on YOU. I'm going to own you like a slave - boy. You cross dressing
sick c*&k S*&ker.

You think your funny - talking shit to a GROUP of people and think you can
continue getting away with it. YOUR day WILL come. And for what it is
worth - ASS HOLE - an "ASS KICKING" is not a "major" crime. I'll be happy
to pay the fine if caught. It would be worth it to see your ass laying
there with your teeth knocked out.
I've gotten out of those fines before but hey, there's always a first
time! NO BIG DEAL. Once I show them the e-mail of your "ball eating"
fantasy - they'll probably throw the case out.

Gutless? Hahahahahahahahah...................... ROFLMAO.......... we
shall see.

Tell you what - I am going to be looking your records up from here. I have
two isses to take care of here which "could" take about 6 months to clear.
After that - I am clear for a "hunting" expedition. By then I'll be armed
with some of your sick posts and enough Personal Info to find you and deal
with you.
Spamfree wrote:
"Spamfree" <> wrote in message

Steven wrote:

Steven wrote:

Spamfree wrote:

L. you are so stupid. Hey guys, come over HERE and see what stupidity
Terrell and L. pull!

He's a putrid SOB, to be certain, but about as gutless as a cleaned

Gutless? Boy - you can't run or hide - FAR enough to say that. Remember -
with each push of your door bell button or knock on your door - you best
be asking yourself - should I answer it? As was said before - it won't be
the Avon lady in this case - even tho she is a frequent traveler to your
door for your pussyfied looks. I'll show you who is "gutless". You low
life piece of shit. You want to talk about a cleaned catfish! Your balls
which you wanted eaten, will be shoved down YOUR throat. You shouldn't
fuck with those you don't know - you can get hurt.

As I told you before SCUMbag - I've found others lost for years who owed
thousands, finding you will be equally as easy. I've got more records at
my disposal than you can dream of. And ya know what - I won't even let
you know I'm on my way. You'll see me when I arrive at your door. Will I
be the Pizza man, Salesman, cab driver or some such similar - even if
appearing to have the wrong address to you? You'll never know. I wouldn't
be ordering out for deliveries, that is for sure. Knock knock! Then
again - going out can be equally as hazardous. That ass kicking is
definately over due. I'll have to see if my single knock out punch still
works. It hasn't failed me yet! Oh STEVEN - come here BOY - I want to try
it out on YOU. I'm going to own you like a slave - boy. You cross dressing
sick c*&k S*&ker.

You think your funny - talking shit to a GROUP of people and think you can
continue getting away with it. YOUR day WILL come. And for what it is
worth - ASS HOLE - an "ASS KICKING" is not a "major" crime. I'll be happy
to pay the fine if caught. It would be worth it to see your ass laying
there with your teeth knocked out.
I've gotten out of those fines before but hey, there's always a first
time! NO BIG DEAL. Once I show them the e-mail of your "ball eating"
fantasy - they'll probably throw the case out.

Gutless? Hahahahahahahahah...................... ROFLMAO.......... we
shall see.


Tell you what - I am going to be looking your records up from here. I have
two isses to take care of here which "could" take about 6 months to clear.
After that - I am clear for a "hunting" expedition. By then I'll be armed
with some of your sick posts and enough Personal Info to find you and deal
with you.
Are you going to jail or court for something?
Spamfree wrote:
"Spamfree" <> wrote in message

Steven wrote:

Steven wrote:

Spamfree wrote:

L. you are so stupid. Hey guys, come over HERE and see what stupidity
Terrell and L. pull!

He's a putrid SOB, to be certain, but about as gutless as a cleaned

Gutless? Boy - you can't run or hide - FAR enough to say that. Remember -
with each push of your door bell button or knock on your door - you best
be asking yourself - should I answer it? As was said before - it won't be
the Avon lady in this case - even tho she is a frequent traveler to your
door for your pussyfied looks. I'll show you who is "gutless". You low
life piece of shit. You want to talk about a cleaned catfish! Your balls
which you wanted eaten, will be shoved down YOUR throat. You shouldn't
fuck with those you don't know - you can get hurt.

As I told you before SCUMbag - I've found others lost for years who owed
thousands, finding you will be equally as easy. I've got more records at
my disposal than you can dream of. And ya know what - I won't even let
you know I'm on my way. You'll see me when I arrive at your door. Will I
be the Pizza man, Salesman, cab driver or some such similar - even if
appearing to have the wrong address to you? You'll never know. I wouldn't
be ordering out for deliveries, that is for sure. Knock knock! Then
again - going out can be equally as hazardous. That ass kicking is
definately over due. I'll have to see if my single knock out punch still
works. It hasn't failed me yet! Oh STEVEN - come here BOY - I want to try
it out on YOU. I'm going to own you like a slave - boy. You cross dressing
sick c*&k S*&ker.

You think your funny - talking shit to a GROUP of people and think you can
continue getting away with it. YOUR day WILL come. And for what it is
worth - ASS HOLE - an "ASS KICKING" is not a "major" crime. I'll be happy
to pay the fine if caught. It would be worth it to see your ass laying
there with your teeth knocked out.
I've gotten out of those fines before but hey, there's always a first
time! NO BIG DEAL. Once I show them the e-mail of your "ball eating"
fantasy - they'll probably throw the case out.

Gutless? Hahahahahahahahah...................... ROFLMAO.......... we
shall see.


Tell you what - I am going to be looking your records up from here. I have
two isses to take care of here which "could" take about 6 months to clear.
After that - I am clear for a "hunting" expedition. By then I'll be armed
with some of your sick posts and enough Personal Info to find you and deal
with you.
Here's one for my archive then, one that will stay a while.
"bobandcarole" <> wrote in message
bobandcarole kicking ass daily wrote: > Boy prostitutes - to use them or not - View
If we were interested in what was posted at, we would
all be signed up to read it. Don't cross-post to groups that are not
interested in your personal crusade.

James Powell
Anonymous pedophile Secret Squirrel wrote:

"bobandcarole" <> wrote in

bobandcarole kicking ass daily wrote: > Boy prostitutes - to use them or
not - View Parsed

Anonymous pedophile 'secret' lies again.

Aw, but B&C, if you want to damn us, and me personally, why
stop at just that? Why not show everyone the later responses
in this and related threads about the poster (in Thailand,
mind you, where the laws are different)
Wrong, sex with children is illegal in Thailand and that post didn't
come from Thailand.
"bobandcarole" <> wrote in message

Those Aussie descendants of prison bitches are still freaks...........

I will tell the Aussie Government that you feel that way and suggest we
bring our troops home from helping a failing US war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Ronald 'More-More' Moshki" <> wrote in message

is it not something of horror to think about what bob did to his
He is a self confessed child killer.
Bart Bervoets wrote:
Check if it really is your monitor.
I have seen a pc jump in hibernate and lock up there, black screen is the
turn screen saver, energy saving options and hibernate off in windows, if
the problem persists post
model and make of the monitor, TFT or CRT?

Bart Bervoets

what do you mean by TFT or CRT
Spamfree wrote:
MY sincerest apology to the group for the "Cross post" which I hadn't
noticed was happening when replying to a post on another group - regarding
Skippy the wonder slut. I won't post here regarding IT - again.
L. aka Spamfree is still at it on, and now he
thinks it's fun to find people private lives or police blotter and
broadcast them for some kind of effect. Whatever. I'm sorry that you
and several other groups had been made to endure this person, and
Michael A. Terrell who is his "buddy", imported this person to RAR+P as
seems to have a good deal to do with the saga of annoying posts by
"Desert Bob Scarborough", "Caine/Charlie Nudo" et al over several
groups, and general harassment of posters through misinformation or
just trying to stall by changing the subject.

I see you are still being bothered by "Bob and Carole" and some
homophobic cat. Human nature never seems to change and the same types
that would jump in 1995 will continue.

Let's remind our erstwhile attacker that in the United States what one
is charged with and what ultimately results are often vastly differing
things. Police make charges based on their training, district attorneys
decide what to follow through on and lawyers prosecute or defend based
on those discoveries. Even then, one is not guilty of anything until
proven in court.

I don't know why cetain parties seem to need to "finish" something. I
find it to be a lie as it is as evidenced by the fairly new thread
mentioning they saw another person's name in a "swinger's directory"
while snooping around the internet. Why the hell were they snooping?

The more this goes on, the more I get a hunch that it's all centrally
located or at the least in a very tight bunch, and NOT coming from
outside at all, or at least not far away.

One thing I do know is that I found Usenet (not Google Groups) while
trying to repair my phonograph, that I was ignored for two weeks until
one poster tried to help me and expressed his indignation over my
dismissal, that I was invited to by a friend who'd
been a help to an AM stereo group I was in, that it was fun being there
UNTIL 9/11 and the Afghan War, when I started getting yelled at by
folks much like my attackers here (they were far better adversaries)
and a couple started taking potshots at me in RAR+P.

This is where the slow descent into Hell seems to begin.

Dammit, I valued being on Usenet and all that, and I tried to keep them
out of our group because I liked the group, it was helpful, I found
tube sets I liked, even solid state vintage gear and learned where to
get things on a low budget. After all the stress I'd been through, I
made the ONE MISTAKE of saying things were stressful, and I'm bipolar.
It's been one roller coaster after another since, starting with Jeff
Angus calling me Skippy, Peter Wieck trying to play armchair
psychiatrist and and getting pushed around for five years.

Well, I be damned if all that didn't just make me sure that five or six
people in an unmoderated group couldn't serve as a tribunal, and not
just to me, but to the others they blew hot and cold over depanding on
the weather. That I've learned ANYTHING in newsgroups despite all this
is a testament to ME and people that actually care.

All the harping about my SS benefits being "welfare" is telling also.
first of all, the people you elected wrote the laws, welfare doesn't
exist and it's a job program now, and under those laws I put into FICA
and am entitled to draw from FICA. If you want it changed, convince 100
millions other and you congressman.

The FCC gave some of you guys licenses, and I recall we ALL paid taxes
to run the FCC and make it cheap enough for you to go online at more
than 14.4k, create jobs for unemployed ex-Vietnam vets with drinking
problem and sick minds and let them bitch about their lives going to
hell in some foreigh sweatshop with armed guards.

People like you are numerous and in all countries. So, should we just
close the network? Does it matter?

What is it with the "US VS. THEM" crap? If you despise and fear
something, why do you poke at it to see if it will bite or something?

The answer: You think you are "republicans", "democrats",
"conservative", "liberal", that you are trying to "save" something. It
worked it Vietnam, didn't it? Why did we get out of Vietnam, kids?

Say it loud and proud, we were defeated not only by North Vietnam but
humiliated by our own citizens and country.

Addicts know too well about transference. To help quit drinking or
taking drugs, you smoke tobacco because it's legal and still slightly
acceptable, or you substitute a controlled medication, or chew a
nicotine gum. Cold turkey is hell.

This is YOUR transference device.

I hate to disturb likewise. Arguing at the same
fools over and over on RAR+P is only internalizing it and won't help.

I guarantee that if anybody from RAR+P posts back them won't have much
sympathy either. A little bit more scrutiny couldn't possibly hurt at
all, though. Usenet users seems to think they are in a magical land
where nobody knows or cares.
Skippy whined:

A bunch of stuff:
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. '

Harry S. Truman

Skippy, you have managed to poison every venue you have visited without
exception. This one is resisting. Were you to leave (quietly or
otherwise, but just leave) the "abuse" from at least this venue would
cease instantly. Simple as that. No amount of whining, puling,
high-stick-horse antics or other blathering will alter that essential

Peter Wieck
Wyncote, PA
Peter Wieck wrote:
Skippy whined:

A bunch of stuff:

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. '

Harry S. Truman

Skippy, you have managed to poison every venue you have visited without
exception. This one is resisting. Were you to leave (quietly or
otherwise, but just leave) the "abuse" from at least this venue would
cease instantly. Simple as that. No amount of whining, puling,
high-stick-horse antics or other blathering will alter that essential

Peter Wieck
Wyncote, PA
Au contrere, it's the other way around. This is America, and you're a
pussy to leave and a pussy to stay. Finish whatever the hell your wife
made for breakfast before it gets cold. You are one of the prime
retards anyway. Like I care.
Peter Wieck wrote:
Skippy whined:

A bunch of stuff:

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. '

Harry S. Truman

Skippy, you have managed to poison every venue you have visited without
exception. This one is resisting. Were you to leave (quietly or
otherwise, but just leave) the "abuse" from at least this venue would
cease instantly. Simple as that. No amount of whining, puling,
high-stick-horse antics or other blathering will alter that essential

Peter Wieck
Wyncote, PA
PS you just got crossposted.

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