Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

<> wrote in message

This is the most important question of your life.

The question is: Are you saved?

It is not a question of how good you are,
nor if you are a church member, but are you saved?

Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die?

The reason some people don't know for sure if they
are going to Heaven when they die is because they
just don't know.

The good news is that you can know for sure that
you are going to Heaven.

The Holy Bible describes Heaven as a beautiful
place with no death, sorrow, sickness or pain.

God tells us in the Holy Bible how simple it is
to be saved so that we can live forever with Him
in Heaven.

"For if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord
and believe in your heart that God raised Him from
the dead, you WILL BE SAVED." (Romans 10:9)

Over 2000 years ago God came from Heaven to earth
in the person of Jesus Christ to shed His blood
and die on a cross to pay our sin debt in full.

Jesus Christ was born in Israel supernaturally to
a virgin Jewish woman named Mary and lived a sinless
life for thirty-three years.

At the age of thirty-three Jesus was scourged and
had a crown of thorns pressed onto His head then
Jesus was crucified.

Three days after Jesus died on a cross and was
placed in a grave Jesus rose from the dead as Jesus
said would happen before Jesus died.

If someone tells you that they are going to die and
then three days later come back to life and it
actually happens then this person must be the
real deal.

Jesus Christ is the only person that ever lived a
perfect sinless life.

This is why Jesus is able to cover our sins(misdeeds)
with His own blood because Jesus is sinless.

The Holy Bible says, "In Him(Jesus) we have
redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of
sins..." (Ephesians 1:7)

If you would like God to forgive you of your past,
present and future sins just ask Jesus Christ to be
your Lord and Saviour.

It doesn't matter how old you are or how many bad
things that you have done in your life including
lying and stealing all the way up to murder.

Just pray the prayer below with your mouth and mean
it from your heart and God will hear you and save you.

Dear Jesus Christ, I want to be saved so that I can
have a home in Heaven with You when I die. I agree
with You that I am a sinner. I believe that You love
me and want to save me. I believe that You bled and
died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins and
that You rose from the dead. Please forgive my sins
and come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour.
Thanks Lord Jesus Christ for forgiving me and saving
me through Your merciful grace. Amen.

Welcome to the family of God if you just allowed God
to save you.

Now you are a real Christian and you can know for
sure that you will live in Heaven forever when this
life comes to an end.

As a child of God we are to avoid sin(wrongdoing),
but if you do sin the Holy Bible says, "My dear
children, I write this to you so that you will not
sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks
to the Father in our defense Jesus Christ,
the Righteous One."

Those of you that have not yet decided to place your
trust in the Lord Jesus Christ may never get another
chance to do so because you do not know when you
will die.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life:
no one can come to the Father(God)(in Heaven), but
by me." (John 14:6)

This means that if you die without trusting in Jesus
Christ as your Lord and Saviour you will die in your
sins and be forever separated from the love of God in
a place called Hell.

The Holy Bible descibes Hell as a place of eternal
torment, suffering, pain and agony for all those who
have rejected Jesus Christ.

The good news is that you can avoid Hell by allowing
Jesus Christ to save you today. Only then will you
have true peace in your life knowing that no matter
what happens you are on your way to Heaven.

Praise the Lord!
Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ
Ronald L. Grossi

The Mustang is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
It maketh me burnout on black pavements;
It leadeth me beside busy freeways;
It restoreth my soul;
It leads me in the path of quickness for its names sake.
Yea I walk through the valley of rice, I shall fear no turbo, for
Torque art with me;
Thy rod and thy piston they comfort me.
Thou preparest a Track for me
in the presense of mine enemies;
Thou hast anointed my bearings with oil;
My car overpowers.
Surely traction and victory shall follow me,
All the days of my life,
And I shall dwell in the house of the V8, Forever.

Try Unistall the proggy or do a Restore .

"Rick" <> wrote in message
"AliTonto" <> wrote in message
How do I go back to the way my page looked before Beta version came in
I find this to be so tiring at reading lots of threads in this Beta
Anybodyelse feels the same?

Yes. Use the UK (original) version:
"Gumby" <> wrote in message> wrote in message

To anyone who is new to newsgroups, this so-called Ronald-Grossi is a low life
He hates Jesus Christ and all people and enjoys creating havoc in newsgroups. He
constantly changes his address to escape being slapped in the BOZO bin. No Christian
would do this and
the ONLY thing you can do to this disturbed juvenile is to IGNORE him! Do NOT respond
As difficult as it may be to refrain....try simply writing your response to vent your
anger then delete it. Do NOT post ANY response to this scummy SPAMMER!
He has no life and just floods ALL the newsgrooups with his hatred of Jesus Christ in
an attempt
to give Christians a bad name. PLEASE notice the LAST newsgroup he crossposts
what he's involved in.
On 1 May 2005 05:46:09 -0700, (AliTonto) wrote:

How do I go back to the way my page looked before Beta version came in force;
I find this to be so tiring at reading lots of threads in this Beta style.
Anybodyelse feels the same?
Maybe if you change to a real/standalone newsreader it will help.

Tom (AliTonto) wrote:

}How do I go back to the way my page looked before Beta version came in force;

Install a news-reader program on your computer...


Buy Google, then pay the programmers to go back to the prior version of news.

Helen, what Ron Grossi posts is true,(he is not giving christians a bad
name) if you read the bible you will see. the reason why the world is so
full of killings, child molesters,etc.......... is because NOT ENOUGH people
fear and believe in the truth, Jesus Christ.
"Helen" <> wrote in message
"Gumby" <> wrote in message> wrote in message

To anyone who is new to newsgroups, this so-called Ronald-Grossi is a low
He hates Jesus Christ and all people and enjoys creating havoc in
newsgroups. He
constantly changes his address to escape being slapped in the BOZO bin.
No Christian
would do this and
the ONLY thing you can do to this disturbed juvenile is to IGNORE him! Do
NOT respond
As difficult as it may be to refrain....try simply writing your response
to vent your
anger then delete it. Do NOT post ANY response to this scummy SPAMMER!
He has no life and just floods ALL the newsgrooups with his hatred of
Jesus Christ in
an attempt
to give Christians a bad name. PLEASE notice the LAST newsgroup he
what he's involved in.
<> wrote in message

I am meant to be revising so have decided to repair a dustbuster
It is a 7.2v model and the transformer to charge it is knacked. Thus, I
was thinking of running it of a 9.6v AA nicad pack for which I have a
charger with a nice plug that would make life easy.

I have fitted the pack and the suction is great, motor doesnt seem to
get too hot and all would be well... but the batteries get absolutely

How can I stop this happening? Do I need to put a resistor in to limit
current flow (but that would reduce suction I assume?) or can I run two
packs in parellel (current drawn will be the same - get 2x battery
life and the heat divided between the two packs).

The batteries get hot because you're drawing a lot of power from them, what
you need is higher capacity (A-Hr) cells or put multiple battery packs in
On Sun, 1 May 2005 14:48:24 -0400, "Bobby" <> wrote:

Helen, what Ron Grossi posts is true,(he is not giving christians a bad
name) if you read the bible you will see. the reason why the world is so
full of killings, child molesters,etc.......... is because NOT ENOUGH people
fear and believe in the truth, Jesus Christ.
Bobby - what you wrote is your belief. Many others would disagree.
Whatever, the original post does not belong on a board for PC users
and that makes its author a spammer.

"Helen" <> wrote in message

"Gumby" <> wrote in message> wrote in message

To anyone who is new to newsgroups, this so-called Ronald-Grossi is a low
He hates Jesus Christ and all people and enjoys creating havoc in
newsgroups. He
constantly changes his address to escape being slapped in the BOZO bin.
No Christian
would do this and
the ONLY thing you can do to this disturbed juvenile is to IGNORE him! Do
NOT respond
As difficult as it may be to refrain....try simply writing your response
to vent your
anger then delete it. Do NOT post ANY response to this scummy SPAMMER!
He has no life and just floods ALL the newsgrooups with his hatred of
Jesus Christ in
an attempt
to give Christians a bad name. PLEASE notice the LAST newsgroup he
what he's involved in.
"Bobby" <> wrote in message
| Helen, what Ron Grossi posts is true,(he is not giving christians a
| name) if you read the bible you will see. the reason why the world is
| full of killings, child molesters,etc.......... is because NOT ENOUGH
| fear and believe in the truth, Jesus Christ.

That is true in your belief system, not necessarily in the belief
system of others.

What Helen has said (possibly not in the most tactful way) is that the
post does not belong in this group. She is right.
Essentially the post is spam and does not belong in this group, or in
many of the others it has been spammed into.

Feel free to believe what you want by all means, but do not push it in
places where it does not belong. That is why religion is at the root of
most- if not all- wars. Don't try and force it onto others. Those that
have the ability to read the newsgroups will seek out religious ones if
they have an interest in it- post there, do not spam non-relevant ones
as done here.
"Bobby" <> wrote in message

Helen, what Ron Grossi posts is true,(he is not giving christians a bad
name) if you read the bible you will see. the reason why the world is so
full of killings, child molesters,etc.......... is because NOT ENOUGH
fear and believe in the truth, Jesus Christ.
George 'Warmonger' Bush, and Tony 'The Executioner' Blair, are both deeply

What better reason to RID the world of religion. wrote:
What a trip, now I'll probably start getting spammed and have to
change or close down this email. Ain't computers wonderful ? Friggin
AOL, they not only dropped NGs in the software, they completely gave
Assuming your email address as shown here is valid, the amount of
additional spam you get from posting in the alt.* and rec.* hierarchies
won't be visible to you.

But getting off AOL would be a good idea NTL.
<> wrote in message
I just responded to a reply to that Jesus freak's spam. Using Google to
do it, it seems Google automatically crossposts because I got the
following message :

"Your message will appear in cam.misc, alt.windows98,,,
alt.masturbation.male momentarily"

???alt.masturbation.male ???

I had absolutely no intent to post there.

What a trip, now I'll probably start getting spammed and have to change
or close down this email. Ain't computers wonderful ? Friggin AOL, they
not only dropped NGs in the software, they completely gave up on NNTP
connectivity. I haven't switched yet, but it won't be long.

That's exactly why you shouldn't reply to troll posts.
I don't know. I've not seen any articles from anyone who's found a way of
doing it.
You could try asking the Sat nav company but I suspect all they will do is
try to get you to upgrade all your other disks, at a huge price.
I think this is a lousy business practice (unless you're the vendor) as they
don't give any warnings on updated disks that it'll make all your old disks
Oh, and if your disk gets corrupted they'll only supply you with the latest
for the full price of course.

I won't be buying another one that's for sure.

"Descore" <> wrote in message
Hi Bob,

Yes - I changed the CD from the 1998 version to a later one for a
different region. And after that it didn't work with the other CD's.

I found out that you are right - the unit doesn't work with the older
CD's anymore. I tried with a cleaning CD and it didn't make any
difference. When I later tried with the latest edition of my local one,
it worked - but only after a couple of other goes with the cleaning CD.
So I am very happy now since I won't have to buy a new unit :)

I just wonder if there is a way to reset the software so you can use
the older CD's .. This is because my CD's for some other European
countries are older than the one I'm using here, and it would still be
nice to be able to use them if I travel.

In any case thanks for your help and suggestions.


Bob Fisk wrote:

When you say you changed the cd, do you mean that you put a different
Nav cd in. The reason being it may have uploaded some software and
not completed properly. Problem then arises that the older (original)
then won't read either. This is certainly the case with Navtech, (not
what yours is) as if you upgrade to a later year then all earlier
apparently don't work anymore.

I'm sure someone will correct me if this isn't the case.
Other than that, as you suspect, it's probably the unit that's bust.

Good luck
In article <Zgade.16480$r81.2583@trnddc02>,
James Sweet <> wrote:
The batteries get hot because you're drawing a lot of power from them,
what you need is higher capacity (A-Hr) cells or put multiple battery
packs in parallel.
Not a good idea to parallel Ni-Cads - etc. They tend to self discharge
even quicker. Use larger capacity cells in series.

*Ham and Eggs: Just a day's work for a chicken, but a lifetime commitment

Dave Plowman London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
"Lockergnome1" <> writes:

Thanks for the help. Partially disassembling one of the heads marked
"BAD" (I removed the end caps...further disassembly would be difficult
due to large amounts of RTC and thicker metal cylinders for mounting
the ends press-fit into the thin-walled head... verified your
description "They are HeNe lasers with plasma tubes having Brester
window snd external mirrors in the gold end-pieces."
The rubber blocks (I have four) are definitely power supplies...1.
checked the resistance between red leads...reads as open. 2.
Connecting thin black and red wires to a "AA" battery gives ~58vdc
output b/w thick red and black (or thick red to block on end-they are
connected) 3. With one of the laser heads connected to the thick red
and ground, in parallel with my meter, and a 9v battery connected to
the thin red and ground, the meter beeps (so output probably over the
500v the meter wants)...time to go find my HV meter...also when doing
this, the HV line had no problem arcing to my hand when it got too
close :) 4. I was able to peel back a little bit of the rubber,
uncovering what appeared to be the ends of two transistors. 5. the
thing does say "laser power supply"
Well the last comment clinches it I guess. :)

The input is not likely to be less than 6 VDC, most common would be 12 VDC.

You need 5-8 kV open circuit to start the tubes.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Mirror:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Sites:

Note: These links are hopefully temporary until we can sort out the excessive
traffic on

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name is included in the subject line. Or, you can
contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.
<> wrote in message
I put 2 sets in parellel but it ended up drawing 10A as opposed to the
5A it was drawing from the single pack. The original batts are sub-c
cells - presumably their additional amp-hour rating would enable them
to run cool enough? Also, I suppose as it was a 7.2V, less current was
Yes as you increase the voltage the motor will draw more current as well,
and in return you get a dramatic increase in horsepower.
Helen wrote:
"Gumby" <> wrote in message> wrote in message

To anyone who is new to newsgroups, this so-called Ronald-Grossi is a low life

And you Helen, are an idot. You replied even thought you KNOW he's
a spammer AND you replied to ALL of the crossposted groups.

What's black and looks good on a spammer?


William R. James wrote:
I like that. I do hope you have a bigblock. I think the only one
available was a 429, depending on the year.

I would take you on in a 1970 W34 Toronado though.
Front wheel drive. You just lost....

What's black and looks good on a spammer?


William R. James
Alan Truelove wrote:

George 'Warmonger' Bush, and Tony 'The Executioner' Blair, are both deeply

What better reason to RID the world of religion.
It would be far better to rid the world of anti-establishment
wuss-boys than religion. And that comes from someone who is rather

What's black and looks good on a spammer?


William R. James
Chances are a rubber belt in the machine has went bad. It was going bad when
you used the machine months ago since the belt couldn't supply enough
friction for tapes to rewind which is a common early sympton, but now it has
lost even more friction. Now the VCR senses a major problem in the tape
transport due to a malfunctioning belt and shuts down automatically. It's
easy to replace VCR belts. There should be about 4 screws securing the top
cover. Make sure the AC cord is unplugged, remove the cover and look for
rubber belts. Sometimes belts are located on the bottom sides of VCRs, so
you may need to remove a few screws to remove the bottom metal plate. Some
belts are so small you can use O rings found at most home improvement stores
for a few cents each. If it's larger, you can try using a rubber band. A
rubber band fix may not last permanently, but it will get you by and you'll
know how to replace it again if necessary. Good luck.

<> wrote in message

I haven't played any tapes in my Toshiba V-S443C Betahi-fi VCR (this is
Beta, not VHS) in several months. I just tried, and they don't play.
The machine tries for a second, then stops itself.

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