The proper way to post to a group

On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:20:57 GMT, "John Fortier"
<> Gave us:

Sorry, Baph, I wouldn't hesitate. Fields is no longer funny. He's
dishonest and a liar.

One more abusive post from that machine, and he's toast.

John Fortier

You're an idiot. It could easily be demonstrated by your
unsolicited policing that YOU are the one being abusive.

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Bill Sloman wrote:

Keith, John Fields is a minor - if all too regular - contributor, and
his field of expertise - applications of the 555 - is not all that
demanding. Offending him is not difficult, and he generates so many
offensive postings that one is more or less obliged to take every
possible opportunity give him a dose of his own medicine.

That you can see him as a "core" contributor doesn't say anything good
about the quality of your perceptions. Or maybe your apples have worms
in their cores?

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Bill, even someone with your narrow view of the world should have
enough brains to see that a lot of the "How do I make a timer?"
questions are more than adequately answered with an old, but still
usable and easy to find part like the 555.
The NE555 was crap when it was introduced, and it is still crap. I've
made timers for a fair range of periods and accuracies, and the one
time I might have used an NE555, I threw it out after ten minutes,
then spent a couple of days proving that an LM322 (of blessed memory)
wasn't good enough, and a bit longer proving that a three-transistor
emitter-coupled multivibrator wasn't good enough either. For a crude
timer, the 74121/74221 is pretty accurate and well-behaved - most of
the logic family monstables use the 74123-style retriggerable
architecture which isn't as good.

It takes a total idiot to deny the facts that someone with little or
nor electronics ability will have a hard enough time with a simple eight
pin chip and a half dozen parts for their first project. What do you
want? A rubidium standard with with NIST certification, followed by
programmable counters to blink a LED?
A crystal-controlled PIC probably does a better job with fewer
components, and leads to a much wider range of projects. It takes a
total idiot to direct a beginner into the swamp of 101 things a
nit-wit can do with a 555.

The next time someone asks a "How do I make a timer?" question, you
tell them how to do it without a 555, a PIC, AVR, basic stamp, or any
other common method.
Why should I bother? Even John Fields can solve that sort of problem.
Producing pulses with widths up to a millisecond with 10psec
resolution (and 60psec jitter when the project got cancelled) is more
my speed.

A more recent project, along the same lines - around 1998 - never got
beyond the detailed circuit diagram (which took more than a year).
That was going to use an MC100E195 for the fine control of the pulse

The part has crap temperature stability, but I'd designed in a
self-calbration facility to check it every few minutes (it was only
going to take about a millisecond).

Then you (might) have the right to bitch.
I've certainly got the right to bitch, even if my stuff goes over your

You are getting quite boring with your repeated slams.
Not a defect *you* have any right to bitch about.

At least John Fields will take the time to explain it to someone who is
trying to learn.
Not often. He is a little too prone to point out that the post doesn't
include all the information required for him to generate a useful
answer, and leave it at that, as often as not with some unnecessarily
offensive comment about dumb newbies, when a little intelligent
guesswork would have allowed him to include potentially useful help.

All you do is talk about how bad everything outside your little neighborhood
Europe isn't a small neighbourhood, and it's relative advantages
aren't my sole topic of conversation. You may not like being reminded
that you live in a society characterised by private affluence and
public squalor, but John Kenneth Gailbraith said it - in The Affluent
Society - a long time before I took it up, and you should try and
reconcile yourself to the facts (or - even better - start to work on
changing the facts to fit your illusions about God's Own Country).

and a place you used to work that appears to be out of business.
Cambridge Instruments is still in business, but it is now merged with
Carl-Zeiss and trades as LEO Electron Microscopy. They've moved to
another site in Coldhams Lane, Cambridge - the factory where I worked
at Rustat Road wasn't a great building.

How much real work is now going on in Cambridge is an open question.
The authors of the interesting publications on the web-site are mostly
Germans, based in Oberkochen in Germany. In my time, Carl Zeiss was a
pretty minor manufacturer in scanning electron microscopes.

Affinity Sensors has been shut down - Thermo-Electron didn't do their
sums, and the shut-down cost them a bundle, a large chunk of which
they could have saved by accepting a management buy-out bid organised
by my old boss ( a very smart guy).

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
Bill Sloman wrote:

Bill Sloman wrote:

Keith, John Fields is a minor - if all too regular - contributor, and
his field of expertise - applications of the 555 - is not all that
demanding. Offending him is not difficult, and he generates so many
offensive postings that one is more or less obliged to take every
possible opportunity give him a dose of his own medicine.

That you can see him as a "core" contributor doesn't say anything good
about the quality of your perceptions. Or maybe your apples have worms
in their cores?

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

The NE555 was crap when it was introduced, and it is still crap. I've
made timers for a fair range of periods and accuracies, and the one
time I might have used an NE555, I threw it out after ten minutes,
then spent a couple of days proving that an LM322 (of blessed memory)
wasn't good enough, and a bit longer proving that a three-transistor
emitter-coupled multivibrator wasn't good enough either. For a crude
timer, the 74121/74221 is pretty accurate and well-behaved - most of
the logic family monstables use the 74123-style retriggerable
architecture which isn't as good.

A crystal-controlled PIC probably does a better job with fewer
components, and leads to a much wider range of projects. It takes a
total idiot to direct a beginner into the swamp of 101 things a
nit-wit can do with a 555.

Why should I bother? Even John Fields can solve that sort of problem.
Producing pulses with widths up to a millisecond with 10psec
resolution (and 60psec jitter when the project got cancelled) is more
my speed.

A more recent project, along the same lines - around 1998 - never got
beyond the detailed circuit diagram (which took more than a year).
That was going to use an MC100E195 for the fine control of the pulse

The part has crap temperature stability, but I'd designed in a
self-calbration facility to check it every few minutes (it was only
going to take about a millisecond).

I've certainly got the right to bitch, even if my stuff goes over your

Not a defect *you* have any right to bitch about.

Not often. He is a little too prone to point out that the post doesn't
include all the information required for him to generate a useful
answer, and leave it at that, as often as not with some unnecessarily
offensive comment about dumb newbies, when a little intelligent
guesswork would have allowed him to include potentially useful help.

Europe isn't a small neighbourhood, and it's relative advantages
aren't my sole topic of conversation. You may not like being reminded
that you live in a society characterised by private affluence and
public squalor, but John Kenneth Gailbraith said it - in The Affluent
Society - a long time before I took it up, and you should try and
reconcile yourself to the facts (or - even better - start to work on
changing the facts to fit your illusions about God's Own Country).

Cambridge Instruments is still in business, but it is now merged with
Carl-Zeiss and trades as LEO Electron Microscopy. They've moved to
another site in Coldhams Lane, Cambridge - the factory where I worked
at Rustat Road wasn't a great building.

How much real work is now going on in Cambridge is an open question.
The authors of the interesting publications on the web-site are mostly
Germans, based in Oberkochen in Germany. In my time, Carl Zeiss was a
pretty minor manufacturer in scanning electron microscopes.

Affinity Sensors has been shut down - Thermo-Electron didn't do their
sums, and the shut-down cost them a bundle, a large chunk of which
they could have saved by accepting a management buy-out bid organised
by my old boss ( a very smart guy).

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
We know all this- please stop responding to the illiterati!

P.S. I will be using the '195 in an upcoming project- seeing something
like 200ps Tpd variation over 50oC- how did you temperature compensate?
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:07:21 GMT, "John Fortier"
<> wrote:

John, you're backing down and trying to disguise it by pretending to have
been joking.

You've tried this tactic before and it didn't work then and it doesn't work

Quite frankly, anyone reading your post concerning the mind boggling
possibilities of the new 7555 would read it as I did.
I find it ludicrous that _anyone_ would seriously consider it possible
that they could predict the reaction of an entire population as being
congruent with their own. Ludicrous, _and_ telling, in that your
mindset seems more and more to be oriented toward total control of your
external environment.

I suspect your stint in the army had more than a little to do with it
and led to your grateful acceptance of a pyramidal power structure where
place is never an issue.

I see from one of your other posts that you are Native American and that
you feel that you and your wife have been unfairly treated as a result
of that. In your own words, "Tell us about being fucked around!".

This, in combination with your military training, (where you are taught
that they are infallible) and your need to get even for all the wrongs
done you has perverted your sensibilities to the point where you have
come to believe that your viewpoint is correct and unquestionable.

I have also noticed, particularly in your technical posts, that there is
a quality of one-upmanship about you. That is, even if you agree with a
point made you feel compelled to answer it for the last word, another
indication that there are control issues you need to deal with.

Someone trying to
extol the virtues of his only area of expertise by exaggerating its
Rather than posting wishful thinking, I suggest you consult

for a more rounded view of my areas of expertise, even if it galls you.

Again, I have asked you a civil question and you reply with prevarication
and obfuscation. As for an "unprovoked insult". you have given me and the
rest of the group sufficient provocation to insult you continuously for the
next six months.
Again, your puffed up picture of yourself considers my standing up to
your attempts at intimidation as so monstrous as to deserve what you
consider to be "adequate punishment" for the sin of daring to cross you.

Conveniently, this perceived affrontery on your divine personna gives
you, in your mind, free rein to attempt persecution for as long as
required until the offender "falls into line".

Beside that, I fail to see where in my post an "unprovoked
insult" occurred.
Selective memory?

"I'm not going to go into any easy quips about how easy it must be to
boggle your mind,"...


I'm merely curious as to why someone of your supposed
capabilities should confine himself to one obsolescent chip. If there are
no "mind boggling possibilities", your position becomes even more puzzling.
See above

"I was only joking" is really a pretty pathetic cop out.
Yes. Well, it seems that if I wish to continue this series of
"discussions" with you I'll have to be brutally linear and literal.
Pity, the language can be so much fun...

I pretend nothing, Jonny.
Of couse not. You lie and then convince yourself that it's true.
Instantaneously, invisibly, and automatically, so you can always feel

John "Mr.Shrink" Fields
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 07:34:29 -0700, "Baphomet"> Gave us:

Oh, you mean the posts that you don't make, aren't archived by Google,
if they are, are forged by someone other than yourself? Those posts?

Look, retard... I'll try to spell it out for you ONE MORE TIME.

He accused me of looking my ANSWER to his question up on google, you
dipass, not looking up a post of mine.
Oh, you mean the posts that you don't make, aren't archived by Google, and
if they are, are forged by someone other than yourself? Those posts?

> Try actually reading the thread next time.
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:18:49 GMT, "John Fortier"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 13:44:28 GMT, "John Fortier"> wrote:

By the way, Jonny, does your boss know you use your work PC to post your
diatribes to the newsgroups?

Why? Do you plan on ratting me out, snitch?

Well, if you were working for me, I'd definitely be wondering whether I was
getting any value for money.

Basically what you are doing is dishonest and, since your employer provides
you with your PC, you should confine your activities on it to those which
benefit the company which pays you.

So yes, I very well may inform your management of your dishonest actions,
unless you cease them immediately.

I'm not joking, Jonny. In addition to being a bully and a boor, you're a
dishonest liar who bites the hand that feeds him. So I'll have no
hesitation in turning you in.

Now, go away.
I have no intention of curtailing my activities, and I have no intention
of going away, so do what you will and let the chips fall where they
John "devil-may-care" Fields
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:20:57 GMT, "John Fortier"
<> wrote:

One more abusive post from that machine, and he's toast.
Fuck you, bitch!

John Fields
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 07:34:29 -0700, "Baphomet"> Gave us:

Oh, you mean the posts that you don't make, aren't archived by Google,
if they are, are forged by someone other than yourself? Those posts?

Look, retard... I'll try to spell it out for you ONE MORE TIME.

He accused me of looking my ANSWER to his question up on google, you
dipass, not looking up a post of mine.
Oh, you mean the posts that you don't make, aren't archived by Google, and
if they are, are forged by someone other than yourself? Those posts?

> Try actually reading the thread next time.
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 12:40:53 GMT, "Ross Mac"
macroeng@example.invalid> Gave us:

There is a big difference between knowing a subject and just doing a "cut
and paste" from the internet.....
I could cut and past pieces from and article on motion control and not
really understand the concepts involved...It is not about
is about understanding the concepts invovled...
That is what I meant!

Hey, jackass! I can post photos of the hardware, and can even
include me flipping you the bird. You can't cut n paste that from
Google, you top posting retard.

I designed and manufacture the product I described. Period.
Sure hope your designs are better than your language skills. Why don't you
design a butt plug that will also fit in your filthy mouth.

Too bad that you are too much of a loser to get past the fact that
your claim was wrong.
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:20:57 GMT, "John Fortier"> Gave us:

Sorry, Baph, I wouldn't hesitate. Fields is no longer funny. He's
dishonest and a liar.

One more abusive post from that machine, and he's toast.

John Fortier

You're an idiot. It could easily be demonstrated by your
unsolicited policing that YOU are the one being abusive.

A few Dark Matterisms

"You're an idiot."
"If not, shut the fuck up."
"You're a goddamned retard, boy."
"A top posting, total usenet retard."
"As if you or anything that you say fucking matters... Jackass."
"You are a top posting, retarded waste of net bandwidth, dipshit."
"No go and change your diaper, dipshit."
"Your name should be Dingus Con. You are a Penis Head."
"You're a goddamned idiot for quoting 94 lines of shit to post your
one line of shit addition to it. You really are a usenet retard, eh?"
"You are an idiot, dumbfuck."

Do you realize what a pathetic joke you are that you would actually have the
nuts to call someone else abusive? Denial uber alles.

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:07:21 GMT, "John Fortier"> wrote:

Beside that, I fail to see where in my post an "unprovoked
insult" occurred.

Selective memory?

"I'm not going to go into any easy quips about how easy it must be to
boggle your mind,"...

Quite right, Jonny, and I didn't. The number of jokes and put downs which
could be derived from that is really quite large. None of them were offered
for your perusal and delight.

You must be remarkably thin skinned if you think that that was some sort of
gratuitous insult.

I'm merely curious as to why someone of your supposed
capabilities should confine himself to one obsolescent chip. If there are
no "mind boggling possibilities", your position becomes even more puzzling.

"I was only joking" is really a pretty pathetic cop out.

Of couse not. You lie and then convince yourself that it's true.
Instantaneously, invisibly, and automatically, so you can always feel

John "Mr.Shrink" Fields

So now you have qualifications in psychiatry.

You're wriggling Jonny. You made a series of silly statements and then
claimed to be "only joking'. Which is pretty pathetic and laughable.

Remember, Jonny, you're on notice. No more abuse, or else....

John Fortier
GO, Ross, GO!!

"Ross Mac" <macroeng@example.invalid> wrote in message
Very good, very good! Now see you CAN do better, better than what I have
idea! And since we have gone to medieval insults, I suppose that would
you "Tardis Maximus"!
Enjoy Roach Knobber...I will NEVER give up....I am on your ass BIG
TIME!....So have another bong, pillow-biter!! I await your next moronic

"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 12:30:40 GMT, "Ross Mac"
macroeng@example.invalid> Gave us:

Like I used one of the usual 5 lines...."dipshit" this
time...expand your vocabulary loser.....

Your name should be Dingus Con. You are a Penis Head.
OK, that does it.

Action taken.

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:20:57 GMT, "John Fortier"> wrote:

One more abusive post from that machine, and he's toast.
Fuck you, bitch!

John Fields

John Fortier

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:18:49 GMT, "John Fortier"> wrote:

I have no intention of curtailing my activities, and I have no intention
of going away, so do what you will and let the chips fall where they
John "devil-may-care" Fields
I have seen hundreds of "DarkManure" posts and it looks like you summed them
up in 10 lines!
Just think of the time you saved us all!!!

"Baphomet" <> wrote in message
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:20:57 GMT, "John Fortier"> Gave us:

Sorry, Baph, I wouldn't hesitate. Fields is no longer funny. He's
dishonest and a liar.

One more abusive post from that machine, and he's toast.

John Fortier

You're an idiot. It could easily be demonstrated by your
unsolicited policing that YOU are the one being abusive.


A few Dark Matterisms

"You're an idiot."
"If not, shut the fuck up."
"You're a goddamned retard, boy."
"A top posting, total usenet retard."
"As if you or anything that you say fucking matters... Jackass."
"You are a top posting, retarded waste of net bandwidth, dipshit."
"No go and change your diaper, dipshit."
"Your name should be Dingus Con. You are a Penis Head."
"You're a goddamned idiot for quoting 94 lines of shit to post your
one line of shit addition to it. You really are a usenet retard, eh?"
"You are an idiot, dumbfuck."

Do you realize what a pathetic joke you are that you would actually have
nuts to call someone else abusive? Denial uber alles.

Now there goes ole "TardHole" again....using those multisylabic slurs like
"idot"! One day he may actually use his little Google search to expand his
"ten line" insult list"
I think it's time...yup...yup....for another "TardBoy" Tune!!!

A fine tune for our friend "TardHole" alias DarkMatter!
Now this is a country tune so make sure ya break out yer gitar and sing

Were you born, an asshole, or did work at it your whole life?.
Either way it worked out fine, because you're an asshole tonight!
Yes, you're an, (spell it!) A S S H O L E , and don't you try to blame it
on me!
You deserve all the credit, your and asshole tonight!
You were an asshole, yesterday , you're and asshole tonight..
And I got, a fear, you'll be and asshole the rest of your life!

"Some Twangy Guitar Stuff and a Little bit of Harp Here"

I was talkin' to your mother, just the other night..
I told her I thought you were an asshole, she said "YES, I think you're
And all your friends are all assholes, because you've known them your whole
And somebody told me, you got an asshole for a wife!
Were you born, an asshole or did you work at it yer whole life..
Either way it worked out fine, because ...

"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:20:57 GMT, "John Fortier"> Gave us:

Sorry, Baph, I wouldn't hesitate. Fields is no longer funny. He's
dishonest and a liar.

One more abusive post from that machine, and he's toast.

John Fortier

You're an idiot. It could easily be demonstrated by your
unsolicited policing that YOU are the one being abusive.

A true cut and paste Bible for the Moronic!! (TardBoy that is!)....

"Baphomet" <> wrote in message
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:20:57 GMT, "John Fortier"> Gave us:

Sorry, Baph, I wouldn't hesitate. Fields is no longer funny. He's
dishonest and a liar.

One more abusive post from that machine, and he's toast.

John Fortier

You're an idiot. It could easily be demonstrated by your
unsolicited policing that YOU are the one being abusive.


A few Dark Matterisms

"You're an idiot."
"If not, shut the fuck up."
"You're a goddamned retard, boy."
"A top posting, total usenet retard."
"As if you or anything that you say fucking matters... Jackass."
"You are a top posting, retarded waste of net bandwidth, dipshit."
"No go and change your diaper, dipshit."
"Your name should be Dingus Con. You are a Penis Head."
"You're a goddamned idiot for quoting 94 lines of shit to post your
one line of shit addition to it. You really are a usenet retard, eh?"
"You are an idiot, dumbfuck."

Do you realize what a pathetic joke you are that you would actually have
nuts to call someone else abusive? Denial uber alles.

On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:24:39 GMT, "John Fortier"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:07:21 GMT, "John Fortier"> wrote:

Beside that, I fail to see where in my post an "unprovoked
insult" occurred.

Selective memory?

"I'm not going to go into any easy quips about how easy it must be to
boggle your mind,"...

Quite right, Jonny, and I didn't. The number of jokes and put downs which
could be derived from that is really quite large. None of them were offered
for your perusal and delight.
I really doubt whether you could come up with many, instead of relying
on innuendo.

You must be remarkably thin skinned if you think that that was some sort of
gratuitous insult.
Another instance of your application of selective truth.

I'm merely curious as to why someone of your supposed
capabilities should confine himself to one obsolescent chip. If there are
no "mind boggling possibilities", your position becomes even more puzzling.
Boggles your mind, doesn't it?

"I was only joking" is really a pretty pathetic cop out.

Of couse not. You lie and then convince yourself that it's true.
Instantaneously, invisibly, and automatically, so you can always feel

John "Mr.Shrink" Fields

So now you have qualifications in psychiatry.

You're wriggling Jonny. You made a series of silly statements and then
claimed to be "only joking'. Which is pretty pathetic and laughable.

Remember, Jonny, you're on notice. No more abuse, or else....
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

John Fields
So be it.

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:24:39 GMT, "John Fortier"> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:07:21 GMT, "John Fortier"> wrote:

Beside that, I fail to see where in my post an "unprovoked
insult" occurred.

Selective memory?

"I'm not going to go into any easy quips about how easy it must be to
boggle your mind,"...

Quite right, Jonny, and I didn't. The number of jokes and put downs
could be derived from that is really quite large. None of them were
for your perusal and delight.

I really doubt whether you could come up with many, instead of relying
on innuendo.

You must be remarkably thin skinned if you think that that was some sort
gratuitous insult.

Another instance of your application of selective truth.

I'm merely curious as to why someone of your supposed
capabilities should confine himself to one obsolescent chip. If there
no "mind boggling possibilities", your position becomes even more

Boggles your mind, doesn't it?

"I was only joking" is really a pretty pathetic cop out.

Of couse not. You lie and then convince yourself that it's true.
Instantaneously, invisibly, and automatically, so you can always feel

John "Mr.Shrink" Fields

So now you have qualifications in psychiatry.

You're wriggling Jonny. You made a series of silly statements and then
claimed to be "only joking'. Which is pretty pathetic and laughable.

Remember, Jonny, you're on notice. No more abuse, or else....

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

John Fields
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...
Bill Sloman wrote:

P.S. I will be using the '195 in an upcoming project- seeing something
like 200ps Tpd variation over 50oC- how did you temperature compensate?
My system was going to be crystal clocked with a 500MHz crystal clock,
and was intended to produce complicated repeating pulse patterns out
of memory for an electron-spin resonance system.

I was going to use an auxiliary internal output from the pulse
generating system for the autocalibration system. The plan was to
disable the external output during auto-calibration, and program the
system to produce a fairly fast pulse-width modulated waveform - about
83.3MHz if I remember rightly.

The 195 was going to change the mark-to-period ratio by stretching the
"on" period from nominally 4nse to 6nsec in 128 steps, and I was then
going to set the 195 delay back to is minimum, and generate an
accurate 2nsec step by changing the clock counter settings, giving me
a 129th observation.

The pulse-width modulated waveform was going to be low-pass filtered
and the DC level digitised to some twelve bits (sixteen bits is now
practical, I think) and the result processed to relate the various
propagation delays through the 195 to the 500MHz system clock.

There are a variety of potential error sources in this sort of
procedure, and the A/D converter range was going to be made large
enough to let us repeat the measurements with longer and shorter "on"
times, and with pulse-width modulated waveforms with slightly slower
repetition rates. The low pass filter was slightly over-designed with
this in mind.

This would have automated a technique we used a Cambridge Instruments
when checking out the beam-blanking pulse waveforms (where the pulse
width went down to about 0.5nsec).

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

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