The proper way to post to a group

"Ross Mac" <macroeng@example.invalid> wrote in message
I have seen hundreds of "DarkManure" posts and it looks like you summed
up in 10 lines!
Just think of the time you saved us all!!!

"Baphomet" <> wrote in message

"DarkMatter" <> wrote in
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:20:57 GMT, "John Fortier"> Gave us:

Sorry, Baph, I wouldn't hesitate. Fields is no longer funny. He's
dishonest and a liar.

One more abusive post from that machine, and he's toast.

John Fortier

You're an idiot. It could easily be demonstrated by your
unsolicited policing that YOU are the one being abusive.


A few Dark Matterisms

"You're an idiot."
"If not, shut the fuck up."
"You're a goddamned retard, boy."
"A top posting, total usenet retard."
"As if you or anything that you say fucking matters... Jackass."
"You are a top posting, retarded waste of net bandwidth, dipshit."
"No go and change your diaper, dipshit."
"Your name should be Dingus Con. You are a Penis Head."
"You're a goddamned idiot for quoting 94 lines of shit to post your
one line of shit addition to it. You really are a usenet retard, eh?"
"You are an idiot, dumbfuck."

Do you realize what a pathetic joke you are that you would actually have
nuts to call someone else abusive? Denial uber alles.

Bill Sloman wrote:

The NE555 was crap when it was introduced, and it is still crap. I've
made timers for a fair range of periods and accuracies, and the one
time I might have used an NE555, I threw it out after ten minutes,
then spent a couple of days proving that an LM322 (of blessed memory)
wasn't good enough, and a bit longer proving that a three-transistor
emitter-coupled multivibrator wasn't good enough either. For a crude
timer, the 74121/74221 is pretty accurate and well-behaved - most of
the logic family monstables use the 74123-style retriggerable
architecture which isn't as good.
Then post a simple schematic on the binaries group and explain why it
is crap, rather than sit at your keyboard with you head up your ass and
try to put people down.

It takes a total idiot to deny the facts that someone with little or
nor electronics ability will have a hard enough time with a simple eight
pin chip and a half dozen parts for their first project. What do you
want? A rubidium standard with with NIST certification, followed by
programmable counters to blink a LED?

A crystal-controlled PIC probably does a better job with fewer
components, and leads to a much wider range of projects. It takes a
total idiot to direct a beginner into the swamp of 101 things a
nit-wit can do with a 555.
Why should they have to build a programer and learn assembly language
for a single project? If they are going into production then it makes
sense. Also, if they intend to do other projects. A lot of people only
do one or two projects, and give up. I've seen it happen often enough
when someone tries to dump too much information in their laps at one
time. We are talking about beginners here, not a full time design
engineer. Also, a lot of commercial equipment was built with a 555, 556
or 558 timer, because it was a good choice, at the time.

The next time someone asks a "How do I make a timer?" question, you
tell them how to do it without a 555, a PIC, AVR, basic stamp, or any
other common method.

Why should I bother? Even John Fields can solve that sort of problem.
Producing pulses with widths up to a millisecond with 10psec
resolution (and 60psec jitter when the project got cancelled) is more
my speed.

A more recent project, along the same lines - around 1998 - never got
beyond the detailed circuit diagram (which took more than a year).
That was going to use an MC100E195 for the fine control of the pulse

The part has crap temperature stability, but I'd designed in a
self-calbration facility to check it every few minutes (it was only
going to take about a millisecond).

Then you (might) have the right to bitch.

I've certainly got the right to bitch, even if my stuff goes over your

You are getting quite boring with your repeated slams.

Not a defect *you* have any right to bitch about.

I have as much right to post here as you do, smart ass.

At least John Fields will take the time to explain it to someone who is
trying to learn.

Not often. He is a little too prone to point out that the post doesn't
include all the information required for him to generate a useful
answer, and leave it at that, as often as not with some unnecessarily
offensive comment about dumb newbies, when a little intelligent
guesswork would have allowed him to include potentially useful help.
A lot of people post incomplete questions. How else do you find out
what they really want to do without asking for more information? Can you
read their minds and tell EXACTLY what they are wanting to do, know
exactly what skills and tools they have?

All you do is talk about how bad everything outside your little neighborhood

Europe isn't a small neighbourhood, and it's relative advantages
aren't my sole topic of conversation. You may not like being reminded
that you live in a society characterised by private affluence and
public squalor, but John Kenneth Gailbraith said it - in The Affluent
Society - a long time before I took it up, and you should try and
reconcile yourself to the facts (or - even better - start to work on
changing the facts to fit your illusions about God's Own Country).
I realize you do have reading comprehension problems, but how does
"your neighborhood become all of Europe? Or don't you have any idea
what a "neighborhood" is?

As far as "Illusions", you have no idea how I see the world. You have
seen bits and pieces from my posts. My attitude has always been, "Live
and let live". On the other hand, if someone tries to do me, my family
or my friends harm I go for their throat.

I am not capable of watching some jackass try to hurt or kill someone
I love. At the risk of loosing my own life, I will defend them. I have
done in the past, and I will, till I can no longer stand to face a

The things that bother me are blowhards, liars and cowards. I have no
use for anyone in any of those groups. You come across as arrogant, and
somewhat ignorant of the United States of America. It is a large,
diverse country. You can travel a hundred miles and you would think you
are in a different country. There are people here from every country in
the world. They range from dirt poor to very wealthy. From poorly
educated to the very best. You are always trying to hammer the US into a
single hole to fit your narrow view of us, and I find it objectionable.
Personally, I am glad you love living in Europe. That means I will never
have to run into to you face to face.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
Once again, either help people with real circuits and information, or
don't bother to reply with your typical, "That's crap" reply, and offer
no real help.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 03:10:21 GMT,
Michael A. Terrell <> wrote
in Msg. <>

On the other hand, if someone tries to do me, my family
or my friends harm I go for their throat.

I am not capable of watching some jackass try to hurt or kill someone
I love. At the risk of loosing my own life, I will defend them. I have
done in the past, and I will, till I can no longer stand to face a
OK, maybe, bur how in the world does this statement fit into a Usenet
quarrel on an engineering newsgroup?


"With me is nothing wrong! And with you?" (from r.a.m.p)
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
Bill Sloman wrote:

The NE555 was crap when it was introduced, and it is still crap. I've
made timers for a fair range of periods and accuracies, and the one
time I might have used an NE555, I threw it out after ten minutes,
then spent a couple of days proving that an LM322 (of blessed memory)
wasn't good enough, and a bit longer proving that a three-transistor
emitter-coupled multivibrator wasn't good enough either. For a crude
timer, the 74121/74221 is pretty accurate and well-behaved - most of
the logic family monstables use the 74123-style retriggerable
architecture which isn't as good.

Then post a simple schematic on the binaries group and explain why it
is crap, rather than sit at your keyboard with you head up your ass and
try to put people down.

It takes a total idiot to deny the facts that someone with little
nor electronics ability will have a hard enough time with a simple
pin chip and a half dozen parts for their first project. What do you
want? A rubidium standard with with NIST certification, followed by
programmable counters to blink a LED?

A crystal-controlled PIC probably does a better job with fewer
components, and leads to a much wider range of projects. It takes a
total idiot to direct a beginner into the swamp of 101 things a
nit-wit can do with a 555.

Why should they have to build a programer and learn assembly language
for a single project? If they are going into production then it makes
sense. Also, if they intend to do other projects. A lot of people only
do one or two projects, and give up. I've seen it happen often enough
when someone tries to dump too much information in their laps at one
time. We are talking about beginners here, not a full time design
engineer. Also, a lot of commercial equipment was built with a 555, 556
or 558 timer, because it was a good choice, at the time.

The next time someone asks a "How do I make a timer?" question, you
tell them how to do it without a 555, a PIC, AVR, basic stamp, or any
other common method.

Why should I bother? Even John Fields can solve that sort of problem.
Producing pulses with widths up to a millisecond with 10psec
resolution (and 60psec jitter when the project got cancelled) is more
my speed.

A more recent project, along the same lines - around 1998 - never got
beyond the detailed circuit diagram (which took more than a year).
That was going to use an MC100E195 for the fine control of the pulse

The part has crap temperature stability, but I'd designed in a
self-calbration facility to check it every few minutes (it was only
going to take about a millisecond).

Then you (might) have the right to bitch.

I've certainly got the right to bitch, even if my stuff goes over your

You are getting quite boring with your repeated slams.

Not a defect *you* have any right to bitch about.

I have as much right to post here as you do, smart ass.

At least John Fields will take the time to explain it to someone who
trying to learn.

Not often. He is a little too prone to point out that the post doesn't
include all the information required for him to generate a useful
answer, and leave it at that, as often as not with some unnecessarily
offensive comment about dumb newbies, when a little intelligent
guesswork would have allowed him to include potentially useful help.

A lot of people post incomplete questions. How else do you find out
what they really want to do without asking for more information? Can you
read their minds and tell EXACTLY what they are wanting to do, know
exactly what skills and tools they have?

All you do is talk about how bad everything outside your little

Europe isn't a small neighbourhood, and it's relative advantages
aren't my sole topic of conversation. You may not like being reminded
that you live in a society characterised by private affluence and
public squalor, but John Kenneth Gailbraith said it - in The Affluent
Society - a long time before I took it up, and you should try and
reconcile yourself to the facts (or - even better - start to work on
changing the facts to fit your illusions about God's Own Country).

I realize you do have reading comprehension problems, but how does
"your neighborhood become all of Europe? Or don't you have any idea
what a "neighborhood" is?

As far as "Illusions", you have no idea how I see the world. You have
seen bits and pieces from my posts. My attitude has always been, "Live
and let live". On the other hand, if someone tries to do me, my family
or my friends harm I go for their throat.

I am not capable of watching some jackass try to hurt or kill someone
I love. At the risk of loosing my own life, I will defend them. I have
done in the past, and I will, till I can no longer stand to face a

The things that bother me are blowhards, liars and cowards. I have no
use for anyone in any of those groups. You come across as arrogant, and
somewhat ignorant of the United States of America. It is a large,
diverse country. You can travel a hundred miles and you would think you
are in a different country. There are people here from every country in
the world. They range from dirt poor to very wealthy. From poorly
educated to the very best. You are always trying to hammer the US into a
single hole to fit your narrow view of us, and I find it objectionable.
Personally, I am glad you love living in Europe. That means I will never
have to run into to you face to face.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Once again, either help people with real circuits and information, or
don't bother to reply with your typical, "That's crap" reply, and offer
no real help.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Bill, Michael,

The 555 timer isn't crap. It's obsolescent and quirky but can still be used
for simple things. Horses for courses, and all that.

(If it were crap it would be all squishy and brown and wouldn't solder onto
a board!)

With regard to the relative merits of EU and US, I've lived and worked in
both and have found different but equivalent good and bad in both.

Nowadays, anyone with decent qualifications can work and live anywhere in
the Western World that they choose to. I'm living in the States right now
because it was here that I got financial backing for my business, and I've
lived and worked in Europe because that was where the contracts were. I have
family in Europe as well as North America.

Where you live and work is a totally personal matter, but slamming each
other's countries is just going to make everyone want to move to Australia.

However, and this may open up a whole new sub thread, (or can of worms) I do
have one question which has bugged me every time I've been in the States;
Why, in a country subject to tornadoes, hurricanes, ice storms, blizzards
and, very occasionally, volcanic eruptions, are the power, telephone and
cable TV lines strung up on wooden poles?

And why, when there is a simple cure for power loss caused by all of this
beside the volcanoes, which is burying the cables, doesn't anyone sue the
power companies every time the power fails due to weather conditions which
would not affect buried cables. Last winter we had an ice storm in
Rochester and some people had no power for two weeks. It cost the local
power company millions to put back up the lines and, as I said, it took two
weeks to restore power to some people.

And nobody sued the power company! Amazing in a country where successful
suites have been taken out against refrigerator manufacturers for not
telling people not to climb up the door!

Anyone got any ideas on this rather strange situation?

I think the cost of direct burial lines is prohibitive...short term savings,
long term expensive...
I do get the's certainly not cheap to just keep putting them
back up every winter....
I live in the mountains and every winter, after about 3 rain drops, the
trees start to fall taking the lines down with them. You would think in an
area where telephone poles look like toothpicks that someone would catch

"John Fortier" <> wrote in message
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
Bill Sloman wrote:

The NE555 was crap when it was introduced, and it is still crap. I've
made timers for a fair range of periods and accuracies, and the one
time I might have used an NE555, I threw it out after ten minutes,
then spent a couple of days proving that an LM322 (of blessed memory)
wasn't good enough, and a bit longer proving that a three-transistor
emitter-coupled multivibrator wasn't good enough either. For a crude
timer, the 74121/74221 is pretty accurate and well-behaved - most of
the logic family monstables use the 74123-style retriggerable
architecture which isn't as good.

Then post a simple schematic on the binaries group and explain why it
is crap, rather than sit at your keyboard with you head up your ass and
try to put people down.

It takes a total idiot to deny the facts that someone with little
nor electronics ability will have a hard enough time with a simple
pin chip and a half dozen parts for their first project. What do you
want? A rubidium standard with with NIST certification, followed by
programmable counters to blink a LED?

A crystal-controlled PIC probably does a better job with fewer
components, and leads to a much wider range of projects. It takes a
total idiot to direct a beginner into the swamp of 101 things a
nit-wit can do with a 555.

Why should they have to build a programer and learn assembly language
for a single project? If they are going into production then it makes
sense. Also, if they intend to do other projects. A lot of people only
do one or two projects, and give up. I've seen it happen often enough
when someone tries to dump too much information in their laps at one
time. We are talking about beginners here, not a full time design
engineer. Also, a lot of commercial equipment was built with a 555, 556
or 558 timer, because it was a good choice, at the time.

The next time someone asks a "How do I make a timer?" question,
tell them how to do it without a 555, a PIC, AVR, basic stamp, or
other common method.

Why should I bother? Even John Fields can solve that sort of problem.
Producing pulses with widths up to a millisecond with 10psec
resolution (and 60psec jitter when the project got cancelled) is more
my speed.

A more recent project, along the same lines - around 1998 - never got
beyond the detailed circuit diagram (which took more than a year).
That was going to use an MC100E195 for the fine control of the pulse

The part has crap temperature stability, but I'd designed in a
self-calbration facility to check it every few minutes (it was only
going to take about a millisecond).

Then you (might) have the right to bitch.

I've certainly got the right to bitch, even if my stuff goes over your

You are getting quite boring with your repeated slams.

Not a defect *you* have any right to bitch about.

I have as much right to post here as you do, smart ass.

At least John Fields will take the time to explain it to someone who
trying to learn.

Not often. He is a little too prone to point out that the post doesn't
include all the information required for him to generate a useful
answer, and leave it at that, as often as not with some unnecessarily
offensive comment about dumb newbies, when a little intelligent
guesswork would have allowed him to include potentially useful help.

A lot of people post incomplete questions. How else do you find out
what they really want to do without asking for more information? Can you
read their minds and tell EXACTLY what they are wanting to do, know
exactly what skills and tools they have?

All you do is talk about how bad everything outside your little

Europe isn't a small neighbourhood, and it's relative advantages
aren't my sole topic of conversation. You may not like being reminded
that you live in a society characterised by private affluence and
public squalor, but John Kenneth Gailbraith said it - in The Affluent
Society - a long time before I took it up, and you should try and
reconcile yourself to the facts (or - even better - start to work on
changing the facts to fit your illusions about God's Own Country).

I realize you do have reading comprehension problems, but how does
"your neighborhood become all of Europe? Or don't you have any idea
what a "neighborhood" is?

As far as "Illusions", you have no idea how I see the world. You have
seen bits and pieces from my posts. My attitude has always been, "Live
and let live". On the other hand, if someone tries to do me, my family
or my friends harm I go for their throat.

I am not capable of watching some jackass try to hurt or kill someone
I love. At the risk of loosing my own life, I will defend them. I have
done in the past, and I will, till I can no longer stand to face a

The things that bother me are blowhards, liars and cowards. I have no
use for anyone in any of those groups. You come across as arrogant, and
somewhat ignorant of the United States of America. It is a large,
diverse country. You can travel a hundred miles and you would think you
are in a different country. There are people here from every country in
the world. They range from dirt poor to very wealthy. From poorly
educated to the very best. You are always trying to hammer the US into a
single hole to fit your narrow view of us, and I find it objectionable.
Personally, I am glad you love living in Europe. That means I will never
have to run into to you face to face.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Once again, either help people with real circuits and information, or
don't bother to reply with your typical, "That's crap" reply, and offer
no real help.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Bill, Michael,

The 555 timer isn't crap. It's obsolescent and quirky but can still be
for simple things. Horses for courses, and all that.

(If it were crap it would be all squishy and brown and wouldn't solder
a board!)

With regard to the relative merits of EU and US, I've lived and worked in
both and have found different but equivalent good and bad in both.

Nowadays, anyone with decent qualifications can work and live anywhere in
the Western World that they choose to. I'm living in the States right now
because it was here that I got financial backing for my business, and I've
lived and worked in Europe because that was where the contracts were. I
family in Europe as well as North America.

Where you live and work is a totally personal matter, but slamming each
other's countries is just going to make everyone want to move to

However, and this may open up a whole new sub thread, (or can of worms) I
have one question which has bugged me every time I've been in the States;
Why, in a country subject to tornadoes, hurricanes, ice storms, blizzards
and, very occasionally, volcanic eruptions, are the power, telephone and
cable TV lines strung up on wooden poles?

And why, when there is a simple cure for power loss caused by all of this
beside the volcanoes, which is burying the cables, doesn't anyone sue the
power companies every time the power fails due to weather conditions which
would not affect buried cables. Last winter we had an ice storm in
Rochester and some people had no power for two weeks. It cost the local
power company millions to put back up the lines and, as I said, it took
weeks to restore power to some people.

And nobody sued the power company! Amazing in a country where successful
suites have been taken out against refrigerator manufacturers for not
telling people not to climb up the door!

Anyone got any ideas on this rather strange situation?

On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 12:18:00 GMT, "John Fortier"
<> wrote:

Anyone got any ideas on this rather strange situation?
1. Take a look at the cost involved in _replacing_ the overhead
utilities with buried, VS repairing what's there on an as-needed
basis and I'm sure you'll have part of your answer.

2. Lawsuits against "Acts of God" (floods, tornadoes, lightning, etc.)
are considered frivolous and won't be prosecuted.

3. Since most (if not all) publically owned (non-municipal) energy
utilities are regulated monopolies, upgrading capacity to protect
against outages due to overload is not at the behest of the utility,
nor is 1, above, hence they can't be sued for either.

John Fields
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 12:18:00 GMT, "John Fortier"
<> wrote:

The 555 timer isn't crap. It's obsolescent and quirky but can still be used
for simple things. Horses for courses, and all that.

(If it were crap it would be all squishy and brown and wouldn't solder onto
a board!)
Does that make you crap, then?


Snipped a lot of infantile anecdotal blather


Anyone got any ideas on this rather strange situation?

John Fields
John Fortier wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

Bill, Michael,

The 555 timer isn't crap. It's obsolescent and quirky but can still be used
for simple things. Horses for courses, and all that.

(If it were crap it would be all squishy and brown and wouldn't solder onto
a board!)

With regard to the relative merits of EU and US, I've lived and worked in
both and have found different but equivalent good and bad in both.

Nowadays, anyone with decent qualifications can work and live anywhere in
the Western World that they choose to. I'm living in the States right now
because it was here that I got financial backing for my business, and I've
lived and worked in Europe because that was where the contracts were. I have
family in Europe as well as North America.

Where you live and work is a totally personal matter, but slamming each
other's countries is just going to make everyone want to move to Australia.

However, and this may open up a whole new sub thread, (or can of worms) I do
have one question which has bugged me every time I've been in the States;
Why, in a country subject to tornadoes, hurricanes, ice storms, blizzards
and, very occasionally, volcanic eruptions, are the power, telephone and
cable TV lines strung up on wooden poles?

And why, when there is a simple cure for power loss caused by all of this
beside the volcanoes, which is burying the cables, doesn't anyone sue the
power companies every time the power fails due to weather conditions which
would not affect buried cables. Last winter we had an ice storm in
Rochester and some people had no power for two weeks. It cost the local
power company millions to put back up the lines and, as I said, it took two
weeks to restore power to some people.

And nobody sued the power company! Amazing in a country where successful
suites have been taken out against refrigerator manufacturers for not
telling people not to climb up the door!

Anyone got any ideas on this rather strange situation?

Some areas were built over 50 years ago, and are still in daily use,
with just a few old poles having been replaced.

Some areas require dynamite to set power poles. To bury the cables
takes 100 times the work. Other areas have water problems, so the
transformers and underground cable get flooded out.

In areas where it snows a lot, the snow can drift inside the
ventilation slots, melt and short out the primaries. I used to go to a
store in Ohio that had been remodeled recently, and the city had forced
them to convert from their old overhead feed to a new underground
service. When the snow hit, it knocked the power out. CG&E would send a
crew out to mop out the water, and replace the fuse. Less than an hour
later it blew again. And again, ...

Of course, if they take out all the power poles, drunk drivers will
have to find something else to run into.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Daniel Haude wrote:
OK, maybe, bur how in the world does this statement fit into a Usenet
quarrel on an engineering newsgroup?

Ask whoever cross posted the thread. I was answering from


Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"John Fortier" <> wrote in message news:<YFPlb.46664$>...
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

Where you live and work is a totally personal matter, but slamming each
other's countries is just going to make everyone want to move to Australia.
Not really. The Austrlain economy is dodgy, and the the current prime
minister is a right-wing half-wit who believes in monetarist
economics, sound money, and all the other stuff that gave us the last
great depression.

However, and this may open up a whole new sub thread, (or can of worms) I do
have one question which has bugged me every time I've been in the States;
Why, in a country subject to tornadoes, hurricanes, ice storms, blizzards
and, very occasionally, volcanic eruptions, are the power, telephone and
cable TV lines strung up on wooden poles?
Population density. Cables strung up on poles are cheaper, per mile,
than cables buried in trenches. In most of Europe the number of
dwelling per acre is so high that the additional cost of burying the
cable is tolerable.

And why, when there is a simple cure for power loss caused by all of this
beside the volcanoes, which is burying the cables, doesn't anyone sue the
power companies every time the power fails due to weather conditions which
would not affect buried cables. Last winter we had an ice storm in
Rochester and some people had no power for two weeks. It cost the local
power company millions to put back up the lines and, as I said, it took two
weeks to restore power to some people.
The solution is simple enough, but it isn't cheap. Even if you use a
plough arrangment to lay the cable to save the cost of digging the
trench, you've still got to re-instate road or footpath over most of
the cable route.

And nobody sued the power company! Amazing in a country where successful
suites have been taken out against refrigerator manufacturers for not
telling people not to climb up the door!

Anyone got any ideas on this rather strange situation?
John Kenneth Gailbraith - "The Affluent Society" - private affluence
and public squalor. In this case the public squalor is the visual
contamination of the telephone and power poles and the cables hanging
all over the place.

The Europeans seem to be prepared to spend money on keeping their
public urban spaces looking good. In Nijmegen, we are even digging up
the more heavily travelled roads and resurfacing them with "very open
asphalt/concrete" which reduces traffic noise very noticeably.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
"Bill Sloman" <> wrote in message
"John Fortier" <> wrote in message
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message


Where you live and work is a totally personal matter, but slamming each
other's countries is just going to make everyone want to move to

Not really. The Austrlain economy is dodgy, and the the current prime
minister is a right-wing half-wit who believes in monetarist
economics, sound money, and all the other stuff that gave us the last
great depression.
Explain why it's dodgy? And if you want to blindly parrot the diatribes
about housing debt, check the basis of the statistics first.

And the PM is not a half-wit - I've seen some very intelligent and
personable half-wits in my time, and JH is not up to their standards!

Oh, and I notice that the European non-monetarist economies aren't doing so


Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 16:19:17 GMT, "John Fortier"
<> Gave us:

OK, that does it.

Action taken.
You're an idiot. A totally clueless Usenet retard. You probably
starred in that film, "Total Retard".
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 12:43:52 GMT, "Ross Mac"
<macroeng@example.invalid> Gave us:

I live in the mountains and every winter, after about 3 rain drops, the
trees start to fall taking the lines down with them. You would think in an
area where telephone poles look like toothpicks that someone would catch
Hahahaha... I hope that your lame ass freezes to death this winter.
Take the high road!...Warm and cozy here!
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 12:43:52 GMT, "Ross Mac"
macroeng@example.invalid> Gave us:

I live in the mountains and every winter, after about 3 rain drops, the
trees start to fall taking the lines down with them. You would think in
area where telephone poles look like toothpicks that someone would catch

Hahahaha... I hope that your lame ass freezes to death this winter.
"Ken Taylor" <> wrote in message
"Bill Sloman" <> wrote in message
"John Fortier" <> wrote in message
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message


Where you live and work is a totally personal matter, but slamming
other's countries is just going to make everyone want to move to

Not really. The Australian economy is dodgy, and the the current prime
minister is a right-wing half-wit who believes in monetarist
economics, sound money, and all the other stuff that gave us the last
great depression.

Explain why it's dodgy? And if you want to blindly parrot the diatribes
about housing debt, check the basis of the statistics first.
Every year when I come back to visit my mother, more shops have closed, and
my mother regales me with more tales of Australian businesses going to the
wall, and the problems that this creates in managing her share portfolio.

And the niece who works on property management for Civil and Civic is
usually good for at least one tale of woe. If it wasn't for my mate on the
board of Optiscan, I'd figure that the whole country was going down the

And the PM is not a half-wit - I've seen some very intelligent and
personable half-wits in my time, and JH is not up to their standards!

Oh, and I notice that the European non-monetarist economies aren't doing
We used to export a lot of stuff to the U.S.A., who have their own version
of JH. The Australian economy was ailing even before Dubbya started applying
the economic equivalent of leeches and blood-letting to the U.S. economy.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 12:43:52 GMT, "Ross Mac"
macroeng@example.invalid> Gave us:

I live in the mountains and every winter, after about 3 rain drops, the
trees start to fall taking the lines down with them. You would think in
area where telephone poles look like toothpicks that someone would catch
Bent over the bar spread eagle in usual positon, pants at his ankles and jar
of vaseline at the ready, Don't Matter spread his cheeks wide and said:

"Hahahaha... I hope that your lame ass freezes to death this winter."

Better? We aim to spread 'em!
I guess "Don't Matter" never heard of gas????
Good one!....Ross

"Baphomet" <> wrote in message
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 12:43:52 GMT, "Ross Mac"
macroeng@example.invalid> Gave us:

I live in the mountains and every winter, after about 3 rain drops, the
trees start to fall taking the lines down with them. You would think in
area where telephone poles look like toothpicks that someone would

Bent over the bar spread eagle in usual positon, pants at his ankles and
of vaseline at the ready, Don't Matter spread his cheeks wide and said:

"Hahahaha... I hope that your lame ass freezes to death this winter."

Better? We aim to spread 'em!
"Ross Mac" <macroeng@example.invalid> wrote in message
There is a big difference between knowing a subject and just doing a "cut
and paste" from the internet.....
I could cut and past pieces from and article on motion control and not
really understand the concepts involved...It is not about
is about understanding the concepts invovled...
That is what I meant!
I was talking about providing an answer to a question, this would include
the relevant link to the source of the information or more properly perhaps
just a post to the link itself, ther is no need to paste the information
here. In my opinion this group is not designed for people to show their
expertise in anything, it is just to answer questions for people who need
help. There is no need for a person answering to know anything at all about
the subject it may be that someone just remembers a link that came out of a
search for something else and that link is relevant so post it in response
to a question. It matters not who the author is or even if the poster
understands the question he/she is offering an answer to as long as
questions get answered when people are stuck.
"Mjolinor" <> wrote:
In my opinion this group is not designed for people to show their
expertise in anything, it is just to answer questions for people who need
Well, I'm new to this group (I'm reading so
I've only seen a few hundred posts, but I'm under the impression this
group is largely for people called John to bitch at each other. For
some reason it brings to mind primary school boys pulling the hair of
the girl they fancy.

And the beast shall be made legion. Its numbers shall be increased a
thousand thousand fold. The din of a million keyboards like unto a great
storm shall cover the earth, and the followers of Mammon shall tremble.
- The Book of Mozilla, 3:31
"Bill Sloman" <> wrote in message
"Ken Taylor" <> wrote in message

"Bill Sloman" <> wrote in message
"John Fortier" <> wrote in message
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message


Where you live and work is a totally personal matter, but slamming
other's countries is just going to make everyone want to move to

Not really. The Australian economy is dodgy, and the the current prime
minister is a right-wing half-wit who believes in monetarist
economics, sound money, and all the other stuff that gave us the last
great depression.

Explain why it's dodgy? And if you want to blindly parrot the diatribes
about housing debt, check the basis of the statistics first.

Every year when I come back to visit my mother, more shops have closed,
my mother regales me with more tales of Australian businesses going to the
wall, and the problems that this creates in managing her share portfolio.

And the niece who works on property management for Civil and Civic is
usually good for at least one tale of woe. If it wasn't for my mate on the
board of Optiscan, I'd figure that the whole country was going down the

And the PM is not a half-wit - I've seen some very intelligent and
personable half-wits in my time, and JH is not up to their standards!

Oh, and I notice that the European non-monetarist economies aren't doing

We used to export a lot of stuff to the U.S.A., who have their own version
of JH. The Australian economy was ailing even before Dubbya started
the economic equivalent of leeches and blood-letting to the U.S. economy.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

I'm guessing the shops are closing in rural centres? And even that may not
be valid now, as many centres are booming again (assuming they are both
wired up and also still reasonably close to one of the major Eastern
seaboard centres). It's called urban drift, and it's not an indication of
the economy going south. The economy is changing to account for the fact
that we are not a nation of slave labourers. Anyway, there's always
something else to dig up and sell......

And Dubbya....sheesh! Don't start me.....


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