Michael A. Terrell
ian field wrote:
If the birds are so smart, why do they stay with him?
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There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
"Peter Hucker" <none@spam.com> wrote in message
On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 20:17:29 -0000, Michael A. Terrell
mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote:
ian field wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
ian field wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
Peter Hucker wrote:
On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 19:14:26 -0000, Michael A. Terrell
mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote:
What part of CFL lamps overheating and catching on fire goes
over your head?
It only happens extremely occasionally.
A hell of a lot more often than with incandescent lamps. A lot
incandescent fixtures are not designed for safe operation of CFL
PHucker boasts of having rigged his house with cobbled together 12V
run from solar panels and scrounged end of life car batteries, he
likely had some scares using LV halogens in unsuitable enclosures.
With any luck, it will burn to the ground from his shoddy work.
He has a number of parrots loose in the house - it wouldn't be fair on
So, everything there is a birdbrain?
Silly term "birdbrain" - most birds are more intelligent than a lot of
You must come from a large family then.
If the birds are so smart, why do they stay with him?
aioe.org, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.
If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account: http://www.usenettools.net/ISP.htm
There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.