PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

Thanks Bushy,

I will most certainly look in to that.


Bushy wrote:
G'day Pat,
watched your post in aus.electronics (crossposted reply) and as it appears
you have a certain amount of electronic knowledge, can I suggest you use a
cheap sensor light (available for under $20.00 in most cheap shops) and a
washing machine solenoid (available for very cheap from an old washing
machine on the side of the road on council cleanup day!) to control the

If you need instructions, then maybe you should consider the store bought

I have the Dick Smith K3008 Electric Fence Controller which is the cheapest
fence controller kit but does not include the car ignition coil and a case,
but both are readily available for next to nothing. I have modified mine
with a switch to allow different output levels so it has a low and high
setting. My dog has experienced the fence and took off faster than chasing a
rabbit across the paddock when she first touched it with her tail. Must have
gone 50 yards before turning her hear in mid-step to see if the thing that
had bitten her was still chasing her...............

Hope this helps,

"Pat" <> wrote in message

Hello all,

I have been researching the best method to deter a cat from using my
Garden as a Toilet and believe the most efficient and least problematic
(Litigation concerns) method is to install a Movement activated
sprinkler in the area which this pest animal frequents.

I have only found the one available in Australia so far and it seems to
cost approx $145.00 which is a little more than I had hoped to outlay.
It is called the "Scarecrow"

I wonder if any of you folk would be able to maybe give me any ideas of
alternatives to this product, or better still would someone have a
sprinkler they would like to sell ?.


Some gutless fuckwit bog trotter desperately cowering behind
zpk <>
wrote in message
just what you'd expect from a gutless fuckwit bog trotter.
Hi does someone know how to get into the service mode with the Panasonic
MX-6 chassis

A EEPROM was replaced and the width is right in, so we need to set it.

Thanks From Peter
On Thu, 6 May 2004 20:12:36 +0000 (UTC), "Has-Bean"
<> wrote:

A t'ick xxxxx do you mean, now?

tut tut tut...

rsgb pse note.
On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 21:12:47 +0000, zpk wrote:

ahh now here!!!

i'll tolerate-under-protest most things from most cb'ers
but to call me a POMMY/POM is just TOO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!

I am a member of the ex-colonial world.
And also part of the non-commonwealth too.
A t'ick Paddy do you mean, now?

"zpk" <> wrote in
On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 20:01:29 +1000, "Rod Speed" <

bog trotter.

excuse me ol' boy.

i have *NEVER* trotted in a bog.
OK stop looking
I found out

"Peter Aberrant" <> wrote in message
Hi does someone know how to get into the service mode with the Panasonic
MX-6 chassis

A EEPROM was replaced and the width is right in, so we need to set it.

Thanks From Peter
Phred <> wrote in message

I was flashing a new bios onto my P3 motherboard (Via Apollo
Pro 133 chipset) and in the middle of the write operation I stood up
and trod on the power cord (bugger). The power went out and now,
of course the board wont POST - just get a long beep, then nothing.

I've tried disconnecting everything but the floppy drive
and some ram and disabling onboard sound (via jumpers),
installing an ISA graphics card with the same result.
You're likely out of luck with such an old bios on that stuff.

We have an old device programmer at work (EPROM Burner)
and I have the bios files on floppy - but as far as I can tell the
burner can't write to the type of EEPROM I have.
Very likely it cant.

It is a Winbond W29C020C, which is a 32 pin DIP
package, 5.0V program voltage of 256k in size.
I could burn the data to a 27256 EPROM instead,
but these are only 28 pin devices. Would it work
if I burn say a 27C1001 which is a 32 pin device,
but, of course, is 1024k in size.
Maybe, if the burner can handle it. But
its not necessarily the best approach.

Are EPROMs and EEPROMs addressed in the same way (in
read mode)? If this works it would allow me to boot the computer,
Yes, but that doesnt mean that you can flash it in the burner.

physically remove the EPROM, install the EEPROM and re-flash the bios.
That wont work, because you need code in the eprom to do the flashing.

BTW - the reason I was re-flashing in the first place was because the board
would only see the first 128Mb of a 256Mb RAM stick, even though the
documentation I got with the board said it should recognize the full 256Mb.
You wont want to hear this, but that later bios may well make no difference.

You should be able to find someone on the web who
can flash the eeprom in a modern eeprom flasher.

There was someone doing it in aus.electronics a while ago.
I've added that to the newsgroups list.
On Fri, 4 Jun 2004 14:38:30 +1000, "Rod Speed" <>
put finger to keyboard and composed:

Phred <> wrote in message

We have an old device programmer at work (EPROM Burner)
and I have the bios files on floppy - but as far as I can tell the
burner can't write to the type of EEPROM I have.

It is a Winbond W29C020C, ...
I can program this chip for $5 plus postage. Contact me via email if
you would like to go ahead.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
press *65# as system pin code to access secret menu to reset factory

hope these help!
I too having problem using datacable (ie connecting an Ericsson T29s).
Found that when I install the latest version software driver for the
motherboard than it work.

In article <>,
press *65# as system pin code to access secret menu to reset factory

hope these help!

you might consider IPu8930 from IPsil

Available from Adilam Electronics in Australia

Comments - Ipsil has preliminary data on their IPľ8932 which combines a
webserver, Ethernet MAC layer, and TCP/IP controller all on a single chip.
This allows the one chip with 20 digital or analog inputs to display
webpages without the need of a microcontroller. Ipsil has WebHolesT
technology which allows holes (simular to server side includes principles)
to be filled in with values from the I/O ports. If you do happen to need
more complexity, you can add a microcontroller and talk via standard TCP/IP
socket calls.


"DaveC" <> wrote in message
Hello.. well my on going project to write a TCP/IP stack on a pic is still
"on going" and with the holodays here I'm going to get a good chunk of it
out of the way.

I'm still using slip to connect it to my PC, but recently I'v come to
realize how much simpler life would be if I used 10baseT Ethernet.
because the chips that deal with this have more memory for packets then
pic does !

Any way. I have searched around and found this one

But the price of US$80 is a bit off-putting, seeing as I can pick up a
complete PCI card from DickSmith (AKA RadioShack) for $10-15 nowdays.

I've found others that use old ISA NIC's but I'd rather use something

So does any one know of other solutions, for embedded mcus that dont cost
so much?

I know, I know, TCP/IP done a thousand times before on a PIC. but I'm
it to learn, not to be new.


If you want to move from PIC, look at RABBIT micros or Ziloez eZ80Acclaim.
As for the actual controller chip, look at CS8900.


"Joseph Goldburg" <> wrote in message
you might consider IPu8930 from IPsil

Available from Adilam Electronics in Australia

Comments - Ipsil has preliminary data on their IPľ8932 which combines a
webserver, Ethernet MAC layer, and TCP/IP controller all on a single chip.
This allows the one chip with 20 digital or analog inputs to display
webpages without the need of a microcontroller. Ipsil has WebHolesT
technology which allows holes (simular to server side includes principles)
to be filled in with values from the I/O ports. If you do happen to need
more complexity, you can add a microcontroller and talk via standard
socket calls.


"DaveC" <> wrote in message
Hello.. well my on going project to write a TCP/IP stack on a pic is
"on going" and with the holodays here I'm going to get a good chunk of
out of the way.

I'm still using slip to connect it to my PC, but recently I'v come to
realize how much simpler life would be if I used 10baseT Ethernet.
because the chips that deal with this have more memory for packets then
pic does !

Any way. I have searched around and found this one

But the price of US$80 is a bit off-putting, seeing as I can pick up a
complete PCI card from DickSmith (AKA RadioShack) for $10-15 nowdays.

I've found others that use old ISA NIC's but I'd rather use something

So does any one know of other solutions, for embedded mcus that dont
so much?

I know, I know, TCP/IP done a thousand times before on a PIC. but I'm
it to learn, not to be new.

In article <>,
ofn01 wrote:

I am going to attempt to solder two capacitors onto a graphics card, The
old capacitors that were there 'blew' (just). I haven't done any soldering
before - but I gather the concept.

I have some solder and I know someone with a soldering iron.
The solder I have has written on the cylinder its wrapped around the
"resin core solder wire made in N.Z"

Is this the appropriate type of solder to use?

I have taken the two old capacitors off the card - though probably not
quite in the best way (essentially took them out a bit roughly (using
small plyers
:-\ ), nothing damaged, but do I need to 'clean' the area on the bottom of
the PCB where the holes are that I intend to solder the capacitors back
into? There is some residue solder there from the old solder.

I know not to blow on the solder when its drying.

Im going to have a look around the web now for some soldering guides - but
just incase anyone here had some more info.

Here's a link I've bookmarked for when my KT7 leaking caps give out :-(

"How ANYONE Can Replace Leaking Capacitors"
The biggest problem I can see with his methodology is the amount of heat
that will be applied to the board and components from the very slow one
leg at a time removal of the capacitors. Soldering takes place at a
temperature of around 300 degrees C. Often electronic components are
rated to withstand this temperature for only 10 seconds at a time.
Excessive heat will also cause the tracks on the board to lift. On some
boards the tracks are very close together so a tyro could easily bridge
some solder across two or three tracks accidentally.

By fitting second hand componets there is an increased risk of these
failing later and having to be replaced again.

Most motherboards these days have multiple layer traces meaning there is
a risk of damaging the through plating in the component holes where the
internal traces join to it. This is unrepairable.

Any leaked electrolyte should be cleaned off the board before installing
new caps. NOT using screwdrivers as he used them - using the correct
equipment to avoid damaging the board.
On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 17:03:59 GMT, "imAhoe" <> had
a scratch and wrote:

Britney Spears topless wow nice
Well that sucks. There's no picture of Britney topless.


Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
"Bradley Bungmunch" < > wrote in message
On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 17:03:59 GMT, "imAhoe" <> had
a scratch and wrote:

Britney Spears topless wow nice

Well that sucks. There's no picture of Britney topless.
But do you now have a trojan on your comp?
Mitchell wrote:
But do you now have a trojan on your comp?
Computer sex again?

John T
On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 20:28:11 GMT, "Mitchell" <>
had a scratch and wrote:

"Bradley Bungmunch" < > wrote in message
On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 17:03:59 GMT, "imAhoe" <> had
a scratch and wrote:

Britney Spears topless wow nice

Well that sucks. There's no picture of Britney topless.

But do you now have a trojan on your comp?
Why would I have an ancient Greek warrior on my comp? Have you been
smoking the whacky-backy again?


Pussie sHaveMo
reFunMeow MeowMeowPus
siesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMo reFunMeowMeowMeo
wPussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeo wMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMor
eFunMeowMeowMeowP ussiesHaveMoreFunM
eowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMeowMe owMeowPus
siesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowMe owPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHave MoreFunMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeowM
eowPussiesHaveM oreFunMeowMeow MeowPussiesHa veMoreFunMeowMeow
MeowPussiesHave MoreFunMeow MeowMeow PussiesHaveMoreFun
MeowMeowMeowPussi esHa veMoreFunMeowMeowMe
owPussiesHaveMoreF unMeowMeowM eowPussiesHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowMeowPussie sHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHav
eMoreFunMeowMeowMeo wPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussie
sHaveMoreFunMeowMeo wMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPussi
esHaveMoreFunMeowM eowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowPuss
iesHaveMoreFunMe owMeowMeowPussiesHaveMoreFu nMeowMeowMeowP
ussiesHaveMor eFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHaveMore FunMeowMeow
MeowPussi esHaveMoreFunMeowMeowMeowPussiesHave MoreF
unMe owMeowM eowPuss
iesHave MoreF unMeowMeowM
eowPussies Ha veMoreFunMeo
wMeowMeowP us si esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeowM eow Pus siesHaveMore
FunMeowMeo wMeow Pussi esHaveMoreFu
nMeowMeow MeowPu ssiesH aveMoreFun
Meow MeowMeow Pussie
"DaveC" <> wrote in message
Hello.. well my on going project to write a TCP/IP stack on a pic is
"on going" and with the holodays here I'm going to get a good chunk of
out of the way.

I'm still using slip to connect it to my PC, but recently I'v come to
realize how much simpler life would be if I used 10baseT Ethernet.
because the chips that deal with this have more memory for packets then
pic does !

Any way. I have searched around and found this one

But the price of US$80 is a bit off-putting, seeing as I can pick up a
complete PCI card from DickSmith (AKA RadioShack) for $10-15 nowdays.

I've found others that use old ISA NIC's but I'd rather use something

So does any one know of other solutions, for embedded mcus that dont
so much?

I know, I know, TCP/IP done a thousand times before on a PIC. but I'm
it to learn, not to be new.

cheap option as others have said is an isa ethernet card

get one from one of the weekend computer markets.
50c - $5 for an isa card, for $5 should be able to pic up a few.
Make sure to check what the chip is. look at picnic

For quick option
packet whacker , nicholas or nicki board

Have a look at

Also enter the Zilog design comp and select one of the ethernet modules.
If they have any left.


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