0junk4me@bellsouth.net wrote:
Did I miss a Civil War or something ?
Eh ?On 2008-08-17 HotChip said:
The "housetrained" moniker may be due to his possible house
arrest in Cairns, Australia.
I dont mean to interrupt this little love fest but they dont have
"house arrest" in Australia
Just more bullshit. IF you're not spewing bullshit across
half a dozen newsgroups you're not happy eh Bob?
take your bullshit you're spewing in
rec.arts.movies.production.sound and move it back to
rec.audio.opnion where it belongs.
NOw you're trying to lead it back into this group.
Btw why would I call you, and what does it porove to have me
look you up in a radio amateur callsign database? THink I"m
going to call you on the phone so you can perpetrate some
bullshit there too?
WHat is stirring bullshit on usenet your "Replacement
career" bob?
Did I miss a Civil War or something ?