"Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations@hotmail.com> wrote in message
posts ;-) ;-) IIRC he even bragged here once how he was now untouchable.
Funny really, as we still know where he lives ;-)
daring Knight that would one day cast the dirty little Troll into the pit of
................ Nah! Let's just go around and kick his head in
) Note:
This is a joke. Intended humour without the intent to incite violence.
Thought I had better add that last bit. You know how these psychotics will
selectively edit anything they read.
Cheers TT
I'm sure you have looked at the path in the headers for one of Philthy'sTT wrote:
Here's the deal, you ring them up and you talk to them. Then when they
you Philthy uses an anonymous remailer from the Berlin University and
can't be certain (Ha!!) it is really him then you come back here and
apologise to me and say I told you so.
You mean ........
posts ;-) ;-) IIRC he even bragged here once how he was now untouchable.
Funny really, as we still know where he lives ;-)
Ahhhh...... Maybe you are the "chosen one" ;-) The prophesies foretold of aYes, I've battled with them before.
daring Knight that would one day cast the dirty little Troll into the pit of
................ Nah! Let's just go around and kick his head in
This is a joke. Intended humour without the intent to incite violence.
Thought I had better add that last bit. You know how these psychotics will
selectively edit anything they read.
Alas, even though I am of German descent I cannot speak the language ;-)The trick (amongst others) is to appeal to
the Chancellor of the University.
Cheers TT