" Hot Chip" <Hot Chip@gmail.com> wrote in message
Also as he suffers form a Bipolar Disorder and at times is quite
Philthy is a very sad little old man in his late 50's with no family (except
a retarded sister) who lives alone in a rented bed-sit in the back blocks of
Sydney. He has no qualifications (not even a driver's licence) and is a
backyard, small domestic appliance repairer. He is also called Toaster Boy
as a term of endearment ;-) Philthy squandered a fully funded scholarship
to Sydney uni in the early 70's and has a chip on his shoulder ever since.
He is even still technically a virgin having never been married or even had
a girlfriend but he did go to Catholic Boys school though ;-)
So this sad, pathetic creature sits at home all day playing at being someone
of importance while at his keyboard pretending his backyard "hobby" repair
business is actually successful.
So my advice is, let it drop and ignore him. Or if you live in Sydney drive
around and visit him and discuss your concerns face to face. I have offered
to come over and play baseball or cricket with him but he has declined my
generous offers. Once I even offered to take him Shark fishing in Sydney
Harbour and he declined that too ;-) No pleasing some people eh? ;-)
Look at the 4th listing.
Cheers TT
to get the attention he craves and all you are doing is feeding his ego."Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
You have no place here in a live sound NG.
F**k Off WOG ASSHOLE !!!!
Please tell, you racist little c**t, exactly what the f**k are *you* doing
in a "live sound newsgroup", given that you don't do live sound, you don't
gig, in fact all you seem to be is some nerdy insecure doped up tech geek
living at home with his mom and a bunch of cats, living off the dole and
posting his hate-filled racist bullshit to the net all day long?
Serious question, f***head.
Just what gives you "the right" to abuse other posters in here like that?
Hot Chip please reconsider your abuse to Philthy. He only talks like this
Also as he suffers form a Bipolar Disorder and at times is quite
Philthy is a very sad little old man in his late 50's with no family (except
a retarded sister) who lives alone in a rented bed-sit in the back blocks of
Sydney. He has no qualifications (not even a driver's licence) and is a
backyard, small domestic appliance repairer. He is also called Toaster Boy
as a term of endearment ;-) Philthy squandered a fully funded scholarship
to Sydney uni in the early 70's and has a chip on his shoulder ever since.
He is even still technically a virgin having never been married or even had
a girlfriend but he did go to Catholic Boys school though ;-)
So this sad, pathetic creature sits at home all day playing at being someone
of importance while at his keyboard pretending his backyard "hobby" repair
business is actually successful.
So my advice is, let it drop and ignore him. Or if you live in Sydney drive
around and visit him and discuss your concerns face to face. I have offered
to come over and play baseball or cricket with him but he has declined my
generous offers. Once I even offered to take him Shark fishing in Sydney
Harbour and he declined that too ;-) No pleasing some people eh? ;-)
Look at the 4th listing.
Cheers TT