Phil Allison
"Mr.Turd "
** The possibility that they WILL BE USED increases every day.
That possibility IS the single, greatest threat facing mankind.
How typically asinine of Mr Turd to so grossly misinterpret Dave's comment.
does that. Having ones efforts and ideas judged worthy of publication in a
national magazine is what generates a sense of achievement.
** Time spent that benefits both oneself and others is never wasted.
What an utter ass Mr Turd makes of himself for saying it is.
** Fat chance of that, no matter what a vile Turd like you did.
...... Phil
"David L. Jones"
and that globalwarming is the greatest problem ever faced by
No actually, overpopulation and nuclear weapons are.
Overpopulation, YES. However nuclear weapons are only a major problem IF
they are used.
** The possibility that they WILL BE USED increases every day.
That possibility IS the single, greatest threat facing mankind.
How typically asinine of Mr Turd to so grossly misinterpret Dave's comment.
** Seeing one's name in print is not the point - the telephone directoryBut as to the thrust of your main argument, NOT everyone cares about
their name in print
does that. Having ones efforts and ideas judged worthy of publication in a
national magazine is what generates a sense of achievement.
enough to waste their time generating income for someone else!!!
** Time spent that benefits both oneself and others is never wasted.
What an utter ass Mr Turd makes of himself for saying it is.
** Nothing is all any of your demented ideas is worth.Personally I would rather put such articles on-line for everyone to see
and NOT have other people profit from MY endevours.
** Fat chance of that, no matter what a vile Turd like you did.
...... Phil