On Oct 6, 9:10 am, "Trevor Wilson" <tre...@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au>
except you don't actually quote any science.
> Trevor Wilsonwww.rageaudio.com.au
That sounds exactly like what you and your kind do,"Roger Dewhurst" <dewhu...@wave.co.nz> wrote in message
**Plimer has been dealt with several times, by several commentators. One
scientist found in excess of 300 (three HUNDRED) errors in his book. For
my part, I've noted the plimer has failed miserably to support his
nonsensical claim that CO2 levels ALWAYS lag temperature rise.
Examintation of ice core data refutes this claim of Plimer's. It would
seem he has spent too much time reading fossil fuel propaganda, rather
than the science.
The book has faults.
**Not the least of which are the outright lies that relate to claims about
the IPCC reports. Sea level rises, for one. His cherry-picked data is hardly
scientific. It also explains why Plimer has not chosen the route of allowing
his work to be peer-reviewed.
There are errors and it is difficult to read. I
think that he should have used fewer examples and been more selective
about those that he chose.
**What would have been better, is that Plimer could have been honest and
objective, rather than dishonest.
The book should have been half the length.
The book is a compromise between a broad brush approach for the general
public and something for the scientifically literate. It is almost
impossible to combine the two and not surprisingly Plimer has not achieved
total success. Nevertheless his general argument is substantiated.
**Only if the reader manages to avoid reading some science. Plimer's
approach appears to be that of bombarding scientific illiterates with lots
of data, whilst ignoring data which proves Plimer to be scientifically
dishonest. His lies are many.
I was pleasantly surprised to find a number of arguments
documented which I had nutted out for myself but which I had not seen
proposed elsewhere.
**There's a good reason for that. He'd be laughed out of any scientific
peer-review process. Of course, for scientific illiterates, his work seems
to be really sciency. In reality, it comprises many lies, cherry-picked data
and a whole bunch of misleading statements.
except you don't actually quote any science.
> Trevor Wilsonwww.rageaudio.com.au