Michael A. Terrell wrote:
keithr wrote:
On 17/10/2009 11:16 PM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
keithr wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
terryc wrote:
On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 16:51:45 -0400, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
terryc wrote:
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 22:05:30 -0400, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
terryc wrote:
On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 23:55:15 -0400, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Tell me, Phil. How may missions did you fly for the Russians
WW-II? If zero, you have no clue as to what the pilots thought of
the planes they flew.
Wow, you claim to have talked to old Russian pilots now.
Where did I say that? Are you on the same drugs as Phil?
Well, it seems you are. You asked Phil if he'd ever flown for the
Russians in WWII. Was that an admission that you are talking out your
That's your specialty, like all low grade trolls.
I take it that is an admission that I am correct on this point.
No, but you'll claim it anyway. Your ignorance and arrogance won't
let you do anything else.
Having the combination of ignorance and arrogance is what sets
Americans apart from the rest of the world.
Yawn. Try to come up with something original and relevant.
It isn't an accusation, it is an observation. I lived in the US for a
number of years, and, for the last 6 years, I have spent between 3 and 6
weeks every year working there. Because of this I have had the
opportunity to observe US attitudes both public and private close up.
As to ignorance, the mainstream news media in the US report very little
on world events unless US interests are directly involved or there is
spectacular footage available. The dedicated news channels are a little
better but still not up to the standard of similar organisations
elsewhere in the world. I was surprised how little the majority of my
American aquaintances knew of the world, we aren't talking about trailer
trash rednecks either but reasonably well educated middle class people.
As for arrogance, there seems to be an opinion permeating US society
that the "US way" is the only way. I have seen amazement expressed and
ridicule and scorn put on societies that have worked perfectly for
centuries but which do not conform the the "American ideal". I have
heard US commentators express the opinion that "We should invade their
country, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity", US
political leaders "Declare the USSR illegal" or "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran".
It all sound pretty arrogant to me.
You must have been watching Fox. That network owned by a crazy
Not any more, he's one of yours now, and you are welcome to him.