Dyna Soar
John - Melb wrote:
this group. I know I do. Perhaps they're not as vocal.
think I said so at the time)
Keithr suggested Wilson post his gun stuff "somewhere else". No where did
he either say he approved or disapproved of Wilson's "anti-gun rants
appearing on aus.electronics", yet you've jumped to one conclusion.
Your obsession makes you read whatever turns your paranoia on, irrespective
if it is what is written.
All rights reserved. All wrongs avenged.
I'm sure many have a problem with both anti-gun or pro-gun viewpoints inOn Oct 13, 12:06 pm, John - Melb wrote:
On Oct 13, 11:28 am, "Dyna Soar"wrote:
John - Melb wrote:
And none of the other precious darlings on aus.electronics seem to
have a problem with it ?
I have a problem with any off-topic postings, but don't have the
paranoia about it that you do.
While do you even bother reading this group when you make
absolutely no posts about electronics? We know the answer, of
course, it's your obsession with Wilson. I have news for you, he
just ain't worth it.
Why do other posters on aus.electronics not have a problem with
Trivial Trevor's O/T anti-gun and anti-gunowner rants, but go feral
when an alternative viewpoint appears?
this group. I know I do. Perhaps they're not as vocal.
Perhaps in your own mind.I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that one too........
Jeezus, that old post just further proves your paranoia with Wilson. (I----------------------------------------------------------
Hey Dyna, from APG
On Sep 26, 10:28 pm, John - Melb <mcnamara_j...@hotmail.com> wrote:
On Sep 25, 5:45 pm, keithr <ke...@nowhere.com.au> wrote:
Put it somewhere else trevor, otherwise you'll have your alter ego
his little mates from APG swarming all over the place again.-
Sorry Keefy, too late.
It's interesting to note that Keefy isn't concerned about Trevor's
anti-gun rants appearing on aus.electronics, he's concerned that an
alternative viewpoint may appear.
think I said so at the time)
Keithr suggested Wilson post his gun stuff "somewhere else". No where did
he either say he approved or disapproved of Wilson's "anti-gun rants
appearing on aus.electronics", yet you've jumped to one conclusion.
Your obsession makes you read whatever turns your paranoia on, irrespective
if it is what is written.
All rights reserved. All wrongs avenged.