David L. Jones
Brian wrote:
Ian and Mt.T said it nicely :->David L. Jones <altzone@gmail.com> wrote in message
Kissing Lettuce wrote:
Are they still made and marketed with hype like
back in the 80s and 90s?
You know stuff like
"Your ears will tell the difference"
Oxygen free is old hat, you can buy them in Coles Supermarkets.
The new ones are cryogenically frozen, polarised, have battery powered
biased dielectrics,different size strands for different frequencies,
Absolute rubbish!!
Audio frequencies will simply travel down the path of least resistance
If you believe all the crap about audio cables then you deserved to be
ripped off by the places that market them.
and need to be "broken in" for extended periods before they sound the
this is simply the time period it takes for you to fool yourself that the
high price you paid for your cables was worth it.