John Larkin
On Sat, 27 Jul 2019 17:28:39 -0700 (PDT), Phil Allison
<pallison49@gmail.com> wrote:
No, my problem with TV is that the content is usually trash and
especially the data rate, the effective bandwidth, is way too low. I
read about 400 wpm and nobody talks that fast.
And when I'm reading, I can scan a paragraph, or a chapter, and
usually determine if it has worthwhile content, and skip ahead to
something more interesting. I can't very well do that with a TV show.
It just drones along. Commercials don't help any. Even PBS here now
has endless ads.
In general, the first paragraph, the "lede" of a newspaper or magazine
article, is blather and can be skipped. A really good novel begins
with a great first line.
I'm a tad austic in that I don't appreciate most art or poetry or
music and have no interest in Facebook type stuff. No big loss; those
are mainly fluff anyhow. I love to read great novels and history and
of course electronics.
Electronic design, especially design that interfaces with physics and
optics and mechanical systems, requires some wide-ranging thinking.
What's your favorite novel? Favorite movie? Favorite history book?
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics
<pallison49@gmail.com> wrote:
John Larkin Massive Autistic Prick wrote:
I can't say. I never watch television.
** That says it all really.
Many autistics cannot enjoy watching TV or films cos nearly all of it passes right over their pointed little heads.
No, my problem with TV is that the content is usually trash and
especially the data rate, the effective bandwidth, is way too low. I
read about 400 wpm and nobody talks that fast.
And when I'm reading, I can scan a paragraph, or a chapter, and
usually determine if it has worthwhile content, and skip ahead to
something more interesting. I can't very well do that with a TV show.
It just drones along. Commercials don't help any. Even PBS here now
has endless ads.
In general, the first paragraph, the "lede" of a newspaper or magazine
article, is blather and can be skipped. A really good novel begins
with a great first line.
I'm a tad austic in that I don't appreciate most art or poetry or
music and have no interest in Facebook type stuff. No big loss; those
are mainly fluff anyhow. I love to read great novels and history and
of course electronics.
Near total lack of insight, empathy and an ability to quickly form intelligent "theories of thought" are the reasons.
Electronic design, especially design that interfaces with physics and
optics and mechanical systems, requires some wide-ranging thinking.
What's your favorite novel? Favorite movie? Favorite history book?
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics