John Doe
With the help of the establishment and women voters who couldn\'t care less
about sports, males who pretend to be females have been destroying women\'s
sports in Connecticut and now in Pennsylvania.
\"I\'ve told my daughters, granddaughters from the time they got old enough
to understand what I was saying - and I mean it: There\'s not a single
thing a man can do that a woman can\'t do as well or better. Not a single
Like the males pretending to be females say... \"It\'s the female athletes\'
fault. They aren\'t training hard enough. They aren\'t trying hard enough.\"
The cannibal left utterly fail at logic. In this video, Megyn Kelly rails
against the unfairness while calling the perpetrator a \"she\"...
If it\'s a she, then of course it should be competing against females.
Welcome to the new Twilight Zone women voters have created.
I wrote:
about sports, males who pretend to be females have been destroying women\'s
sports in Connecticut and now in Pennsylvania.
\"I\'ve told my daughters, granddaughters from the time they got old enough
to understand what I was saying - and I mean it: There\'s not a single
thing a man can do that a woman can\'t do as well or better. Not a single
Like the males pretending to be females say... \"It\'s the female athletes\'
fault. They aren\'t training hard enough. They aren\'t trying hard enough.\"
The cannibal left utterly fail at logic. In this video, Megyn Kelly rails
against the unfairness while calling the perpetrator a \"she\"...
If it\'s a she, then of course it should be competing against females.
Welcome to the new Twilight Zone women voters have created.
I wrote:
\"Transgender swimmer shatters records at University of Pennsylvania\"
Joining Connecticut, Pennsylvania is the second state to showcase males
beating up on females in sports.
The cannibal left is so proud of its degeneration... \"Watching men beat up on
women is fun!\"