OT: The cannibal left loves forcing females to compete against males!...

With the help of the establishment and women voters who couldn\'t care less
about sports, males who pretend to be females have been destroying women\'s
sports in Connecticut and now in Pennsylvania.


\"I\'ve told my daughters, granddaughters from the time they got old enough
to understand what I was saying - and I mean it: There\'s not a single
thing a man can do that a woman can\'t do as well or better. Not a single

Like the males pretending to be females say... \"It\'s the female athletes\'
fault. They aren\'t training hard enough. They aren\'t trying hard enough.\"

The cannibal left utterly fail at logic. In this video, Megyn Kelly rails
against the unfairness while calling the perpetrator a \"she\"...


If it\'s a she, then of course it should be competing against females.

Welcome to the new Twilight Zone women voters have created.

I wrote:


\"Transgender swimmer shatters records at University of Pennsylvania\"

Joining Connecticut, Pennsylvania is the second state to showcase males
beating up on females in sports.

The cannibal left is so proud of its degeneration... \"Watching men beat up on
women is fun!\"
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 18:12:26 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <spdb6a$p47$2@dont-email.me>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow it\'s own rules that it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 18:13:28 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <spdb88$p47$4@dont-email.me>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow it\'s own rules that it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 03:11:00 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <speao3$4ip$1@dont-email.me>.

\"Anthony William Sloman\" wrote in message

John Doe has a vivid imagination and no connection with reality.

Most fascinating is the DISTINCT possibility males who want to be females
will indeed be allowed to destroy female sports.

How do they \"destroy\" female sports? They certainly can\'t be guaranteed to
win every event in which they take part - the distribution of male and
female >performances mostly overlap. The male high performing tail tends to
do better than the female high performing tail, but transgender males
aren\'t drawn >exclusively from that high-performing tail.

Ho humm.... complete ignorance as to how statistics works.

The distribution of the top females and the top males do not overlap, and
that\'s what matters. The best males in just about every single sport known
is such that no top female can beat the top males.

This has been known and verified for 1000s of years.

Its trivially obvious that if males claiming to be woman continue competing
against females in sports, females will never hold world records. Its
astounding that anyone can deny this.

-- Kevin Aylward

http://www.anasoft.co.uk/ SuperSpice
\"Anthony William Sloman\" wrote in message

** Any born male athlete who chooses to call himself \"trans\" can do
that - fully knowing it ruins the event for everyone and the women
competitors hate >>them for it. They also know they cannot openly
complain about the fake trans competitors.

Yep. However, if ALL complained and rejected this absurdity the situation
would likely change.

I doubt if it works that way. Anybody whose doctors are convinced will
eventually need gender reassignment surgery may get hormone treatment to

\"Gender\" cannot be surgically reassigned, such a concept is meaningless.
\"Gender\" is attributed to behaviour and mental state not physical
characteristics, thus \"gender\" is not amenable to physical changes by way of

Sure, historically, the words \"gender and \"sex\" were alias for each other
and stood for biology. This is no longer the case, thus one needs to be
precise in exactly what is being addressed.

Cosmetic mutilation surgery, such as removing penises are performed because
men claiming to be woman desire to look like woman, otherwise they wouldnt
do it. Thus such men inherently hold the view that being a woman is about
physical appearance, that is about biology, despite disingenuously claiming
that its actually about a mental state of mind.

Biological sex is binary and immutable. Thus a \"sex change\" is also
impossible. Period.

Those that desire to remove healthy parts of their bodies require
psychological treatment, not affirmation. Its astounding that those with a
psychological delusion are pandered to, as if their psychosis is normal.
That is, they believe something that is contradictory to physical reality.
There should be no difference to response to those that claim that they are
of the opposite sex/gender than that response that one would engage in to
those that believe that they are Elvis, Napoleon or Jesus.

There is simply no logical justification to distinguish between these

That is, impersonating Elvis or someone of the opposite sex, is not the same
as actually believing that one is Elvis or of the opposite sex. The first,
isn\'t a psychological problem, the second is.

The belief that one is that which they are not is what leads to the
absurdity of men competing in woman\'s sports, and the contortions that are
made to justify such a repugnant state of affairs.

Sports are segregated based on sex, not mental state. Period. This has been
done for sound reasons that are as valid today as they have always been.

them for the eventual transition, and it would make sense to move to the
opposite sex role at that stage. At the very least you\'d need a doctor\'s

\"Sex roles\" are repugnant stereotyping. Its the view that females should be
only be doing certain types of jobs and males only performing other types of
jobs. Whilst it certainly exists, males and females, where biology is not a
factor, should be free to perform any role they desire with no consequences.

Fundamentally, there is no such activity as a \"sex based role\", except where
sex is of fundamental importance such as rape crises centres, in which case
those roles should be restricted based on sex, not alleged \"gender\".

In particular, the concept of \"gender identity\" is inherently incoherent
babbling. No one has a \"gender\". Anyone can behave and think how they like.
Everyone is \"of non binary gender\" and \"binary sex\". It is certainly
impossible for a man to verify that they \"have the mind\" of a woman. Mind
reading machines do not exist.

Promoting the view to society, especially children, that one can change sex,
or that there is such an entity as \"gender identity\" is irresponsible and
almost as repugnant as redefining a paedophile as a \"minor attracted person\"

-- Kevin Aylward

http://www.anasoft.co.uk/ SuperSpice
On 16/12/2021 09:39, Kevin Aylward wrote:
\"Anthony William Sloman\"  wrote in message

John Doe has a vivid imagination and no connection with reality.

Most fascinating is the DISTINCT possibility males who want to be
females will indeed be allowed to destroy female sports.

How do they \"destroy\" female sports? They certainly can\'t be
guaranteed to win every event in which they take part - the
distribution of male and female >performances mostly overlap. The male
high performing tail tends to do better than the female high
performing tail, but transgender males aren\'t drawn >exclusively from
that high-performing tail.

Ho humm.... complete ignorance as to how statistics works.

The distribution of the top females and the top males do not overlap,
and that\'s what matters. The best males in just about every single sport
known is such that no top female can  beat the top males.

Not all sports are dependent on size and strength (though many are). In
swimming, for example, the differences are often quite small. In horse
riding and archery, there is no difference. In gymnastics, biological
men would not stand a chance against biological women in the women\'s
events. Any sport judged by style (diving, figure skating, etc.) is in
theory unbiased. And in any sport with weight classes will be
relatively fair.

This has been known and verified for 1000s of years.

Its trivially obvious that if males claiming to be woman continue 
competing against females in sports, females will never hold world
records. Its astounding that anyone can deny this.

It is trivially obvious that for most sports, a top-class woman athlete
will be better at her sport than 99.9% or more males (classifying purely
on binary male/female biology). So a serious woman runner will out-run
almost any man - only /serious/ male runners will beat her.

Transgender people will come from that 99.9% mass, approximately 99.9%
of the time. In fact, it is even more likely that a transgender woman
will be relatively small and weak, as before confirming their identity
as a women, the person was likely to emphasise traditional feminine
traits and activities rather than traditional masculine ones.

Of course there will be the occasional person actively cheating -
claiming to be transgender to compete unfairly. That must be treated
like any other cheating such as drugs, faking mental disabilities to
compete in the Paralympics, etc.

And yes, of course transgender people in sports is something that needs
rules and regulations to keep everything reasonably fair (not that
sporting competitions are truly fair in the first place). But to
suggest it will \"destroy\" female sports is simply paranoia, ignorance,
bigotry and intolerance.
On Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 8:32:10 PM UTC+11, Kevin Aylward wrote:
\"Anthony William Sloman\" wrote in message
** Any born male athlete who chooses to call himself \"trans\" can do
that - fully knowing it ruins the event for everyone and the women
competitors hate >>them for it. They also know they cannot openly
complain about the fake trans competitors.
Yep. However, if ALL complained and rejected this absurdity the situation
would likely change.
I doubt if it works that way. Anybody whose doctors are convinced will
eventually need gender reassignment surgery may get hormone treatment to
\"Gender\" cannot be surgically reassigned, such a concept is meaningless.
\"Gender\" is attributed to behaviour and mental state not physical
characteristics, thus \"gender\" is not amenable to physical changes by way of

Sure, historically, the words \"gender and \"sex\" were alias for each other
and stood for biology. This is no longer the case, thus one needs to be
precise in exactly what is being addressed.

Cosmetic mutilation surgery, such as removing penises are performed because
men claiming to be woman desire to look like woman, otherwise they wouldn\'t
do it.

\"They\" don\'t do it. Surgeons who have been convinced that it is in the patient\'s best interest do the job.
That kind of patient has a tendency to commit suicide if they don\'t get that kind of help.

> Thus such men inherently hold the view that being a woman is about physical appearance, that is about biology, despite disingenuously claiming that its actually about a mental state of mind.

The actual claim is that they want to be perceived - and treated a women. There nothing disingenuous about that.

Since the state of mind involved frequently leads to suicide when the sufferer doesn\'t get surgical help, the fact it is merely a mental condition doesn\'t mean that one shouldn\'t take it seriously.

> Biological sex is binary and immutable. Thus a \"sex change\" is also impossible. Period.

But a change of appearance is entirely possible, and is known to solve the mental problem in many cases. As usual, Kevin is addressing the wrong problem, and coming to the wrong conclusion, with his usual faith in his own defective reasoning.

> Those that desire to remove healthy parts of their bodies require psychological treatment, not affirmation.

This has been tried, and doesn\'t seem to stop them killing themselves too frequently for comfort. Kevin feels free to ignore this - probably because he hasn\'t had his nose rubbed in it by patients doing themselves in.

> Its astounding that those with a psychological delusion are pandered to, as if their psychosis is normal.

It\'s not a normal condition.


is non-committal about the incidence, but it seems to befewer than one in several thousand. It\'s not a psychosis - the people involved tend to be quite realistic about the situation.

> That is, they believe something that is contradictory to physical reality..

They don\'t. They just don\'t like the physically real situation and prefer to be treated in a way that doesn\'t match their chromosome.

There should be no difference to response to those that claim that they are
of the opposite sex/gender than that response that one would engage in to
those that believe that they are Elvis, Napoleon or Jesus.

Except that the claim isn\'t that they are of the opposite sex, merely that they\'d prefer to be treated as if they were.

> There is simply no logical justification to distinguish between these conditions.

None that Kevin can understand.

That is, impersonating Elvis or someone of the opposite sex, is not the same
as actually believing that one is Elvis or of the opposite sex. The first,
isn\'t a psychological problem, the second is.

So allowing gender reassignment surgery to permit a more perfect impersonation is perfectly acceptable.

> The belief that one is that which they are not is what leads to the absurdity of men competing in woman\'s sports, and the contortions that are made to justify such a repugnant state of affairs.

There\'s nothing particularly repugnant about it if you aren\'t a right-wing lunatic of the John Doe kind.

> Sports are segregated based on sex, not mental state. Period. This has been done for sound reasons that are as valid today as they have always been.

For a while female athletes that had naturally high testosterone levels were banned from competing as females, but that rule turned out to be ill-founded and got scrapped.
Kevin is making a false and misleading claim.

them for the eventual transition, and it would make sense to move to the
opposite sex role at that stage. At the very least you\'d need a doctor\'s

\"Sex roles\" are repugnant stereotyping. Its the view that females should be only be doing certain types of jobs and males only performing other types of jobs. Whilst it certainly exists, males and females, where biology is not a factor, should be free to perform any role they desire with no consequences.

And for people who have to cope with gender dysphoria, getting gender reassignment surgery should be freely available.

Fundamentally, there is no such activity as a \"sex based role\", except where sex is of fundamental importance such as rape crises centres, in which case
those roles should be restricted based on sex, not alleged \"gender\".


> In particular, the concept of \"gender identity\" is inherently incoherent babbling. No one has a \"gender\". Anyone can behave and think how they like..

So why do people with gender dysphoria end up committing suicide so often?

Everyone is \"of non binary gender\" and \"binary sex\". It is certainly impossible for a man to verify that they \"have the mind\" of a woman. Mind
reading machines do not exist.

But people can say what they are thinking. Kevin doesn\'t want their therapists to listen.

> Promoting the view to society, especially children, that one can change sex, or that there is such an entity as \"gender identity\" is irresponsible and almost as repugnant as redefining a paedophile as a \"minor attracted person\".

Nobody \"promotes the view that one can change sex\". The view is more that if you really don\'t want act as if you had the sex you were born with there are ways getting to a state where you can pass as the other sex. Clinical histories suggest that a bit of surgical help leads to the best outcomes for quite a few cases.

John Doe and Kevin Alyward do have a psychological problem accepting this, and probably do need to get counseling on the subject.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Kevin Aylward wrote:
Phil Allison WROTE:
** Any born male athlete who chooses to call himself \"trans\" can do
that - fully knowing it ruins the event for everyone and the women
competitors hate them for it. They also know they cannot openly
complain about the fake trans competitors.

Yep. However, if ALL complained and rejected this absurdity the situation
would likely change.

** Athletes do * NOT * have a union protecting them.

Aspiring and leading competitors alike are all * signed up * members of a governing association that
controls promotes the particular sport. Competitors have NO vote !!!

They cannot speak OR act against decisions made by their governing committees.
To do any such thing so would mean the instant end of their careers in that sport.
This is true of school, high school, university, amateur and professional sports too.

That is why you hear no complaining voices !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

So if fake or genuine trans ( ?) competitors are allowed in traditional women only sports -
they have grin and bear it.

The International Olympic Committee ( IOC) has endorsed this anti-female concept recently.
Abandoning all previous ideals of fair competition for born females.

Every sports competitor hates it, both genders, cos it is NASTY and completely absurd.
Every sports fan hates it too.
It ruins the whole reason for them going and paying to watch.

The self appointed \" trans activists \" types behind this travesty are nothing short of outright criminals.

....... Phil
Not all sports are dependent on size and strength (though many are). In
swimming, for example, the differences are often quite small.

** Bullshit

> In horse riding and archery, there is no difference.

** False for the latter, archery is a strength sport.

In gymnastics, biological men would not stand a chance against biological women in the women\'s

** Not one bit true at all.

Brown - you are known, lying fucking IDIOT
No need exists to keep on proving it.

Get cancer and fucking DIE you POS.

...... Phil
On 16/12/2021 12:12, Phil Allison wrote:

Not all sports are dependent on size and strength (though many are). In
swimming, for example, the differences are often quite small.

** Bullshit

In horse riding and archery, there is no difference.

** False for the latter, archery is a strength sport.

In gymnastics, biological men would not stand a chance against biological women in the women\'s

** Not one bit true at all.

Brown - you are known, lying fucking IDIOT
No need exists to keep on proving it.

Get cancer and fucking DIE you POS.

I\'ve had a break from this newsgroup for a while, but it seems little
has changed.

We still have the insane conspiracy theories from John Doe - indeed,
exactly the same insane conspiracy theories. I mean, how many years can
you discuss one completely inconsequential issue?

We still have the same bigoted ignorance from Kevin.

We still have the same uncontrollable verbal diarrhoea from Phil - not
even a change of curses for variety.

Try to cheer up a bit, and perhaps change the record.
David Brown Shat His underpants wrote:
** Not one bit true at all.

Brown - you are known, lying fucking IDIOT
No need exists to keep on proving it.

Get cancer and fucking DIE you POS.

I\'ve had a break from this newsgroup for a while, but it seems little
has changed.

** Take a * MUCH LONGER * break you fucking, POS moron.

Like the whole rest of you miserable life.

....... Phil
On 16/12/2021 13:18, Phil Allison wrote:
David Brown Shat His underpants wrote:

** Not one bit true at all.

Brown - you are known, lying fucking IDIOT
No need exists to keep on proving it.

Get cancer and fucking DIE you POS.

I\'ve had a break from this newsgroup for a while, but it seems little
has changed.

** Take a * MUCH LONGER * break you fucking, POS moron.

Like the whole rest of you miserable life.

You really ought to see a specialist - you are a seriously damaged
person. I can\'t imagine what could go wrong in a person\'s life to leave
them in the state you are in.
On 12/16/21 4:31 AM, Kevin Aylward wrote:

Sports are segregated based on sex, not mental state.  Period. This has
been done for sound reasons that are as valid today as they have always

If you\'re not testing the chromosomal makeup of every person who signs
up then you\'re not segregating based on biological sex in a rigorous way
to begin with. How else could you do it? the dick test? See if they have
a dick or not and you have team dick and team no-dick? Is that a sound
investigative procedure a scientist or engineer would come up with? what
the fuck is this.

In particular, the  concept of \"gender identity\" is inherently
incoherent babbling. No one has a \"gender\". Anyone can behave and think
how they like. Everyone is \"of non binary gender\" and \"binary sex\". It
is certainly impossible for a man to verify that they \"have the mind\" of
a woman.  Mind reading machines do not exist.

Neither do gender-determining or race-determining machines that operate
on pictures or video of humans that do anything but repeat the biases of
their designers or the biases of whatever data sets they feed them, but
this has never stopped companies from trying to build them, or
governments from spending taxpayer money on them.

-- Kevin Aylward

http://www.anasoft.co.uk/ SuperSpice
On 12/16/21 7:59 AM, David Brown wrote:
On 16/12/2021 13:18, Phil Allison wrote:
David Brown Shat His underpants wrote:

** Not one bit true at all.

Brown - you are known, lying fucking IDIOT
No need exists to keep on proving it.

Get cancer and fucking DIE you POS.

I\'ve had a break from this newsgroup for a while, but it seems little
has changed.

** Take a * MUCH LONGER * break you fucking, POS moron.

Like the whole rest of you miserable life.

You really ought to see a specialist - you are a seriously damaged
person. I can\'t imagine what could go wrong in a person\'s life to leave
them in the state you are in.

He\'s not dead or in prison so it couldn\'t have gone _that_ wrong, in the
grand scheme of things at least.

Anyway, there\'s no point trying to amateur-diagnose people who\'re happy
with how they is. /shrug
David Brown <david.brown@hesbynett.no> wrote in

On 16/12/2021 13:18, Phil Allison wrote:
David Brown Shat His underpants wrote:

** Not one bit true at all.

Brown - you are known, lying fucking IDIOT
No need exists to keep on proving it.

Get cancer and fucking DIE you POS.

I\'ve had a break from this newsgroup for a while, but it seems
little has changed.

** Take a * MUCH LONGER * break you fucking, POS moron.

Like the whole rest of you miserable life.

You really ought to see a specialist - you are a seriously damaged
person. I can\'t imagine what could go wrong in a person\'s life to
leave them in the state you are in.
Excellent observation. You are a \"known\" sooth sayer, as far as I
am concerned.

Allison is the one \"known\" to be \"a lying fucking IDIOT\".

Get cancer? Die? He is the one who should be \"getting death\". IF
we were anything like these ridiculously sad examples of human
beings, we would have minced them up and fed them to the alligators
decades ago. They are damn lucky we are on the \"nice\" side of it
On 12/16/21 1:58 PM, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno@decadence.org wrote:
David Brown <david.brown@hesbynett.no> wrote in

On 16/12/2021 13:18, Phil Allison wrote:
David Brown Shat His underpants wrote:

** Not one bit true at all.

Brown - you are known, lying fucking IDIOT
No need exists to keep on proving it.

Get cancer and fucking DIE you POS.

I\'ve had a break from this newsgroup for a while, but it seems
little has changed.

** Take a * MUCH LONGER * break you fucking, POS moron.

Like the whole rest of you miserable life.

You really ought to see a specialist - you are a seriously damaged
person. I can\'t imagine what could go wrong in a person\'s life to
leave them in the state you are in.

Excellent observation. You are a \"known\" sooth sayer, as far as I
am concerned.

Allison is the one \"known\" to be \"a lying fucking IDIOT\".

Get cancer? Die? He is the one who should be \"getting death\". IF
we were anything like these ridiculously sad examples of human
beings, we would have minced them up and fed them to the alligators
decades ago. They are damn lucky we are on the \"nice\" side of it

Sometimes I miss the good ol\' days when how much of a \"real man\" you
were was in large part directly related to how many women you banged
and/or how often. Wild concept, I know.
\"bitrex\" wrote in message news:3uJuJ.119903$Wkjc.84725@fx35.iad...

On 12/16/21 4:31 AM, Kevin Aylward wrote:

Sports are segregated based on sex, not mental state. Period. This has
been done for sound reasons that are as valid today as they have always

If you\'re not testing the chromosomal makeup of every person who signs up
then you\'re not segregating based on biological sex in a rigorous way to
begin with.


Its trivially obvious who is male and female for 99.9+% of cases.

Its worked for 1000s of years. Dah....

You are only embarrassing yourself.

How else could you do it? the dick test? See if they have a dick or not
and you have team dick and team no-dick? Is that a sound investigative
procedure a scientist or engineer would come up with? what the fuck is

FFS.... again....

Its called a birth certificate. It used to be a passport, but that\'s been
bastadised in some countries now. Fortunately, the UK is still holding out.


-- Kevin Aylward

http://www.anasoft.co.uk/ SuperSpice
\"David Brown\" wrote in message news:spf171$hcj$1@dont-email.me...

On 16/12/2021 09:39, Kevin Aylward wrote:
\"Anthony William Sloman\" wrote in message

John Doe has a vivid imagination and no connection with reality.

Most fascinating is the DISTINCT possibility males who want to be
females will indeed be allowed to destroy female sports.

How do they \"destroy\" female sports? They certainly can\'t be
guaranteed to win every event in which they take part - the
distribution of male and female >performances mostly overlap. The male
high performing tail tends to do better than the female high
performing tail, but transgender males aren\'t drawn >exclusively from
that high-performing tail.

Ho humm.... complete ignorance as to how statistics works.

The distribution of the top females and the top males do not overlap,
and that\'s what matters. The best males in just about every single sport
known is such that no top female can beat the top males.

Not all sports are dependent on size and strength (though many are). In
swimming, for example, the differences are often quite small. In horse
riding and archery, there is no difference. In gymnastics, biological
men would not stand a chance against biological women in the women\'s
events. Any sport judged by style (diving, figure skating, etc.) is in
theory unbiased. And in any sport with weight classes will be
relatively fair.

This has been known and verified for 1000s of years.

Its trivially obvious that if males claiming to be woman continue
competing against females in sports, females will never hold world
records. Its astounding that anyone can deny this.

It is trivially obvious that for most sports, a top-class woman athlete
will be better at her sport than 99.9% or more males (classifying purely
on binary male/female biology). So a serious woman runner will out-run
almost any man - only /serious/ male runners will beat her.

Meaningless twaddle

At every level, people compete at their level. At each level, males are
better than females in most sport. End of.

Transgender people will come from that 99.9% mass, approximately 99.9%
of the time. In fact, it is even more likely that a transgender woman

There is no such entity as a transgender woman. A woman is a woman. Period.
There is a single name for men claiming to be woman. Its transwoman.

will be relatively small and weak, as before confirming their identity
as a women, the person was likely to emphasise traditional feminine
traits and activities rather than traditional masculine ones.

But to
suggest it will \"destroy\" female sports is simply paranoia, ignorance,
bigotry and intolerance.

Delusional twaddle.

-- Kevin Aylward

http://www.anasoft.co.uk/ SuperSpice
\"Anthony William Sloman\" wrote in message

On Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 8:32:10 PM UTC+11, Kevin Aylward wrote:
\"Anthony William Sloman\" wrote in message
** Any born male athlete who chooses to call himself \"trans\" can do
that - fully knowing it ruins the event for everyone and the women
competitors hate >>them for it. They also know they cannot openly
complain about the fake trans competitors.
Yep. However, if ALL complained and rejected this absurdity the situation
would likely change.
I doubt if it works that way. Anybody whose doctors are convinced will
eventually need gender reassignment surgery may get hormone treatment to
\"Gender\" cannot be surgically reassigned, such a concept is meaningless.
\"Gender\" is attributed to behaviour and mental state not physical
characteristics, thus \"gender\" is not amenable to physical changes by way

Sure, historically, the words \"gender and \"sex\" were alias for each other
and stood for biology. This is no longer the case, thus one needs to be
precise in exactly what is being addressed.

Cosmetic mutilation surgery, such as removing penises are performed
men claiming to be woman desire to look like woman, otherwise they
do it.

\"They\" don\'t do it.

Pissing in the wind.

Surgeons who have been convinced that it is in the patient\'s best interest
do the job.


That kind of patient has a tendency to commit suicide if they don\'t get
that kind of help.


Thus such men inherently hold the view that being a woman is about
physical appearance, that is about biology, despite disingenuously
claiming that >> its actually about a mental state of mind.

The actual claim is that they want to be perceived - and treated a women.
There nothing disingenuous about that.

Nope. Sure, a few might.

No heterosexual man or lesbian woman is going to treat a man as a real

Since the state of mind involved frequently leads to suicide when the
sufferer doesn\'t get surgical help, the fact it is merely a mental
condition doesn\'t >mean that one shouldn\'t take it seriously.

More twaddle.

Biological sex is binary and immutable. Thus a \"sex change\" is also
impossible. Period.

But a change of appearance is entirely possible, and is known to solve the
mental problem in many cases. As usual, Kevin is addressing the wrong
problem, >and coming to the wrong conclusion, with his usual faith in his
own defective reasoning.

Nope. I am addressing the actual problems the trans delusion is creating for
vast numbers of people. Its woman\'s spaces, its sports

Those that desire to remove healthy parts of their bodies require
psychological treatment, not affirmation.

This has been tried, and doesn\'t seem to stop them killing themselves too
frequently for comfort. Kevin feels free to ignore this - probably because
he >hasn\'t had his nose rubbed in it by patients doing themselves in.

Nope. The claims that trans are all committing suicide when not pandered to
is just incoherent babbling. There is no evidence to support that claim.

Its astounding that those with a psychological delusion are pandered to,
as if their psychosis is normal.

It\'s not a normal condition.


Sure, gender dysphonia is a real mediacl condition. Unfortunately large
numbers of trans don\'t accept that they have a problem, there believe that
they are normal. There lies the problem.

is non-committal about the incidence, but it seems to befewer than one in
several thousand. It\'s not a psychosis - the people involved tend to be
quite >realistic about the situation.

You really don\'t know what happening. Claims of transgender have been
ramping up 10+ fold its getting to the 1%+

That is, they believe something that is contradictory to physical

They don\'t. They just don\'t like the physically real situation and prefer
to be treated in a way that doesn\'t match their chromosome.

Totally clueless. You are living in your own little world with no
comprehension just how the trans ideology has infected mainstream

There should be no difference to response to those that claim that they
of the opposite sex/gender than that response that one would engage in to
those that believe that they are Elvis, Napoleon or Jesus.

Except that the claim isn\'t that they are of the opposite sex, merely that
they\'d prefer to be treated as if they were.

Totally clueless to what\'s actually happening. Large numbers of trans
ideologists claim that they are of the opposite sex. Dah....

You need to understand that the trans activists and mainstream media buy
into the fact that a Transwoman is a real woman in every way.

.... and I\'vv had enough, you are too far gone. You have no idea what is
actually happening.

-- Kevin Aylward

http://www.anasoft.co.uk/ SuperSpice

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