Wolfgang Wildeblood
On May 6, 8:36 pm, "Herman" <r...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
Yes! Nominated for Comeback of the Week (COTW)."Coach" <suv...@yahoo.fr> wrote in message
On May 5, 10:07 pm, "Herman" <r...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
"Sylvia Else" <syl...@not.here.invalid> wrote in message
This is a short rant prompted by the fact that I'll have to wait longer
than I expected for my dinner.
When I was a child, we had a simple gas oven. It had a mechanical
thermostat that controlled the flow of gas. You set the thermostat, lit
the oven, let it warm up, put the food in for the required time, and it
was ready.
Now we have gas ovens with electronics. Temperature is controlled by
turning the gas on and off, which requires that it be repeatedly
reignited. Leaving aside the fact that this means that a gas oven
work during power cuts, for some reason mine occasionally gets into a
state where it refuses to relight the gas, and essentially turns itself
off without any warning. The first one knows about it is when one goes
remove the food, and discovers that it's not cooked (though by how much
anyone's guess).
Ovens worked reliably 40 years ago. Why was it necessary to change the
design to something that doesn't?
Hungry Sylvia.
I will rant in the same area but with a different uptake on the problem.. I
am in my 60s. I saw the development of the integrated circuit, space
era, color TV, computers, cell phones. I was part of that and as an
electronics engineer participated in much of this development.
OK, let's cut the bullshit right now before you even begin. The first
space travel program was the Mercury Program in 1958, so if we are to
take your word as true, you were a fully qualified electronics
engineer employed by NASA at what, 7 years of age or so? I'm
surprised we have not heard of you before now.
Mister Coach you are similar to my wife. If I make a seven word sentence
she will take out the four words that promote her cause and ignore the rest.
The third word in my initial response is "rant".
A rant is a speech or text that does not present a calm argument; rather, it
is typically an enthusiastic speech or talk or lecture on an idea, a person
or an institution.
Rants can be based on partial fact or may be entirely factual but written in
a comedic/satirical form. Rants can also be used in the defense of an
individual, idea or organization. Rants of this type generally occur after
the subject has been attacked by another individual or group.
My first notable accomplishment was a respiratory monitor on the Sky Lab
project in late
1971. I know it crashed and burned (as designed) but what we did there
played a big part of future space travel. I also have equipment still
flying on the Hubble Telescope. Did I design the Sky Lab or Hubble, of
course not. Many of us had a hand in it. Did we innovate? Definitely.
In 1983 a mechanical engineer and I developed a tester for racquet balls;
still the world standard. Did it make the world a better place? No. But
unless your name is Ray you did not work on it.
Did I design the transistor? Of course not but while in school I was
working with $15 per chip 7400 logic. How many of you remember the MHTL
logic line? Do I use a computer? Sure. Did I invent it? Of course not,
but I used a VIC20 (remember those) to build fuselages for Boeing Aircraft.
Innovation; 1974 I designed the FIRST continuous feed weigh belt to have a
state of California seal for commerce. I designed ground support equipment
for the Stealth Bomber before most people knew there was a Stealth Bomber,
and this equipment is still in use.
Have you heard of me? I doubt it. I never claimed to be famous. But if
you ever rode in a Ford Areostar you were using software that I developed to
simulate the driver compartment mockup before the line went into production.
If you saw the Star Wars movies you saw some special effects I worked on.
If you ever have been to any of the Disney them parks your memorable
experiences there were because of something I had a hand in. Next time you
are in Taipei and turn on a light and it comes on it is because I worked on
the nuclear power plant there.