Anthony William Sloman
On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 11:52:29â¯PM UTC+10, Scott Lurndal wrote:
Catherine got to Russia by being married off to Tsar (who had great title, but nothing else to recommend him). The coup was very much a palace coup, and Catherine did a much better job than her dim spouse could have done - and cultivated people like Voltaire, Diderot, and d\'Alembert, amongst others..
That\'s not how it worked. The Ukraine was one of the republics in the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, as was Russia. When the USSR fell apart they became separate countries. That wasn\'t any kind of divestment of the Ukraine by Russia, no matter how Putin kijes to think about it.
Bill Sloman, Sydney
SteveW <st...@walker-family.me.uk> writes:
On 12/09/2023 02:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:47:49 +0100, Xeno <xeno...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?
Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes territory
illegally annexed in 2014.
Ukraine used to be the USSR, they\'re just taking it back.
Russia does not equal USSR.
And, in fact, over time, the territory currently part of
Ukraine has been part of Greece, Ottoman empire et alia. The Russians
took it by force in the days of the German-born Catherine via
her toady Potemkin (after she took Russia in a coup).
Catherine got to Russia by being married off to Tsar (who had great title, but nothing else to recommend him). The coup was very much a palace coup, and Catherine did a much better job than her dim spouse could have done - and cultivated people like Voltaire, Diderot, and d\'Alembert, amongst others..
The eponymous village was in Ukraine.
Russia divested itself of Ukraine when the USSR disintegrated.
That\'s not how it worked. The Ukraine was one of the republics in the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, as was Russia. When the USSR fell apart they became separate countries. That wasn\'t any kind of divestment of the Ukraine by Russia, no matter how Putin kijes to think about it.
Bill Sloman, Sydney