OT: If Kerry is elected...

Julie wrote:
Fred Bloggs wrote:

Julie wrote:
Fred Bloggs wrote:

Julie wrote:

If Kerry is elected and the state of the nation stays the same or worsens (high
oil prices, mess in Iraq, no UBL, etc.), are the anti-Bushers just going to
blame it all on the previous Bush administration?

I've hardly decided my vote, but I'm almost tempted to hope/vote Kerry just to
see what magic he will have to perform to pull off all of his promises...

Kerry states his platform in detail on his website- it is extensive and
addresses serious domestic problems not even considered by the
Republican platform. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/
A fair and balanced comparative analysis of the candidates can be found
here: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/choice2004/

I don't know if I'd consider Frontline balanced... In fact, I don't consider
any single source balanced.

Why don't you try to actually *read* the damned thing. They have many
long term Bush staff members and other kinds of associates singing his

Oh, I'm reading it. My comment was against Frontline. I think they do a fine
job on non-politic(ally charged) issues. As soon as they get political, I
think their credibility starts toward the door...
That's just because you're an intellectually crippled partisan.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Jim Yanik wrote:
Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote in

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 10:33:44 -0700, Julie wrote:

Frank Bemelman wrote:

The state of the nation is ruled by other forces than just the

Why don't more people realize that?

Because most people are programmed not to notice anything. They're
quite comfortable being nice and obedient, in their comfortable
little stock pens.

People don't want freedom, they want Mommy.

When you're beaten and robbed lying in the road you'd be well off
if you were conscious enough to want your mommy. Majority Democracy
was INVENTED to stop Criminal Robbery and Feudalism, of which
Capitalism is just a crypto-form.

Kerry wants to have the GOVERNMENT run his healthcare.
He wants ALL of us to buy our healthcare together so some aren't
denied because of elitist favoritism. Republicans want the best
for themselves, and fuck everyone else.

Repubs are Feudalists who believe a few should "win" the "game"
and OWN everything and everybody else.

Marxists are Democratic and believe that we together as a Majority,
the "biggest gang" should control society to prevent favoritism and
inequality by a criminal elite.

Capitalism and Democracy are actually enemies, and incompatible.

Democracy is Fairness, and moves us toward Communism controlled
by a Majority of us who grant each other what each of us want.

Feudalist Rightism is the essence of robbery and murder, IOW Crime,
and moves most of us toward being enslaved by a Rich Powerful Elite.

He wants to "tax the rich" to help the "middle class",IOW;Marxism.
We want to tax the rich to take back what they stole from us all
by the Unfair system they set up in feudal times and which has only
been slightly modified to hide its real intent, functions and outcomes.

Jim Yanik
-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 20:52:42 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:

Julie <julie@nospam.com> wrote in message news:<416FE738.CDEE3700@nospam.com>...
If Kerry is elected and the state of the nation stays the same or worsens (high
oil prices, mess in Iraq, no UBL, etc.), are the anti-Bushers just going to
blame it all on the previous Bush administration?

I've hardly decided my vote, but I'm almost tempted to hope/vote Kerry just to
see what magic he will have to perform to pull off all of his promises...

I would suggest evaluating each of the candidates promises and the
likelihood that they can deliver on those promises. In this dept.
Kerry has some huge problems (about 2.4 TRILLION worth). His claim
that he won't raise taxes on 98% of the voters is beyond rediculous.
He, simply, doesn't want to admit he is going to raise YOUR taxes.

Kerry lied before Congress, under OATH, about atrocities in Vietnam.
Are you going to trust him to tell you the truth?
O wad the pow'r the giftie gie us,
To see oursel's as others see us ...
- Rob't Burns
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 04:05:19 +0000, Fred Bloggs wrote:

Tom Seim wrote:
Julie <julie@nospam.com> wrote in message news:<416FE738.CDEE3700@nospam.com>...

If Kerry is elected and the state of the nation stays the same or worsens (high
oil prices, mess in Iraq, no UBL, etc.), are the anti-Bushers just going to
blame it all on the previous Bush administration?

I've hardly decided my vote, but I'm almost tempted to hope/vote Kerry just to
see what magic he will have to perform to pull off all of his promises...

I would suggest evaluating each of the candidates promises and the
likelihood that they can deliver on those promises. In this dept.
Kerry has some huge problems (about 2.4 TRILLION worth). His claim
that he won't raise taxes on 98% of the voters is beyond rediculous.
He, simply, doesn't want to admit he is going to raise YOUR taxes.

That has already been debunked by factcheck.org among others. That claim
is just another cheap Bush campaign slur. You are lying and deceitful
paid Bush campaign operative. Kerry's plan has been judged to be doable
without increasing the tax burden for incomes under $200K.
Just turning off the war faucet would save a couple billion a day.
Kerry lied before Congress, under OATH, about atrocities in Vietnam.
Are you going to trust him to tell you the truth?
That's the standard tactic. In the face of the evidence that you've
been deceived, call everybody a liar.

Good Luck!
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 03:00:58 +0000, Fred Bloggs wrote:
Wrong answer- this is pure selfishness. Even the Green Party in Maine is
urging its members to vote for John Kerry because Maine is a state where
the race is so close and the responsible course of action is to make
their vote count.
"Responsible"? To endeavor to be a member of the biggest herd? Does that
"make their vote count"?

Not for me, thanks.

"Ken Smith" <kensmith@green.rahul.net> wrote in message
In article <Of_bd.31091$QJ3.6398@newssvr21.news.prodigy.com>,
Clarence <no@No.com> wrote:

"Ken Smith" <kensmith@green.rahul.net> wrote in message
In article <AcUbd.13859$nj.7891@newssvr13.news.prodigy.com>,
Clarence <no@No.com> wrote:
You seem confused. Kerry is the one who confessed to war crimes!

No actually he didn't. Some right wing hate groups are spreading the lie
that he did to rationalize their vote to put a known traitor back into the
white house.

I saw the replay of the hearing in which he said he was only one of many
and listed many very gory details. SO if that wasn't him, who was the
pretending to be Kerry in front of the congressional hearing?

Go get the transcript and read it very carefully. If you concentrate you
can overcome your programming.
I saw the video clip within the last two weeks. I am quite clear with what he
said, I do not need to read someone else's version of it!
Rich Grise wrote:

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 10:35:56 -0700, Mark Fergerson wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 08:30:18 -0700, John Larkin
jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote:


the election
will pretty much decide who gets blamed. And whether Hilary takes a
shot at 2008.


That makes it hard to decide my vote. Hillary would bring this
country to its socialist knees :-(

Take heart; my wife is convinced that the proposed Amendment to allow
non-citizens to run for President is specifically intended for Arnie.
Now, name a candidte that could beat him!

Well, this is ludicrous on the face of it. Naturalized citizens, maybe.
Sorry, slight caffeine overdose. Naturalized indeed.

Mark L. Fergerson
Rich Grise wrote:


When I'm elected president, I will:

1. Stand down all US military forces worldwide.
2. Immediately cease treasury disbursements for military hardware.
3. Stop military recruitment.
Three extremely bad ideas in a row. Now, if you'd said
"Pare all military forces and equipage down to what's
absolutely necessary to repel any currently possible
attacking forces coming within twenty miles of U.S.
coastlines (while funding research into countering what
future attackers might use) and integrate them with the
Border Patrol" I'd be happy.

Unilateral disarmament doesn't make you "peaceful", it
makes you a "corpse".

4. Continue to pay servicemen's paychecks, and retirees' pensions -
the pensions until they die, the servicemen until the end of their
term. Then turn them loose.
You better fund V.A. hospitals too.

5. Recycle all the military hardware, giving the small arms away for
free throughout the country. Yes, citizens and gangsta punks alike
will be armed to the teeth. Let the states' National Guards divvy
up the rest, and the Coast Buard might want some Navy stuff. Any
leftovers should go to the Boy Scouts. At least they have adult
supervision. ;-)
Works for me.

6. Fire the IRS, and Abolish the income tax.
Better set up a .5% Federal sales tax to pay for what's
left after the above.

7. Freeze federal wages and hiring, maybe even start cutting deadwood.
Don't forget to limit all Federal bureaucrats' terms of
employment to say ten years. No more of this "for life" crap.

8. Veto everything for awhile, and rescind at least one obsolete federal
law per day.
8. Read e-mail.
Excellent; I notice you don't want to institute
HillaryCare. While you're at it, how about:

9. Eliminate local funding of school districts; since they
have to conform with Federal guidelines, support all of them
equally from Federal funds. Replace the Department of
Education with one ninety-year-old schoomarm.

10. Open all ex-Federal lands to homesteading.

11. Keep the National Parks system intact, supported by user
fees. All users must enter _and_ leave butt-naked.

Mark L. Fergerson
There's no such thing as Public Opinion - just a collection of newspapers
and TV analysts.
On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 21:54:40 -0700, John Larkin wrote:
That's what any good manager does. Only insecure people insist on
surrounding themselves by people who are dumber than they are.
Well, it's hard to surround yourself with people who are dumber than
you, when there aren't any. ;-)

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 17:42:52 -0700, Julie <julie@nospam.com> wrote:

Frank Bemelman wrote:

It means that the majority has voted
for a proven war criminal.

Gore was/is a war criminal?
I doubt it. He was a journalist when he served in the military, and
had another GI assigned to be his bodyguard and keep him away from
danger. He was, after all, the son of a Senator.

"R. Steve Walz" wrote:
Julie wrote:

Fred Bloggs wrote:

Julie wrote:
Fred Bloggs wrote:

Julie wrote:

If Kerry is elected and the state of the nation stays the same or worsens (high
oil prices, mess in Iraq, no UBL, etc.), are the anti-Bushers just going to
blame it all on the previous Bush administration?

I've hardly decided my vote, but I'm almost tempted to hope/vote Kerry just to
see what magic he will have to perform to pull off all of his promises...

Kerry states his platform in detail on his website- it is extensive and
addresses serious domestic problems not even considered by the
Republican platform. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/
A fair and balanced comparative analysis of the candidates can be found
here: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/choice2004/

I don't know if I'd consider Frontline balanced... In fact, I don't consider
any single source balanced.

Why don't you try to actually *read* the damned thing. They have many
long term Bush staff members and other kinds of associates singing his

Oh, I'm reading it. My comment was against Frontline. I think they do a fine
job on non-politic(ally charged) issues. As soon as they get political, I
think their credibility starts toward the door...
That's just because you're an intellectually crippled partisan.
Oh, ok... Thanks for pointing that out.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message

Tom Seim wrote:
"Dave" <db5151@hotmail.com> wrote in message

"Julie" <julie@nospam.com> wrote in message

If Kerry is elected and the state of the nation stays the
same or worsens


oil prices, mess in Iraq, no UBL, etc.), are the anti-Bushers
just going


blame it all on the previous Bush administration?

I've hardly decided my vote, but I'm almost tempted to
hope/vote Kerry

just to

see what magic he will have to perform to pull off all of his

Don't bother voting for Bush unless you honestly believe he can
do different from what he has already done.

Just a thought.


A quote from the President:

"I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick
smart colleagues."

That's debatable. The real question people should ask themselves is
do we want four more years of the same- or possibly worse is what
it looks like with each passing day. The record makes the answer
clear: NO!

You went for the bait, hook line & sinker, fredrook. That quote is
from FDR!!!

It makes no difference, the context was Bush. Note that FDR has not been
"the President" for quite some time now. Americans need to ask
themselves if they want to ride this downward spiral for four more
years. The answer should be : NO! NO MORE BUSH!
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 12:43:38 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
<f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:

"Jim Yanik" <jyanik@abuse.gov.> schreef in bericht
"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in

It's not just politics. Piles of dead bodies are not just politics.

Saddam and his family have created far more "piles of dead bodies" than
Iraq war.

Yes, and a while ago too. But does that make it okay to create
"piles of dead bodies" as long as the piles are smaller?

Absolutely! To do anything else would be profoundly immoral. The same
logic explains why doctors perform surgery, even though it will kill
some fraction of the patients.

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 12:56:09 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
<f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:
Simple-minded is shrieking and name-calling and calling people idiots
because they don't agree with you.

In general yes, but there is nothing wrong with calling people idiots
when they are. But your eyes are glued.

What a lovely example of Liberal Logic (if you'll pardon the
oxymoron): "Freedom of speech is right for me, because I'm right, but
not for you, because it's obvious to me that you are wrong."

Hell, that's a lot easier than thinking.

"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in

"Jim Yanik" <jyanik@abuse.gov.> schreef in bericht
"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in

It's not just politics. Piles of dead bodies are not just politics.

Saddam and his family have created far more "piles of dead bodies" than
Iraq war.

Yes, and a while ago too. But does that make it okay to create
"piles of dead bodies" as long as the piles are smaller?
In that case the US should never have made the Normandy invasion or freed
Europe,then.Just left you all to Hitler.

Jim Yanik
Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote in

I hope somebody stops him before we have WWIII on our hands.

We are already fighting WW3 right now;it's called the War on Terrorism.

Jim Yanik
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 13:27:27 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
<f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> schreef in
bericht news:s8a1n0d2a3ab89no4fsbbr3h3f17qoee67@4ax.com...
On 15 Oct 2004 21:08:13 -0700, soar2morrow@yahoo.com (Tom Seim) wrote:

"Dave" <db5151@hotmail.com> wrote in message

A quote from the President:

"I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart

That's what any good manager does. Only insecure people insist on
surrounding themselves by people who are dumber than they are.

It would be pretty much impossible for your precious W to pick
'colleages' that are less smart than himself.
Well, he managed to graduate from Yale. Where did you graduate?

In article <4170BB3B.6CC8@armory.com>,
R. Steve Walz <rstevew@armory.com> wrote:
Kerry wants to have the GOVERNMENT run his healthcare.
He wants ALL of us to buy our healthcare together so some aren't
denied because of elitist favoritism.
No, that isn't his actual position. He want all of us to be able to get
healthcare coverage. He wants everyone to have more options not less.

kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> schreef in
bericht news:9lg2n0h0srjo8r700i0msvn0s69me4m81i@4ax.com...
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 12:56:09 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:

Simple-minded is shrieking and name-calling and calling people idiots
because they don't agree with you.

In general yes, but there is nothing wrong with calling people idiots
when they are. But your eyes are glued.

What a lovely example of Liberal Logic (if you'll pardon the
oxymoron): "Freedom of speech is right for me, because I'm right, but
not for you, because it's obvious to me that you are wrong."
Another smoke curtain. I never said you should not have
freedom of speech. But freedom of speach does not mean you
can say everything you like and get it away with it.

Hell, that's a lot easier than thinking.
Whatever suits you. I haven't seen much thinking of you

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

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