Rod Speed
"Ian Field" <gangprobing.alien@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
And fuck all else of the world is that stupid.
We don't have any more houses burn down that you lot do.
"Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote in message
"Ian Field" <gangprobing.alien@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
"Phil Allison" <pallison49@gmail.com> wrote in message
John G wrote:
Nobody in the world except the Poms, with their determination to be
different, have fused plug tops and I havn't looked but I am sure if
were in such danger someone would have changed the rules to follow the
Australia has had their way since the 1930s but the UK only
standardised their system in the 1950s. Why did they not follow an
existing workable system? B-)
** The UK system is very clever and solved a number of issues that had
previously been a worry.
Wiring outlets as a loop more than doubles the current carrying
capacity of the same cable. A 32A loop allows most homes to have only
one power circuit.
The 3 pin outlets have safety shutters on the Active and Neutral pins
and the earth pin is at the top, as a safety measure.
Having fused plugs means all appliances have fuses where previously
almost none did. The fuse protects against shorts in the cable plus
also allows the use of light gauge cables suited to small and hand held
AFAIK: it was mostly about fuckwits hiding the mains flex under carpets.
The insulation wears through and often you don't get sufficient fault
current to blow the then panel fuse.
With a ring main with a 36A fuse, possibly. But that is so rare
that it makes no sense to be mandating that all plugs must
have an internal fuse when that makes them MUCH less reliable.
And that is what the entire rest of the world has decided.
A "more or less" short was a frequent cause of ignited carpets.
And now with far fewer rugs used, it just isnt a problem anymore.
The plug top fuse is all about preventing that
How odd that no one else needed to do that.
- but its still possible to create an ignition point before the fuse
fails. Its not only important to have that fuse, but to use the lowest
rating that will work reliably with the supplied appliance.
The entire rest of the world knows otherwise.
The yanks build timer frame & drywall in tornado alley - it hardly makes
much difference whether it burns down or blows away in a storm.
And fuck all else of the world is that stupid.
We don't have any more houses burn down that you lot do.