Kevin Aylward
John Woodgate wrote:
The deal is that when you have formal instruction, over say, 4 years
your immersed in the whole thing. Like take a math close. Its well,
giving that blah..blah..blah..what sir? this makes no sense sir..Shut up
Jenkins just write it down and will get to the point later etc...
There's so much happening behind the scenes that self taught individual
hardly ever get the picture. Science is too well formulated and
complicated for those not in the system to have a hope. I know. I used
to have quite a few daft ideas on Relativity before I went and really
got to grips with gradate text books, not Bantam paperbacks.
definitions, and having a logical argument flow.
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Not necessarily, but 0.00000000001% of a chance.I read in sci.electronics.design that Kevin Aylward
salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> wrote (in
qaw4d.64767$U04.25646@fe1.news.b lueyonder.co.uk>about 'Ping Kevin
Aylward - re GUY MACON', on Thu, 23 Sep 2004:
Although not having a degree by itself, is not a measure of worth,
would suggest than those here with degrees, fully understand that
such a background as this, makes the candidate have no realistic
chance of making any worthwhile contribution or comments on
technical physics matters.
Not necessarily.
Sure, in principle, but in practice it is very, very, rare.You can teach yourself philosophy of science just as
you can teach yourself engineering if you have the essential ability.
The deal is that when you have formal instruction, over say, 4 years
your immersed in the whole thing. Like take a math close. Its well,
giving that blah..blah..blah..what sir? this makes no sense sir..Shut up
Jenkins just write it down and will get to the point later etc...
There's so much happening behind the scenes that self taught individual
hardly ever get the picture. Science is too well formulated and
complicated for those not in the system to have a hope. I know. I used
to have quite a few daft ideas on Relativity before I went and really
got to grips with gradate text books, not Bantam paperbacks.
But a lot of it has still been on basics trivialities, like makingBut it is true that not many people who 'come up the hard way' do
that. I have met two; one genuine and one a hand-waver.
They simply don't have the math and basic background to
understand what they don't know, and why things are the way they are
today. Its not surprising that such individuals are unable to
understand my papers.
Well, you can understand much of the stuff that has proved contentious
in this thread without math and without much science.
definitions, and having a logical argument flow.
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.