OT: Bush Thugs Rough Up Grieving Mother of KIA

John Woodgate wrote:
I read in sci.electronics.design that Kevin Aylward
salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> wrote (in
qaw4d.64767$U04.25646@fe1.news.b lueyonder.co.uk>) about 'Ping Kevin
Aylward - re GUY MACON', on Thu, 23 Sep 2004:

Although not having a degree by itself, is not a measure of worth,

would suggest than those here with degrees, fully understand that
such a background as this, makes the candidate have no realistic
chance of making any worthwhile contribution or comments on
technical physics matters.

Not necessarily.
Not necessarily, but 0.00000000001% of a chance.

You can teach yourself philosophy of science just as
you can teach yourself engineering if you have the essential ability.
Sure, in principle, but in practice it is very, very, rare.

The deal is that when you have formal instruction, over say, 4 years
your immersed in the whole thing. Like take a math close. Its well,
giving that blah..blah..blah..what sir? this makes no sense sir..Shut up
Jenkins just write it down and will get to the point later etc...

There's so much happening behind the scenes that self taught individual
hardly ever get the picture. Science is too well formulated and
complicated for those not in the system to have a hope. I know. I used
to have quite a few daft ideas on Relativity before I went and really
got to grips with gradate text books, not Bantam paperbacks.

But it is true that not many people who 'come up the hard way' do
that. I have met two; one genuine and one a hand-waver.

They simply don't have the math and basic background to
understand what they don't know, and why things are the way they are
today. Its not surprising that such individuals are unable to
understand my papers.

Well, you can understand much of the stuff that has proved contentious
in this thread without math and without much science.
But a lot of it has still been on basics trivialities, like making
definitions, and having a logical argument flow.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Charles Elliot wrote:
In article <2rerfbF19et4sU1@uni-berlin.de>,
dated Thu, 23 Sep 2004 03:41:47 +0100,
Dirk Bruere at Neopax, <dirk@neopax.com> says...

Well now...
I get netcopped for calling people who download exe files from
Usenet suckers.

The download was not from Usenet, but from a well known website.
As in 'well known to everyone who knows about it by something other than casual


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
John Woodgate wrote:

I read in sci.electronics.design that xray <notreally@hotmail.invalid
wrote (in <3l75l0tbjujuunqjvjg3rvccshduene283@4ax.com>) about '[OT]:
Ping Kevin Aylward - re your "scientific paper"', on Thu, 23 Sep 2004:

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 06:27:04 +0100, John Woodgate
jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote:

This is obviously complete nonsense, as can be proved by the presence of
this glaring grammatical error:

The phenomena was also seemingly capable of extending itself not only
into the walls of the room, but both other rooms and on several
occasions to the locations of absent members.

What, specifically, is glaring in that?

'Phenomena' is plural, and the plural verb is used with it in other
parts of the text. The singular is 'phenomenon'.

But you DO realise that my post was a dig at those who become apoplectic
about such things, don't you?
The *phenomenon* manifested itself in several *phenomena*.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Rich Grise wrote:

Oh, well, if anybody wants to know how to be God, just say the
word, I'll tell you where you can find out!

(hint - inside yourself).
I want to know how *not* to be God!


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 01:13:32 GMT, Rich Grise <null@example.net> wrote:

On Wednesday 22 September 2004 03:21 pm, Joerg did deign to grace us with
the following:

Hi John,

I use AutoCAD.

Can we call you 'Mr. Moneybags' in future?

I remember AutoCAD came out with a small low-end program that cost, I
believe, under $100. It won't likely suffice to design a bridge or an
engine but it should be enough to create a meter.

Heck, you could do it with any decent paint program.
Lip service, as usual...

John Fields
"vijayamurugan.P" <netizen@outgun.com> wrote in message
sorry sir

the input is 3 Phase AC 415V 50Hz/60Hz
the output Requirment is 1800 Amps,75 Volts.
Suggest me suitable Converter confihuration & devices used in the

1. Step down transformer
2. High current diodes (http://www.nteinc.com/Web_pgs/Industrial3.html)
3. Heat sinks for item 2

If you want smoothed DC, add items 4 and 5:

4. Filter inductor
5. Filter capacitors

Wire diodes in a full-wave bridge configuration
Rolavine wrote:
From: soar2morrow@yahoo.com (Tom Seim)


As usual, you don't know shit:


Interesting link, thanks.
If you are using this link to show that Iraq's water and electrical systems are
in better shape now than before the invasion it doesn't. However, it does make
it sound like sewer systems at least in Baghdad may be better.

The people in charge of getting rebuilding projects going in Iraq are failing.
Just last week it was all over the news that they only managed to spend about
8% of the 18 billion allocated to rebuilding. It also seems that the admin has
put inexperienced young relatives of prominent Republicans into adminstrative
positions in Iraq. Since this money should directly employ people it would have
prob. cut down on the number of insurgents. The real unemployment in Iraq is
said to be about 50%. It is time to get Iraq moving again, we can't keep them
on our welfare rolls forever. It is time for this admin to kick some ass and
put some people into rebuilding Iraq that know what the hell they are doing.
Employed people are less likely to become terrorists, hopeless people are more
likely to become terrorists (however, most Iraqi insurgents think of themselves
as freedom fighters).

Nah- what this is going to become is the most monstrous welfare fraud in
the history of America. Those Iraqis are not stupid- they will take that
money for the labor jobs to rebuild something, blow it up, and then go
back to work re-building it, then blow it up, ad-infinitum. It is also
clear that the ultimate distorted focus has been rebuilding the
infrastructure required to pump that stolen oil- an obviously degenerate
priority over any humanitarian concern! The Bush administration is too
stupid to avoid legitimate condemnation even in this over-priced public
relations document. The hallmark of the Bush administration from the
start has been to falsify and withhold executive branch government data
across the board. But when it comes to blatant political propaganda,
they really open those channels, and as usual they are incredibly
deceitful, publishing this highly charged political paper under the
guise of an engineering administrative report. It is a total fraud.
I read in sci.electronics.design that Dirk Bruere at Neopax
<dirk@neopax.com> wrote (in <2rg1pkF1a9s0cU2@uni-berlin.de>) about
'[OT]: Ping Kevin Aylward - re your "scientific paper"', on Thu, 23 Sep
The *phenomenon* manifested itself in several *phenomena*.
In which case, it's a meta-phenomenon.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited.
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
Winfield Hill wrote:
Most of the bf998 manufacturers don't publish the test circuit
for the noise measurement either, but it's probably similar to
the gain circuits in the Philips datasheet, which being tuned
has a gate source-impedance certainly much higher than 50 ohms.
Siemens published their 200MHz and 800MHz noise test circuits
in an old datasheet. The 200MHz amplifier uses a tuned step-up
transformer that's resonated with about 7pF of capacitance
(from 15pF in series with a bb505 tuning varactor), implying a
gate impedance of Q times 113 ohms = say about 5k ohms (Q=50).

So the bf998's seemingly low 1dB noise figure likely corresponds
to 3 - 5nV of noise voltage, or whatever.

I've never been _that_ impressed by dual-gate mosfet noise.
I measured it back in 2001, and found 1.1nV/rtHz around 200MHz.
I used the Y-method with a 50 Ohm resistor at 77K as the cold
source and a room temperature one as the hot source.

That's pretty good for a MOSFET. I was impressed.

vijayamurugan.P <netizen@outgun.com> says...

the input is 3 Phase AC 415V 50Hz/60Hz
the output Requirment is 1800 Amps,75 Volts.
This will require very expensive parts.

Hire a high-current power supply design expert
- your total system cost will be lower.
On Thursday 23 September 2004 01:53 am, Kevin Aylward did deign to grace us
with the following:

Rich Grise wrote:
Well, having just now finished the first paragraph of your infamous
I think I'd better advise you, that if you want your credibility as
a scientific researcher, or even as a writer, you'd better learn
to proofread, or hire somebody.

Hey! I'll proofread your website for $100.00/page. Sound like a

So dude GUY MACON, as the cheek to question Sir Kevin Aylward, Warden of
the Kings Ale, yes of General Relativity For Teletubbies fame
(http://www.anasoft.co.uk/physics/gr/index.html), on physics, yet his
background is addressed by:
Now, you're just being a dork.
I read in sci.electronics.design that Kevin Aylward
<salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> wrote (in <rbA4d.67119$U04.58668@fe1.news.b
lueyonder.co.uk>) about 'Ping Kevin Aylward - re GUY MACON', on Thu, 23
Sep 2004:

But a lot of it has still been on basics trivialities, like making
definitions, and having a logical argument flow.
It's at THAT level that there is all the argy-bargy. It's not about your
differential equations!
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited.
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
This is just one more Kevin Aylward Ad Homenim attack. I am well
aware of the strengths and weaknesses of being an autodict, and
have been quite careful to stay within my area of expertise.

Kevin wants it both ways; he alternates between whining that I
have not immersed myself in the details of his theory and
flaming me for supposedly immersing myself in the details of
his theory without being qualified to do so.

It doesn't require a degree to ascertain that the vast majority
of experts do *not* consider free will to be proven not to exist.
Most experts say that it is an open question and depends on such
hotly debated factors as the many-worlds interpretation.

It doesn't require a degree to ascertain that the vast majority
of experts do *not* believe that heisenberg was wrong and that
you can ave exact knowledge of the position and velocity of a
subatomic particle.

This argument is a red herring.

Kevin Aylward, please killfile me if you don't like what I post.
Bill Sloman wrote:
Jim Thompson <thegreatone@example.com> wrote in message news:<9o93l0t4648vsdsodink4b0j889qcnsrpk@4ax.com>...

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 09:25:54 -0700, John Larkin
jjlarkin@highSNIPlandTHIStechPLEASEnology.com> wrote:

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 09:36:37 GMT, Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com


Bush and Cheney resigning from office would only be only
token penance for this major transgression against the world- all
these people killed, maimed, shattered, all this disruption, and
material waste, and destruction of astronomical proportion- for nothing .


you are *way* too involved in this. It isn't healthy.


Who is Fred Bloggs? Never heard of him ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Jim must have plonked Fred when he stopped saying nice things about
Bush,Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz - doesn't say much good about Jim's
memory, because that can't have been more than six months ago.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
And that would be about the time the legitimate authority figures
started going public on the gross incompetence of the Bush
Administration- this is what made me sit-up and take notice. So
J.Thompson, must have also plonked his own state Senator, The Honorable
John McCain, because even McCain dissed Bush , repeatedly, on a Fox News
show of all places. Here is the transcript of the interview:
The number of Republican Congressmen coming out publicly against Bush is
growing daily- the demented fraud from Texas has created an
unprecedented amount of disruptive turmoil in and outside the
government- he is anti-government, anti-America, a deceitful liar, a
demagogue- and someone who must be removed at the earliest opportunity.
Every single Bush supporter can be exposed as a truly evil,
self-serving, greedy pig insane about their precious tax cuts. These
people don't rate their American cirtizenships- they are accidents of birth.
I read in sci.electronics.design that John Fields <jfields@austininstrum
ents.com> wrote (in <thk5l05co4fvne7p2tpg89ocl46r2sjaf4@4ax.com>) about
'Custom Meter Dials', on Thu, 23 Sep 2004:

Do you know how to use AutoSketch or did you give up trying to learn it
because it was too hard for you?
I must say that I find it confusing, and the Help was written by people
who knew far too much about it, like much other software help.

'Click on 'refresh'.' says the Help. Where is 'refresh'? Oh, it's six
sub-menus deep under the button 'Do not click on this button'.(;-)
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited.
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
On Wednesday 22 September 2004 10:15 pm, John Woodgate did deign to grace us
with the following:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <null@example.net
wrote (in <mdr4d.5619$Co1.1512@trnddc02>) about 'Ping Kevin Aylward - re
your "scientific paper"', on Thu, 23 Sep 2004:

I think if some researcher wants to impress the hell out of everybody
vis-a-vis language, they should learn to understand Octopoidese.

Well, it's extremely colourful, but that makes it impossible for humans
to speak! I suppose one could use a trained chameleon as a translator.
Nah - just use an underwater LCD display. :)

Figuring out the meanings of the particular patterns is, of course,
left as an exercise for the experimentor. :)

On Thursday 23 September 2004 12:59 am, Kevin Aylward did deign to grace us
with the following:

Rich Grise wrote:
On Wednesday 22 September 2004 11:24 am, Kevin Aylward did deign to

Why does this not surprise me?

On Thursday 23 September 2004 04:08 am, Kevin Aylward did deign to grace us
with the following:

Guy Macon wrote:
Kevin Aylward <salesEXTRACT@anasoft.co.uk> says...


Please plonk me as well. You see, Rich Grise and I are such
good buddies that we like to go everywhere together.

If you don't killfile me I will take that as evidence that
you find my posts to be valuable and well worth reading.

Its only pity I feel for you. Seriously. I now understand what your deal
is. You have a chip on your shoulder due to not having a degree, but
work in a technical field. You jumped the gun here. You were unaware of
my background, and didn't know what you were up against. Some of us
egotistically braggarts are like that for a reason. You made on
assumption about my technical abilities based on a few lines of prose,
and being rather sensitive to being called a twat.

So sure, maybe you can "design" a few bits and bobs, but this has no
baring on the background knowledge one needs to have in order to do or
criticize serious original scientific work.
Thanks, but I think I'll take a rain check on witnessing Guy Macon's
baring. (no offense intended, Guy. ;-) )

On Wednesday 22 September 2004 10:51 pm, John Woodgate did deign to grace us
with the following:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Guy Macon <http@?.guymacon.com
wrote (in <10l4hjs45fl9tae@news.supernews.com>) about 'Ping Kevin
Aylward - re your "scientific paper"', on Wed, 22 Sep 2004:

Rich Grise <null@example.net> says...

...has never been under attack, except maybe by Guy Macon, which is
kind of like being attacked by Snuggles(tm), no offense, Guy. :)

You are the wind beneath my wings. :)

I thought Snuggles was the three-headed dog in 'Harry Potter'.
Hmm - I don't remember specifically, but just for the record, my
use of the name "Snuggles" was, in fact, a WAG as to the name
of that little stuffed bear talking plush toy fabric softener
spokesthing on TV.

On Thursday 23 September 2004 03:46 am, John Woodgate did deign to grace us
with the following:

I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <null@example.net
wrote (in <aMu4d.5653$Co1.4168@trnddc02>) about 'SUPER-DUPER OFF TOPIC -

I don't know if this is irony, or if there's some other "category" or
"genre" but, if one were to ask that "seriously," I'd be inclined to
say, "Oh, I don't think he plonks anybody." ;-)

Revelation xx 15. Of course, the underlying axioms may not be useful.
I'd like to look this up, even if only as a talking point, but
what does "xx 15" mean? One way to parse it would be "verse 15
of an unknown chapter" or another might be "verse 15 of _any_

Do I have to read the whole book? ;-)


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