On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 09:48:31 -0700, John Larkin
<jjlarkin@highSNIPlandTHIStechPLEASEnology.com> wrote:
existence iirc ~500,000 years, society hasn't been around long enough to have
any effect on dna, merely a wink. we are still influenced by our cave man needs.
Remove "HeadFromButt", before replying by email.
<jjlarkin@highSNIPlandTHIStechPLEASEnology.com> wrote:
Civilization is a mere 3000 years old, compared to how long man has been inOn Tue, 06 Apr 2004 09:03:30 GMT, maxfoo
maxfooHeadFromButt@punkass.com> wrote:
On Mon, 05 Apr 2004 02:04:08 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote:
Nope, you missed it, they get to stick around and make babies.
The thrill-seekers die young, if they die too young to breed,
then they don't get to. Instead it's a dominant/recessive gene
pair, like brown and blue eyes, so that even the timid can
have a few brave children.
This is not a dna thing, it's society that sets up the rules that lets the
cowards survive. In the jungle it's survival of the fittest.
Humans are social critters, even in the jungle. We are weak, naked,
slow, un-armed and un-armored, and we win by forming tribes who
include specialists. Warriors are a necessary minority of any tribe
that successfully combats its most deadly enemies, other tribes.
It *is* a DNA thing.
existence iirc ~500,000 years, society hasn't been around long enough to have
any effect on dna, merely a wink. we are still influenced by our cave man needs.
Remove "HeadFromButt", before replying by email.