KR Williams
In article <408cf714$0$7786$7a628cd7@news.club-internet.fr>,
grsNOSPAM@NO-SPAMmail.com says...
you to achieve his Nirvana. Remember that one thing about
communists/socialists/progressives (all the same).
grsNOSPAM@NO-SPAMmail.com says...
At least Stevie is honest about communism! He want's to *kill*We Communists believe that the only individual perfection possible
is best accomplished from without, by brutal enforcement of the
right laws.
"brutal enforcement of the right laws" ?
It's extremely dangerous. Who is to say what is right and what is
wrong, to begin with? And what do you mean by "brutal enforcement" ?
you to achieve his Nirvana. Remember that one thing about
communists/socialists/progressives (all the same).