Rod Speed
Lennier <notanyspam@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
You only have the permission of the
copyright owner to copy your particular copy.
You're welcome to paper your walls with it if you want.
Or wipe your arse on it too.
But you are NOT the copyright owner.
Fraid so. Read the legislation. And weep.Rod Speed wrote
If this were not so then I would not legally be able to duplicate it.
Crap. There is an implied permission to copy the certificate,
If that is not a copyright then what is?
Its actually an implied license/permission from the actual copyright owner,
just like you have when quoting material from my posts in your replys.
Correct. But you are NOT the copyright owner. The polytech is.It is *my* certificate to do what I like with.
You are not the owner of the copyright either.What I cannot do, and what I do not own are the logos and
various images that were used to construct my certificate.
You only have the permission of the
copyright owner to copy your particular copy.
Even thats comprehensively mangled.I cannot use those in some other document for some other purpose.
You're welcome to paper your walls with it if you want.
Or wipe your arse on it too.
Correct. Just like with say a paperback you have bought.But my certificate - I can do what I like with it - I can do anything I
please with it, and I do not need anyone else's permission to do so.
But you are NOT the copyright owner.