Electric Cars Require Fewer Jobs to Build

On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 14:16:14 -0400, bitrex <user@example.net> wrote:

On 10/8/19 12:04 PM, jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 11:53:25 -0400, bitrex <user@example.net> wrote:

On 10/8/19 11:08 AM, jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:

I've heard guys in tech complain that they don't want to work in an
office with women because they cause "too much drama."


This week I'm working with two women who are doing the FPGA for my
laser controller. There's drama, but it's all about the logic and the

We (well, I mean I) forgot to provide a good way to production test my
40 MHz triggered oscillator. When it's gated, it only needs to run for
5 cycles. I guess it might manage 10... we'll know later today It runs
into their FPGA, so we are trying to invent a way to measure the burst
oscillator frequency inside the FPGA. Fun.


In my team, the drama seems to come from the guys. Testosterone
interferes with logic. I think estrogen is a better engineering

Maybe so. In the modern (real) world the emotional reaction of "rage" in
response to almost any situation is almost always counterproductive and
guaranteed to leave you, as a straight man, in a worse
financial/legal/emotional/employment/relationship situation than when
you started

I don't see a lot of outright rage. I do see a lot of reasoning being
peverted by the macho need to be right in public. In most people,
perception and reasoning are both slaves to emotion.

What does "straight" have to do with it? I've had (still have)
straight and gay engineers, and they seem to have about the same set
of emotions.

I've never been a gay man so I can't speak to their experience of what
happens to them when they get pissed off and punch somebody. Probably
not good, either

Try it and let us know.
On 10/8/19 12:04 PM, jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 11:53:25 -0400, bitrex <user@example.net> wrote:

On 10/8/19 11:08 AM, jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:

I've heard guys in tech complain that they don't want to work in an
office with women because they cause "too much drama."


This week I'm working with two women who are doing the FPGA for my
laser controller. There's drama, but it's all about the logic and the

We (well, I mean I) forgot to provide a good way to production test my
40 MHz triggered oscillator. When it's gated, it only needs to run for
5 cycles. I guess it might manage 10... we'll know later today It runs
into their FPGA, so we are trying to invent a way to measure the burst
oscillator frequency inside the FPGA. Fun.


In my team, the drama seems to come from the guys. Testosterone
interferes with logic. I think estrogen is a better engineering

Maybe so. In the modern (real) world the emotional reaction of "rage" in
response to almost any situation is almost always counterproductive and
guaranteed to leave you, as a straight man, in a worse
financial/legal/emotional/employment/relationship situation than when
you started

I don't see a lot of outright rage. I do see a lot of reasoning being
peverted by the macho need to be right in public. In most people,
perception and reasoning are both slaves to emotion.

What does "straight" have to do with it? I've had (still have)
straight and gay engineers, and they seem to have about the same set
of emotions.

I've never been a gay man so I can't speak to their experience of what
happens to them when they get pissed off and punch somebody. Probably
not good, either
bitrex <user@example.net> wrote in

On 10/8/19 11:53 AM, bitrex wrote:
On 10/8/19 11:08 AM, jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:

I've heard guys in tech complain that they don't want to work
in an office with women because they cause "too much drama."


This week I'm working with two women who are doing the FPGA for
my laser controller. There's drama, but it's all about the logic
and the timing.

We (well, I mean I) forgot to provide a good way to production
test my 40 MHz triggered oscillator. When it's gated, it only
needs to run for 5 cycles. I guess it might manage 10... we'll
know later today It runs into their FPGA, so we are trying to
invent a way to measure the burst oscillator frequency inside
the FPGA. Fun.


In my team, the drama seems to come from the guys. Testosterone
interferes with logic. I think estrogen is a better engineering

Maybe so. In the modern (real) world the emotional reaction of
"rage" in response to almost any situation is almost always
counterproductive and guaranteed to leave you, as a straight man,
in a worse financial/legal/emotional/employment/relationship
situation than when you started

Well, unless you're the President, that is.

No... Unless you are *this* (read current) buffoon president.
Rob the Ratbag wrote:


WTF are you talking about??? The people who would run from a cop would not even receive a mailed traffic violation notice since they are likely driving a stolen car or have some sort of felony warrant against them so are not living at the address listed on their license or they would have been arrested by now.

What world are you living in?

** The fool lives on plant Rob, where everything is just as he imagines it to be - no more and no les.

Sure it happens that people are caught who have collected like 50.000 in
traffic fines and have not paid them, but it is not so easy to get away
with them. Most irresponsible drivers are not criminals in a stolen car,
they are just salesmen in a hurry to the next appointment.

** Head stuck firmly in the sand, arse up.

Must be one of them rocket scientist / hippie types.

Had one tell me she wanted street lights turned off at night so the local bird population could get some sleep. Dead serious.

...... Phil
Rob the Ratbag wrote:


** But that is a false claim.

Only those who FAIL to stop and instead start speeding get pursued, for the good reason that it is a serious offence and indicates the driver is highly motivated to avoid any police attention.

They regularly turn out to be disqualified for past serious driving offences, DUI, wanted on charges, have skipped bail or are driving a stolen car.

Who would think it fair to let any of those run loose ?

Because there are other aspects to it.

** Smartarse.

Chasing such people on the public roads seriously endangers other people
who are not involved at all.
Sometimes it is done in criminal cases, but not for traffic offenses.

** This fool simply cannot comprehend what is posted.

Speeding away to escape police attention IS way more than a "traffic offence".

Of course, admitting to that fact wrecks his non existent case.

** The police normally follow at a distance while the runaway driver is the one acting with criminal recklessness. Police immediately report their actions to a controller and get approval to continue or break off.

There was a *short* time in California (IIRC) when such " hot pursuits" were banned. The crims ran riot knowing they would not be chased or caught, no matter what.

The public soon begged for a return to the old rules.

I hear that in the USA people are even begging to keep their guns,
that does not make it a reasonable thing.

** Idiotic false comparison.

This anencephalic jerkoff is not worth pissing on.

That is why traffic cameras were invented (in this
country) to gather evidence without such action.

** Utter bullshit.

Traffic cams punish irresponsible motorists to teach them to drive more safely.

They create no disincentive for nor catch criminals.

In fact, more and more traffic cams have license plate recognition and
they also flag stolen cars and searched criminals.

** The fool says, clutching at imaginary straws.

...... Phil
bitrex <user@example.net> wrote in news:pn4nF.18712$zQ2.15151@fx10.iad:

so I can't speak to their experience of what
happens to them when they get pissed off and punch somebody.

Gay or straight, adults call this felony assault, asshole.

And barroom, jailhouse mentality jackoffs like you should get a year
in stir every time you do it. Gene pool erasure is asking too much,
but that is what you deserve.
jla...@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:

** When did you stop beating your wife and daughter - John ?

I have never struck a female in my life. I've had much nicer uses for

** My $20 is thoroughly safe.

What a vile Septic cunt.

...... Phil
bitrex is a Fuckwit wrote:

** How utterly absurd.

Solar / EV fanatics have no bounds to the insanities they believe and try to foist on others.

Makes spherical chickens seem quite real ...

Second only to the insanities that people who don't have one believe,
like the idea that the air conditioner will cause your range to drop by
half, because they believe car air conditioners have to draw some absurd
power like 6kW to keep a 150 cubic foot volume cool

** Massive logical fallacy, argues from an irrelevant & atypical example to a to false conclusion.


Why do so many fools base their false points on clever sounding examples that THEY drag up from fuck knows where ?

Reality is that examples do not prove anything, cos one can find or invent ones that point to ANY damn conclusion you like.

Examples that are of *common knowledge* may be used to illustrate a general truth but cannot be the sole basis of one.

..... Phil
bitrex wrote:

I've heard guys in tech complain that they don't want to work in an
office with women because they cause "too much drama."

** I can vouch for that.

I was fired from one job with a DJ gear hire business after two weeks, along with my supervisor and a younger tech cos the boss's heavily pregnant missus took a strong disliking to us all.

She first stalked the supervisor, watching and misinterpreting his every move, aided and abetted by a teenage female office staffer who would appear suddenly in the service area - scream at him and then disappear.

One morning, I arrived a tad late without eating breakfast - so I headed to the tea room for a cup of coffee. I was spotted by the missus and ordered to get straight to work. Pointing out to her that I might work better with some coffee in my belly had no effect.

Essential spares like TO220 triacs and xenon flash tubes were kept in the office and doled out by her *one* at a time - but only if you could prove the need beyond doubt.

The fact that items worked perfectly after replacing said triacs or tubes was not enough - I was generally expected to repair *customer damaged* items without using any precious spares.

One some days, I completed no work at all cos the boss or his missus kept shifting me from one task to a different one, at whim. I was then blamed me for being inefficient.

I could go an and on - but you get the idea.

A friend said to me later, after hearing my sad story: " Congratulations Phil, you lasted two weeks in a job that I would have walked out of on the first day".

...... Phil
bitrex is a Fuckwit wrote:

** How utterly absurd.

Solar / EV fanatics have no bounds to the insanities they believe and try to foist on others.

Makes spherical chickens seem quite real ...

Second only to the insanities that people who don't have one believe,
like the idea that the air conditioner will cause your range to drop by
half, because they believe car air conditioners have to draw some absurd
power like 6kW to keep a 150 cubic foot volume cool

** Massive logical fallacy, argues from an irrelevant & atypical example to a to false conclusion.


Why do so many fools base their false points on clever sounding examples that THEY drag up from fuck knows where ?

Reality is that examples do not prove anything, cos one can find or invent ones that point to ANY damn conclusion you like.

Examples that are of *common knowledge* may be used to illustrate a general truth but cannot be the sole basis of one.

..... Phil
bitrex a moron who cannot read or think wrote:


There was a *short* time in California (IIRC) when such
" hot pursuits" were banned. The crims ran riot knowing
they would not be chased or caught, no matter what.

The public soon begged for a return to the old rules.

State governments don't have any ability to make broad law-enforcement
policy decisions like that and force every police department in the
state to obey them.

** Never said they did - fuckwit.

America has thousands of different police departments that operate
mostly autonomously and they all have their own policies and rules,

** How absurd - one of the many fucked things about the USA.

The state government can decide what the state police do.

** Here we have state police to enforce stare legislation plus Federal police for Commonwealth legislation. No local police.

The bulk of purists are carried out by local police. I don't think
local police have ever all agreed in unison to not _ever_ do it, in any state

** Nevertheless, despite Great King Shit Bitrex of SFA* not knowing about it - it happened.

IIRC, some time in the 1980s in California or part thereof.

Was covered on TV news here in Sydney, Australia.

The topic of police "hot pursuits" was hot then here too.

Pushed by the exact same off the planet fuckwits who want illegal drugs made legal, right to vote for school kids, a change to non compulsory voting and reducing the age of consent.

We have to fight such narcissistic idiots here too.

Mostly members of the loony, far left Green Party.

..... Phil
On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 2:17:32 AM UTC+11, jla...@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
On Mon, 07 Oct 2019 22:29:34 -0400, krw@notreal.com wrote:

On Mon, 07 Oct 2019 12:50:08 -0700, John Larkin
jlarkin@highland_atwork_technology.com> wrote:

On Sun, 6 Oct 2019 14:17:23 -0000 (UTC), John Doe
always.look@message.header> wrote:

An America-bashing Third World troll...

Who hasn't himself worked in decades.


I think so. Attitude is as important as technical skill, and a lot
more obvious. Imagine working with someone whose main interest in life
is to generate droning 3rd party insults and cite some silly paper he
got published 98 years ago.

John Larkin experiences lack of flattery as a droning 3rd party insult. It would be a neat trick for me - as a 76-year-old - to cite a paper I published 98 years ago.

The paper I published in 1996 now has 24 citations - only two of them mine - so it probably isn't silly. It was the first in that area to use a sigma-delta A/D converter to get the temperature signal from the voltage drop across the temperature sensor, which is a technique which John Larkin has boasted about using recently, as if it were some kind of novelty.
He has, or had, some interesting skills that could have turned into
some nice consulting business. I suggested how he could market that,
but he apparently didn't want to try.

John Larkin is a sub-contractor, who solves well-defined problems presented to him by other people. Apparently his typical time to work up a solution and document it is about two weeks.

I can do that, but I'm also a systems engineer, and had two jobs that involved working for a couple of years to work up well-defined job requirements that could be presented to sub-contractors to get them to produce solutions that would work for my employers.

I didn't find John Larkin's advice useful. Marketing involves getting yourself noticed by potential customers, which involves spending money. I could do that, but there's no obvious place where it could be usefully spent.

Old guys tend to not get hired through the usual ad/resume/HR/
interview process. But our age and experience and real-electronics
skills can be assets as consultants. It's fun and the hourly pay is

But you don't get hired as a consultant until people in the business know about you. Moving from the UK to the Netherlands to Australia didn't help me there.

Phil Hobbs managed to write a book about his special skills which helps get you known to potential customers, but then again so did Howard Johnson with his "High Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic".

That wouldn't get me the kind of work I like doing.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 10/8/19 9:13 PM, Phil Allison wrote:
bitrex a moron who cannot read or think wrote:


There was a *short* time in California (IIRC) when such
" hot pursuits" were banned. The crims ran riot knowing
they would not be chased or caught, no matter what.

The public soon begged for a return to the old rules.

State governments don't have any ability to make broad law-enforcement
policy decisions like that and force every police department in the
state to obey them.

** Never said they did - fuckwit.

America has thousands of different police departments that operate
mostly autonomously and they all have their own policies and rules,

** How absurd - one of the many fucked things about the USA.

The state government can decide what the state police do.

** Here we have state police to enforce stare legislation plus Federal police for Commonwealth legislation. No local police.

The United States discovered an airtight solution to the existential
anxiety over nation-states becoming tyrannies - you can't have a tyranny
if nobody knows what they're doing.

You can argue about the how universal the logic is that lead to such an
overwhelming anxiety in the first place but I think it's hard to argue
with the logic of the "solution", such as it is.

The bulk of purists are carried out by local police. I don't think
local police have ever all agreed in unison to not _ever_ do it, in any state

** Nevertheless, despite Great King Shit Bitrex of SFA* not knowing about it - it happened.

IIRC, some time in the 1980s in California or part thereof.

Was covered on TV news here in Sydney, Australia.

The topic of police "hot pursuits" was hot then here too.

Pushed by the exact same off the planet fuckwits who want illegal drugs made legal, right to vote for school kids, a change to non compulsory voting and reducing the age of consent.

We have to fight such narcissistic idiots here too.

Mostly members of the loony, far left Green Party.

.... Phil
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 11:08:40 AM UTC-4, jla...@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 23:38:38 -0400, bitrex <user@example.net> wrote:

On 10/7/19 9:57 PM, Rick C wrote:
On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 9:32:25 PM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 17:55:56 -0700 (PDT), Phil Allison
pallison49@gmail.com> wrote:

John Larkin wrote:


The hold over our employees heads is salary, 401K, bonuses, medical
care, interesting work, great people to work with, and free ice cream

** However, But the boss is a Aspergers nut case and egomanic who micro-manages, insults, stalks and harasses anyone who he sees as different to himself.

Not a bit.

** Larkin is a congentital liar.

I'm cheerful and polite and friendly around nice people.

** Nice = only the ones he thinks are the same as him.

Why are you always shrieking and cursing and insulting everyone?

** John, I am not insulting you - I am outing you.

Really? I don't have many secrets.

For your constant, despicable postings here.

I try to be cheerful and helpful and talk about electronics. That's
the topic, not oh-tut-tut personality stuff. That's what Facebook is

You really did not expect to have it all your own way for ever - did you ?

Why not? It doesn't cost anybody anything.

You didn't answer:

Why are you always insulting and shrieking and cursing?

Are you having fun?

You are bizarre! You say you're not into all the "oh-tut-tut personality stuff", then you accuse Phil of insulting, shrieking and cursing? If you aren't into the drama of the group, why do you keep asking about this?

I keep asking you about this because I find you a truly unusual personality... in the clinical sense. Clearly you have some sort of denial going on. You do things you don't even realize you are doing. Yes, clinical is the right word.

I've heard guys in tech complain that they don't want to work in an
office with women because they cause "too much drama."


This week I'm working with two women who are doing the FPGA for my
laser controller. There's drama, but it's all about the logic and the

We (well, I mean I) forgot to provide a good way to production test my
40 MHz triggered oscillator. When it's gated, it only needs to run for
5 cycles. I guess it might manage 10... we'll know later today It runs
into their FPGA, so we are trying to invent a way to measure the burst
oscillator frequency inside the FPGA. Fun.


In my team, the drama seems to come from the guys. Testosterone
interferes with logic. I think estrogen is a better engineering

So are you good with trans? Have any in your company?


Rick C.

+-+-+ Get 2,000 miles of free Supercharging
+-+-+ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 3:45:26 AM UTC-4, Rob wrote:
Rick C <gnuarm.deletethisbit@gmail.com> wrote:
Who has to go to court for camera offenses, the driver or the owner?

Do they have good footage of the driver's face?

Here the owner of the car is responsible for such offenses and it is
not important who drove the car. But you can present evidence that the
car was stolen or rented to someone else at the time the offense was made..

Not true. The driver is the one at fault, not the owner. They just assume the two are the same unless you can prove or at least make an official statement to the contrary. To make the official statement at least requires taking a day off and dealing with the hassle of going to a hearing in a very inconvenient location.

Sure, in the real world the vast majority of people caught are the correct person... but not always and in those cases it is very inconvenient to deal with.

If you are pulled over by a cop there is very little uncertainty of who is driving the car.


Rick C.

+--++ Get 2,000 miles of free Supercharging
+--++ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 3:45:06 AM UTC-4, Rob wrote:
Rick C <gnuarm.deletethisbit@gmail.com> wrote:
On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 12:49:47 PM UTC-4, Rob wrote:
bitrex <user@example.net> wrote:
I think it may actually a high intensity array of white LEDs, not a
strobe. People put all sorts of weird crap on the license plates to try
to defeat 'em like IR LEDs or blinking LEDs pointing backwards, and
darkly tinted plate covers, reflective tape, stuff like that. High
intensity visible light flash will defeat any of that low-effort ideas I

Over here that is an offense that would result in a hefty fine when
you are caught. Maybe that is because most traffic tickets are issued
after cameras have taken pictures some way, and it has been like that
for decades. I believe in the USA for many situations it is required
that you are being stopped by a policeman, but that rarely happens here.

No, traffic cameras are widely used, just not all that pervasively... i..e. not at every intersection. Usually they are used at trouble spots.

The problem I have is that they are often operated by a company on a profit sharing basis with the local jurisdiction. So the company has little incentive to be accurate, rather they have every incentive to issue summons.. There is no police officer reviewing anything. More importantly, there is no accuser to question in court. In fact, in many jurisdictions they don't even give you a trial, it's a hearing with a review board. In other words, it's guilty until proven innocent.

Well, here they have to be calibrated and certified. There is no
reason to assume that they e.g. indicate more speed than there really is,
to then issue more tickets.
Furthermore, 5% is subtracted from the indicated value as an allowance
for any error before calculating the fine.

Then there is the problem of being informed. The owner may not even be the driver and if he doesn't get the notice in the mail (it's not like they are sent certified) the fine quadruples.


Rick C.

+--+- Get 2,000 miles of free Supercharging
+--+- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 3:43:00 AM UTC-4, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 4:27:21 PM UTC+11, Rick C wrote:
On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:34:38 PM UTC-4, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 7:03:41 AM UTC+11, Rick C wrote:

It has been made clear that in the UK they have trouble putting a kettle on.

Not in the bits where I lived from 1971 to 1993.

Maybe where you lived they didn't watch football. Every group in which I've discussed EV charging they talk about how during the commercial breaks the tea kettles all come on at once and the grid dips nearly to the point of blacking out.

Maybe the kind of people who discuss EV charging on user groups are a bit strange. This not a phenomenon I've ever run into, or even heard talked about.

Or maybe you just aren't tuned in as much as you thought. I am told repeatedly there are many homes that only have a 50 amp service, or maybe it's 40 amps. The hot water kettle draws something like 9 amps is what comes to mind. Surely you are aware how many people watch football matches? Actually, I believe the point was about matches of interest to nearly every football fans, so it would be whatever the playoffs are in the UK. Commercial comes on the telly and the kettle gets plugged in. Two or three minutes later the water is poured and they return to the game that is just restarting.

We have the same phenomenon here in the US, but the kettles don't draw as much power, the houses generally have higher power service and the rest of the distribution just doesn't care about a few tea pots running at once. I think here it is the toilets flushing at once and the water pressure dropping.

All I can do is report the facts as provided by the people who live in the UK. Who am I to challenge their facts no matter how implausible they sound?

I haven't been there since 2015. So I'm not much better placed.

Clearly the UK and Australia have a woefully inadequate electrical infrastructure and will never be capable of widespread EV adoption.

Australia's electrical infrastructure is probably over-robust - when it got privatised a decade or so ago, the scheme had a few weaknesses, and one of them lead to the "gold-plating" of the distribution network, which could recover the costs of every cent they spent on poles and wires, no matter how unnecessary the up-grades were.

The network is scaled to handle peak loads, and charging car batteries could be disabled during the peak load periods. This might shift the charging times away from peak solar input, but Australia seems to be planning on spending a bundle on expanding the Snowy River hydroelectric generating system to make it a huge pumped storage scheme.


The preliminary spending is already underway.

You are looking at a different issue. The point is the places to drive through on route between Sydney and Melbourne are fairly low density. They current aggregate service to the area is not up to the task of supplying many megawatts to charge EVs if the vast majority of the traffic was BEV. This is not a national grid issue or an issue of generating capacity. This is an issue of there just not being sufficient transmission capability in the areas that would need power to charge cars.

So stuff will need to be built. That's all. Just like in Puerto Rico and many other third world countries.

Someone pointed out to me that it is impossible to build enough EV fast charging to allow trips since the towns in between the major destinations don't have enough capacity to build the required charging facilities. I don't recall the town names, but it looks like Tarcutta is about the only place in the middle to put a charging station between Sydney and Melbourne. Not much of a town.

The Australian national capital - Canberra - is about halfway between Sydney and Melbourne. It's got politicians so it is bound to have charging stations.

LOL! Maybe Australia has better politics than the US, but in general politicians are the least capable even to understand the needs for EV charging.

As I've said above, the issue that was being addressed was when EVs become dominant, there will need to be new transmission facilities built since the large number of vehicles traveling between those cities will be drawing huge amounts of power.

Currently there is a Tesla charging facility in Quartzsite, AZ, a location that is not so easy to skip when traveling between LA and Phonenix. So there are frequent congestion issues, especially on holiday weekends. They are limited to how many charging stalls they can add since the area does not have huge power feeds. It's not much of a town.


Every 8 stalls is a MW. Double the number of cars between these cities and you will need twice as much power. Now imagine what is needed to provide 100 times the number of cars... 1,000 times as many cars.

> The drive from Melbourne to Sydney takes about ten hours. I've done it a few times. There are bunch of decent sized provincial towns along the way, all of them plenty big enough to support charging stations. Eastern Australia is linked by a high voltage grid,and if a provincial town need extra capacity to support a fast charging station - which seems unlikely - they'd just beef up the transformer at the local sub-station.

So you are picking the locations? Yeah, you can put chargers where they are convenient, but you are still thinking of charging a few dozen cars a day.. This is about charging the thousands or tens of thousands of cars traversing these roads each day when EVs rule the earth.

Yeah, looks like Australia is screwed for at least a hundred years.

If you get your information from people who think that our domestic supplies get pulled down by all the kettles being put on during commercial breaks, you might think that. Better informants might give you a more realistic idea.

The kettles was about the UK. Don't get your facts confused. Someone else was complaining that EVs driven between Sydney and Melbourne would be a big deal when 95% of cars are EVs. Let's not forget the semi-trucks. I was reading something that talked like electric semi-tractors were not suited for long hauls which made me wonder what info they had that I, Tesla and a couple of other startups don't. Seems to me electric semi trucks are ideal! They can be charged in an hour every four hours or maybe longer since they are not nearly as limited for the battery weight as a car. The motors are already pretty powerful, so there should be little trouble adapting them to semis. Tesla uses 8 standard chargers to charge the semi. I don't know if they use 8 separate charger pairs. If so, that means they use a MW for each truck! They will need to be charged during the day as well as night, but that might work out since they could be charged with solar.

I regularly walk past a parked Tesla on my morning trip to the local coffee shop (which serves coffee and food - unlike it's Dutch equivalent).

There aren't that many around yet - last year Australians bought about 800 electric cars, but they've bought some 1200 since January, so the trend is up.

Apparently the work being done in the garage space under our building is going to include putting in some charging points in individual parking bays, of which there are at least 80 - the penthouse flats may have two each.

Tesla has not made large inroads in Australia. They may make more efforts once they are making cars in China. 2019 is all about the model 3. 2021 will be about the model Y. Not sure what other companies are doing, but Australia is not a tiny market, just not a big one.


Rick C.

+---+ Get 2,000 miles of free Supercharging
+---+ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 3:52:55 AM UTC-4, Rob wrote:
Phil Allison <pallison49@gmail.com> wrote:
Rob wrote:


Over here, the police do not want to engage in such ridiculous chases
as we sometimes see on TV filmed in the USA and UK just to stop someone
who has speeded or jumped a red light.

** But that is a false claim.

Only those who FAIL to stop and instead start speeding get pursued, for the good reason that it is a serious offence and indicates the driver is highly motivated to avoid any police attention.

They regularly turn out to be disqualified for past serious driving offences, DUI, wanted on charges, have skipped bail or are driving a stolen car.

Who would think it fair to let any of those run loose ?

Because there are other aspects to it.
Chasing such people on the public roads seriously endangers other people
who are not involved at all.
Sometimes it is done in criminal cases, but not for traffic offenses.

What??? In serious criminal cases the speeding or other traffic offense is of zero significance. "Well, we can't get him for the bank job, but let's write him up for running that red light... It'll be his third offense so he'll get 20 years!"

I have no idea what you are talking about "chasing" people.

The risk for everyone else is just too high.

** The police normally follow at a distance while the runaway driver is the one acting with criminal recklessness. Police immediately report their actions to a controller and get approval to continue or break off.

There was a *short* time in California (IIRC) when such " hot pursuits" were banned. The crims ran riot knowing they would not be chased or caught, no matter what.

The public soon begged for a return to the old rules.

I hear that in the USA people are even begging to keep their guns,
that does not make it a reasonable thing.

LOL!!! No one in the US "begs" to keep their guns. They have the NRA twisting Congressional arms to the point of breaking and the gun owners simply say, "Come and get 'em... if you dare".

Of course there are always cases where people run away that maybe could
have been caught, but does that offset the cases where innocent people
were hurt or their property damages because of a mad car chase?

I don't know what car chase you are talking about... Anyone who is going to run from the cops will not be even getting, much less paying a ticket in the mail. In general, the cop sounds his siren and the car pulls over. Ticket is written and all drive off safely. What is going on in your head?

That is why traffic cameras were invented (in this
country) to gather evidence without such action.

** Utter bullshit.

Traffic cams punish irresponsible motorists to teach them to drive more safely.

They create no disincentive for nor catch criminals.

In fact, more and more traffic cams have license plate recognition and
they also flag stolen cars and searched criminals.

Great! That's wonderful. Do they get tickets mailed to them as well or do the cops have to chase them?


Rick C.

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On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 4:50:58 AM UTC+11, Michael Terrell wrote:
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 11:17:32 AM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 07 Oct 2019 22:29:34 -0400, krw@notreal.com wrote:

On Mon, 07 Oct 2019 12:50:08 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On Sun, 6 Oct 2019 14:17:23 -0000 (UTC), John Doe
always.look@message.header> wrote:

An America-bashing Third World troll...

Who hasn't himself worked in decades.


I think so. Attitude is as important as technical skill, and a lot
more obvious. Imagine working with someone whose main interest in life
is to generate droning 3rd party insults and cite some silly paper he
got published 98 years ago.

He has, or had, some interesting skills that could have turned into
some nice consulting business. I suggested how he could market that,
but he apparently didn't want to try.

Old guys tend to not get hired through the usual ad/resume/HR/
interview process. But our age and experience and real-electronics
skills can be assets as consultants. It's fun and the hourly pay is

Any potential employer would have had no problem finding out that he had a bad attitude, by simply searching online.

One has to wonder what Michael Terrell might imagine would constitute a "good attitude". Agreeing with idiot posts from Jim Thompson and John Larkin could be part of the mix.

> Who would hire someone that constantly caused friction for them, and their other employees?

Anybody who tried to infer face-to-face social behavior from on-line interactions would have to be a bit silly. Some of my previous bosses are still around, and could testify that I worked for them for years, and spent most of my time being helpful and cooperative - I do that here too, but Michael Terrell doesn't notice.

> Pre-internet a jerk could move to another town where no one knew their history and find work. Now it follows you anywhere in the world and maybe the rest of the solar system.

Of course, I'm not actually a jerk.

> When I first started working, there were a few well known names of locals that were unemployable. That was over 50 years ago. It didn't matter what their problems were. After a couple times of being fired or laid off, no one wanted them. No one wants to work with a troublemaker, unless they are even worse.

I've never been fired. I have been made redundant, but that's a different situation. I lost my last job - in Venlo in the Netherlands - because the local rules meant that if I'd stayed in the job for another month, I'd have been automatically put into the pension scheme, who would have charged my employers 65% of my salary to cover the risk that I'd immediately take early retirement (which I could have done under the same local rules).

The Dutch don't think that anybody over 55 should keep on working, and I was 60 at the time.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 10/8/19 8:13 PM, Phil Allison wrote:
bitrex is a Fuckwit wrote:

** How utterly absurd.

Solar / EV fanatics have no bounds to the insanities they believe and try to foist on others.

Makes spherical chickens seem quite real ...

Second only to the insanities that people who don't have one believe,
like the idea that the air conditioner will cause your range to drop by
half, because they believe car air conditioners have to draw some absurd
power like 6kW to keep a 150 cubic foot volume cool

** Massive logical fallacy, argues from an irrelevant & atypical example to a to false conclusion.


Why do so many fools base their false points on clever sounding examples that THEY drag up from fuck knows where ?

Reality is that examples do not prove anything, cos one can find or invent ones that point to ANY damn conclusion you like.

Examples that are of *common knowledge* may be used to illustrate a general truth but cannot be the sole basis of one.

.... Phil

Can we talk about booze

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