Terry Pinnell
"Clarence" <no@No.com> wrote:
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
thread. Will try it and report back."Terry Pinnell" <terrypinDELETE@THESEdial.pipex.com> wrote in message
"Helmut Sennewald" <helmutsennewald@t-online.de> wrote:
Hello Terry,
you don't need another simulator, instead you need a correct
circuit diagram. Your circuit will never work as intended.
Let's look for example to Q4 and Q3 where the (base-)current flows.
It flows from
+9V -> Emitter Q4 -> Base Q3 -> Emitter Q3
regardless you drive any base current by Q1.
This is a short from +9V to ground by 2 Vbe-diodes.
From where do you have this wrong circuit diagram?
Best Regards,
Thanks Helmut, but I realise the circuit is fatally flawed! I still
wanted to be able to see exactly what happens on applying power to it,
for each of the 4 possible input conditions.
The circuit is at
and the original thread discussing it is here:
Subject: Motor Control Circuit Problem
Date: 28 Oct 2004 15:48:41 -0700
Message-ID: <1099003721.067016.22050@c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com
You may get some operation by inserting a low value resistor in each emitter
lead. That would give a indication without any calculation being infinite.
Thanks, yes, that was Robert's suggestion too, in the main s.e.d
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK