EAGLE Netlist conversion

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 16:09:43 -0600, John Fields wrote:

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 21:41:35 GMT, Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote:

Oh, I see. You're privy to some new inside information, huh?

Like, murder is OK if it's done with the support of a duped electorate?

No, thanks.

Geez, that station's nothing but the same old tired crap, day after
day after day... I think I'll turn it off for a while and go outside
and play.
Yup. Denial is the answer.

Paul Burridge <pb@notthisbit.osiris1.co.uk> wrote in message news:<c30fo0l4fq2gi9b5oo1p9nq2h216bnqoss@4ax.com>...
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 02:08:37 -0700, Marc 182
marc182spamless@globalcrossing.net> wrote:

In article <ubrco0lbeses3mm3qqqa3gqaq7g8jvnlc6@4ax.com>,
thegreatone@example.com says...
My oldest daughter is a candidate (and most likely winner) for
Chairman of the Republican Party in Yuma County, Arizona ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Congrats. I'm a Dem who grew up in Yuma. It's a flexable county, Dems
and Repubs have done well there now and again. I hope that she herself
remains flexable as well and doesn't feel obligated to tow the party

I'm sure she'll only tow the Nazi line her dear old dad has
indoctrinated her into.
'Nazi line' ? Go read a history book.
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 10:51:49 -0700, uvcceet@juno.com wrote:

In <ka4io01kr0vifa0c98hlf68cd3v35jk0fp@4ax.com>, on 11/03/04 at 10:16 AM,
Jim Thompson <thegreatone@example.com> said:

Of course the Series win was really because the idiotic management of the
Phoenix Diamondbacks traded Kurt Schilling to the Red Sox :)

No, it was that age old adage that even a blind squirrel finds an occasional
Or as I put it recently, "The sun must shine on the dogs ass once in
a while.
FInally, even the sad sack Boston Red Sox ran out of dopey ways to loose. It
could happen to anyone who had as many chances as they have had. It was
simply a matter of mathmatical statistics, nothing more than that <shrug


Best Regards,
Fred Bloggs wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:

Just on the news...

Kerry concedes in call to Bush.

Daschle loses Senate race!

"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.
Really? Do tell!

Rich Grise wrote:
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 18:04:53 -0500, Charles Schuler wrote:

Here is truth:

Conservatives want to control your life, but will let you keep your money.

Liberals want to control your money, but will let you keep your life.

Gee, we sure see this differently and, of course, point of view is
everything. To me, liberals seem to be the ones who know how everyone else
should live.

That's really weird, because I see it almost exactly the opposite. My
impression was that the liberals don't care what you do with your own
body, but if you get any money, the liberals want you to redistribute
it. The conservatives, however, don't care how much money you get -
the more the merrier, AIUI - but they don't want you to experience
any pleasure, because that's a sin. And, of course, they're God's
morality police on Earth.

Ah, hell, they're ALL god's morality police. And all the rule-based
systems anybody's come up with yet rely on coercion.

And I don't think it's any secret that I espouse enlightened self-
interest, which some call anarchy because they're horrified that
if people aren't ruled with an iron fist, they'll all go on a
fucking spree or something.


AH-HA, so Rich, you are a Rational Anarchist! (Heinlein - "Moon is a
Harsh Mistress") Good, we need more of us... :cool:

Edmondson Engineering
Unique Solutions to Unusual Problems
Jim Thompson
You've got to be more careful with those trailing whitespaces on URLs;
Mozilla tacked on a %20, just as it was instructed
(I assume other browsers did as well), which makes an invalid URL (when clicked).
Cut&Paste works OK, if done carefully. (Pretty cool image.)

You've reminded me of those Gilda Radner skits.
You sure take a lot of interest in the BoSox for a man who hates Massa2shits.
"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in message
"Jim Thompson" <thegreatone@example.com> schreef in bericht
Fox News Reports Arafat Dead

Let us hope that his successor is peace-thinking.

Let us hope that his successor is peace-thinking too.


And let us also hope that Israel starts acting normal.
Suppose you lived in a place where things like the World Trade Center
bombing (or the plane crashes) happened about once a month on the average.
How do you think you'd want your government to act?

On 4 Nov 2004 11:33:34 -0800, jeffm_@email.com (JeffM) wrote:

Jim Thompson

You've got to be more careful with those trailing whitespaces on URLs;
Mozilla tacked on a %20, just as it was instructed
(I assume other browsers did as well), which makes an invalid URL (when clicked).
Cut&Paste works OK, if done carefully. (Pretty cool image.)

You've reminded me of those Gilda Radner skits.
You sure take a lot of interest in the BoSox for a man who hates Massa2shits.
Only because they got our best pitcher ever :-(

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 10:21:18 -0500, Chuck Harris wrote:

Fred Bloggs wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:

Just on the news...

Kerry concedes in call to Bush.

Daschle loses Senate race!

"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.

Really? Do tell!
Well, I am kind of planning on watching the situation and see what
really does happen. It turns out I'm as lousy at soothsaying as I am
at mind-reading. :)

Americans have muddled through some tough times in the past, and
if you look around and chat with "the man in the street", and so on,
it seems that, other than the fact that half the US population and
the entire rest of the world hate G.W.Bush, you'd never be able to
prove that "times is tough."

Who cares if America is making war on some country thousands of
miles away - Hey, it's great for the economy! Or something.

It would be irrelevant just how "Peace-Thinking" the leader is if the
populace is bent on self destruction to prove a pointless venture. Like
telling a 16 year old kid that he will go to heaven if he blows himself to
bits and takes a few helpless strangers with him. Why did he not do the same
thing at this own home, school, ETC?? Even if the leader were Mohammad
himself, there would still be followers who will interpret the message
improperly and take justice into their own finite hands.
"Norm Dresner" <ndrez@att.net> wrote in message
"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in message
"Jim Thompson" <thegreatone@example.com> schreef in bericht
Fox News Reports Arafat Dead

Let us hope that his successor is peace-thinking.

Let us hope that his successor is peace-thinking too.


And let us also hope that Israel starts acting normal.

Suppose you lived in a place where things like the World Trade Center
bombing (or the plane crashes) happened about once a month on the average.
How do you think you'd want your government to act?

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 10:03:01 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 14:41:00 GMT, Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com

Jim Thompson wrote:
Just on the news...

Kerry concedes in call to Bush.

Daschle loses Senate race!

"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.

Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.
Yeah, well you and your neocon buddies seem to have managed to get
more votes. Apparently the "christian" "right" thinks he's the greatest
thing since buttered toast.

Oh, well. Guess we'd better start practicing our loyalty oaths.

BTW, I don't know if you saw the thread, but I apologize for the
lewd comment about whoring out your daughter. I was out of line,
and there is no excuse.

I'm sorry for that.

exhorting the monied to do the right thing
has been shown, repeatedly, for thousands of years, to be futile.
Rich Grise
Not entirely accurate. In the not-so-distant past,
there was a concept called "noblis oblige" (nobility obligates)
where the richest guy in town was also the most generous,
using his money and influence to promote the general welfare.
The sharpest guys realized that if it wasn't for the serfs, little would get done.

This social pressure (along with social graces??) has fallen by the wayside,
it appears.
I'm wondering how far the divide will have to get
before the Poor realize that the Wealthy are edible.
Bloody Time you Flippin Yanks realize you are all one country!! Get over
the Billions of $$ spent for the elections, start feeding your own poor,
helping your own homeless, support your own retirees, reform your own tax
structure, and again become a model to the world!! The Bloody infighting
will do nothing for your union, or your status in the world society.
"Rich Grise" <rich@example.net> wrote in message
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 10:03:01 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 14:41:00 GMT, Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com

Jim Thompson wrote:
Just on the news...

Kerry concedes in call to Bush.

Daschle loses Senate race!

"It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not! The
price your party will pay for seriously underhanded and criminal
behavior will become obvious even to you in the coming months.

Methinks I read Bloggs as a terrorist. Time to track his ass down and
turn him in.

Yeah, well you and your neocon buddies seem to have managed to get
more votes. Apparently the "christian" "right" thinks he's the greatest
thing since buttered toast.

Oh, well. Guess we'd better start practicing our loyalty oaths.

BTW, I don't know if you saw the thread, but I apologize for the
lewd comment about whoring out your daughter. I was out of line,
and there is no excuse.

I'm sorry for that.

Not to about 150 million seriously disgruntled Americans it's not!
Well, they ought to have turned out and voted. Best I can see is less than 60
million of them showed up. (of course you are including babies and school
children in your total, which is ludicrous at best)

" In the 37 elections since 1860 - the first won by a Republican - Democrats
have won only 14. Only twice in 15 post-World War II elections has the
Democratic nominee achieved 50 percent of the vote."

George F. Will 11-4-04

Not a good 150 years for the demos. I think most of them would prefer it if
the liberal end of the party went its own way, and let the rest of them, the
majority of them, go back to there basic roots and beliefs. Liberals have
wiped out any hope for the democratic ticket.

There are three or four democrats who could have beaten Bush. Maybe instead of
wringing their hands in despair, democrats ought to consider doing something
about the Primary process, which basically allowed Iowa and NH to choose their
candidate. Perhaps that choice ought to be made at the convention, rather than
on the farm in the midwest?

Both sides whine about the electoral college, voter registration process
failures, and disenfranchised voters, but most all democrats were totally
disenfranchised when two or three small states basically told all the others
that Kerry was the one who would run. How stupid is that?

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 16:53:36 -0500, "Art" <plotsligt@comcast.net>

Art, You are woefully misinformed....

Bloody Time you Flippin Yanks realize you are all one country!! Get over
the Billions of $$ spent for the elections, start feeding your own poor,
We do. Are you not aware of the MANY charities which feed the poor?
And we have reverse taxation for the poor... they get money FROM the
government, and food stamps (actually most are now debit cards to use
in the grocery stores).

helping your own homeless, support your own retirees,
You've been watching too much socialist TV.

reform your own tax
Eh? As I've pointed out before, we have the lowest taxation of just
about everyone except the Arab Emirates.

and again become a model to the world!!
We are... and your ass may be next ;-)

The Bloody infighting
will do nothing for your union, or your status in the world society.

We're not infighting... watch how we merge when attacked.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:58:10 +1300, Terry Given <my_name@ieee.org>

Dennis M. O'Connor wrote:

"Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, the Dark Remover"" <NOSPAM@dslextreme.com

"Dennis M. O'Connor" <dmoc@primenet.com> wrote ...

"hamilton" <hamilton@deminsional.com> wrote...

Here is truth:
Conservatives want to control your life, but will let you keep your


Liberals want to control your money, but will let you keep your


What bullshit. Kerry is advocating a draft ("mandatory service")
for all young adults. No "Conservative" is doing that.

Umm, the draft's already mandatory. It's part of the law.

No, registration for the draft is mandatory, and only for men.
The draft itself is inactive. No one is being drafted NOW.

But Kerry proposed mandatory service for all high school students.
And Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel of NY pushed a bill in Congress
for mandatory military service.

Forced servitude to the state is a common thing in socialist countries,
so it is no surprise that the Democrats are pushing it.

And show me someone from either side that is willing to let
competent adults make their own decisions about what they
eat, drink, breath, smoke or inject into themselves !

To quote your own words, "> What bullshit."

I see no meaning in your response.

Is Israel a socialist country?
Just because something is a common thing in socialist countries, does
that mean that it can't happen in non-socialist countries? Is it the
defining thing that makes a country socialist?


On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 05:40:02 GMT, Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote:

How do you stop an express train? Stand on the tracks and try to face
it down by sheer force of will? Of course not! You get squashed. You
stand alongside, and throw little rocks with intent to annoy the
wheels, and with any luck, derail it.
You just brought back a memory...I was working on the weekend for
Canada's national TV broadcaster, the CBC...it was the IWK Telethon
(that's a children's hospital in my province, and this telethon is
tied in with the Children's Miracle Telethon)...then, those video
shots from China...Tienemen Square...the single student facing down a


This is a metaphor, by the way.

Tom MacIntyre wrote:

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:58:10 +1300, Terry Given <my_name@ieee.org

Dennis M. O'Connor wrote:

"Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, the Dark Remover"" <NOSPAM@dslextreme.com

"Dennis M. O'Connor" <dmoc@primenet.com> wrote ...

"hamilton" <hamilton@deminsional.com> wrote...

Here is truth:
Conservatives want to control your life, but will let you keep your


Liberals want to control your money, but will let you keep your


What bullshit. Kerry is advocating a draft ("mandatory service")
for all young adults. No "Conservative" is doing that.

Umm, the draft's already mandatory. It's part of the law.

No, registration for the draft is mandatory, and only for men.
The draft itself is inactive. No one is being drafted NOW.

But Kerry proposed mandatory service for all high school students.
And Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel of NY pushed a bill in Congress
for mandatory military service.

Forced servitude to the state is a common thing in socialist countries,
so it is no surprise that the Democrats are pushing it.

And show me someone from either side that is willing to let
competent adults make their own decisions about what they
eat, drink, breath, smoke or inject into themselves !

To quote your own words, "> What bullshit."

I see no meaning in your response.

Is Israel a socialist country?

Just because something is a common thing in socialist countries, does
that mean that it can't happen in non-socialist countries? Is it the
defining thing that makes a country socialist?

reverse your argument, and apply it to your statement re. forced servitude.

To paraphrase you:
banning gay marriage is a common thing in islamic countries,
so it is no surprise that the Republicans are pushing it.

there is no causal relationship, its just pointless rhetoric.

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 19:37:19 -0500, John Popelish <jpopelish@rica.net>

Jim Thompson wrote:

Anyone have experience at creating a CMOS current mirror with really
high output Z?

I'm trying attain about 1G-ohm, at 100Hz to 5KHz.

I can use cascodes and feedback loops.

Just thought I'd ask before I plunge in and shoot myself in the foot

Doesn't 1G-ohm at 5KHz imply no more than .03pf of parallel
That's a lot of capacitance in the CMOS world... 30fF ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Chuck Harris wrote:

Tim Williams wrote:

"JeffM" <jeffm_@email.com> wrote in message

You've got to be more careful with those trailing whitespaces on URLs;
Mozilla tacked on a %20, just as it was instructed
(I assume other browsers did as well),

Nope, OE works *properly*. See attached.

Which reminds me... if you're an antiestablishmentalist, why the hell are
you reading news from a BROWSER?!? Moz or IE, who the hell cares... no
fucking UNIX!?

Mozilla is a browser, news reader, mail reader, html authoring, and
javascript debugging program.

Why wouldn't one use it to read the news?

-Chuck Harris
After my PC shat itself just recently, I got my PC guy to set me up with
Mozilla Firefox & thunderbird, and open office. And it works
surprisingly well - prior to that I used IE/outlook express (win2k), and
those two programs used to crash on a regular basis - at least weekly.
They made mathcad look bad!


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