Jamie M
On 1/27/2016 8:55 PM, Bill Sloman wrote:
nature of the mistakes he made. This
doesn't stop half-wits like you screaming "cover-up", but it does
discourage rational observers from taking you seriously.
between their going nuts and them getting
vaccinated isn't statistically significant.
happen it seems to be too rare to show up as
statistically significant.
deduced from a few people who went nuts after they'd
been vaccinated, when Occam's Razor suggests that they would have gone
nuts whether they'd been vaccinated or not.
You continue to ignore the science showing the vaccine causes neural
damage. Don't forget that this science was done due to reported
damage in humans from the vaccine.
The Israeli health ministry noted reported side effects of the Gardasil
vaccine from the doctors noticing side effects, and now Israeli
scientists have reexamined the Gardasil vaccine and there are side
effects from the vaccine that should be troubling to anyone with
at least half a brain.
(Israeli study)
Many people have had their lives disrupted and even ruined by this
vaccine, now science is starting to explain why this occurs, and
the sensible recommendation is to not accept this vaccine if it
isn't safe.
long-discredited study by a guy who ended up disbarred because of theOn Thursday, 28 January 2016 15:26:08 UTC+11, Jamie M wrote:
On 1/27/2016 6:42 PM, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Thursday, 28 January 2016 09:56:09 UTC+11, Jamie M wrote:
On 1/25/2016 10:59 PM, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 January 2016 17:19:23 UTC+11, Jamie M wrote:
Quotes from the study:
"Vaccine adjuvants and vaccines may induce autoimmune and inflammatory
manifestations in susceptible individuals"
"To date most human vaccine trials utilize aluminum (Al) adjuvants as
placebos despite much evidence showing that Al in vaccine-relevant
exposures can be toxic to humans and animals"
link to the study:
Bad news for your mice. The clinical argument is that while negative
reactions to vaccines do occur, they are infrequent, and
a whole lot less damaging than the results of the infection which the
vaccination is designed to prevent.
Jamie lacks a sense of proportion, or any understanding of the idea of
taking precautions against things that might happen,
so he feels free to reject the clinical argument.
Vaccine manufacturers didn't even seem to test the vaccine, which would
seem to be a sensible precaution before their widespread use.
What makes you think that? The vaccine adjuncts seem to much the same
across a variety of vaccines, so that aspect of vaccine safety
would seem to be pretty predictable.
At the same time they lobbied successfully for removing liability to any
damaging effects from vaccine injury.
The well-known defects of the American legislative system let them do that > > - it saves them the price of buying insurance against
what seem to be rare adverse reactions, but it can be argued that the
communities that get the public health benefits of adequate
vaccination coverage should cover the costs of the occasional adverse
reaction to vaccination.
I guess your idea of taking precautions only applies when profit
of multinational corporations aren't at risk, however I am glad
the scientists who wrote this study think otherwise, and identified
neurological damage from a dangerous vaccine, which is supposed
to prevent an STD virus, HPV, yet for some reason the vaccine
manufacturers have lobbied politicians to make it a mandatory vaccine
for 11 year old's to enter school:
This law didn't last very long but it shows you that the vaccine
manufacturers, who didn't even test the toxic effects of this
vaccine properly, attempt to mandate it just for profit.
You blithely ignore the toxic effects of getting cervical cancer, which is > > what the vaccination is intended to protect against.
I shouldn't need to have to spell this out, but you aren't either clever
or well-informed, so the train of logic goes like this.
Most cervical cancers are a side effect of a sexually transmitted human
papillomavirus infection. If you immunise enough teenage girls
against this virus infection, not only do you make it much less likely
that they will get the virus infection, but you also make it less
likely that they will pass it on to their sexual partners, who will - in
turn - be less likely to pass it on to their sexual partners
(who may not have been immunised).
If you immunise enough of the population, the breed of virus you immunise
against virus will die out completely. We've managed this with
small-pox, and are close to it with polio, but a bunch of religious
nutters, who seem to be just as silly as you are, are making it difficult
to vaccinate enough of the kids in the last hold-out areas.
So your precaution argument, as with your other biased
arguments, is illogical.
The argument is perfectly logical. Your problem is that you don't know
enough of the facts involved to be able to follow the logic.
One giveaway is that you never mention the incidence of "adverse
side-effects" which is typically rather low, at least for anything worth
worrying about.
Anaphylactic shock comes in at 2.6 per million. The incidence of
demyelinating disorder such as multiple sclerosis, which have been
blamed on the vaccine, isn't significantly different from the incidence
in the unvaccinated population. People have got multiple sclerosis after
being vaccinated, but the statistics suggest that they would have got
it even if they hadn't been vaccinated (which isn't the way the data is
presented on the anti-vaccination web-sites).
Your "logic" has holes in it.
There are links to the immune system function with autism and
schizophrenia both now, related to neural pruning, and vaccines
including gardasil cause neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions,
probably pruning neurons in the brain among many other side effects
of the vaccine. This caused measurable depression symptoms in the
mice that were given gardasil as compared to placebo.
What's a "depression" symptom in a mouse? Your crap about autism and schizophrenia seems to come from a
nature of the mistakes he made. This
doesn't stop half-wits like you screaming "cover-up", but it does
discourage rational observers from taking you seriously.
some of them only showing symptoms since vaccination, the connection"It appears that Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the
ability to trigger neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions, further
leading to behavioral changes"
In mice. Some millions of women have been vaccinated with the product, and while quite a few of them are nuts,
between their going nuts and them getting
vaccinated isn't statistically significant.
system. You have this theory that they can, sometimes, but if it doesIt is a common pattern that industry funded studies produce
good results for drugs and vaccines, and it is only from
common sense and later unbiased studies that the truth comes
It happens, but calling it a "common pattern" is nonsense. It wouldn't be news if it were "a common pattern".
For example:
"Anti depressants double the risk of aggression and suicide"
"This is because of the poor design of clinical trials that assess
these antidepressants, and the misreporting of findings in published
Antidepressants have to change the nervous system to work at all. Vaccines have no direct effect on the nervous
happen it seems to be too rare to show up as
statistically significant.
insignificant risk of nerve damage that you fevered imagination hasYou want to block a vaccination program that can prevent quite a few cervical cancers because there's a statistically
deduced from a few people who went nuts after they'd
been vaccinated, when Occam's Razor suggests that they would have gone
nuts whether they'd been vaccinated or not.
You continue to ignore the science showing the vaccine causes neural
damage. Don't forget that this science was done due to reported
damage in humans from the vaccine.
The Israeli health ministry noted reported side effects of the Gardasil
vaccine from the doctors noticing side effects, and now Israeli
scientists have reexamined the Gardasil vaccine and there are side
effects from the vaccine that should be troubling to anyone with
at least half a brain.
(Israeli study)
Many people have had their lives disrupted and even ruined by this
vaccine, now science is starting to explain why this occurs, and
the sensible recommendation is to not accept this vaccine if it
isn't safe.