"Since I'm not actually an utter retard, I'm aware that
hard-to-falsify statements can be assembled into ostensibly
damning rhetoric."
I do not know th proper term for the opposite of a conspiracy theorist. first of all a theory has to be based on some facts, in fact so does a hypothesis. the OP is not really a hypothesis even. It makes no assertion. The reader assumes one.
You are the antithesis of a conspiracy theorist. You trust government and probebly big business as well. you have faith in huan nature and really, that indicats that you are a genrally good person and projecting. That means you think others are like you. Well I am here to tellya they ain't. Not one of them in government of big business or the media. They all have an agenda and all those agendas are very similar in nature. They are generally :
To gain more wealth and power.
As such, they do cooperate, and any cooperation for the enricment of the cooperators can be considered a conspiracy. See we have a cooperation, especially in th eUS, between government, big business and media. Their goal is clear, to gain or maintain wealth and power.
Is that so hard to understand ?
Now when I see people start this conspiracy theorist shit, it is a foregone conclusion they apparently trust government. To trust government though, on has to trust th mmbers of that government. You are in Australia, it is much miuch different here. Like th gun issue. We don't have more killings because we have more guns, we have more killings because we have mopre people who need to be killed. We breed criminals like cockroaches. You know all the ones you hear about ? For evey one of them there are lenty you don't. And then there are some that don't even make the statistics, because I, like many in this coutry, if we caught someone raping one of our Womenfolk, they would never find the body. Period. People like me, and there ar alot of us, only call the cops when our cars get stolen. The only reason to call if you get burglarized is if you have insurance. You think there are assault laws ? Get into a baarroom brawl, nobody calls the cops, the fighters just get kicked out the bar for a few months.
And the government is just as corrupt as the worst of the people. We already know that. Itis only people who have recently discovered it who want to shout it from the mountaintops. And the government will let them do it all day long bcause they frequently go too far, waste their credibility which lets the cooperators claim any accusations come from ____ wing nuts, or ____ wingnuts, depending on the day of the week.
Now what does the OP prove ? It provs that a buch of peole new each other. A bunch of people were in a position to do wrong. But it does not prove they did wrong.
So, would you vote to acquit Scott Peterson ? Th way you dismiss circumstantial evidence casually, you should.