Driver to drive?

In article <>,
John Larkin <> wrote:
This very group had an extended thread on this subject, started by Mr
Beaty as I recall. Nothing he says is remarkable: a short antenna can
be matched with a high-Q tuning network such that it radiates like a
longer antenna. And antannas are reciprocal devices. So a short
receive antenna can be tuned to radiate or gather as much energy as,
say, a half-wave dipole. It just takes a very high-Q matching network;
the smaller the antenna, the higher the Q.
For atoms and EM radiation, the Q is really high. For the one case I just
calculated, the Q works out to be about 10^8. If you take the frequency
of line and the line width for the Q value, that is.

-- forging knowledge
In article <UTY7d.4247$>,
Clarence <> wrote:
"Ken Smith" <> wrote in message
Yes, its from Saturday Night Live. The bit was funny. It was making
funny of things like "Point Counterpoint" where one talking head gives an
opinion favorable to one side of the issue and then the other responds.

The SNL variation was that the second person always started with "Jane you
ignorant slut" and then didn't get much better from there.

So it was just like most of the network news shows?
No, it was much more useful.
-- forging knowledge
On Sunday 03 October 2004 07:29 pm, Phil Hobbs did deign to grace us with
the following:

Rich Grise wrote:
On Sunday 03 October 2004 11:18 am, Roy McCammon did deign to grace us
with the following:

This is my own whimsy only.

I'd be one of the open range animals on the back lot;
not particularly dangerous or interesting. The visitors
would ask each other "what does he do?".

I feel like the wizened old bachelor chimp, who watches the other
animals play, and contemplates space flight.


Wasn't he the one who bashed in the other ape's head with a gazelle
leg-bone in the movie?
No, that's the warmakers. I was the one who got whacked (If you're
talking symbolism), apparently for the crime of considering any approach
to life other than "MUST KILL NOW!".

On Sunday 03 October 2004 06:41 pm, Roy McCammon did deign to grace us with
the following:

John Woodgate wrote:
I read in that Roy McCammon <barkupine-> wrote (in <>) about 'Whmisy:
If This NG Were a Zoo, WHere Would ou Be?', on Sun, 3 Oct 2004:

Woodgate would be in the petting zoo.

I'll ask my attorney if that's a compliment. (;-)

the animals in the petting zoo can be trusted
not to bite, claw, rend, etc.
I thought it was because he's so cute and cuddly. ;-)

On Sunday 03 October 2004 06:41 pm, Roy McCammon did deign to grace us with
the following:

John Woodgate wrote:
I read in that Roy McCammon <barkupine-> wrote (in <>) about 'Whmisy:
If This NG Were a Zoo, WHere Would ou Be?', on Sun, 3 Oct 2004:

Woodgate would be in the petting zoo.

I'll ask my attorney if that's a compliment. (;-)

the animals in the petting zoo can be trusted
not to bite, claw, rend, etc.
And the little small sheepies are made of blankets!
On Sunday 03 October 2004 08:33 pm, Rolavine did deign to grace us with the

From: (Tom Seim)

Fred sees lies where
there is truth, truth were there is lies.

This whole thing is turing into personal attacks. Can't we stick to

I've said that Bush is a total failure, when I've asked for something he
done that is great, and I never get a response. So, I take it even the
right agrees that Bush is a failure, and that your supporting him because
you love failure?

A failure at what? He's been very successful at creating more terrorists
than there have ever been before, probably setting a record for the most
abysmally stupid war ever started, making America the most hated power on
Earth - real successful at sowing death and destruction.

At least with Kerry, we stand a chance of getting out, since his ego
isn't on the line.

On Sunday 03 October 2004 07:49 pm, Ken Smith did deign to grace us with the

In article <>,
John Larkin <> wrote:
This very group had an extended thread on this subject, started by Mr
Beaty as I recall. Nothing he says is remarkable: a short antenna can
be matched with a high-Q tuning network such that it radiates like a
longer antenna. And antannas are reciprocal devices. So a short
receive antenna can be tuned to radiate or gather as much energy as,
say, a half-wave dipole. It just takes a very high-Q matching network;
the smaller the antenna, the higher the Q.

For atoms and EM radiation, the Q is really high. For the one case I just
calculated, the Q works out to be about 10^8. If you take the frequency
of line and the line width for the Q value, that is.

He lost me at the imaginary Bussard ramscoop.

In article <>,
Roy McCammon <> wrote:

Tony Williams would be subterranean, popping up
occasionally to demonstrate some profound feat
of animal intellect...........
My job these days Roy is ATE systems, that involves
mostly buying lumps of electronics now, rather than
designing them. There is some need to design circuits,
but nowhere near what it was in the past.

And I work alone, so participating in this newsgroup
satisfies a need to discuss circuitry with others who
have similar interests.

and then disappear........
I'm here every day at some time, mainly lurking though,
because when this group is firing on all cylinders it is
a pleasure to just watch and learn.

Tony Williams.
Followup to: <BA18d.2770$>
By author: "Lewin A.R.W. Edwards" <>
In newsgroup: comp.arch.embedded
The requirement was not to modify the camcorder at all.
If all you've got is a bathtub, sometimes using the bathtub will work
just fine.

I read in that Rich Grise <>
wrote (in <iu28d.3810$na.57@trnddc04>) about '48 Nobel Laureates Endorse
Kerry', on Mon, 4 Oct 2004:

Since you ask, he recommends evaluating each situation for what it is,
and doing whatever feels right.
A sensible god! Whatever next?
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
I read in that Rich Grise <>
wrote (in <xa28d.3804$na.1297@trnddc04>) about 'Marketing blurb -
bullsh*t baffles etc', on Mon, 4 Oct 2004:

No, commietaters is what vodka is distilled from.
You've been infected by one of my memes, 'pun77', and Bill Sloman will
grumble at you.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
I read in that Fred Bartoli <fred._canxxxel_this_
bartoli@RemoveThatAlso_free.fr_AndThisToo> wrote (in <41606ebd$0$24003$6>) about 'Marketing blurb - bullsh*t baffles etc',
on Sun, 3 Oct 2004:

Autoadaptative nheuristron :))

Somewhat depressing...
Is the 'n' a typo or do we have to look for 'nheuris-' as a fun word in
some arcane language?
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
I read in that Genome <> wrote
(in <Rk_7d.659$>) about 'Marketing blurb -
bullsh*t baffles etc', on Sun, 3 Oct 2004:
The sales person came up with Twin Rail Unique Soft Trip, TRUST

His mission statement......

To prove all product could be sold as fast moving consumer goods. FMCG.

Got sacked before he got the opportunity to fail.
He couldn't sell electronics for toffee?
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
I read in that john jardine
<> wrote (in <cjpvhv$34i$
k>) about 'Marketing blurb - bullsh*t baffles etc', on Mon, 4 Oct 2004:
I love the '-dyne's.
Something like a 'Cyberdyne' or 'Neurodyne' sounds fabulously tekky.
How VERY 1920s. (;-)
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
I read in that classd101 <>
wrote (in <>) about
'Marketing blurb - bullsh*t baffles etc', on Sun, 3 Oct 2004:

Do people really get paid for doing this ?
Yes. $$$$$$$.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 08:25:34 +0100, John Woodgate <jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk>

A disadvantage is that many of these 'fairer' voting systems are
immensely complicated, so that the average voter has little hope of
understanding the system.
Read my web page and tell me that with a straight face. It's easier than what
we use now.

You might investigate the Irish system for
Presidential elections, for example.
Got a page describing it?

"Clarence" <> wrote in message

achieving an income over $200,000. Why should a person be penalized for
earning more than that arbitrary amount, given that THEY earned it!
Probably because that is about the salary of a the typical politician and
they, certain in the knowledge that they are the better part of the
population, do not want the riff-raff to get any ideas above their station
in life!
On Sunday 03 October 2004 09:42 pm, Dave VanHorn did deign to grace us with
the following:

I have no idea what your application is, but you can still get used X-Y
monitors over in the vintage video arcade circles for under $500. If it
apply to you, go post in for further

I've yet to see a video game that ran electrostatic deflection.

What? You didn't do PONG on your scope when you were a kid?

I read in that John Cuteaux
<> wrote (in <41607b11$1$25456$8fcfb975@news.wanadoo>) about 'Learn French in the Alps.', on Mon, 4 Oct 2004:
To learn French in France, I found this great school, located both in Annecy and
Chambéry, in the heart of the Alps. Given the number of activities and the
surroundings I thought I would share this ressource with others.

Let me know if you have any good education portal ressources. Thanks.

Disguised ad. Beware!
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
(Paul S) wrote:

Can anyone comment on the reality (or lack thereof) of the "Energy
Sucking Radio Antenna" described here:
As John said there was, a few years ago, a very, very long thread on this very

It may still be archived. I think google no longer archive this group and they
may have deleted all the old stuff. A great shame if they have.

Firstly. It does indeed work. Apparently some commercial uses of it are

The problem lies in the description of *how* and *why* it works with almost
no-one agreeing on it.

Many engineers dismiss it and simply refuse to accept that it works.

Of those that do agree it works, almost none of them agree on *how* it works.

I personally think the description given in the link above is the correct
explanation. But others will disagree.


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