Joel Kolstad
"Don Klipstein" <don@manx.misty.com> wrote in message
a fluorescent bulb? Better than my 'single resistor' model?
Thanks for the additional information. I was trying to provide the order of
magnitude of the answer, and I'm glad you could provide a more detailed
bulbs -- high efficiency -- is degraded due to the drive for a slightly
smaller selling price.
I'll accept that. Is there a commonly accepted equivalent circuit model forThe ballast voltage and the lamp voltage are not in phase with each
other, so the magnitudes of the individual voltages add up to more than
a fluorescent bulb? Better than my 'single resistor' model?
Thanks for the additional information. I was trying to provide the order of
magnitude of the answer, and I'm glad you could provide a more detailed
It's rather ironic that one of the best selling features of fluorescentI believe these are made by low bid manufacturers, and have as much
nonlinearity, saturation, and resistive losses as they can get away with.
I would guess they are reasonably linear for currents from a couple 10's
of mA to instantaneous current of about 350 mA, but not an especially high
at any frequency.
bulbs -- high efficiency -- is degraded due to the drive for a slightly
smaller selling price.