Driver to drive?

"Reg Edwards" <> wrote in message
Actually I'm an ass. <smiley

PLONK! ! !
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 00:24:10 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

"Reg Edwards" <> wrote in message
Actually I'm an ass. <smiley

PLONK! ! !
When you plonk someone, why do you find it necessary to post that you

John Fields
The USA's political and economic short-term objectives have been
successfully achieved.

The so-called war in Iraq has been, as usual, an entirely one-sided
massacre. Just like Vietnam and Gambodia, Nagasaki and Horoshima, and many
other areas of this overpopulated Earth.

Regardles of political affilliations, ALL American armed-to-teeth citizens
are guilty.

Blythely, obliviously, they drive around in their Earth-warming,
gas-guzzling, atmospheric-polluting cars, interested only in the outcome of
the next ball-game.

The Iraqian oil wells and pipelines are now in the hands of the American and
international oil companies, bankers and the other all-powerful
multi-nationals. They need guarding of course by a long term body of troops.
And Bush and Blair can be quietly and richly-paid or services rendered.

All that remains is to let (presently forgotten about) Saddam out of an
American prison to tidy up the horrible Iraqian and Palestinian mess,
including 1 million dead civilians, the results of 12 years of continuous
American bombing and, as I write, is yet again building up to another
one-sided cresendo.

It's obvious Saddam will be much preferable by the Iraqis to the Americans.

No wonder there are so many suicide-bombers about. The American way of Life,
for them and their families, is not worth living for!

Next on the typical American citizen's list are Syria, Iran, Central Asia,
North Korea and ultimately that square in Beijing. Or is Armageddon already

Actually I'm an optimist. <smiley>
"Kim" <> wrote in message
Are their any suppliers of Membrane switch pads that supply groups of
switches in ready to use formats of 2, 3, 4..etc switches, as well as a
mounting frame for front panel mounts.
I need to replace various panel mounted membrane switch pads on old
equipment, that the manufactures no longer supply replacement parts for.
I was in a electrics surplus store today, and they had kits of 10 button
membrane "Peel and Stick" keypads with a plastic frame, and a sheet of
stick-on legends for the switch top, but they were bought as a close out
after the manufacturer went out of business, so no more are available
By membrane switches I mean the thin plastic switches, that usually are
a few millimetres thick, are almost smooth, or have a slight bump in them,
have a integrated ribbon cable, and usually have a peel and stick backing.
In advance
I've been looking for the same thing, if you get any private replies, please
post them here. One place I've been meaning to look and haven't yet,
is in Circuit Cellar INK magazine.
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 15:12:10 +0000, Fred Bloggs wrote:

Hey, Fred! Should I needle you for drawing your schematic backwards?


View in a fixed-width font such as Courier.

. +----------------+ +-----------------ALARM-------------------+
. | CJ | | \ |
. | +----LOAD---+--|----|------+ +-----o o-----+ |
. | | | | | | | | |
. | | | | | c | | |
. | | | | | \| 4.7K | | |
. | | | | | 2N4401|--/\/\-+------+ | |
. |--- relay | | | /| | | | |
. | - batt | | | e / --- --- |
. | | | | | | 10K \ / ~~~ - |
. | | | | | | / --- LED | |
. | | | | | | \ | Vf=1.8V | |
. | | EJ | | | | | | | |
. | +--------------|----|------+---------+------+--------------+ |
. | | | | | |
. | | | | | |
. |----------------+ +-----------------------------------------+
. | |
. | | SMOKE
. | | +----------------- ALARM------------------+
. | | | |
. | +-------|------+ +--------------+ |
. | | | | | | |
. | | | c | | |
. | | | \| 4.7K | | |
. | | | 2N4401|--/\/\-+------+ | |
. | | | /| | | | |
. | | | e / --- --- |
. | | | | 10K \ / ~~~ - |
. | | | | / --- LED | |
. | | | | \ | Vf=1.8V | |
. | | | | | | \ | |
. +-------------------|------+---------+------+-----o o-----+ |
. | | | |
. | | +-----------------------------------------+
. v v
. to
. other SA's
. +------------------+----------+-----+
. | | | |
. | | | /
. | +---+ | 10K
. | | | | /
. | --- )||R e \
. | 1N4001/ \ )||E \| |
. | --- )||L 2N4403 |---+
. | | )||A /| |
. --- RELAY | | Y c /
. - BATT +---+ | 10K
. | | / /
. | | 1K \
. | | / |
. | c \ +----CJ
. | \| |
. | 2N4401 |--------+
. | /| |
. | e /
. | | 10K
. | | /
. | | \
. | | |
. +------------------+----------+----------EJ
Rich The Philosophizer wrote:
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 15:12:10 +0000, Fred Bloggs wrote:

Hey, Fred! Should I needle you for drawing your schematic backwards?

What's backwards about it?
There are two major state machine types : Moore and Mealy.

Moore : output is only dependent on the current state

Mealy : output is a combinatorial function of current state and
current input(s)

So, for your example, Output column should be for time (T), not (T+1).
You may take a look at Randy H Katz Contemporary Logic Design book
from '93, available online at, chapter 8 :
Finite state machine design.

Have fun!

Francois Choquette

Steven O. <> wrote in message news:<>...
Hi. I'm taking a course on introductory digital logic, and there is a
question where I have a disagreement with the instructor, and I think
he may be mistaken on a certain point. We are using the text Digital
Design by Mano, and while the book is generally very good, I think
even the text is not fully clear on this.

Suppose you have a State Table for a simple circuit with, say, two
flip flops (A and B), input X, and output Y. So the headings for the
table are:

Present State (time T) Input (T) Next State (T+1) Output (T+1)
A_______B__________X_______ A____ B_____________ Y

Now, the question is right there in the table heading, because the
instructor says that the output column, Y, should be for time T --
that is, it is based on the states of A and B at time T. To me that
makes no sense -- it seems the whole point is to start with A and B at
time T, put in your input X, and see what A, B, and Y are at time T+1.
So, that's basically the question -- is the output column for time T,
or for time T+1?

Thanks in advance for all replies.

Steve O.

"Spying On The College Of Your Choice" -- How to pick the college that is the Best Match for a high school student's needs.
"Paul Burridge" in
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 20:41:14 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"> wrote:

Who needs Kirchoff and the other theorem writers? Myself I've
hardly ever heard of Kirchoff except in these newsgroups. If you
want to convince me in a technical argument, quoting Kirchoff or
Terman is wasted effort. I doubt if it convinces others.

When was the last time Kirchoff or Terman ever solve one
of your (or anybody else's) genuine PRACTICAL problems?

I assume you mean Thevenin? His is a useful way to
visualise some basic resistance/impedance stuff. I do resort
to it quite frequently. Kirchoff, very much less so.
(I would suppose more likely Tellegen than Thévenin in this context) but to
defend poor Herr Kirchhoff, for what it's worth: I for one spend all day
solving what many would call practical electrical problems and I make use
often of Kirchhoff's two handy laws for voltage and current (affectionately
KVL and KCL), they are foundations on which you can build an analysis of a
circuit if you really need to know what it does. I use these things as part
of my tools, just as in the lab I would use a trusty DVM or spectrum
analyzer or screwdriver.

Regarding good old red plonk, if anyone doesn't know this, is
now a very constructive wine newsgroup; helpful discussion of all styles and
price levels.

Cheers -- Max
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 07:59:23 -0700, Mark Fergerson wrote:
Rich The Philosophizer wrote:
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 17:56:56 -0700, Mark Fergerson wrote:
Rich The Philosophizer wrote:
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 22:11:40 +0000, Mike Page wrote:
Fred Bloggs wrote:
John Larkin wrote:
"suicide by dessert."
Here is a suicide by shotgun:
... how tragic that is.
Suicide is the sincerest form of self-criticism.
(both times I tried it, I failed, so apparently I'm not even allowed
to quit the game.)
Coulda told you that (third law of Thermodynamics).
I wouldn't have listened. ;-)
It's another of those things I think ought to be taught
in kindergarten;
1. You Can't Win
2. You Can't Break Even
3. You Can't Get Out Of The Game
Sounds depressing at first, but given the sole option, it
bears out the old saw about how you play being more
important than worrying about winning.
i.e., We're all bozos on this bus!
I've also read that:

Capitalism is based on the fallacy that you can win,
Socialism is based on the fallacy that you can break even,
Mysticism is based on the fallacy that you can quit the game.

On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 18:06:07 +0100, Stefan Heinzmann wrote:
Ratch wrote:
And isn't it a valid question to ask whether taking out an asshole of
violating international law,
What law? Saddam was a law unto himself. He shamelessly violated UN
resolutions because he realized they were a corrupt
pushover organization.
The UN has as much power as its member nations choose to give it, in
particular the five nations with veto power in the security council.
Israel has violated a long string of UN resolutions without suffering
nearly as much from it as Iraq. I surely needn't point out why?
Well, I will. Hitler drove the Jews out of Nazi Germany, and they've
been extracting revenge on every non-Jew ever since.

Getting the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Bush cabal into their pocket hasn't done
any harm to them -

in the short term.

Good Luck!
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 10:06:44 -0800, John Larkin wrote:

On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 04:15:31 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:

And isn't it a valid question to ask whether taking out an asshole of
his magnitude justifies taking out tens of thousands of civilians,

Yes, it is and the answer is yes. How many civilians did Saddam kill
within his own country and the war with Iran?

Estimated 2e6.

So this means, until the death toll reaches his, that murder isn't

On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 20:42:03 +0100, Frithiof Andreas Jensen wrote:

"Fred Bloggs" <> skrev i en meddelelse
Apparently this is still practiced:

"However, a small number of Orthodox rabbis advocate an ancient practice
in which the circumciser sucks

And I thought the Catholic Church had problems ;-))
Nah, they only drink the blood and eat the flesh of some dead guy, who
also happens to be their main icon.

God Forbid they should ever accidentally get their mouth near the
mutilated penis of a helpless baby!

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 11:15:20 +1300, Terry Given wrote:

Ratch wrote:
"Terry Given" <> wrote in message

Ratch wrote:

"John Larkin" <> wrote in

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 03:57:28 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:

Such was the feeling in Germany circa 1939.

Yes, but what was the reason behind that feeling,

Standard bigotry.

I thought it was whipped up unreasoned hatred.

and what did they do
about it?

Standard concentration camps and gas chambers.

Shame on them. Ratch


Hi Ratch,

as you are no doubt aware, I dont agree with you wrt gays etc. But let
me just thank you for being willing to enter into a debate, and for
actually reading the posts with which you disagree (and posting
meaningful rebuttal). All to often opponents (pick a side, any side)
just end up screaming obscenities at one another, whilst demonstrating a
lack of reading comprehension.


Thank you, Terry. Ratch

Hi Ratch,

check this link out:

perhaps homos are caused by chemically "deviant" mothers (albeit
Come on, Terry! We all know that the only reason God created homos
was to give Ratch "food" for "thought". ;-) It's a test, you see.
If a guy shows you his dick, and you kill him, you're guaranteed
to go to heaven!

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 12:42:20 +0000, Paul Burridge wrote:

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 02:13:30 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

Get a meter and a soldering iron and some parts and a proto-board or
one of those 101-in-1 kits, and read a lot.

Thanks for the encouragement, Rich, but I did all that in the late
60's! I'm convinced it's a problem with the way I look at things. I
often overlook the obvious, simple solutions and see things as far
more complicated than they are. Occasionally, of course, they *are*
actually more complicated than they seem. But I can't tell which is
which! :(
Well, that's about all I had. )-;

Have you done all the standard "blow stuff up" experiments? ;-)

Good Luck!
Ratch wrote:

"John Larkin" <> wrote in

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 03:57:28 GMT, "Ratch" <> wrote:

Such was the feeling in Germany circa 1939.

Yes, but what was the reason behind that feeling,

Standard bigotry.

I thought it was whipped up unreasoned hatred.

and what did they do
about it?

Standard concentration camps and gas chambers.

Shame on them. Ratch

Hi Ratch,

as you are no doubt aware, I dont agree with you wrt gays etc. But let
me just thank you for being willing to enter into a debate, and for
actually reading the posts with which you disagree (and posting
meaningful rebuttal). All to often opponents (pick a side, any side)
just end up screaming obscenities at one another, whilst demonstrating a
lack of reading comprehension.

Andrew Holme wrote:

Terry Given <> wrote

| |
K__ )
/\ (
-- )
A | (
| | Relay

The problem is that if device (EM lock) is connected, MCU will hang
after 1 day. I am saying that it hang since PC connected to it using
serial port unable to receive or send signal.

If the device is not connected, it works fine. At this point (and in
mydesperation to explain this) I thought that somehow the relay 12V
output is giving interference to the MCU. Since the relay is normally
open, the 12V current is there almost all the time.

Two things:

Fistly, stick a "freewheeling" (catch) diode across the relay coil,
cathode to +5V - I have modified your diagram suitably. When you turn
the transistor off (P1.7 = 0) Lenz's law makes the collector voltage
shoot quite high - the catch diode clamps it to 5.7V, allowing the
energy stored in the relay coil to flow back into the +5V supply.
Without the catch diode, the transistor may well fail.

I second this.

Just one thing - the energy doesn't flow into the supply. The diode
short-circuits the back EMF. The energy is dissipated in the coil and
the diode.
indeed. oops. my excuse is I was simulating a diagonal half-bridge
converter which does exactly that with the leakage and/or mag energy.
Secondly, look at your "gnd" connection. I would twist gnd, P1.7 and +5V
together, and connect them all up at the micro (put the 10k there).

If the problem persists, and your load will tolerate it, you could
write a test program which rapidly toggles the output. If you can
reproduce the problem more frequently (<1 day) it may be easier to
investigate. You you can look on the MCU power supply with a 'scope
and see if you have any glitches.
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 03:30:33 +0000, Guy Macon wrote:

Here are some references for those who are interested
in improving the quality of their posts to newsgroups:
What do you care? You've plonked the whole fucking group, you

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 02:47:18 +0000, Fred Bloggs wrote:

Rich The Philosophizer wrote:
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 15:12:10 +0000, Fred Bloggs wrote:

Hey, Fred! Should I needle you for drawing your schematic backwards?

What's backwards about it?
You've got the signal going from right to left.

In article <>,
Jim Thompson <> wrote:
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 20:15:12 GMT, Rich The Philosophizer> wrote:

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 15:56:54 +0000, Kevin Aylward wrote:

Pooh Bear wrote:
Kevin Aylward wrote:

Well, I am currently playing around with simulations of an audio amp
using state of the art bipolar (ft=50Mhz, 15A, 230V, 150W) and its a
no contest. Mosfets switch much faster. I can get 1000V/us (500W
@8ohms) with mosfets, only about 100V/us with bipolar.

And such slew rates are relevant to audio in *which* way ?

One-upmanship/specmanship. Its the challange dude.

Why do people Climb Mt. Everest?

Because somebody told them to?
Or sombebody told them not to?


It only takes ~7V/uSec slew rate to reproduce 20KHz at 200W into 8

So the only arguments for higher slew rate would be perhaps:

1) Scooting thru dead-band in the output... not necessary if you
actually know how to design an amplifier, instead of being a blowhard

2) Then there's the Class-D crowd :-(
3) The music is intended for dogs, cats or bats.

4) The design goal is for 10KW of audio

-- forging knowledge
"Rich The Philosophizer" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 03:51:12 +0000, Ratch wrote:

Nothing wrong with being a prude if that is what you want to be. You
would not want to live in the US because most folks here consider homos
to be abnormal. That is what US society decided. You can say they are
wrong, but they control what happens in this democracy. Homos do have a
uphill course if they want to attain high public office, but that's fine
with me. They not only have to convince the public that they acknowledge
their perversion, but their actions in dealing with it will not ruffle
the feathers of the majority.

Where did you get your obsession with other people's sex lives?
It's a concern, not an obsession. You should have asked, "Why are you
concerned with other peoples sex lives when they have strange proclivities,
and want the majority of society to approve their lifestyle and change laws
to coincide with their aberrant behavior?" Learn to ask the right
questions. Ratch


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